My criminal (DreamNotFound)

By YoucancallmeLasagne

14.7K 568 1.5K

Dream is a police officer in Orlando, Florida and George aka 'Criminal 404' is the leader of the most wanted... More



541 22 72
By YoucancallmeLasagne

George POV

After we finally completed our mission to rob the jewellery shop, it's been all over the news. It's been in all headlines across the whole of Florida in the last couple of days.

People have been reporting to seen a hooded figure from some places. The police have looked at security footage. It only had me in like 2 of the shops security cameras but then I disappeared. I wasn't even caught near the jewellery shop since Ranboo and Tubbo turned off the security cameras.

There are some people that we need to kill though. Although my gang does robbing, we also do good things by killing. We don't kill normal people though, we kill bad guys.

We kill men who have, raped, murdered, kidnapped, abused, take drugs or deal them, stolen things and much more.

Our next mission is tomorrow, at 01:00am in the morning. The guy that we are killing is a man that has, raped, abused and killed people, including his own children who are 2 and 5 years old, which we are saving tonight.

Once again, it is now 00:30am. We have to leave at in about 15 minutes since it's a 15 minute walk to a club that he is at.

"Guys, the plan is, Tommy and Quackity are going to lure the man out of the club and around into an alleyway to pretend to sell drugs, that's when you are going to kill him, then Zak, you are going to be the ones to help the kids out of the out of the house, then you'll lead them to me with Wilbur, I'll call the police saying that I'm with two kids that have come up to me saying they're lost, then the rest of you go back to the base and I'll handle the rest with Wilbur. I'll be in normal clothes, Quackity, you'll be in all black as well as Tommy. Wilbur, you'll be in normal clothes and Zak will be in black because you'll be the one breaking in. Understand?" I explained.

"Yup!" Tommy answered. "Great, now let's get changed" I instructed.

Tommy, Quackity and Zak got in their normal black outfits but as me and Wilbur wore our own. I was wearing a oversized white hoodie with black jeans and white airforces. Wilbur was wearing a yellow crew neck with a red beanie and black jeans.

It was now 00:45am and we just left the base. Everyone had their earpiece on so we can hear what everyone a was saying. Then everyone split up.

Quackity POV

I just entered the club with Tommy wearing black but we had our hoods down so we didn't look suspicious. Me and Tommy saw the man, we looked at each other and nodded.

Me and Tommy approached the man from behind. "Hey bro!" I said joyfully. He looked to his left and saw me. "W-who are you, if you don't mind me asking?" he said confused.

"You don't need to know that right now, but..." I said before whispering in his ear. "You want some drugs~" I said quietly. I saw a smirk grow on his face. "Happily" he said back quite quietly.

Me and Tommy went outside with our hoods up and brought him into the alleyway. I took out a small plastic bag which looked like it had cocaine in it but it was actually just flour.

"How much?" He asked. "Umm, about..." I said then Tommy then stabbed him in the back about 8 times before he fell to the floor.

I went to check his pulse...nothing. I smiled. "C'mon, let's go" I said to Tommy as we exited a different way. "Mission completed" I said through the earpiece. "Good, now it's time for Zak" George said back


As soon as Quackity finished his mission, George told me to strike. I smashed the window open and scaring the two brunette kids inside that were home alone.

"Ahhhh!!!" Screamed the five-year-old as he stood in front of his little brother as if protection. Kinda cute. Before I could do anything the two kids ran out of the house.

"Missions complete" I said.

George POV

"Good job" I replied. Not long after, two boys came running up to us. "Sir! Sir! Please help us! We're lost!" One of them said crying. As the younger one was crying but sucking on his thumb.

I crouched down to their height, "where are you parents?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"My daddy went somewhere, but I don't want to be with him...." He said looking at the floor. "Why don't you want to be with him?" I asked.

"He...he hurts us, he lit my hand on fire" the kid said while showing me his blistered hand. I felt so bad.

"What's you daddy's name?" I smiled worried. "Daniel Brent" he responded thankfully knowing that we got the right children.

"Okay, why don't you stay with me and my friend and I'll call the police, they will help you" I said sweetly.

I picked the two-year-old up in my arms and held the five-year-old's hand. "Wilbur call the police" I asked.

"Okay" he said then dialled the number. He started talking to them and then after a couple of minutes the call ended. "They are on their way" I said high pitched and cutely to the
Two-year-old. The two-year-old giggled a bit.

"Don't worry little kid, help is coming" I said nicely to the five-year-old. "Fank you" the five year old kid mumbled.

"No problem," I smiled. I actually think this is really sweet, I'm helping two really cute children as we murdered their dad.

About a minute later two police cars came. They both stopped and as soon as a police officer came out, it was Dream, of course it had to be fucking Dream.

