H2O Just Add Water (OCxMermai...

By haydenchristsenswife

22.1K 394 103

Leah (you) was a loner until she meet Cleo Emma and Rikki they where on Zane's boat Rikki stole well kinda bu... More

Pool party
Catch of the day
Party Girls
Something Fishy
Young Love
Moon Spell
The Denman Affair
Dangerous Waters
Sink or Swim
The Siren Effect
The Big Chill
Under the Weather
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Hurricane Angela
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Fish Out of Water
In Too Deep
Love Potion #9
Dr. Danger
A Twist in the Tail

The Camera Never Lies

430 9 0
By haydenchristsenswife

We where watching a little film at the JuiceNet cafe, there was big boots walking on the tv with intense music, but seconds later it showed a little boy falling in the sand smiling, then the words said 'Big Boots To Fill' I smiled at my brothers film, and held Reeds hand.

"Big Boots To Fill, By Lewis McCartney, the winning entry from last years junior filmmaker's competition" Wilfred turned off the tv, and grabbed some papers and set them on the pool table.

"If we're gonna win this thing we have to be aware of the rules" Emma looked at us "forget the rules" Rikki looked at Reed "it's a short film contest, we make a short film, easy peasy" Reed told us, sipping on his juice.

"Last year they rejected an entry because it was seven seconds over three minutes" Cleo played with her straw, I looked over at Reed with my eyebrows raised.

"Ok, filmmakers, this year's theme is hero's, and courtesy of Zane's father the very generous, and wealthy, Dr.Harrison Bennett this years prize money has doubled" Wilfred sat on the pool table, I looked at Emma, and I smiled "sounds good!" Rikki smiled at Reed.

"And Dr.Bennett himself is on the judging panel! Good luck" Wilfred told us, I side eyed Cleo with a slight smile on my face, Rikki got up and grabbed a paper "so your dad's judging and sponsoring, wonder who's going to win?" Rikki looked over at Zane "if you're implying that you're an automatic loser, I'll second that" he leaned forward.

"Hey, watch it Bennett" Reed gave him a warning look, Zane looked at him and rolled his eyes, Rikki came and sat back down"why does Zane's dad get to judge" she looked over at Emma "probably because he's putting in all the money" Emma rested her hand on her head, and smiled at her.

"But-" she started but Cleo cut her off, "maybe because he's a genuine hero too, look" Cleo shrugged her shoulders and pointed to the wall, I looked and saw a board "that's the windsurfer Harrison Bennett rode to Mako Island" I looked at the board "all the way around and back, record time, right Zane?" Reed looked at him as Zane grabbed a paper off the table.

"Yeah, whatever, old news" he looked at Reed, then me, he smiled at me and I rolled my eyes "the records stood for 20 years" Emma finished "yeah, my dad, big hero, blah, blah, blah, blah" he put the paper down and walked away.

"I had no idea your dad was a hero!" Rikki laughed, he stopped and turned back around "you must have been a tremendous disappointment to him" Reed looked over at him, he didn't say anything and turned back around to sit down.

"So, If we're working together we're going to need to research" Emma got our attention "done! I've rented all the movies we need" Cleo got them out her bag and sat them on the table "Cleo, those movies aren't right" Emma shook her head "you want research, these are classics! Tracy and Hepburn, and Bacall" I slightly nodded and listen to Cleo talk.

"We're never going to win the prize money doing  romance!" Rikki kicked the last part "it's not about the money it's about the art" Emma looked at her "what about these?" Emma pointed at a paper "at least Cleo's choices had stories" I looked at where Emma pointed.

"I will die if I have to watch a Northern Korean family eat breakfast for an hour in real time" I told them, Emma looked at me and shook her head "can't you read subtitles Leah? These are real films, with poetry and mood" Emma pointed at the films  "Jaws, doesn't need subtitles" I held up the movie in Emma's face.

"A shark is a shark in any language" Rikki looked over at Emma "so who goes first? We can't watch them all tonight" Cleo shook her head "let's just be civilized about this" Emma side eyed me, then back at Cleo "best of three, scissors, paper, rock" Emma smiled.

Me and the girls held out our hands, me, and Emma picked rock, we smiled at each other, Rikki picked paper, and Cleo picked scissors, I smiled at Emma.

Leah's POV
Rikki and I walked in and saw Lewis, and Reed, Lewis looked like he was tearing paper apart, and Reed was doing work, with glasses.

