Resume Of Romance

By idet843

3.5M 84.8K 6.2K

Rylie's breath catches in her throat. Moving closer on the bed she wants to touch, she wants to caress the s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6-Trailer included
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10-Trailer Included
Chapter 11
Chapter 12-Trailer Included
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19-Trailer
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's Note-
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 54

34.8K 1.1K 153
By idet843

Chapter 54

Richard Braxton is standing at his dresser mirror fully dressed for the fundraiser, he's fixing his tie and thinking about the phone conversation he had with Ivana about an hour ago. She asked him not to come over, she didn't want his help with the funeral arrangements for her father. Richard isn't taking her request well Abram was his best friend for so many years he misses him especially now.

Richard has regret that he waited too late to try to make up with his friend. He had a short phone conversation with Abram early on the morning he died. They agreed to play golf together the following Saturday but it was not meant to be. They often discussed looking forward to the days when they would both have grandchildren in their lives and the opportunity to have a second chance to get the things right they messed up. Saturday was going to be the day he would show Abram all of the pictures he has been taking of Randi instead he will be going to his funeral if Ivana accepts him there.

He's not happy that Ivana told him he bears some responsibility for her father's death. She believes if they had still been speaking to each other prior to that day her father would never have been pushed into the situation he was in. She reminded Richard that they always agreed to look out for each other and he broke that promise to her father.

Richard tried to reason with her offering to hire a private detective to look into her father's death. Ivana told him that wouldn't be necessary she knew the people responsible for his death, she said she will deal with them starting tonight. He didn't know what she meant by that, he ponders whether to tell Chace about their conversation or just let it go for tonight. They will have enough to deal with handling the Senator, his wife and friends.

This is not his kind of crowd of people. He feels like to many of the politicians that will be in attendance tonight are taking a step back to help the Senator raise money for his campaign. Their support borders on conflicts of interest in the manner they are supporting Aiden. If he didn't know better he would think they are all being blackmailed to give money and to support his campaign.

He can hear his name being called from downstairs. He's riding to the fundraiser with Jayson, Margo and Monique. Randi's nanny has put her to bed he's hoping that Monique and Jayson didn't wake her up when they spent time with her.

As he reaches the bottom of the stairs he can feel the cold in the room between the two women with his son in the middle of it.

Pulling Jayson into the foyer he ask him. "What's happened now Jayson, my god, I've had four wives and I've never had to deal with issues like this with any of them. You need to act like the man I raised you to be and handle these women. Now I'm not fond of Margo but I can get use to her if I have to. I can't believe Monique and Rylie have the same blood running through their veins. Rylie seems normal for a woman but this one is a she-devil. I'm not blind she's beautiful to look at but son you need to know more about a woman than just how to satisfy her in bed. I'm not so sure us all riding together is a good idea.

"It will be fine dad, they hate each other and there's nothing I can do about it. This is them being on their best behavior." Jayson explains to his father.

Monique is tired of sitting, waiting and receiving daggered looks from Margo she gets up to go tell Jayson she is ready to leave. Walking up behind him on her way to the half bathroom behind the stairs she overhears him say to his father.

"Chace want's Monique at the fundraiser but he doesn't want her riding in the car with him and Rylie. He wants to avoid her upsetting Rylie while she's pregnant as much as possible." He informs his dad.

Margo has also jumped up from her seat walking fast on Monique's tail. She doesn't want her and Jayson to have any unnecessary conversations between them. She feels Monique only needs to talk with Jayson about things that concern Randi.

Margo catches a look at Monique's pale face and her slight stumble when she overhears Jayson say to his father that Rylie is pregnant. Monique turns around glaring at Margo then rushes past Jayson and his father in the middle of the foyer on her way to the hallway bathroom.

"Oh shit.....Margo did she hear me say Ry was pregnant." Jayson gazes at his wife. A cross between frustration and fear.

"Yeah....she looked like she was in shock I thought since you just told me about it, everybody else already knew." Margo casually says.

