Wandering Off

By inchen1100101

5.6K 214 206

GabrielxReader. Sequel to a story I liked, but has been updated last in 2019, so, I decided to continue it i... More

In the morning
A Real Date
The School Dance
Secretly Leaving
Maman's Concerned Glare
Under Pressure
Walking On Thin Ice
You're what?!?
A tiny bit of Ladynoir
Hiding from the public
The Party
A doctor's call
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Unexperienced Lovers
Let's not make it awkward
Early breakfasts
How to keep a workaholic on bed rest
New Agreements
To our future together
Beautiful Pregnant Women
You must make a quick decision now!
Happy New Year!
It's still complicated
Starting In The Spring
Playing Cupid
Dinner Date
New Relationships And A Lot Of Worries
Arrangements And Support


116 3 1
By inchen1100101

I barely recall the things, that happened over the next hour. Gabriel wasn't home, so we could just reach Nathalie, who promised, to try and get him to the phone as fast as possible. And to send us some kind of snow plow, that would be able to make it through the quickly falling snow to our little cabin.

It was Sean, who spoke to her mainly, because I wasn't really capable of it.

I kept one of her sentences, she had directed at only me in mind though and that gave me the strength, to make it through that last agonizing pain.

"You are a young, beautiful and very strong woman and you can do that, alright. I will be thinking of you all of the time!"

I had nodded and rolled to my side at the very next moment, my legs pulled up as far as possible, my hands squeezing Sean's and I was certain, I almost broke them, but he didn't even grimace.

After doing another examination, he cupped my cheeks with both hands and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, then whispered:

"Are you ready to meet your son? Because you're fully dilated and with the next contraction I need you to push. As strong as you can, alright?"

I must have looked scared and bewildered at the same time, as my boyfriend took my hands and squeezed them tightly, then asked:

"Did you understand me?"

"Yes, I.... oh damn it, this is....", I cried out in agony, while clinging on to his hands.

But this time, he freed himself and instead placed my hands on the back of my thighs, to pull them towards me, then he placed one of his own on my right and encouragingly called out:

"Now just push! As hard as you can. I know, it hurts and it will get worse, but the pain will only get less, when you get this baby out of you! That's it, keep going!"

I did, as strong as I could, though I felt as if my intimates were torn apart.

"And again, as soon as you feel the next contraction. Yes, you're doing so good. Don't stop, just a little more...."

I was panting heavily, hearing Sean say:

"One more, darling, then the head will be out and it's going to be much easier!"

I nodded and screamed, as I felt another contraction and pushed once again, suddenly feeling way less pain and hearing my doctor whisper:

"Okay, the head is out! Now you need to take slow puffs, like blowing out a candle, and by that the rest of your son will be out soon!"

A moment later the last pressure and pain was gone and I could hear the baby cry, while I let myself fall back into the cushions, trying to catch my breath.

Sean had quickly cut of the umbilical cord and was now placing 'my son' on my chest, after pulling up my shirt. He had wrapped him into a towel and I immediately held him to my body with both hands, cooing softly:

"Hey little baby, please don't cry! It's so great, to finally meet you! Thank you for being there for us, Sean. I love you so much! Just come here, please! Would you like to hold our son?"

He stared at me open mouthed, while tears began to stream down his face. Then he placed himself beside me and laid his arms around both of us.

"I will hold him later, when I'm doing a first checkup. Just take your time to bond with him. Still liking the name Paul?"

I nodded.

"Very much even. Would you hand me my phone please? I'd like to call Nath again and let her take a look. Maybe Gabriel made it home too by now!"

He turned to the night stand and handed me the device. I dialed the assistants number and could see her on the screen only seconds later.

"How's it going? Are you coping well?", she asked, then gasped, when she heard the newborn cry and saw him on my chest, "oh my gosh, he looks just like Gabriel! He even is just as bright blond!"

"Yeah, right!", I said quietly, "and he is just as stubborn as him and won't stop crying! Did you reach him by now?"

Nathalie nodded.

"He should be here any minute. How are you feeling? Was it bad?"

I shrugged.

"It hurt, but the pain is gone now and all I can feel is happiness! So don't be scared, I am very sure, you can do that even better than I did!", I said soothingly.

"Did you hear something already?", came Gabriel's voice from afar now and Nathalie giggled.

"Come and see, darling!"

"What?", I heard him call and then his steps quickened and a second later his face appeared next to Nathalie's.

