The Black Phone Cast Imagines

By Hakuna_Fratata

746K 9.6K 14.3K

Just a bunch of cast imagines and preferences - PEOPLE INCLUDED --- - Miguel Cazarez Mora - Brady Hepner ... More

โ€ข ๐Œ ๐€ ๐’ ๐Ž ๐ ๐“ ๐‡ ๐€ ๐Œ ๐„ ๐’ โ€ข
- Movie Time -
- Movie Premiere -
- Waitress -
- Videogames -
- Swearing -
- Fake hickey prank -
- Traffic light -
- Warm inside -
โ€ข ๐Œ ๐ˆ ๐† ๐” ๐„ ๐‹ ๐‚ ๐€ ๐™ ๐€ ๐‘ ๐„ ๐™ ๐Œ ๐Ž ๐‘ ๐€ โ€ข
- Chicken -
- Baking -
- Fake Wedding -
- Media -
- My girl -
- Edits -
โ€ข ๐ ๐‘ ๐€ ๐ƒ ๐˜ ๐‡ ๐„ ๐ ๐ ๐„ ๐‘ โ€ข
- Live Stream -
- Meeting -
- Her -
- Friendzoned -
- I like her -
- Dress -
- Is that a hickey? -
- Breakfast (Rowan) -
- Surf date -
- Jealous -
- Little chat (Rowan) -
- Gonna like it here -
- Soulmate -
โ€ข ๐“ ๐‘ ๐ˆ ๐’ ๐“ ๐€ ๐ ๐ ๐‘ ๐€ ๐• ๐Ž ๐ ๐† โ€ข
- Cute -
- Assistant Director -
- Sleepy -
- Tiktok prank -
- Cold -
- Daddy's silly -
โ€ข ๐ ๐‘ ๐„ ๐… ๐„ ๐‘ ๐„ ๐ ๐‚ ๐„ ๐’ โ€ข
- How you met -
- PDA -
- Who fell first -
- His jealousy scale -
- Your jealousy scale -
- Romantic trope -
- Tristan Catchup -
- What its like being his girlfriend -
- A show you guys binge -
- His celebrity crush -
- Your celebrity crush -
- His thoughts -
- Your guys song -
- Coming out to them -
// AHHHHH //
- What its like dating them -
- What you guys do on christmas eve -
- They catch you reading wattpad -
- What you do for fun on set -
- Stay in or go out? -

- Bake Sale -

9.6K 158 781
By Hakuna_Fratata

Based off that one scene from Bad Moms.

BTW, age him and yourself up to whatever age you want. (Above 20)


"What time is the bake sale honey?" You ask your thirteen year old son who's sitting on the kitchen bench, finishing off his cereal.

"12:30." He mumbles, mouth still full of food.

"Connor, what did I say about eating with your mouth full." You scold placing your hands on your hips.

Connor smiles and rolls his eyes playfully before swallowing.

"Sorry Mom, the sale is at 12:30." He says and you nod.

"Great, I'll be there. Do you need some money?" You ask.

Connor looks at you with wide eyes, you've never offered to give him money for these kinds of things.

"I- yes." He says with a smile.

"Better get a job then." You smile, pointing a finger gun at him.

Connor groans, letting his smile drop. He knew that your question was too good to be true.

"I'm just kidding child," You smile, reaching into your wallet and pulling out a twenty, handing it to him.

"Only for the bake sale, no drugs." You point at him and he nods.

"Yes ma'am." He says, saluting to you.

"And I dont do drugs, I'm a good boy."

You pat Connors head, giving him a kiss on his forehead and he smiles brightly.

"Yes, you are." You smile before tapping his head.

"Now grab your bag, I dont want your principal to yell at me because you're late again." You smile and Connor nods, hopping off the stool and placing his dishes in the sink before grabbing his bag and heading towards the door.

You follow behind him as he walks out of the front door, towards your car. You lock the door behind you and head to the drivers side, starting up the car and heading towards the middle school.


You see the middle school in the distance, and slow your car down as people begin crossing the street.

You and Connor wait for the families and children to cross the street when someone catches your eye.


The hottest dad in the whole school, his daughter Kimmy is absolutely adorable, sharing the same dark eyes and hair as her father.

Almost every single mom has a crush on the hotty, including the married moms, even the lesbian moms wanna jump his bones. Honestly you couldn't blame them, he is fine.

