♡*☼ 𝓛𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 A̷g̷a̷i̷n̷s̷t̷...

By GoldenIShadow

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This Story...is about a Girl named Crystal. Recruited by Master Wu she joined a team with Seven Others wit... More

Important Info
Chapter 1: Way of the Ninja
Chapter 2: King of Shadows
Chapter 3: Rise of the Snakes
Chapter 4: Home
Chapter 5: Snakebit
Chapter 6: Never Trust a Snake
Chapter 7: Can of Worms
Chapter 8: The Snake King
Chapter 9: Tick Tock
Chapter 10: Once Bitten Twice Shy
Chapter 11: The Royal Blacksmiths
Chapter 12: The Green Ninja
Chapter 13: All of Nothing
Chapter 14: The Rise of the Great Devourer
Chapter 15: Day of the Great Devourer
Chapter 16: Darkness Shall Rise
Chapter 17: Pirates vs Ninja
Chapter 18: Double Trouble
Chapter 19: Child's Play
Chapter 20: Wrong Place Wrong Time
Chapter 21: The Stone Army
Chapter 22: The Day Ninjago Stood Still
Chapter 23: The Last Voyage
Chapter 24: Island of Darkness
Chapter 25: The Last Hope
Chapter 26: Return of the Overlord
Chapter 27: Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
Chapter 28: The Surge
Chapter 29: The Art of the Silent Fist
Chapter 30: Blackout
Chapter 31: The Curse of the Golden Master
Chapter 32: Enter the Digiverse
Chapter 33: Codename: Arcturus
Chapter 34: The Void
Chapter 35: The Titanium Ninja
Chapter 36: The Invitation
Chapter 37: Only One Can Remain
Chapter 38: Versus
Chapter 39: Ninja Roll
Chapter 40: Spy for a Spy
Chapter 41: Spellbound
Chapter 42: The Forgotten Element
Chapter 43: The Day of the Dragon
Chapter 44: The Greatest Fear of All
Chapter 45: The Corridor of Elders
Chapter 46: Winds of Change
Chapter 47: Ghost Story
Chapter 48: Stiix and Stones
Chapter 49: The Temple on Haunted Hill
Chapter 50: Peak-a-Boo
Chapter 51: Kingdom Come
Chapter 52: The Crooked Path
Chapter 53: Grave Danger
Chapter 54: Curseworld, Part I
Chapter 55: Curseworld Part II
Chapter 56: Infamous
Chapter 57: Public Enemy Number One
Chapter 58: Enkrypted
Chapter 59: Misfortune's Rising
Chapter 60: On a Wish and a Prayer
Chapter 61: My Dinner With Nadakhan
Chapter 62: Wishmasters
Chapter 63: The Last Resort
Chapter 64: Operation Land Ho!
Chapter 65: The Way Back
Day of the Departed
Chapter 66: The Hands of Time
Chapter 67: The Hatching
Chapter 68: A Time of Traitors
Chapter 69: Scavengers
Chapter 70: A Line in the Sand
Chapter 71: The Attack
Chapter 72: Secrets Discovered
Chapter 73: Pause and Effect
Chapter 74: Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea
Chapter 75: Lost in Time
Chapter 76: The Mask of Deception
Chapter 77: The Jade Princess
Chapter 78: The Oni and the Dragon
Chapter 79: Snake Jaguar
Chapter 80: Dead Man's Squall
Chapter 81: The Quiet One
Chapter 82: Game of Masks
Chapter 83: Dread on Arrival
Chapter 84: True Potential
Chapter 85: Big Trouble, Little Ninjago
Chapter 86: Firstbourne
Chapter 87: Iron and Stone
Chapter 88: Radio Free Ninjago
Chapter 89: How to Build a Dragon
Chapter 90: The Glided Path
Chapter 91: Two Lies One Truth
Chapter 92: The Weakest Link
Chapter 93: Saving Faith
Chapter 94: Lessons for a Master
Chapter 95: Green Destiny
Chapter 96: The Darkness Comes
Chapter 97: Into the Breach
Chapter 98: The Fall