Rikki walked over and leaned on Lewis "what are you doing this year, Lewis?" Rikki looked over his shoulder, "I have no idea" he looked at her and continued to crumble up paper.

I walked over to Reed and gave him a hug behind, I wrapped my hands around his neck, I let go and looked at him "nice glasses" I told him, while I pushed them up for him "thanks, love" he smiled I kissed his cheek and walked away, with Rikki.

I sat besides Emma, while Rikki sat across from me "we've only got a few days, so I think we should go with the most developed idea, which is mine" Emma watched us sit down, I nodded my head at her "you gave an idea already?" Cleo look at Emma "Cleo, this is Emma we're talking about" I looked over at Cleo.

"I think the film should be called "My Mother" Emma gestured her hands at the title "sounds riveting, a thriller?" Rikki pointed at Emma "hero's aren't always pumped up super freaks who wear Lycra and fly through the air Rikki, and what more, real hero's like my mom aren't always seen on the screen" Emma told us.

"And there's a reason for that" Rikki stared at her, with her head titled "don't you think a whole three minute on your mom might be a little?" Cleo tried to describe the words for the film "what?" Emma questioned her "weak?" Rikki guessed "no!" Cleo protested, Rikki shrugged her shoulders.

"Self indulgent" Rikki kept guessing "no" Cleo squinted and looked at the ceiling "boring!" I sighed they looked at me "no" Cleo looked at me "trust me it'll be gold, I've already got an entry form, I'm ready to go" Emma smiled, I side eye Cleo, with a slight smile.

"Okay, time for juice, four" Rikki said, as we   shook our heads, she got up and walked over to the JuiceNet bar.

Rikki's POV
I walked over to the JuiceNet bar to order some drinks "What will it be, Rikki" Wilfred leaned forward over the desk "uh, can I please get four juices of the day" I looked over at the girls as I started to lower my voice a little "and can you slip me another entry form" I smiled at him.

He grabbed a form, and looked around as he slid it to me "thanks" I whispered to him, I grabbed it and looked over at the girls making sure they didn't see what happened.

Leah's POV
We where all at Emma's house doing the film, Lewis was fixing the lighting as Reed was doing the camera "and um, so, what drives you?" Emma gestured her hands as she looked at her Mom "drives me? I'm not really sure what you mean" she looked straight at the camera awkwardly.

Cleo and I where writing stuff down "what are the primary forces that propel you through life?" Emma threw her hands forward as she looked at her mom, I looked at Cleo, as we both wrote down in our notebooks "well, really, I guess, it's wanting the best for my children, you and Elliot" she started off.

Emma signaled something to Reed, and he took his hand off the camera "I don't really think that much about myself" she looked at the camera, as it was zoomed in on her face "uh, Em, do you want me to keep recording this, like is this an important bit, or-" Reed pointed at the camera.

"It's all important, Reed" Emma looked at him "unless you'd like a break" she turned her head toward her mother "oh can I?" She looked at her with sympathy "thank you" she got up.

Emma signaled Reed to cut the camera off and he did "um, I'll tell you what, while you're sorting out your stuff, I'll go do some camera test, some different lights, and different backgrounds" Rikki slightly pushed Reed out the way, as Rikki closed the camera.

"That's a good idea, yeah" she nodded her head "uh, Lewis?" Rikki called out to him "hm?" He dozed off until Rikki called his name "thank you" he nodded, I looked at him weird, as they walked off.

Rikki's POV
"I still don't understand why you need me?"  We walked towards his boat on the dock "Simple" I opened the bag, and showed him a big camera "This" I put my hand on my hip and looked at him "You want to shoot underwater" he pointed at the bag "Yup, north side of Mako Island" I pointed my head at the water.

"Rikki have you any idea how many sharks are out there" he looked at me in disbelief "That's the idea! Sharks are a winning formula film" I looked at the camera then back up at him "You want to film them" he asked.

"Hero's of the deep, that's my idea" I smiled at him, as he just stood there and stared at me "think about it, I can get footage that no one else can get, it'll be great!" I begged him.

He ignored me, and just stared at me "Come one, face it, we're never going to win the competition with Emma's idea" I shook my head at him.

"Just think of it as a backup plan" he stared at the water "No" I looked at him in shock "No?" I said "No" he shook his head and walked off, I stood there with my mouth hung open "No" I stared at the water.

Rikki's POV
Well I decided to do this with or without Lewis, I swam towards Mako, with my camera, I smiled at the sharks, I took a video of them as they swam, I looked around for some more to film, and saw one swimming above me, I caught it just in time, and watched it swim away.