"It's not your fault Jayson. They didn't intend to tell any of us about it until Rylie has seen a doctor to confirm it. We all pushed them and Chace.....well Chace is happier than I've ever seen him. I don't think he could hold it in much longer anyway." Richard tries to comfort him.

"I know that dad, but she's hurt, Rylie and Chace aren't going to forgive me for this, they're going to think I didn't it on purpose if she acts out."

"You and Margo go on out to the car. I'll bring her out with me when she comes out." Richard Braxton tells his youngest son and daughter-in-law.

It's another ten minutes before Monique comes out of the bathroom. She's obviously pulled herself together but Richard can still tell that she's been crying.

"Where is your coward son and his wife? Did they leave you to deal with me? You think I'm going to scream and yell because my sister is following behind me having a baby. Randi has already been given you're wife's name so it doesn't matter." Monique sniffles.

"Your sister doesn't strike me as the type to try to imitate you on anything. Regardless of the name she and my son give their child, it will know how much it is loved in this family. The question you need to ask yourself is how much damage have you done to your relationship with your sister because she didn't tell you about her pregnancy. If you don't care about it then keep acting like this and push her completely out of your life. My son loves her and I guarantee that he will not allow anything or anyone toxic around her while she is pregnant including you." Richard firmly comments.

Monique shifts standing on one leg to the other looking uncomfortable. "Shall we go.....or do you want to stay here tonight?" He waits for her answer. Monique walks ahead of him out the door sucking in her lips the taste in her mouth seeming bitter.

The Ritz Carlton Hotel in Pentagon City is abuzz with the elite and political of the Northern Virginia, Washington DC area. The security is tight around the hotel because of so many prominent people present. Regular hotel guests are being redirected to other parts of the hotel if they attempt to go down the corridor where the banquet hall is for the fundraiser. After making it through the checkpoints, Richard Braxton is stopped by an old friend to talk, he introduces his youngest son and his wife Margo. Monique is introduced as a family friend. She doesn't like that title, she has a child with Jayson she prefers something else she doesn't know how she should be described but it makes her feel like she doesn't belong, it certainly sends the message to her that Rylie is welcome into this family but she isn't. Jayson practically ignores her kissing his wife on the lips as she tells him she's going to the restroom while he rushes to the banquet hall that's holding the fundraiser. Leland and Sander are on their way out.

"Hey, where are you two going?" Jayson stops them.

"Your brother wants us to check this place out. We're waiting on Jackson to get here. He's complaining about having to wear a suit tonight, he's late. Gavin is out there somewhere running around. He has to know about this fundraiser tonight. It's a perfect opportunity for him to meet up with the Senator without drawing suspicion. We're just going to check the place out." Leland responds.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Jayson frowns looking around at all of the politicians standing around talking. Seeing some of the faces up close he remembers seeing some of these men at the Mansion. The atmosphere is almost cult-like in mood. Reality of what he is seeing dawns on him, some of the faces belong to men on the client pages Monique took from Quinton.

Many of them are in positions of high power and influence. The CEO of a major weapons and artillery company that holds the contract for the US military just walked past him. He can see two CEO's of information technology firms walking into the banquet hall room. There are several bank presidents, Congressmen, Senators. He looks around him unable to believe how much power the people he sees have to run the country and if the Senator knows all of their secrets or has something on them he controls them.

Jayson wants to get to Chace and Rylie before Monique does to warn them how she found out about Rylie's pregnancy.

Chace is just outside the banquet hall talking to a man Jayson remembers seeing Quinton shoving around the night he went looking for Monique. Rylie isn't with him. Jayson knows that scowl well on his brother's face. His conversation with the man looks strained, the man is shaking his head and holding his hands up to Chace in a defensive posture he appears to be pleading with Chace.

His brother looks cool, detached and in control of the situation. Jayson watches as the man's face turns red with anger to a nervous scowl and finally defeat as he walks away.

Jayson walks up to Chace. "Where is Rylie?"

"She's gone to the ladies room she doesn't need to hear some of this, I want her involved in this as little as possible. Come on she's going to meet me near the bar." Chace lays his hand on his brother's shoulder turning him toward the bar.