Chapter 99: Endings
Chapter 100: Wasted True Potential
Chapter 101: Questing for Quests
Chapter 102: A Rocky Start
Chapter 103: The Belly of the Beast
Chapter 104: Boobytraps and How to Survive Them
Chapter 105: The News Never Sleeps
Chapter 106: Ninja vs Lava
Chapter 107: Powerless
Chapter 108: Ancient History
Chapter 109: Under Siege
Chapter 110: The Explorers Club
Chapter 111: Vengeance is Mine
Chapter 112: A Cold Goodbye
Chapter 113: The Never Realm
Chapter 114: Fire Maker
Chapter 115: An Unlikely Ally
Chapter 116: The Absolute Worst
Chapter 117: The Message
Chapter 118: The Traveler's Tree
Chapter 119: Secret of the Wolf
Chapter 120: My Enemy, My Friend
Chapter 121: A Fragile Hope
Chapter 122: Once and for All
Chapter 123: Awakenings
Chapter 124: Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?
Chapter 125: Dyer Island
Chapter 126: Level Thirteen
Chapter 127: Superstar Rockin' Jay
Chapter 128: The Samurai Siblings
Chapter 129: The Glitch
Chapter 130: The Cliffs of Hysteria
Chapter 131: The Maze of the Red Dragon
Chapter 132: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter 133: Racer Seven
Chapter 134: The Speedway Five-Billion
Chapter 135: Stop, Drop and Side Scroll
Chapter 136: Ninjago Confidential
Chapter 137: The Temple of Madness
Chapter 138: Game Over
Chapter 139: Shintaro
Chapter 140: Into the Dark
Chapter 141: The Worst Rescue Ever
Chapter 142: The Two Blades
Chapter 143: Queen of the Munce
Chapter 144: Trial By Mino
Chapter 145: The Skull Sorcerer
Chapter 146: The Real Fall
Chapter 148: Masters Never Quit
Chapter 149: The Darkest Hour
Chapter 150: The Upply Strike Back!
Chapter 151: The Son of Lilly
Chapter 152: Uncharted
Chapter 153: The Keepers of the Amulet
Chapter 154: The Gift of Jay
Chapter 155: The Tooth of Wojira
Chapter 156: A Big Splash
Chapter 157: The Call to the Deep
Chapter 158: Unsinkable
Chapter 159: Five Thousand Fathoms Down
Chapter 160: The Wrath of Kalmaar
Chapter 161: Long Live the King
Chapter 162: Escape from Merlopia
Chapter 163: The Storm Amulet
Chapter 164: Riddle of the Sphinx
Chapter 165: Master of the Sea
Chapter 166: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 167: Assault on Ninjago City
Chapter 168: Nyad
Chapter 169: The Turn of the Tide
Chapter 170: Farewell the Sea
Chapter 171: The Shape of Nya
Chapter 172: A Mayor Problem
Chapter 173: Public Enemies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6!
Chapter 174: A Painful Promise
Chapter 175: Ninjago City vs. Ninja
Chapter 176: Kryptarium Prison Blues
Chapter 177: Hounddog McBrag
Chapter 178: The Benefit of Grief
Chapter 179: The Fifth and Sixth Villians
Chapter 180: The Council of the Crystal King
Chapter 182: The Spider's Design
Chapter 183: The Fall of the Monastery
Chapter 184: Darkness Within
Chapter 185: The Coming of the King
Chapter 186: Return to Primeval's Eye
Chapter 187: Crystastrophe
Chapter 190: Christofern
Chapter 191: A Lesson in Anger
Chapter 192: Brave But Foolish
Chapter 193: Quittin' Time!
Chapter 194: Return of the Ice Emperor
Chapter 195: Safe Haven
Chapter 196: Compatible
Chapter 197: Distress Calls
Chapter 198: An Issue of Trust
Chapter 199: Dragon Form
Chapter 200: Roots
~ Conclusive Proclamation ~