"My god." You whisper, watching Miguel cross the street with his daughter.

"How would you like that man to be your father Connor?" You turn to your son.

Connor looks towards the man and scrunches his face in disgust. "Gross mom, thats Kimmy's dad."

You smile, rolling your eyes. "Kimmy's hot dad." You correct him.

Connor gaggs and you laugh.

"Calm down Connor, I'm only dreaming."

Once the road is clear you drive forward and towards the entrance of the school.

Parking your car you look at Connor. "Have fun. Any bullies? you come to me and I'll sort them out. See you at 12:30."

Connor nods, grabbing his bag and getting out of the car. Just as he's about to close the door you stop him.

"Wait! Your lunch." You say, grabbing the brown paper bag labeled McDonalds.

"No way mom- holy s-"

"Ay, language." You squint your eyes and he makes a zipping motion with his finger over his mouth. "Also, I couldn't be bothered making you lunch so..." you shake the bag to show that your laziness lead to you buying him take out for lunch.

Connor takes the back with a smile.

"Thank you mom, you're the best." He leans forward and hugs you, making you smile brightly.

He exits the car and turns to you. "12:30. Don't forget." He says and you salute him.

"Yes sir." Your eyes widen when you see someone approaching your car. "Quick, Connor walk away so I can go."

Confused, Connor turns around and spots the blonde walking in their direction before realizing who was walking towards the car. Quickly snapping his head back to you his mouth opens to an O shape to show he understands.

"I love you." He mutters quickly before closing the door and speed walking away.

You quickly start your car back up and move to leave but a knock on your car window stops you from driving away.

You squeeze your eyes shut tightly, wincing. "Fuck." You mutter.

You put on a fake smile and turn to the window, winding it down.

"Claire!" You say with fake excitement.

"Hello y/n, nice to see you're feeding your kid and unhealthy meal." She smiles and you nod.

"Yeah, I didn't really have time to make him lunch." You say, shrugging.

Claire squints her eyes slightly before nodding with a hum.

"And the PTA meeting we had last night, you didn't show?" She says confused and you let out a small laugh.

"Oh y'know, just- busy I guess."

Total lie, you were watching movies and eating chicken bites with Connor, not even wanting to think about the boring ass PTA meeting.

"Oh, thats a shame we talked about today's bake sale." She says and you pretend to give a shit.

"Here I'll tell you about it now." She smiles, opening your door.

"Oh you don't ha–" She cuts you off by getting into your car.

"Okay then." You mutter, giving up and turning your car off.

She smiles and turns to you. "So, all the mothers have made a list about the toxic ingredients that are banned from the bake sale."

You nod with tight lips, using all your strength not to roll your eyes. You know for a fact that she made the list the other mothers were probably just too scared to say anything about it.

"Okay, let's begin." She smiles.

"Lets." You say sarcastically, giving her a fake smile.

"No BPA, No MSG, No BHA, No BHT, Plus No soy, No sesame," You clench your jaw and nod along before she continues.

"And of course, No nuts, or eggs, or milk, or butter, or salt, or sugar, or wheat." She claps her hands together, smiling at you.

What the fuck are we supposed to use then?

"And, that was a thing all the moms came up with? Or just you?" You ask and she gives you a tight lipped smile.

"Mostly me, but I know the other motheres strongly agreed."

You nod your head.

"So what can I use?"

"Okay, the bake sale is at 12:30. No earlier and certainly no later." She smiles, completely ignoring your question.

Just as you're about to ask again, she gets out of the car and makes her way back towards the school.

"Bitch." You mutter before staring your car back up and heading home.


You sigh, sliding a pack of donut holes onto the table you and Connor are selling from before sitting on the plastic chair and leaning back with a huff, placing your feet on the table.

You look around the room and see most of the parents have brought home made things, actually all of them are home made. Yours was the only store brought thing.

But you didn't give two shits, you couldn't be bothered making anything fancy.

The bell rings and kids start to pile in, grimacing at most of the food as its all healthy and not pleasing looking.

All of the kids who were selling food ditch their parents to buy what they found good, as their parents stayed behind to sell what they made.

A majority of the parents didn't make anything for the bake sale, just using this time to walk around with their kids and buy things.

A famikiar laugh cuts you off from your little scan of the room, making you turn.

You spot Connor walking towards you with a smile on his face. "Really mom?"

You shrug. "Couldn't be bothered making anything."