"Say 'hi' to your father, sweetheart!", I cooed, "he's beautiful, Gabriel and his name is Paul! I really hope, you like that name! And he's a tiny copy of you! See?"

I saw the usually so tough man gulp and his eyes brimmed with tears, as he tried to speak:

"I....I just.... I can't right now..."

And then he buried his face in the crook of Nathalie's neck and began to sob. The pregnant woman smiled compassionately, as she rubbed his back comfortingly.

"I think, the snow plow, I sent, should be there soon, so you can come back! I will try to get Gabriel back into a functioning state, so we can prepare a couple of things for you here. I already made another call to a pediatrician, so you don't have to go to the hospital, if you don't want to. She'll come and do all the examinations and tests here, as soon as I call her!"

"Thank you, Nath! That's very sweet from you. See you soon!"

I looked at Sean with a beaming smile.

"Would you mind, starting the car already, so it will be warm for our little boy? If Nath is right, we can leave very soon and I wouldn't want him to get cold", I looked down at the baby, who had stopped crying and was moving with his head along my bare chest, "you poor little boy. Your mummy doesn't even have any clothes for you here!"

My boyfriend though grinned, then hummed:

"But your daddy has! It was supposed to be a surprise for your mum, a little gift to show her, how much I love you both. And to you, mummy, that 'searching' he does right now, means, he is hungry. Would you like to let him drink? I can help you, to get him into a good position for it, before I get your surprise and let the car warm up."

I suddenly felt very self conscious.

"I don't know how. It would be really nice, if you helped me. I-I d-didn't even n-notice, that h-h-he was hungry. I-I already feel like a-a f-failure!", I was sobbing now, feeling totally pathetic. But Sean just sat up and looked at me with a smile.

"Stop thinking like that. You just gave birth to a person. Your brain is allowed to take a break too. Just let me help you and you'll see, as soon as he starts to drink, you'll forget about all those things and just enjoy the bonding with your baby! Come, I'll help you sit up a bit. I'll try to be back very quickly, so we can also clean you up a bit, before we leave!"

"Yeah, that would be great, I feel disgusting. Thank you for already removing the towels and the sheets. But I still feel as if I was lying in a puddle of.... I don't even wanna speak it out loud. Woah! He's doing that so strongly!", my ranting had turned into enthusiasm, when I felt my son suck on my right nipple, trying to get some milk.

The young doctor smiled and pecked my lips, then whispered:

"I'll be right back!"

And he really was, carrying a wrapped package, which he handed to me. I beamed at him widely, asking:

"Would you hold him for a moment, so I can open it?"

He agreed immediately and took the now almost sleeping boy from my chest to place him over his shoulder and started to softly pat his back.

"We don't want you to get a belly ache from all the air you swallowed, right?", he cooed, while he paced back and forth, rocking the newborn gently up and down, his hand still lightly tapping on his upper back.

I could soon hear the tiny sound, he made, when he eventually burped and with a loving smile, I turned my attention to the small gift in my lap.

I squealed, when I saw the tiny onesie inside. It was grey and plushie and had a hood with teddy bear ears in lighter grey. The parts for the little feet, looked like paws and there was also a pair of mittens in the package, which also looked like little paws.

"Oh my God! This is so cute! Thank you Sean!"

Paul flinched shortly from the sound, but was obviously so exhausted, that he didn't start to cry but really fell asleep right away.

Sean placed him in the cradle and tucked him into another towel, wrapping it tightly around him, so he wouldn't get underneath and get suffocated by it, then helped me get up and into the bathroom. After giving me some time on the toilet, where I found out in an instant, how very much peeing could burn on my bruised and torn ladyparts, he assisted me while taking a shower.

"I need you to lie down again, I would like to do another examination. I couldn't see very well earlier, but it could me possible, that you need a few stitches."

I shook my head.

"That can wait a few minutes, right?", I asked and he nodded.


"Come here! I need you to hold me for a moment and just let me feel you close!"

Now he grinned and agreed very fast. Waiting for me to get settled, he slipped under the blanket with me and I instantaneously snuggled against his broad chest.

"Hm, that's so wonderful! I just love it!"

Half an hour later, after I really had needed a few stitches for my torn and bruised ladyparts, I had been seated on a very thick and soft cushion, which Sean had placed on the passenger seat, while the tiny boy was for now in my arms, until we would reach any open store, to get a baby car seat.