Chapter 147: Dungeon Crawl

447 17 4
By GoldenIShadow

(In Rock-Bottom, the group are sitting around a purple fire while Cole is still seen unconscious.)

Styx: Hey, Cole buddy. Cole.... (Cole stirs.) Master Wu, do something.

Wu: (Talking to the barbarian.) And you say your ax talks? Curious.

Styx: (Sighs.) Cole....Wake up!

Cole: (He bolts up and sees a large spider.) Aah!

Styx: Finally. (Stands on Cole's shoulder.) 

Thief: Jeez, buddy, relax! That's Adam. He wouldn't hurt a fly.

Cole: Where am I? Who are you people?

Vania: (Looks back.) Cole!

Cole: Vania! Master Wu!

Vania: Thank the mountain.

Sorcerer: Good, sir Ninja, allow me to make the introductions! May I present, Korgran of Metalonia!

Korgran: Korgran is pleased to meet you.

Sorcerer: Plundar the Thief! Return his weapon, Plundar.

Plundar: Sorry, force of habit. (He returns Cole's shuriken.)

Sorcerer: And I am Fungus the Sorcerer. Around these parts, we are known simply as the Lowly.

Cole: The Lowly? So you're some kind of team?

Styx: Uh.....

Plundar: Uh, we are a party of adventurers. (They stand proudly.)

Cole: Adventurers? That's just what we need, actually. We're kind of on a quest and we could really use some help.

Korgran: Quest? (He fumbles with his axe, and drops it, nearly hitting Fungus.) Uh, Korgran... very busy just now. Must shine axe. (He walks off.)

Plundar: Uh, yeah, me too. Uh, I've got ... I-I've got stuff to steal. Loot to find. (He walks off as well.)

Fungus: Me as well, unfortunately. My schedule is a nightmare. (He starts walking off.)

Cole: (To Styx.) What's wrong with them?

Styx: They've been like this since you all woke up. (Shrugs.) But, they were telling me a story before Master Wu woke up.

Cole: (To Fungus.) I don't understand. Are you guys adventurers or not?

Fungus: Actually, the sad truth is, we wouldn't be much help. We failed at the only quest we ever attempted, which is why we're down here.

Cole: What happened?

Korgran: Korgran will tell the tale...

Styx: Here we go again. 

(Meanwhile, King Vangelis is seen with the Skull in the throne room.) 

Hazza D'ur: How long until the guards realize the truth?

Vangelis: They won't. (Looks towards Chompy who is inside a cage.) I will make sure of it.

(Back in the mountain, the Lowly have finished telling their tale.)

Plundar: And, uh, that's the story of our quest. 

Fungus: Finding the Skull of Hazza D'ur.

Plundar: That's how we ended up here. 

Fungus: From the king.

Plundar: And that's why we're called the Lowly.

Fungus: For there is no one lower than us.

Korgran: Even the worms are above Korgran.

Wu: But how do you know what the King said to the Skull, after you fell into the pit?

Plundar: Oh, I was just guessing. I made that part up to give it a little more drama.

Styx: Uh, huh. Now that we're done with the whole story because I've already heard it two times now. It's time to-

Fungus: Villainous scoundrel!

Korgran: Evil King!

Plundar: Rotten numbskull.

Vania: Dad. (Everyone looks at her.) Uh, but you're right. He is evil. I know that now.

Cole: (Puts his hand on Vania's shoulder.) I made a promise a long time ago, that I wouldn't give up! Ever! And I'm not letting you give up. Our friends are out there somewhere, they need us! And King Vangelis is out there and he needs a butt-kicking! And the someone that's gonna do the kicking is us! So from now on, we're not the Lowly. We're the Upply! Because that's where we're going! Up! What do you say? Who's with me?

(In a flashback, Lou takes a young Cole to visit Lilly.)

Past Lilly: (coughs) Hi, honey.

Past Cole: Mom! (He runs to her and hugs her.) I don't want you to be sick anymore, Mom!

Past Lilly: I know. But we don't always get what we want, do we? Your father said you got into trouble at school.

Past Cole: Yeah. But it - it wasn't my fault! There's this kid, he's just - he's just a big bully! He's always picking on the little kids and -

Past Lilly: And you got in a fight.

Past Cole: I'm sorry, Mom. I promise, I-I won't fight anymore. I'll be good from now on. I'll make you proud! And- and-

Past Lilly: Oh, Cole. Don't you see? I am proud. I want you to promise me, Cole, that you will always stand up to those who are cruel and unjust. Always.

Past Cole: I-I promise, Mom. Always.

(The flashback ends. Cole, the Lowly, Wu, Vania, and Styx are transferring through the caves.)

Plundar: What are we doing? We've explored this tunnel a million times. If there was a way out of Rock-Bottom, we would have found it already.

Fungus: Come now, Plundar. It doesn't hurt to have someone take a fresh look.

Plundar: It's hurting my feet! We've been at this for hours.

Cole: (Sighs from the front.) I know I shouldn't be worrying about what they're saying. 

Styx: It's not their fault they've lost all hope after 10 years of isolation.

Cole: Exactly....

Styx: .....But?

Cole: But they could at least be a little more optimistic. (Looks at Styx who shrugs.)

Styx: Do not expect optimism from me, that was Crystal and Jay's job. 