Connor shakes his head with a smile before grabbing one and putting it in his mouth.

"Ay, you better pay for that you little shit." You tease and he shakes his head.

"You're my mom. I dont have to pay for anything." He laughs before running off.

You shake your head, smiling as you watch him mingle with some of his friends.

You love your son to death. You'd do anything to protect him. His father wasn't here to help so it was just the two of you, and you didn't care one bit.

"Donut holes! Holy crap its been a minute since I've had one of these." You hear a deep voice say from your left.

You turn your head and almost begin drooling when you see Miguel standing there with a smile, his hair in a manbun and a Disney backpack hanging from his shoulder.

"Really?" You ask and he nods.

His brown eyes connect with yours as he smiles.

"Yeah." He says and you stare at eachother for a little bit.

Miguel clears his throat, shaking his head and bkinking lightly before pointing at the sugary sweet on the table. "How much?" He asks.

"You wanna buy these? Look at all the other delicious options" You say sarcastically and Miguel smiles, watching you point around the room.

"Oh look, they're even selling brussel sprouts over there." You say trying to smile but you end up scrunching your face in disgust. "Ew."

Miguel lets out a laughs, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, this is probably the worst bake sale I've ever been to. Not counting your donut holes," he says before leaning to the side to see the packaging the donuts were in, raising his eyebrow.

"Or the stores donut holes?" He says, questioning if you brought them from a store.

Your eyes widen and you smile. "Would you believe me if I told you I made them and put them in the plastic container?"

"Probably not." He laughs and you smile, shaking your head.

"Oh my, oh my, oh my, what do we have here?" Claire asks, stalking towards your table like a predator to their prey.

"Are these, store bought donut holes?"

You shake your head. "What? No, I made these and put them in this plastic container." You nod.

Miguel nods and points to you in agreement. "I believe her." He says.

"Really? I find that hard to believe." She says.

"Oh C'mon Claire, these donut holes are the only good thing here. I mean, it wouldn't kill to have a little sugar." He said and Claire looks at him, her angry stare being masked by a more happy one.

"You're right, I dont know who made the rule about no sweets." She says.

You scoff. "Wasn't that you?"

She glares at you before fake smiling.

"Have a nice day y/n."

She left and you laugh a little before turning to Miguel to answer his question from before.

"Hate that bitch." You mutter and he laughs, nodding in agreement.

You smile at him before going to answer the question he asked before you were rudely interrupted.

"They were going to be six cents per donut, but for you?" You lean in and he smiles raising his eyebrow, waiting for you to finish.

"For you, I'll sell it for a whopping five cents." You say and Miguel burts out laughing, turning away and holding his stomach.

Some of the moms turn to see you and Miguel laughing, most of them glaring at you along the way.

"Beautiful and funny. I've hit the jackpot." Miguel mutters to himself making sure you can't hear.

He turns back to you and see's you flipping off Claire who was glaring daggers in your direction.

Miguel smiles softly, falling for you more by the second.

You turn back to Miguel, your eyes widening a little bit when you realize he saw you flipping off the other moms.

"I was uh— just ignore that."

Miguel nods, biting his lip with a smile before pointing to the donut holes.

"I'll take four."

You nod, opening the packet.

"You know what? You can have them for free." You say with a smile.

"If you tell me where you got your awesome backpack." You point to the Cinderella backpack he has hanging off his shoulder.

"Oh this?" He smiles, pulling it off his shoulder. "Yeah, its from my lovely daughter Kimmy." He turns to point over to his little girl who was walking around to some of her friends.

"She's adorable." You smile and he nods.

"Yeah." He sighs, staring at his kid.

"Here." You slide the donut holes over to him and he smiles, taking some.

"Thank you very much Y/n."

"You know my name?" You ask a little shocked. You honestly didn't expect him to know your name at all.

"Yeah, my daughter's always talking about you." He smiles.

Your eyes widen a little and he shakes his head quickly.

"Not in a bad way! She thinks you're awesome. She's always telling me about how she wants me to make lunch like Connors mom." You blush a little and he smiles.

"You seem like an awesome mom y/n." He smiles and you look up at him.

"And you seem like an amazing dad." You say, pointing to him and he blushes a little before opening his mouth to talk.

"Hey, why don't you and I—"

"Daddy!" You both hear a small voice yell.

You and Miguel turn to see Kimmy running towards the two of you, wrapping her arms around Miguel's leg.