Zane's POV
I walked into the JuiceNet, and spotted Wilfred, I walked toward him "I need an entry form for the competition, I've just had the best idea for a film" I told him, he walked right past me "sorry Zane, but you're not eligible" he told me.

"What?" I followed him "you're fathers on the judging panel It'd be conflict of interest!" He walked behind the desk "you can't possibly think it would help me that he's on the panel" I looked at him in disbelief "look, I'm sorry, but rules are rules" I looked at me.

I rolled my eyes and walked out, I saw a kid with a drink, I bumped into him and made him spill it all over him, hoping it would get Wilfred's attention "Oy!" He yelled at me.

Reed's POV
I was sitting down while lewis, was fishing "Hey, Lewis, Reed" I looked away from the water, and saw Zane, I rolled my eyes at him "hey, what" lewis continued to fish "I know we all haven't seen things eye to eye in the past" he walked towards us "whatever you want the answer is no, now scram" I looked at him with a glare.

"Let me break it down for you, I take my dads original windsurfer, I reenact his trip, around Mako Island, I break his record, and you guys film the whole thing, and for that I will leave Leah alone, but no promises" he smirked at me, I clenched my jaw and looked at him.

"A reenactment?" Lewis said "so it's not even original" I fake smiled at him "it's a tribute" he held his head up high, I rolled my eyes at him "like Hillary's son climbing Everest" he looked at me.

"You guys will be capturing a moment in history, especially if I beat his record" he smiled over at Lewis "us doing you a favor? One problem, we don't like you" Lewis told him, I smiled at him, Zane looked down at the floor "if you finish the film, my camera is yours" he held it up, my smile faded and I looked at Lewis.

"Oh. Zane, Zane, my very, very close friend, now we're talking" Lewis told him, I rolled my eyes "Reed, care to join" Zane looked over at me "fine, only if you leave mine, and Leah's relationship alone" I stood up and pointed at him, he stayed quite for a bit, I looked at him "fine" he rolled his eyes.

Leah's POV
It was a official dark, and we where still at Emma's place "lights, camera, action" we got everything ready as she said those words "so, Mum, I'd like to talk about your time as a junior lifesaver" Emma looked at her mom then at the camera.

"Really?" Her mom looked at her "yes, I hear you were very good" Emma turned and smiled at the camera "well" her mom laughed nervously "the funny thing is, I completed the course, but I never actually collected my certificate" she said, I crossed my arms, and watched them.

"Really? It's priceless" Emma smiled "it's a pity Lewis, and Reed, is missing this" Emma stared at me "Mmm, pity" I looked at her wishing Reed was here.

Zane's POV
I sneaked into the JuiceNet Cafe, at night, I made sure no one was around and looked at my dads surfing board.

I had the board in my hands and made sure no one is coming, I walked out quietly, with it in my hands.

Reeds POV
I was getting Zane's board ready for him, so was Lewis "all right!" Lewis told him "now, we've made some slight modifications" I looked at the board "this waterproof minicam is gonna send images directly back to us in the boat" I pointed at the camera "I'll get the wide shot" Lewis held up is hand, with two L's on the side.

"Good, I don't want the filming to slow me down" he said "yup, now put this on, so we can stay in contact in case-" I handed him an earpiece, but I trailed off , and looked at Lewis "in case what?" He questioned "oh, just in case anything goes wrong" I put my hands on my hips.

"Nothing is going to go wrong, I'm pumped" he said putting the earpiece in, I looked over at Lewis, and nodded my head "let's do it" Lewis started the time, as we watched Zane "come on guys, move it" Zane yelled at us, we ran to Lewis's boat, we pushed it into the water and got in.

Leah's POV
I stood besides Rikki, I yawned and looked at Emma getting ready to shoot her film, I scratched my head and got the camera ready "have you seen Cleo?" Emma asked us "uh, no I think she's just running a bit late" Rikki told her "ok" she nodded her head "roll camera" Emma rolled her hand and looked at me.

I turned it on, and gave her a thumbs up "thank you" Emma held up her thumbs "I was thinking uh, maybe we could talk about what type of clothes you wore in the 70s, or what type of food you ate?" Emma pointed at her clothes, I stood there and watched her.

"Um, here's a thought maybe we should save the tape while you figure out exactly what you want to talk about" Rikki pointed at them "good thinking" Emma nodded her head "and while you do that, I could do a few more test" Rikki told her.