Vania: (Scolding.) Are we having a tea time chat, or are we trying to escape this dungeon? (She catches up to Cole.) Another dead end?

Cole: Another dead end. (Turns around.) What about this way...

Fungus: Good sir Ninja, if it makes you feel any better, the four of us have been failing to escape this place for years.

Cole: Well, thank you, but that doesn't really help. (Walks past them.) 

Plundar: (Sighs) What are we doing following this guy? This is a waste of time. We're already a bunch of failed adventurers. We don't need a leader to help us fail more.

Vania: Cole isn't helping us fail! He's helping us escape! (Plundar making the babbling sign with his hands.) For your information, Cole is a fantastic leader!

Plundar: Oh yeah? Where's he leading us? In circles?

Styx: I mean, I've seen better. (Wu looks at him.) But who am I to argue? I've just been part of this team before the actual leader joined it, no big deal. (Cole sighs.)  

Plundar: Because guess where we are. That's right, back in Rock-Bottom.

(Cole throws a rock into the pool in frustration. While Styx appears on Wu shoulder.)

Styx: Woah, take it easy Cole. 

Wu: What is on your mind, Cole? You seem troubled.

Cole: Ever since I saw my mother's locket, I felt her presence. She's connected to this place somehow, I - I can feel it! (Sighs) Listen to me, what am I talking about? Why would my mother have come to this place? We're at the bottom of the world.

Styx: Technically, we're in the sky. (Wu glares at him.) What? I'm just telling the truth!

Wu: (Picks up a rock.) You're right, Cole. 

Styx: But- (He sees a shadow rush by.) What the-

Wu: This is the lowest you have ever been.

Cole: Thanks for noticing. 

Styx: (Seen on the ground.) Hey, spider. 

Plundar: Uh, his name is Adam.

Styx: Uh-huh, whatever. (Whispers to the spider.) Could you.....

Wu: (Talking to Cole.) No, I mean, your mother once told me that her powers were strongest when she was closest to the Earth.

Cole: Really?

Wu: You've never been farther underground. Never been more surrounded by the very thing that powers you. The Skull Sorcerer thought he was burying you, but what if he was actually bringing you closer to the Earth? To the source of your elemental power?

Cole: So what do I do? Try to connect with the Earth?

Wu: Perhaps. Or perhaps you just have to stop worrying so much and let the earth connect with you!

Cole: (He nods, closes his eyes, and concentrates.) I'm not feeling anything. (He starts glowing orange.)

Wu: Cole. Open your eyes.

Cole: Whoa. (The rocks around him glow orange and float. He starts floating, too.)

Wu: Let it in. Let the energy of the Earth infuse you!

Cole: I feel it. It's coming from the ground all around me! (He punches the ground, and an orange streak leading into the pool appears.) 

Korgran: What's that?

Cole: There's a tunnel down there. Maybe a way out-

Styx: Gothya!- (He is slammed into the ground.) Ow!

Wu: Styx?

Vania: What happened? (Cole picks up Styx.)  

Cole: What is it Styx?

Styx: Uh- 

Silk: (Appears in front of everyone.) I cannot let you leave. (Looks towards the Lowly.) Not after what you did.

(Everyone stares at the small snake.) 

Cole: Uh....Styx. Why didn't you tell us you had a sister-

Styx: Is that seriously the first thing you ask?!

Wu: Who are y-

Korgran: It's the teleporting snake! 

Cole: The what-

Korgran: It has returned! (Raises his ax.) I will get rid of-

Fungus: (Stops Korgran.) Wait Korgran, remember, we were the ones who stole the Skull from her first.

Wu: Her Skull?

Silk: I was protecting the Skull of Hazza D'ur from anyone who wanted to use their power again. Until they! (Points at the Lowly.) Stole it!

Vania: You never said anything about another snake.

Plundar: Ehehe, I might have cut that out. Must have forgotten. Heh.

Wu: (To Silk.) I do not know who you are, but we were-

Silk: Cast out from the King, yada yada, I've heard the story before. 

Cole: Soooo, you'll let us leave?

Silk: No! And even if you do, you will not be able to bypass the....security measures. (Korgran gulps)

Styx: Look, Silk. (Ignores Cole's surprised face.) We're here to set things straight, not steal another Skull. So if you help us get out of here, we can stop that Sorcerer jerk from hurting anyone ever. 

Fungus: And you have our deepest apologies for stealing the Skull. (Nudges Plundar.) 