"You could have waited until all of this is over before you knocked her up. There are a lot of men here that are on that client list for the Mansion." Jayson is still looking around the room, his gaze wonders back to his brother who is now glaring at him having reached the bar. Jayson stutters his apology.

"So you finally figured it out Jay? These men are here because they need calming down, they're scared shitless that their secrets are going to be revealed." Chace replies.

"So what Chace, I don't get it, if their sex secrets come out big deal, people will talk but eventually forget about it." Jayson says not sure he understands why the list is so important. He understands the names being there and the money amounts listed, but has no clue what the series of numbers next to each name means.

"It's not just secrets about their sexual proclivities that's bothering some of them, it's the other things they told the girls Jayson." Chace enlightens his brother to try to understand. "You do know I'm talking about pillow talk. How much did you tell Monique about work, your money, anything about me and dad? How much did you tell her about your relationship with Margo or about what goes on at Braxton Holdings you shouldn't have revealed? These men have to keep secret things that can affect people's lives, their company's bottom dollar and their relationships with others.

"That's different, we didn't make out at the Mansion, whatever I told her she would never tell anyone. There are no videos of us at that Mansion." Jayson responds uncomfortably. He remembers some of the things he told Monique and if she were to tell it could possibly cost them clients.

"You sure about that, those girls were trained to get these men to put out so they could get pregnant by some of them, while others were told to find out secrets. I just found out every time they were with one of those girls they were followed and videotaped. I'm sure Monique knows where those videos are. I just hope she's going to cooperate tonight." Chace comments.

"Listen, I need to tell you something, I don't want Rylie mad at me, it was an honest mistake. I didn't know she still hasn't told Monique she's pregnant." Jayson reveals.

Chace bites his bottom lip before saying. "What the hell is wrong with you, haven't you learned anything from all of this?" He glares at Jayson.

"I didn't mean to, she overheard dad asking me why she was riding with us." Jayson quickly tries to explain when Chace cuts him off.

"Goddammit Jayson I need her to be co-operative tonight. If Aiden thinks she's mad at us he's going to shove it in our faces that he has nothing to worry about." Chace responds.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. She's not saying much right now she just walked away from us when we got inside. Look Margo had something on her phone. She told me she showed some of it to Rylie. It's a video of Aiden and one of the girls from the Mansion, he did something to her, he beat her up. I seen a little of it, maybe we can use that." Jayson shrugs his shoulders.

"What, nobody told me about this, where is it?" Chace exclaims as Rylie and Margo approach coming from the bathroom.

"Jayson where is Monique, you can't let her just run around here alone. Some of these men know her from the Mansion. It can't make them feel comfortable that she's here." Rylie rushes out still watching out for her sister.

"She's fine.....She's over there with dad talking to some of his golfing buddies. Don't worry about her Rylie, she's surrounded by men she's in her element." Jayson snidely answers.

"Hey, don't change the subject, you said something about a video. Why the hell do you all think we are here? Margo do you have a video of Aiden beating a girl?" Chace sternly questions.

" told him? I meant to say something Chace, it's not a whole lot but I've had it for quite some time. Margo reaches in her purse for her phone pulling it out she is trying to find the video.

"Chace, I'm sorry. It completely slipped my mind. It was so horrible I didn't want to think about it. I should have told you." Rylie grabs his hand.

"I just need to see it baby, it's important." He slides his arm around her waist hugging her to him.

"Hold on to it Margo, come on I need someplace private to look at it." Chace is looking around.

"We need dad and Monique to come with us, I don't think we should be separated in here tonight. I don't trust these people around us." Jayson mentions.

Chace is in agreement, they make their way over to where Richard and Monique are. Rylie reaches out to grab Monique's hand to greet her, Monique holds it behind her and looks away from Rylie. Rylie drops her hand not sure what's going on. Jayson and Chace notice the tension between them but say nothing about it in front of the others.

"Dad, I need you to come with us." Chace tells his father.