My loving and caring boyfriend had already found a couple of those near the place, we were just now and was quickly heading towards the closest, as soon as the streets were free from the snow.

"Who would have thought?", I mumbled in fascination, as I gazed outside, then back down at my child, "that you would be born right when the first snow of the winter would come down! We should give you a middle name, that means something like it, don't you think?"

But my son was fast asleep and didn't care about my emotional outburst. Sean though smiled and quickly stroked along my hand, then focused back on the street.

"That sounds actually like a good thought, darling! Sadly the only French, male name, I can think of, would be Froid and this one hasn't a nice meaning to it, as it would be...."

"I know!", I groaned, "it's a pity though! Maybe we could make Olaf his middle name, as he kinda is our little snowman!"

"Maybe you should talk that through with Gabriel, don't you think? You already made the decision, to name him Paul, without his father being able to have an opinion, let him choose the middle name, if he needs one at all!", the young doctor now said and I agreed with a yawn.

"Yeah, you're right!"

Sean took a short glance at me, then stated:

"Just try to keep your eyes open a little longer, my darling! As soon as Paul is in his own seat, you can get some sleep, okay?"

"Okay!", I yawned once again, making him smile at me compassionately.

When we arrived at the mansion about four hours later, everyone was awake and running around, trying to get the whole building decorated for our welcome. Even Nathalie was trying to help.

"I will single-handedly kill each and every one, who will wake up my sleeping child!", I called out the very second, I entered the atrium, where Sean let go of my arm and went back to the car, to get our son.

Immediately everyone was quiet and stared at me, then maman ran towards me and hugged me gently.

"Come, sit! How are you doing? I was so worried, when Nathalie told me, that you're in labour! I can't wait to see my first grandson!", she exclaimed.

"Shush!", I scolded her, "as I said, he's asleep and I don't want to wake him, so that everybody can hold and touch him! I know, you're all family, but I don't like people touching him at all. And on top of that, I would like to give Gabriel the chance, to spend some alone time with him, before you all do!"

Said man was now approaching and carefully laid an arm around my middle, to help me up the stairs and into my room, giving my mother an intense glare.

"I suggest, you lay down and then we can talk about everything else!", he ordered and of course my maman took a step back and obeyed.

"You're absolutely right! I was just a little excited, I guess! And I am so used to my daughter and Sean being a couple, that it slipped my mind completely, that he's your son too! I am very sorry, Gabriel!", she muttered, while still walking at my side to my room.

"Maman? Would you be so kind and get me anything to eat? I've been asleep most of the way home and now I am starving!", I pleaded, trying too not let her feel completely useless.

She agreed immediately and rushed down the stairs again and towards the kitchen.

Gabriel and I were passing by Nathalie and I quickly grabbed her hand and gestured her to follow us, what she instantly did. Sean entered my room only short time later, while the designer was just helping me get comfortable on my bed.

And just on time, Paul started to fuzz and then to cry, making Gabriel and Nathalie turn around, both smiling and crying at once, the very second they could see the tiny baby right before their eyes.

My boyfriend quickly took him out of the seat and placed him in Gabriel's arms, then sat down on the mattress, laying his arm caringly around my shoulders and pecking my cheek. As we were both watching the new father bond with his son, his gaze fell on Nathalie and he narrowed his eyes, before he got up and carefully grabbed her arm.

"You should sit down too! Come, just put your feet up a little, you're looking as if you were about to pass out again! Here, let me help you!"

He nudged her towards me and made her lie down beside me, then felt her pulse at her wrist, sighing in concern.

"I'll let you rest for now, we'll talk about that later, alright?", he said sternly.

"Okay!", she whispered, taking a look at Gabriel, who was so distracted by staring at Paul, that he hadn't noticed anything yet.

After some time, when the baby still wouldn't stop crying, he turned to us, whispering:

"I guess, I'm not the person, he wants to be with right now. Let's get you to your mummy, yeah?"

Only now he noticed his fiancee being on the bed next to me, while her doctor was watching her closely and with still furrowed brows.

Sean had seen Gabriel's expression and shook his head, to stop him from saying anything right now.

The man sighed and nodded, while he handed me my son. But as soon, as I had him, I placed him into Nathalie's arms, humming:

"Whatever is bothering you right now, I am sure, he will make you feel better in an instant!"