"You again" Dream chuckled. "I know right, God, these last two days are very eventful" I giggled.

"So what's the problem here?" He said. "Uh, these two boys came up to us saying that they're lost, I asked where their parents were and the boy said that he doesn't know but all I know is that he lives with his dad and his dad physically abuses them, he even has a burn mark on his hand from when their dad burnt them, and I found out that their dad's name is Daniel Brent" I informed.

"Daniel Brent! We've been looking for that guy for ages! Anyway, That's a lot of information, they really trust you" he smiled then he picked up the five-year-old and held him in his arm just like I was doing to the two year old. "You're good with kids" he nodded.

"Thanks I guess" I smirked. Another police officer came up to us. It was Sapnap.

"So Dream, is this your boyfriend?" Sapnap said raising his eyebrows up and down. "Sapnap! No! I've seen him 3 times and you think that we're dating! Unbelievable!" He sighed.

"So what happened" Sapnap asked. "Umm he said that basically. The two boys are lost, they have an abusive dad and guess what" he asked. "What?" Sapnap replied.

"Their dad is Daniel Brent" he said. "Daniel Brent! We've been looking for him for god knows how long!" Sapnap said shocked.

"Oh! I forgot, what are your guy's names?" He asked. "Oh this is William and I'm George" I said. At least I didn't say Wilbur and I said William instead.

"Nice to meet you William, and are you George's....boyfriend, dad, uncle, dog, cat, auntie, girlfriend " Dream joked. "Where the fuck did you get cat, dog and AUNTIE AND GIRLFRIEND FROM!" I said before bursting out laughing."you never know these days, he could be a furry" Dream chuckled "I'm his friend" Wilbur said back laughing as well. Dream just started wheezing "I never knew a kettle can be a police officer?"I joked. "THATS EXACTLY WHAT I SAID!" Sapnap said. "I'm one of a kind" he replied.

"anyways, it's nice to meet you, George's auntie" "You too George's boyfriend". "Just call me Officer Dream" he replied. I just rolled my eyes and they both just giggled

"Dream...hmm..I just realised I never knew your name..." I said shrugging even though I've known his name before now.

"Well now you do" he said. "Anyway, Sapnap, you should take the younger one" Dream said pointing to the two year old.

"Okay" he said. "Bye little one" I said kissing his forehead and the kid giggled a bit before giving it to Sapnap. "You must really like kids" Dream said since he saw me being affectionate towards it. "Yeah, they're adorable" I replied.

Then something came through the radio. "Officer Dream, we just found Daniel Brent's dead body in an alleyway" it said all staticky

"Oh...that's fucked up...." I said. I knew the situation but sadly I pretended I didn't. Dream is a nice we go...feeling bad again.

"We have Daniel Brent's children, they approached two nice guys saying that they're lost. We've got a bit of information from them" Dream said into the radio whilst holding the five year old in his arm.

"Great news, is there by any chance we can interview the men to see what information they have" the man on the other end of the line replied.

"I shall ask" Dream sent back. "Umm, George and William, do you mind if we can interview you guys a bit about the kids, I'm sure it won't take long, you'll just have to come into the police station" I looked at Wilbur and Wilbur looked at me.

"Sure, I guess we can" I said nodding. "Okay, you'll be coming in my police car" he said. I noticed the child wanted to get out of Sapnap's arms as he was reaching his hands out to me.

"Dream, I think the child would prefer to be with George instead of me" Sapnap said chuckling. Dream looked over and smiled. "Okay, give him to George" he giggled.

"I want Gogy!" The two year old said. Sapnap passed him over to George and the kid calmed down. "I guess Gogy is you new name" Dream said. "Yeah right" I scoffed.

Me and Wilbur got into the back of Dreams police car. Dream gave the five year old child to Wilbur and I was with the cute two year old.

"I wuv Gogy" the boy said shyly. "Looks like George is now a father" I heard Tubbo say through the earpiece.

"I guess you're a father now" Wilbur joked. "...shut up..." I said rolling my eyes. Dream looked at me in his rear view mirror.

I looked in the mirror at him as he winked. A small smile peaked on my face as I blushed and looked away.

"What wrong Gogy, did little Dreamy wink at you" Wilbur said in a teasing accent. Dream started laughing.

"I hate you guys so much" I said jokingly with blush fluttering against my cheeks. "I wuv you Gogy" the kid said again. "I wuv you too" I said cutely as a response to the kid. The kid giggled a bit then rested on me.

"Oo, now Dream is the one blushing" Wilbur teased as looking at Dream. "You don't know how close I am to putting you in cuffs" Dream chuckled "fine, iM sOrRy FoR sHiPpInG yOu AnD gEoRge ToGeThEr" he said rolling his eyes. "That's better".

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