"Hey baby." He smiles leaning down to her height.

She turns to see you and the donut holes. "What are those?" She asks shyly pointing to the donuts.

"These." You lean forward with a smile. "Are absolutely delicious, and you should try one." You push the container forward and she reaches into her pocket.

"How much are they" she asks and you shake your head.

"They're free."

Her brown eyes widen and she looks up at her dad who's smiling at you.

"Really?" She asks and you nod winking.

"I'm trying to make someone mad at me." You whisper, pointing towards Claire who's still glaring at you.

"Ohh, daddy said he hates her too." She whispers and Miguel's eyes widen to see your reaction before quickly softening when he hears you laugh.

"I can't blame your daddy for saying that." You smile and Kimmy laughs, her brown curls bouncing.

She takes some donut holes and eats them, her eyes widening a little and she hums. "These are really good." She says with her mouth full.

"Kimmy, what did I say about speaking with your mouth full." Miguel scolds and she swallows.

"Sorry." She giggles and he smiles.

Connor comes over and notices Miguel standing there. He sends you a smirk while raising his eyebrow and you roll you eyes playfully.

"Hey mom." He comes around the table and hugs you.

"Hey honey." You smile, kissing his cheek.

He turns to the older man, "Hello, Miguel." Connor says with a small glare.

Miguel's eyes widen slightly and he gulps, a little intimated by the thirteen year old.

"I've heard alot about you." Conner says, tapping the table.

Your own eyes widen a little in embarrassment and Miguel's look turns from scared to smug, turning to you with an eyebrow raised and a small smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, Kimmy is always talking about you." Connor says and you let out a relieved sigh. You're glad you didn't raise a nark.

Thank you son.

"And my mom talks about you." He adds quickly and your eyes dart towards him.

Fuck you son.

Miguel smiles. "What kind of things does she say?"

Connor turns to you with a smirk. "Oh y'know, just the casual 'hes so hot' and stuff like that." The boy says and you glare at him.

You're so dead.

Miguel smirks and turns to you, his dark eyes locking with yours.

"Well, your mom isn't too bad herself." He winks at you and both kids gag.

"Alright everyone wrap it up!" Claire yells and everyone starts packing up.

You slide the container over to Kimmy and she looks at you a little confused.

"Take 'em." You say and she gasps, her brown eyes lighting up in excitement.

"Really?" Shae asks and You nod. Kimmy takes the pack, taking the bag from Miguel and placing them inside.

Connor looks at you with a pout. "What about me?" He asks.

"I gave you McDonalds for lunch."

Connor gasps and nods. "Oh yeah!"


All the kids are gone as they were told to go back to their classrooms and eat lunch while the parents finish packing up.

You and Miguel were stood in the parking lot, getting ready to head back to your cars.

"It was nice to actually meet you Miguel." You say to the man and he nods.

"I agree." He hums.

You smile at him and turn to leave but his voice stops you.


Turning back around, you raise an eyebrow at him. "Yeah?"

Miguel lets out a little breath before rubbing the back of his neck. "What Connor said, is that true?"

You blush and use your hands to cover your face with a sigh. "Yeah." You mumble in embarrassment.

You couldn't bare to show your face, scared he was gonna yell at you for saying such things after his wife had died a year ago.

"Thank god!" Miguel breaths out with a relieved sigh. "Thats amazing."

You peek at him through your fingers before dropping your hands. "So youre not mad?"

"No. But I am wanting to take you out some time. Just me and you." He smiles.

You smile back at him and nod.

"I'd like that."

Miguel's smile widens and he nods, excitement and joy filling his body.

"Great! I uh- I'll see you at 3:10?" He asks referring to the school pickup and you nod.

"Here, hand me your phone and I'll give you my number." He says and you nod, giving him your phone.

He types in his number before handing it back to you while sending you one of his billion dollar smiles.

"I'll see you later y/n."

"Bye Miguel." You wave and head towards your car.

Miguel waves back, watching you walk away with a giant smile on his face. He could tell that you were the one for him. You were gonna be the woman he wants Kimmy to call mom one day.

Miguel feels figurative fireworks erupt through his stomach, making him frown and clear his throat, shaking his head and turning to walk to his car.

"God, she's making me feel like a teenager again." He sighs.

Once you hop in the car, you let out a squeel and kick you legs before freezing and staring at your legs in disgust.

"God, he's making me feel like a teenager again."

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