"That's a really good idea, Rikki" Emma pointed at her, I looked at Emma and sat down "yeah okay" Rikki said, she turned off the lights and grabbed the camera.

"Ok, so, um, we're you in the brownies?" Emma asked her mom "I was in the GFS which was called the Girls Friendly Society" her mom said, I grabbed a water from the fridge and drunk it from a straw.

Reed's POV
Me and Lewis where still following Zane around on his boat "how am I doing with the time?" Zane said through the speaker "I hate to say it, but if you keep this speed up you'll probably beat your dads record!" Lewis yelled through the speaker I rolled my eyes, as I heard Zane yell.

"Don't encourage him, something bad could just happen and oops bye bye time record" I told Lewis "come on Reed give him a break" he looked over at me I ignored him.

I looked at Zane and felt a jerk forward, the engine stopped as it sputtered to a stop, I looked and saw Zane kept going around the water "great" Lewis looked at his motor, he tried to start it back up but no use "you're not giving it enough choke, move" I stood up and tried it but no use.

"Oh, no" I tried faster and faster but no use "come on, come on" I tried and tried, I stopped and sat down, Lewis got up and tried, but he finally stopped "Zane, are you ok? I think I've flooded the engine" Lewis asked him through the speaker.

Leah's POV
I decided to take a break from Emma's, and went to the JuiceNet Cafe, I sat down on a booth and looked at the menu, I heard someone sit in front of me I looked forward and saw Cleo, "hey where were you this morning" I put the menu down and crossed my arms over the table.

"Sorry I was running late, Kim throwing a tantrum, but I got it sorted, anyways o decided to come here and get a drink before I went to Emma's" she looked at me "well perfect timing" I smiled and picked up my menu to order us drinks.

"Hey have you seen Lewis anywhere" Cleo asked me "no speaking of Lewis, I haven't seen Reed either" I looked around the cafe to sit at least one of them "they are probably doing something together" she said I nodded my head.

Reed's POV
Zane was still going "Lewis, Reed once I get around this point it should be plain sailing" he said through the earpiece he was wearing.

"Whoa! What was that?" Zane said through the speaker, Lewis's smile dropped, I got up and looked for Zane, I didn't see anything, so I sat back down "we can't see a thing" I took the speaker from Lewis, and told him.

I heard yelling coming from the speaker I looked at Lewis with a worried expression "help shark! Help help!" Zane yelled, I got up while Lewis was listening, I hurried to get the motor starting again "Help! Help me shark!" I started the engine and it worked.

I smiled and started to take off "where coming Zane!" Lewis told him through the speaker, as I moved the boat as fast as I could.

Rikki's POV
I was still recording sharks for the film,  I popped my head up from the water, that is till I heard yelling "Help, save me! Aaaah please! Somebody help me!" I turned my head at the direction it was coming from, I went back underwater to help that person.

I sped threw the water, I looked over and spotted Zane I went under his legs, held my hand up, and used my powers, bubbles started to form around him so it would keep the sharks away, I looked up at Zane's legs with a slight smile, and swam away.

Reed's POV
I spotted Zane and went towards him, I stopped the boat as he got in super fast, I looked at him confused "the- the- there were sharks everywhere  I thought I was a goner" he stuttered "are you okay" Lewis looked at him "I don't see anything" I told him looking around.

"Just get me outta here" he told me, I looked at Lewis and shrugged my shoulders, I started the boat and went off, as Zane looked freaked out.

Reed's POV
"Help! Help me shark! AAAAH, please!Somebody help me! Help shark!" I was sitting besides Lewis who had his glasses on, me and him where smiling at the record we caught when Zane was in trouble "Amazing" Lewis took off his glasses, I snickered.

"Not exactly the word I'd use" Zane's dad walked in the film was still going with Zane's voice yelling for help "I've been at the Juice bar hosting Wilfred down for two hours, he was about to go to the police" Zane's father leaned against his seat.

"It's your windsurfer not his" Zane looked at his father "okay, maybe we should have asked, but this footage is fantastic!" Lewis looked at it "hey Lewis it will make a great film!" I slightly punched his shoulder with a smile "you read my mind mate" he pointed at me.

"You can't do that" Zane protested looking at me "I sponsor that competition, do you think I want my son on public view looking like that?" He pointed his head and the television, I threw my hands up in surrender, smiling.

Lewis paused the TV "there was a 20 feet shark out there, Dad! There were heaps of them!" Zane pointed at the TV "did you guys see anything?" He looked at Lewis and I "well um, I don't think so" I looked over at Zane, he looked at Lewis who shook his head.