"Just a minute son." Ricard Braxton makes them all stand there while he holds court introducing Rylie to the men he's talking to. He brags about her being Chace's girlfriend and how proud he is of Chace growing Braxton Holdings with Rylie working by his side. He goes on for a while making Monique feel more left out as one of the men brings up different social committees his daughter is on. Richard has a counter for that since Margo has finally got her shit together and joined some of those same committees so he can brag about her and Jayson and how she's on some of those same committees.

Someone pulls out their phone to show a picture of a grandchild, it's all the opening Richard needs, they have to wait while he shows off his pictures of Randi bragging about her telling everyone that Jayson is turning into a good father for her. The mention of Monique being Randi's mother comes across as apologetic in tone. Monique feels embarrassed, she keeps turning away looking around the room.

Eventually she walks away seeing Jackson make his entrance, she walks over to him. He gives her a cursory greeting. She smiles brightly at him. Rylie notices she seems to light up whenever he is around. She can see something is bothering her sister, she figures she can get her alone later to discuss it.

Chace is getting impatient, he wants to see what's on that video. The Senator's men are entering the banquet hall, he can see Sharna enter through a side door. The Senator is surrounded by some of his closest associates. Their eyes meet across the room both men showing the other a glowering expression of growing hatred for what each stands for. Sharna notices the look between them, it makes her smile coyly. She is so delusional she believes it's over her having no idea of some of the things Aiden has done. The leaks and rumors of his sexual escapades she commonly ignores. He hasn't shown any of it to her in the bedroom, she often wishes he was more aggressive in bed. She's getting hot and bothered thinking about it and wishing Mason was around so she can slip off somewhere to satisfy her itch. She would prefer to have Chace's handsome face between her legs right now.

Sharna's gaze keeps wondering over to Chace talking to Rylie, she can't help but be envious of the way his hands keep touching Rylie. Having dated him for a while, she knows that aroused look on his face, it upsets her that it's directed at Rylie. Sharna is getting moist watching him. Excusing herself from Aiden's side she makes her way closer to where Chace and Rylie are having a conversation.

"You look nice Jackson?" Monique lays her hand on the lapel of his jacket running her finger down the edge smiling at him.

"Don't try to flatter me, it's not going to change anything. I'm still going to lock your ass up when I have to." Jackson remarks with a side smirk, he wanted to avoid being alone around her tonight and here she is seeking him out.

"ooh, so you did bring the handcuffs tonight. Maybe we can do something with this tie you're wearing since you seem so uncomfortable with it around your neck." She tugs on it then adjust it for him making the knot tighter. She doesn't remove her hands from his body she slides them slowly, caressingly down his chest to his belt. He's focused on her instead of what he needs to be focused on. One of her fingers makes it to his zipper before he reacts angry with himself that he let her get to him. He frowns grabbing her hand and jerking her close to him breathing in her scent.

"Do you equate everything with sex Monique? Ever tried using your brain to get ahead instead of seducing men?" He growls close to her ear as he looks around to see who is watching them. He's gripping her wrist in his larger hand. She looks down at how he's holding on to her she likes it of course.

"Mhm Jackson trust me, I've learned how to give head to get ahead very well." She says looking up into his desirous eyes. She makes sure her body stays pressed against him. "I'm smart enough to know that you're not as unaffected by me as you want me to believe. My sister is ashamed of me, the Braxton's don't like me. I understand you don't want to be attracted to me officer but the bulge in your pants every time you see me is going to have control sooner or later. Why not let me take care of it for you now." She coos. He pinches the bridge between his nose releasing a heavy sigh.

"Before you lock me up in a cell, maybe if I'm good enough down there I can get your head locked between my legs to give me what I need Jackson. I know you want it and I want it to it's been a long time since I've been with someone I'm actually attracted to." She slips her hand inside his jacket, sliding it up to his nipple she pinches it. He jumps grabbing at her hand but she moves it away and laughs at the surprised look on his face.

Monique turns around showing her back to him crossing her wrist behind her back she wiggles her fingers. "You want to use those handcuffs on me now Jackson. You really need to lock me up because I've assaulted a police officer." She teases, her blue bodycon dress is low cut down to her ass. Her legs are spread and she slightly bends over sticking out her ass brushing it against his bulge.

