Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey...

De PenelopeAnatasiaStaf

265 363 17

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, Duke of Langley Territory and he is the son of Lord Richard William Carey, Duke... Mais

The Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandparents
The Great-Great-Great-grandparents
The Great-Great-Grandparents
The Great-Grandparents
The Grandparents
The First Love of Lord Richard William Carey
Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory
Mademoiselle Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell
The Handsome Stranger
What Are Friend For ?
The Pursuit of The Heir/Heiress That Will Save Norfolk Territory Part One
The Star-Fleet Dinner and Dance
The Pursuit of The Heiress That Will Change Norfolk Territory Part Two
The Spare Heiress
The Duke of Kent and The Duchess of Northampton
Peace Comes To Beltane Manor
The Big Brother , Lord Anthony Christopher Howard
The Older Sister , Lady Caroline Matilda Carey,
The Debut of Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard
The Debut of Four Howard Daughters
The Search For A Bride For Lord Anthony Christopher Howard
The Shrewd of Norfolk Territory
Lady Marie Clémentine Léopoldine Caroline Clotilde Bourbon.
Lord Alphonso Burgundy
The Debut of Two of The Daughters on Star Base 12
Lady Marie Clémentine Léopoldine Caroline Clotilde Bourbon. Part Two
Lady Caroline Matilda's Cotillion
A Bride for The Duke of Kent Territory
A Groom for The Duchess of Northampton Territory
Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey Comes To Age
Sister and Brother

A Son for Lord Richard William Carey

10 12 0
De PenelopeAnatasiaStaf

Lord Richard William Carey and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard are expecting their second child together in September of 2289, and their child is expected around the same time that Lady Karissa had Lord Albert Edward Howard nearly four years earlier.

Lord Richard William Carey is overjoyed that Lady Caroline Matilda will have a little sister or brother she can call her own as Lady Caroline Matilda has told her father "Daddy. I don't feel like I belong. I am not a Howard and I am a Carey."

Lord Richard William takes his 5 year old daughter in his lap and he tells her " Lady Caroline Matilda. You are a Carey but also a Howard, Bourbon, Knolly and Devereux and through your mother you are Lowell, Stanton and Johnston." Lord Richard William explains.

"When a man marries and they have children. Their children inherit their father's surname, it is just natural." Lord Richard William states.

"Lady Caroline Matilda Your great-great-grandmother was a Howard and she was the only daughter of Lord Frederick William Howard and Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort." Lord Richard William states.

"Did you know that your great-great-great-great-grandfathers traveled together and their grandchildren married each other and Lord Patrick Williams' granddaughter married Lord John Carey's grandson, and this is how we came about." Lord Richard William tells her.

"Did you know that your great-grandfather and your first cousin thrice removed were the best of friends and they were first cousins." Lord Richard William explains, " I am Lord Andrew Charles' first cousin twice removed but I am Lady Elizabeth 's third cousin once removed, and you are her third cousin besides her sister." Lord Richard William explains.

"Do you know who gave you the baby doll that you love so much and that you named Queen Charlotte. Lord Anthony gave her to you when you were born. I am no fan of Lord Andrew Charles, but he is our family." Lord Richard William tells his daughter.

"This child will be your full brother or sister, whereas Lady Elizabeth, Lady Samhain, Lord Anthony and Lord Albert are your half siblings, and Lady Anastasia, bless her little soul, is your step sister and your third cousin." Lord Richard tells his daughter.

"I do believe Lady Elizabeth, Lady Samhain, Lord Anthony, Lord Albert and Lady Anastasia love you with all of their hearts and Lord Andrew Charles loves you too." Lord Richard William tells Lady Caroline Matilda.

Lady Karissa walks in and sees Lord Richard William with Lady Caroline Matilda and she looks at them " What is wrong Lady Caroline Matilda?"

"Mama. Do I have to share my brother or sister with them? They are not Carey." Lady Caroline Matilda tells her mother.

"Good Gracious Lady Caroline Matilda. What is in a name. It is blood that matters. I am not a Carey or a Howard but through marriage." Lady Karissa tells her daughter.

"Has Lady Elizabeth offended you again?" Lady Karissa asks.

"She can have a sharp tongue and she needs to learn to control it." Lady Karissa explains.

"Lady Caroline Matilda. If she has you must tell me." Lady Karissa tells her.

"Mama. Lady Elizabeth has been calling Lady Anastasia Christina ugly names?" Lady Caroline Matilda tells her mother.

"What names, Lady Caroline Matilda?" Lady Karissa asks.