"Zane created this charade because he knew he couldn't really break my record, and get Reed of that" he looked at Zane, then pointed his head at the TV "no, no, no, no, no, I shot this footage that disc belongs to me, it's mine" he pointed at himself.

Emma's POV
"Hi Mum" I saw my mom washing the dishes "Emma, where have you been? I thought you wanted to do more-" before she could finish I pulled out something from behind my back "I got this for you" she gasped, I smiled and handed it to her "that's my junior lifesaving graduation certificate" she started at it in amaze.

"I tracked it down at the club, they still had it on filed and I got it framed" I smiled at her "thank you sweetheart!" She pulled me in for a hug "can we hang it up on the wall?" I pulled out of the hug and looked at her, she wiped her cheek from a tear "yeah" she choked up.

I heard someone walk in I looked over and saw the girls, and boys with smiles on there faces "Hi guys! We're ready to film when you are" Rikki said.

"Actually I've decided to call it off" I played with my fingers "Emma it's okay we've talked about it and we're got to help you no matter what we thing personally" Cleo smiled.

Leah and Rikki, made and o shape with their mouth, I looked at her confused, I looked over and saw Reed laugh, but Leah hit him on the arm, and he stopped.

"Well, that's okay, I think that real hero's don't need their stories turned into big productions, sometimes it's better just to know the truth" I walked toward my friends, then looked back at my mom, she gave me a smile, as I smiled back at her.

"Lewis, I need a favor" Rikki told him, they both got up and went out, we all watched them leave, I smiled at the girls, and they smiled back at me.

Rikki's POV
I pulled Lewis behind the wall "I have fantastic shark footage and I have no idea how to cut it into a film, it's great stuff so close you can almost touch them" I looked down at my camera then back at Lewis "so you're the expert what do I do" I questioned him.

"How are you going to explain how you shot it?" He looked at me "what?" I looked at my camera then back at him confused "well, if it's better than the professionals, how are you going to explain that without arousing suspicion?" I was to stunned to speak at what he said.

"Well I was gonna-" I looked at the camera then stopped to think what I was going to say "I mean I could-" I stopped mid sentence while Lewis looked at me with an explanation "oh, I can't show it, can I?" I looked at the ceiling.

Lewis put his hand on my shoulder, and slightly laughed he walked back to the room with the others, I looked at my camera and made and annoyed face.

Leah's POV
"Help!" We all laughed as we watched the film of Zane yelling for help, I wrapped my arm around Reed's as we laughed at the film "help shark!" Zane said but it showed a blue fish, I laughed and looked at Reed, with a big smile, he was also laughing at Zane.

I looked at Lewis as we laughed "help me shark!" I laughed again "you think that's funny?"" Rikki looked at Lewis in angry, I stopped smiling and watched them "oh, I think the audience is the best, uh judge, Rikki" Lewis focused on his film "I was there Lewis, who do you think scared away the sharks that were about to eat him, Zane isn't acting" she told him.

The film ended, I clapped for Lewis as I stared at Rikki, the lights where turned back on "so congratulations to you all for a fantastic effort it's time to announce our winners, and the winner is-" Wilfred opened the enveloped "for the second year in a row a wonderful comedy, Lewis McCartney, "scared of water" Wilfred announced.

Everyone clapped for Lewis as he got up and went on stage, Zane looked at him with a mean look, Zane's dad got up and gave the medal to him, Lewis shook his hand with a sad expression, I turned my head and saw Rikki leave, "and, the winner of the gold starfish for the best actor, even  with his father abstaining from the vote, Zane Bennett"

I clapped for him as, his father gave him his award, Wilfred gave Zane the microphone, he took it and help it up to his mouth "can I say, I'd like to donate the prize money to this establishment, to compensate for any trouble I cause, and thanks for this award, but what can I say? The Bennetts are winners, right dad?" Zane smirked at him.

He gave it back to Wilfred as everyone clapped for him, instead of sitting down he walked out of the JuiceNet.

Rikki's POV
I saw Zane by the water on the dock, I slowly walked towards him "you where good" I told him, he turned his head Nd looked at me "acting you mean?" He turned his body towards me "no, the whole thing about windsurfing around Mako, and everything else, it took guts" I told him.

He was quite for a moment then he started to smile, I looked at him with a straight face "you're the only one who thinks so" he looked forward then back at me, it was silent for a moment, I turned around and left him alone.

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