Jackson grabs her by the arm pulling her away from prying eyes out into the hallway near a secluded empty area. "What is wrong with you?" He shoves her against the wall she groans a sensual look on her face. He mistakes the sound she makes becoming horrified he didn't mean to shove her so hard. He lays his hand on her arm to comfort her. "I'm sorry.....god I'm sorry. I didn't....."

She cups his cheek. "You didn't hurt me, you excite me, you arouse me Jackson like nobody ever has before. I wish I had met you sooner. I want to feel you inside of me, my walls tightened around you. I want you to pound that manhood of yours into me until we're both so exhausted the only thing left for us to do is fall asleep in each other's arms before I have to go back into that hell whole. I want you to give me some good memories, something I can hold onto even if it doesn't mean anything to you it will mean something to me. I've never met anyone like you. You don't take my shit, I'm not as dumb as you think Jackson, I know the things you say and do are for my own good." She admits staring into his eyes.

Jackson doesn't want to give in to his feelings for her but they are so strong he can't fight them in this moment. Her hand slides up to cup his other cheek. He leans in to her with a moan pressing his forehead to hers.

"Monique don't do this? Don't try to pull your con on me. My being attracted to you won't stop me from doing the things I need to do." Jackson moves his hands to the wall on each side of her pinning her in.

"I know that Jackson, I'm not trying to protect anybody, I know that you don't believe me, nobody ever believes in me since my parents died. It's alright, I get it I'm not the type of woman that should be with a man like you. You need someone that's not screwed up like me. You don't believe I'm capable of a true feeling, you think it's all a con. Humph, it's the story of my life. I finally find a man that really is looking out for me and I recognize it. He thinks I'm trying to con him serves me right huh....I'm nothing but a whore looking for a deal to stay out of jail right so of course your cautious about me."

She moves away from him not wanting him to see her weakness she starts walking down the hall. Tears are in her eyes. He pounds on the wall holding his head up, the muscle in his jaw is ticking against his cheek.

Turning to look down the hallway at her he sees two of the Senator's men walking toward them. He rushes down the hallway grabbing her by the hand to avoid them he pulls her into one of the open doorways nearby closes the door locking it. He looks around to see where they are.

"Jackson what the hell." Is all she gets out before he turns around to face her and they both realize they are alone in a darken room. They are in a linen closet surrounded by rows and rows of table linen, napkins, towels, duvets and sheets. Jackson pushes her against one of the rows of stacked table linens. Monique wraps her arms around his neck eagerly pulling his head toward hers. His lips finally meet hers, their tongues slamming into each other, bodies in heat squeezed together. He's holding her up against the row of linen, she doesn't need any encouragement her legs wrap around his waist.

Their first kiss is full of passion and excitement, her body quivers in his arms, he's unable to resist her anymore, he wants to taste her as much as she wants it maybe more. He has wanted her since the first time he saw her but always felt she was forbidden. She has come to a much slower realization of attraction for him, it's like a slow burn he has always generated feelings from her making her angry at times. She thought she hated him and focused on her relationship with Jayson believing there was something still there because she was so lonely but in her heart she knew there wasn't.

She was jealous of what he is rekindling with Margo. What she had with Quinton was a farce, something she was forced into and didn't know how to get out of. She wants her own man, not anyone else's. Someone that will care about her and look at her the way she sees Chace look at Rylie. She's jealous of that look he gives her sister, the way he touches her with affection and love. The way he cares about her wellbeing and shows he loves her.

Monique felt like it's possible for her to have those things for the first time in her life tonight when she caught Jackson staring at her as he made his entrance into the banquet hall. He quickly masked his look when he saw her looking back at him. She could only get a scowl out of him until now. Jackson knows everything about her and most of it is bad but he still has looked out for her. She thought at first it was just because he and Chace are friends and maybe some of it is that she is Rylie's sister.

That look he gave her when he entered the room and caught her eye made her heart beat faster and the urge to be near him was so strong. She went with that feeling taking a chance thinking she has nothing to lose. She doesn't give a damn that everyone might be looking for her right now. She's going to keep this hot sexy man that's unzipping her dress right now in this linen closet all night if she can.