"You know names that start with a B." Lady Caroline Matilda tells her mother.

"Lord Andrew Charles. Bring yourself out of that office please." Lady Karissa calls out and Lord Andrew Charles walks into the living room at Beltane Manor and Lady Karissa looks at him " Lady Elizabeth is calling Lady Anastasia Christina those ugly names once again." Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"Please get your heiress under control or you will be minus one daughter." Lady Karissa tells him.

"What has Lady Elizabeth done now, Lady Caroline Matilda?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"Cousin Lord Andrew Charles. She is calling Lady Anastasia those ugly B words again, and Lord Anthony heard it, so did Lady Samhain." Lady Caroline Matilda tells him.

" I will have Barbara bring her here." Lord Andrew Charles and he summons Barbara to bring Lady Elizabeth into the drawing room and Lord Andrew Charles looks at his eldest daughter "Have you been calling your sister dirty and ugly names again, Lady Elizabeth?"

"Who told you father?" Lady Elizabeth asks.

"Lady Elizabeth. These walls have ears and I don't miss much when it comes to your sharp tongue." Lord Andrew Charles informs her.

"I will summon Lord Anthony and Lady Samhain." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Elizabeth.

"I called her those names, and I am sorry." Lady Elizabeth tells him ' but she is not my sister as she doesn't share my mother with me."

"So if the person doesn't share the same mother with you she is not your sister." Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"No father. I am here because of my mother." Lady Elizabeth tells her father..

"So I don't get any credit, Lady Elizabeth." Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"I don't give you any credit, father, but I do give credit to my grandfather and grandmother." Lady Elizabeth tells her father.

"How do you think you got here, Lady Elizabeth without me?" Lord Andrew Charles asked her.

"My mother gave birth to me. My second cousin told me so." Lady Elizabeth shouts at her father.

"Lord David William Beck has been telling you the truth since he delivered you." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"You would not be here without both your mother and me and when you marry your second cousin you will find out, Lady Elizabeth." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"Maybe. I won't marry now, father. " Lady Elizabeth tells him.

"Without me to have Lord Richard Edward III children. They won't be Howard." Lady Elizabeth tells him.

"Lord Richard Edward Howard III is the grandson of my grandfather's younger brother." Lady Elizabeth states.

"He has no claim to the Dukedom of Norfolk, so it will pass onto Lady Samhain and her eldest child." Lady Elizabeth tells her father.

Lord Richard William walks over to his third cousin, and he kneels down and looks at Lady Elizabeth " Listen here my dear cousin Lady Elizabeth. Beltane Manor is in my territory and I don't want to have to separate you from your mother. However, if you continue to upset my daughter like you have. I will have no other recourse but to ask your grandfather to take you."

"Lady Elizabeth. You are far too old to be having these temper tantrums and you are supposed to be setting a good example to the younger children.' Lord Richard William explains.

"Lord Richard William. Lady Anastasia Christina is not my sister and her mother was my father's mistress." Lady Elizabeth tells her third cousin.

"I am not married to your mother but we had Lady Caroline Matilda and you call her your sister?" Lord Richard William tells her.

"Lady Caroline Matilda and I share the same mama." Lady Elizabeth explains.

"Lady Elizabeth. Lady Anastasia Christina and you share the same father and so therefore you are blood." Lord Richard William explains.

"My mother is not a whore like Lady Theresa." Lady Elizabeth tells Lord Richard William.

"Lady Theresa is not a whore and your father didn't pay her for whatever she did." Lord Richard William explains.

Lady Elizabeth looks at her third cousin once removed and she looks at her father and mother " I won't accept her as my sister." Lady Elizabeth states " I am sorry but I can't."

"Lord Andrew Charles. Summon your father please." Lord Richard William asks him.

Lord Andrew Charles sends for his father and when Lord Charles Andrew JR hears about the discord he rides out to Beltane Manor and when he arrives Lady Karissa lets him into Beltane Manor and he asks " What is wrong now?"

"Cousin, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR. Perhaps you make Lady Elizabeth see reason." Lord Richard William explains.

"What has Lady Elizabeth done now, son? Lord Charles Andrew JR asks.

"Lady Elizabeth is calling Lady Anastasia Christina those nasty B words, father?" Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

Lord Charles Andrew JR calls Lady Elizabeth over to him " Lady Elizabeth. We have had this discussion many times about your dirty language." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells her.

I am sorry grandpa. I can't accept and I won't accept Lady Anastasia Christina, my sister as we don't share the same mother.' Lady Elizabeth tells her grandfather.