She beamed at me widely, then started to rock Paul gently up and down, to what he soon stopped crying and did, what he had done shortly after he was born, he started to search along her chest, which made the pregnant woman giggle.

"Gabriel was right!", she laughed, "he really wants his mum! Here, let him have his breakfast, we will go and give you some privacy!"

She was about to get up, when Sean stopped her:

"Hey, what do you think, you're doing? I made you lie down because I noticed a couple of things and I think you should stay like that a bit longer!"

"What's going on?", asked her fiance now with concern.

"Tell him and me! I could only see, that your blood pressure is low and that you're in pain, so would you mind to inform us over all the little things?"

Nathalie sighed, then shook her head.

"It's nothing too serious. Just a little back pain now and then, a light ache along the sides of my belly sometimes. You told me yourself, that those little unpleasant things are absolutely normal!", she said in annoyance.

"I said, as long as they aren't getting worse! How much have you been doing lately? And honestly please!", the young physician scolded her.

Nathalie shrugged, tears brimming her eyes, when I reached for her hand with the one, I wasn't holding my son with, and squeezed it softly, then gave my boyfriend an angry look.

"Would you please stop accusing her? Can't you see, that you're making Nath cry? Maybe you should both leave us alone and by doing so, she will automatically get some rest, right?", I gushed out furiously.

Sean blushed in an instant, then looked to the floor.

"You're right, I'm sorry, I was just worried. I very much agree with letting the both of you get your well deserved rest, but not both of you in one room together! Once I've figured out all about Nathalie's symptoms, I will help Gabriel to bring her into her own bed, so she can have a real break and so will you! This was by far more excitement, than either one of you should have had right now. Gabriel, when the baby is done drinking, would you be so kind and take him for a while? I want to have another look at the stitches and then do a little examination with your fiancée. And you", he spoke directly to Nathalie again, "should really take another step back. I wasn't trying to make you cry, I really am sorry for that. But please, for those two little girls, try to take more care of yourself, okay?"

His voice was soft now, as he took Nathalie's free hand and squeezed it shortly, then laid both hands onto the sides of her, even larger than I had remembered it to be, belly.

After a while he nodded and gave her a kind smile.

"I can feel, that your having light contractions, but nothing serious. It's simply your body preparing to give birth not too far into the future. How's your breathing? Do you have trouble with that? No? That's good. I thought you might be a little anaemic, which would have also explained the low blood pressure, if there just wasn't enough blood in your veins to keep the pressure constant. I would still suggest a few days of bed rest, or rather, rest, you don't have to stay in bed, but don't keep walking around and doing things, just sit or lie down and watch others do them! And now, let me see that pretty smile of yours, yeah?", he finished with a wink and Nathalie indeed beamed at him, after he said that.

"I will try my best, thank you for being so mindful and making me aware of those things!", she whispered, then held out her hand to Gabriel, cooing:

"And you, don't look so scared! I was just as excited and happy as you and so I wanted to help prepare and decorate. The pediatrician should be here soon, but I need you to do me a favour! Please go and wake up Adrien and get him here, so he can say hello to his little brother, while Sean will surely be so kind and help me to that chair over there, right?"

I couldn't help but giggle over her, being so quickly in am assistant mode and ordering people around to get everything organized and done.

Nathalie gave me a bewildered look, then our eyes met and when she saw me smirk she did too and inhaled deeply.

"Sorry, I did it again, right?"

Her fiance though laid an arm around her shoulders and kissed her cheek, telling her:

"Actually, you just did, what all of us would have completely forgotten. I wanted to let him sleep earlier and then there was the baby and you and all those things happening at once, again! So thank you for being so considerate, darling!", he took her hand, then looked at me and our son, before he continued, "I am very certain, that your maman will be here with your food very soon too. So if you trust me, I would take care of Paul, while you eat and have that examination! I just want to give you the privacy. And like that, Adrien could see his new brother without interrupting anything or making you feel uncomfortable! But first of all", now he focused back on Nathalie, "I will help you onto the chair myself! I hope you don't mind, if Nath will stay here a little longer, if so, I will help her into our room first!"

I scoffed and quirked an eyebrow, then said with quite some amusement:

"As if either one of you hadn't seen me down there! Or my boobs! But you were right about Adrien! I wouldn't mind, but maybe he'd feel uncomfortable or even ashamed and would develop some unhealthy aversion against seeing women breastfeeding or so! I don't know, it's just a hunch!"