Chace and Rylie are on one side of the banquet hall looking for Monique and Jackson while Margo and Jayson are on the other side. Richard doesn't seem to care, he's talking to some people and learning some surprising things about the Senator and his wife.

Ivana is arranging her dress as she steps out of Mason's car. He escorts her inside the hotel thinking he needs to have his head examined for letting her talk him into this. He hasn't thought of what he's going to say yet to the Senator, he's been avoiding talking to him or Sharna.

He stops walking toward the hall grabbing Ivana by the arm when it occurs to him that Sharna and Ivana already hate each other. Sharna told him how Chace's father and Abram Kessler pushed Ivana on Chace after she and he broke up.

Mason isn't trying to draw unnecessary attention to them although he's sure if Ivana knew that he was sleeping with the Senator's wife she wouldn't hesitate telling the Senator to get back at him and Sharna after the things Aiden's done to her and her father.

Ivana promised him if he takes her to the fundraiser she would tell him more about Gavin. With all the security around he and Ivana discussed it and they are sure Gavin won't be here but they both think the Senator knows where he's at. Ivana wants to make the Senator uncomfortable tonight, she wants to make him aware that she knows about his relationship with Gavin. Mason doesn't believe Aiden will show any reaction but he's hoping something he can use comes out of tonight. It scares him that Gavin is now out on bail, he's afraid of Gavin coming after him again to finish what he started. Mason wants Gavin locked up even if it means Senator Layton goes down with him.

Gavin has been following Ivana since she left her house. He's pissed that she's with Rylie's old boyfriend. What is it about these guys that they can get beautiful women to drool over them and yet he can't? The entire time he was with Ivana he knew she was using him just as he was using her to get to Rylie. Now he believes since he's out of the way she's found herself a new mantoy to try to make Chace jealous.

Gavin still wants Rylie away from Chace Braxton but he doesn't want her to return to Mason. He wonders if they are working together to further each other's wants or is there something else between them.

He doesn't really care about Ivana but seeing Mason slide his hand to the small of her back as he escorts her into the hotel makes Gavin angry. How dare she dismiss him so easily? She's just like Rylie his messed mind reasons. He told Ivana things, more things than he's told Rylie. Things she shouldn't tell anybody else. He is also tired of being at the Senator's beck and call to do his seedy work for him. He doesn't like the way the Senator treats him. He gives the impression of being such a righteous man. Gavin wonders if that wife of his knows the type of man her husband really is. He's thought about talking to her about it. Maybe he will get her off alone tonight to tell her.

**Thanks for Reading.

__I planned to end this story with one more chapter and the epilogue but now it will be two more chapters.

__I've gotten a lot of comments throughout this story about Monique. Your contempt, hatred and dislike of her really comes through in your passionate comments and I love reading them so I guess that makes her the villain of this story or do you think it's somebody else?

__I would like to know how do you feel about Monique not ending up with Jayson yet they share a child together?

__I've also seen a lot of comments about Monique and Jackson as I started writing their attraction to each other. Well, it's on between them....what do you think? Do you think she is capable of loving Jackson? Is he the right man that can handle her?

__Do you think Jackson will want a relationship with Monique beyond what's happening in that linen closet?

__You don't have to ask, the scene between Ryle and Monique is coming over the pregnancy in the next chapter. It's part of the reason there will be an additional chapter. What do you think should the two sisters make up? Should Monique tell Rylie that's she's hurt because I think you can see that she is or should Rylie keep trying to distance herself emotionally from her sister. You can see that it's a struggle for Rylie.

__Finally, Is Sharna going to make a play for Chace tonight trying to get him alone to talk or other things if he's willing. They need after all these years to have proper closure of their relationship. She's never gotten over the way he dumped her and he's never cared about how he did it. He's in love now and doesn't want anything to mar his relationship with Rylie. Sharna wants to destroy it.

__Please Remember to VOTE and I hope to hear something from you in the comments.

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