"No Lady Elizabeth. That much is true but you share my son and you are his daughters and you are both Howard's" Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Lady Elizabeth.

"I have a half brother, Lord Robert John Howard and we don't share the same mother but we share the same father and he is my brother and I love him very much." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Lady Elizabeth.

"Listen to me, Lady Elizabeth. I am the first one to admit that my son is far from perfect but he is my son and he is Duke of Norfolk Territory and he deserves your respect." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his eldest granddaughter.

Lady Elizabeth looks at her father " I wish my mother would divorce you and take your sorry daughter with you." Lady Elizabeth tells her father.

Lady Karissa looks at her eldest daughter " Lady Elizabeth. If you don't apologize to everyone here. I will make you regret it. ' Lady Karissa tells her.

"I will send you by yourself to Norfolk Estate with a nanny, a cook, a housemaid, and one servant and there you will stay and you will not see your sisters or brothers again." Lady Karissa tells her.

Lady Elizabeth looks at her mother " So send me to Norfolk Estate so I don't have to see my father's bastard mother." Lady Elizabeth tells her mother.

"Very well, Lady Elizabeth. Have it your way." Lady Karissa tells her " Beltane Manor is my manor and you will remain at Norfolk Estate until you apologize."

Barbara is sent for and Lady Karissa tells her "Help Lady Elizabeth pack up some of her things as she will be living by herself at Norfolk Estate with Zina, a housemaid, a cook and one servant."

"Barbara. Lady Elizabeth is not to talk to Lady Samhain, Lord Anthony, Lady Caroline Matilda or to see Lord Albert Edward." Lady Karissa tells her.

Barbara and Zina help Lady Elizabeth to pack up some of her things that she will take to Norfolk Estate with her and Lady Karissa tells Zina " You will receive whatever monetary means to take care of Lady Elizabeth. "

Shortly thereafter, The Howard carriage is waiting outside to transport Lady Elizabeth to Norfolk Estate with Zina and Lady Karissa watches Lady Elizabeth walk out and she climbs into the carriage and she doesn't say a thing to her father, mother, grandfather, or third cousin and they watch the carriage drive away to Norfolk Estate.

Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Lady Karissa 'I will visit Lady Elizabeth. "

"You are welcome to visit her as you are her grandfather. " Lady Karissa explains, " You might ask Lord Richard Edward II to take Lord Richard Edward III out to Norfolk Estate. He has a gentle and good effect on Lady Elizabeth. " Lady Karissa explains.

"I will let my nephew know to take my grandnephew to Norfolk Estate to visit her. "Lord Charles tells her.

Beltane Manor is very different after Lady Elizabeth has left it and all is quiet.

Lady Elizabeth celebrated her 14th birthday on May 1, 2289 with only Lord Richard Edward III present, Lady Caroline Matilda celebrates her 5th birthday along with her father celebrating his 39th birthday on the same day on June 17, 2289, and finally Lord Anthony Christopher celebrates his ninth birthday on June 21, 2289.

On September 21, 2289, four years to the very date that Lady Karissa gave birth to Lord Albert Edward, Duke of Kent Territory, she gives birth to third son and second child of Lord Richard William Carey and he is named Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, and he is created Duke of Langley Territory in the name of his great-great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard.

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey has golden blonde hair, brown eyes, and golden skin and he is very handsome and he resembles his two older brothers Lord Anthony Christopher and Lord Albert Edward Howard.

Lord Richard William is overjoyed with the birth of their second child and Lady Caroline Matilda is brought into meet her new brother, Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey and Lady Caroline Matilda smiles "I have a brother with my name finally and we are not Howard but we are a Carey dear little brother."

Lord Anthony Christopher and his younger brother, Lord Albert Edward are brought in to meet their new little brother and they smile " We have a new little brother, Lord Albert Edward." Lord Anthony tells his younger brother and they gather around their new little brother and they smile at him and they both bend down and give him a kiss.

Lady Samhain and Lady Anastasia are brought in to meet their new little brother and they walk over and they give him a kiss and Lady Anastasia Christina asks " Where is Lady Elizabeth?"

"My dear Lady Anastasia. Lady Elizabeth is out at Norfolk Estate living by herself. She needs to learn how to live by herself." Lady Karissa explains.

"He is very cute, Lady Howard." Lady Anastasia tells Lady Karissa.

"Well thank you little Duchess of Northampton. You are equally as beautiful as he is handsome." Lady Karissa tells her.

The news is brought to Lady Elizabeth that she has a new little brother and he is called Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey

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