Sean instantaneously agreed:

"You're right, let him come on his own, if he wants to see his brother feed. Right now, he will be totally overwhelmed by seeing and maybe holding his little brother at all!"

As if in cue, Adrien's voice came from the ajar door:

"I am not! And I won't feel flustered because of seeing you breastfeed him! But I would really like to hold him and say 'hi'!"

We were all startled, but to our surprise, Gabriel was the first to find his voice and beamed at his first born, saying softly:

"I am very sure, that you're allowed to come in!"

He then looked at me, waiting for my reaction, when I nodded and held a hand out to him, telling him quietly:

"Of course, just come here and say 'hello' to Paul. Once he's done and after letting the air out of his tiny belly, you can hold him, if you like! I am very certain, that my mother will be glad to let her first grandson burp, right, maman?"

I looked towards the entrance and grinned, when I saw her carefully sticking her head into the room.

"I didn't want to disturb anything. Awe, look at you! You're s-s-so g-grown up! L-Letting y-y-your first ch-child.....I am s-s-so happy, honey! S-S-So incredibly p-p-proud!"

She started to sob violently and it was Sean, who reacted and took her into his arms to comfort her. When she eventually had calmed down, I was really exhausted again and the only things I wanted to do, were eating and then cuddling with my son and my boyfriend and go to sleep. So I said calmly:

"As I am feeling really tired, maman, would you mind, taking him for a moment, so he can burp and after that, Adrien can hold him too? I really need that food and some rest right now! Gabriel? Will you be so kind and stay with Paul, when the doctor is here to do the checkup? I don't think, I can stay awake for so long! Sean will surely come with you, if there are any questions! Is that okay with you all?"

They agreed immediately, each of them jumping to their feet, except for Nathalie of course, to fulfill my demands.

My mother taking the baby to place him on her shoulder and gently pat his back, while smiling blissfully, but before Paul could let out the air, he had swallowed, maman placed a soft cloth over Adrien's shoulder and then showed him, how to get his little sibling to burp.

"You're not a child anymore, right? You're approaching your sixteenth birthday and are fully capable of attending to a baby's needs. Come, we give them some time and I'll show you, how to hold him, when he's done!"

She winked at me and I gave her a tired smile, as I saw the boy beam widely.

"Would it be okay, to video call Marinette and let her take a look?", he asked shyly and though Gabriel was about to refuse, I already had nodded ad hummed:

"Of course, if you can wake her up at this time of the day!"

We both giggled over that, then he vanished with my mother into his room.

I took a glimpse at the tray, maman had brought and was soon digging in to the food, while Gabriel was helping Nathalie to her feet and started to walk her out of the room, when I said:

"Please, Nath, take a step back, okay? I promise, as soon, as I am awake, I will come and spend some time with you and then you can cuddle with Paul as long as you want to! Deal?"

She smiled and tilted her head.

"Sounds nice! I'll take you at your word!"

Seeing the look, my boyfriend gave her, I frowned:

"Do I need to worry? What's wrong, Sean?"

But he shook his head and kissed me gently.

"You just try to enjoy your meal, I'll be back soon. It's just a feeling, I had earlier and I certainly hope, I was wrong, but just in case, I would like to be prepared. I would bet, that these twins, will be born way before we expect them to be. So I would like Nathalie to take a couple of steps back, to not endanger all their lives!", he explained, "and now eat. I will check on your friend again and order her to rest, then I will get Paul and stay with him and Gabriel for the checkup and then, I will have a look at the stitches again, before we can eventually go to sleep. Though I am very sure, after being examined from head to toe, the little guy needs some comfort and will claim those beautiful breasts to himself again!"

He said the last words with a wink, making me smile.

"I love you, Sean, I love you so much!"

"I love you too!", he cooed and kissed me tenderly again.

Two hours later, after everything was finally done, we were snuggled against each other, the baby in my arms, while my loving boyfriend was spooning me, not without securing my side of the bed of course, so our child wouldn't be in danger to fall off, and were fast asleep, not even hearing the turmoil outside the mansion, when the bodyguard and Gabriel were trying to chase away the reporters and paparazzi, who had somehow found out about my son being born and on top of that, about Nathalie having Gabriel's twins very soon.

It wasn't until late in the afternoon, when Ladybug and ChatNoir appeared and lured them away, by promising them the newest gossip about the superhero couple.

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