Plundar: Sure.

Cole: Styx's right, we're putting things right. And we could really use your help.

(The group is seen diving into the pool before swimming up. They walk for a while through a tunnel before coming to a fork.)

Vania: Which tunnel do we take?

Silk: (On Vania's shoulder.) We have to go across the lava.

Plundar: Uh, yeah, I'm still not on board with the whole trust the snake idea just yet. 

Fungus: Plundar-

Styx: Ugh, if you guys want proof, Cole do your elemental touch thing again. (Cole does so, revealing the correct path.)

Silk: What did I say?

Plundar: (Glares at Silk.) Across the lava? Seriously? Ugh, what am I saying? Of course across the lava. All these nice tunnels we could take, but no. We got to take the tunnel on the other side of the lava.

Cole: You think I'm any happier about it? But that's the way. I feel it. And if, (Clears his throat.) Silk, says so. Then we have to cross the lava.

Korgran: Ah, Korgran fears no lava. (He dips a mug into the lava.) Korgran drinks lava for breakfast.

Plundar: No you don't. You drink juice.

Korgran: What? (The mug burns up.) Oh, right. Juice! Korgran fears no juice! Lava, on other hand ...very scary.

Cole: Is the path filled with danger? Yes. Would it be easier to turn back? Of course. But we can't stop Skull Sorcerer and save our friends trapped down here, can we?

Plundar: We can't stop him if we're dead either.

Cole: Then I guess you better roll your dice and take a chance. What's it gonna be? Turn back, or keep going?

Plundar: (He rolls his dice before grunting.) 

Silk: (They begin crossing the lava.) Almost there. 

Vania: You had said before about security measures. What did you mean?

Silk: A long time ago, when the warrior took down Hazzadur and sealed away the Skull. Protection was put in to keep the Skull away from any danger after they couldn't figure out how to destroy it.

Cole: Wait. (Everyone stops.) I sense danger.

Plundar: What are you talking about? We're practically home free.

Cole: No, I-I sense tremors in the ground beneath us. I've never felt anything like this! 

(A lava monster emerges and roars scaring the Team.)

Fungus: Never seen anything like that!

Vania: Is this the protection?!

Silk: Uh, yeah...

Styx: Couldn't have warned us?!

Cole: Look out! Team, listen up! Korgran, frontal assault. Keep it focused, look out for those tentacles.

Korgran: Tentacles should look out for Korgran! (He cuts some of the lava monster's tentacles off, but they grow right back.)

Cole: Master Wu, block those lava balls, and send them right back at him!

Vania: Look out, more lava flying at us! (Wu does Spinjitzu and redirects the lava ball to the monster.)

Cole: Fungus, see if you can distract him with some more of those snow flurries!

Fungus: I will endeavor to do more than just distract him!

Cole: Plundar, see if you can sneak around and reach that boulder! It just needs a little nudge!

Plundar: Ah, that's a job for Adam. 

Cole: Styx and Silk, hang on and get ready to push.

(Fungus freezes the lava monster just before it crushes Plundar.)

Cole: Now! (Styx and Silk push the boulder which crushes and defeats the lava monster.) Everybody all right?

Wu: Yes.

Vania: I'm okay.

Styx: Just the usual. Lava snakes, lava monsters? Pfft, same diff'.

Silk: (Raises an eyebrow.) Lava snakes?

Fungus: Doing well, sir Ninja.

Plundar: I've been better.

Korgran: Korgran still alive.

Cole: Yeah, not bad for a bunch of failed adventurers! 

Silk: (Points to a tunnel.) There, that's the exit.

Cole: Hang on. I'm gonna seal this passage. Just in case that lava monster decides to come back. 

Silk: That would be for the better.

Cole: (He uses his Earth Punch to seal it.)

Plundar: Hey, hold up. I need to say something to you. I was wrong about you. You've been straight with us. You got us out of there, and, well, you're okay in my book.

Cole: Thanks, guys. But let's not start getting all huggy yet. We got a long way to go.

Fungus: For the first time in a long while, I believe we have a chance. Lead on, young Ninja!

Vania: Phew. Let's hope it's downhill from here. 

Styx: Uh-

Vania: I mean, I know it's uphill, but you know, downhill uphill. That would be nice.

Silk: I wouldn't count on it.

Vania: (Sighs.) 

Silk: But you can only hope.

Plundar: Yep, I'm willing to bet the worst is behind us...

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