Waterworks (H2O Just Add Wate...

By Fireleaves

54.5K 1.8K 357

After the death of her mother, Zoey Shaw moves with her father to the Gold Coast for a better change and scen... More

Part I
1. Metamorphosis
2. Pool Party
3. Catch of the Day
4. Party Girls
5. Something Fishy
6. Ida's Secret (An Original Chapter)
7. Moon Spell
8. The Denman Affair
9. Dangerous Waters
10. The Camera Never Lies
11. Sink or Swim
12. The Siren Effect
14. Blue Moon (An Original Chapter)
15. The Big Chill
16. Lovesick
17. Under the Weather
18. Bad Moon Rising
19. Hurricane Angela
20. Hook, Line, and Sinker
21. Red Herring
22. Fish Out of Water
23. In Too Deep
24. Love Potion # 9
25. Dr. Danger
26. A Twist in the Tail
Part II
27. Stormy Weather
28. Control
29. The One That Got Away
30. Fire and Ice
31. Hocus Pocus
32. Pressure Cooker
33. In Hot Water
34. Wrong Side of the Tracks
35. Riding for a Fall
36. Missed the Boat
37. In Over Our Heads
38. Fish Fever
39. Moonwalker
40. Get Off My Tail
41. Irresistible
42. Double Trouble
43. Moonstruck
44. The Heat Is On
45. The Gracie Code Part One
46. The Gracie Code Part Two
47. And Then There Were Five
48. Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble
49. Reckless
50. Four's Company
51. Sea Change
52. Unfathomable
Part III
53. The Awakening
54. Jungle Hunt
55. Keep Your Enemies Close
56. Rogue Tide (An Original Chapter)
57. Big Ideas
58. Secrets and Lies
59. Happy Families
60. Kidnapped
61. The Sorcerer's Apprentice
62. Revealed
63. Just a Girl at Heart
64. Crime and Punishment
65. To Have and to Hold Back
66. Mermaid Magic
67. Power Play
68. The Dark Side
69. A Magnetic Attraction
70. Into the Light
71. Breakaway
72. Queen for a Day
73. The Jewel Thief
74. Mako Masters
75. Beach Party
76. Too Close for Comfort
77. A Date With Destiny
78. Graduation

13. Shipwrecked

677 29 11
By Fireleaves

Emma informed us that she had met the strange lady Cleo and I had interacted with. She lived on a boat in the marina and was being evicted for unpaid moorings. Her boat accidentally hit and scratched Zane's speedboat and he went to the harbormaster to report it. Upon being told by the harbormaster of the eviction, the lady had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital.

"The ambulance guy said it could have been more serious," Emma informed us, "She stopped taking her medication."

"Poor lady," Cleo sympathized.

"Her name's Miss Chatham."

"Is she that weird old lady that lives on the boat?" Lewis asked.

"Yeah, that's her," Emma nodded.

"She was at my great aunt's funeral a couple of months ago," I jumped in.

"How do you know her?" Emma turned to Lewis.

"No, no, I don't," he clarified, "I've just heard about her. She lives on that leaky old wreck, no friends, no family, all alone."

"She's the one that seems to know all about the full moon, our powers, and our tails," Cleo pointed out.

"Some people say she's a witch."

"And if they said she was an Easter bunny, would you believe that?" Rikki asked.

"There was a time I didn't believe in mermaids, either," Lewis explained.


The next day, Emma called for a meeting at her house. Cleo and I were the last ones to arrive.

"Sorry we're late," Cleo apologized as she and I entered inside.

"We--," I started but paused on seeing the lady, Miss Chatham present.

"Hello, Cleo. Hello, Zoey," she smiled at us.

"Oh, hi," Cleo smiled politely.

I nodded at the strange woman.

Emma and Mrs. Gilbert arrived in the living room.

"All right. Miss Chatham, if you'd like to come with me, I'll show you to the spare room," Mrs. Gilbert nodded.

"Oh, you're very kind," Miss Chatham beamed and followed her.

"You brought her here?" Rikki turned to Emma.

I could understand Emma's good intentions though there were facilities that assist and take in advanced-aged people. My late maternal grandmother moved into a nursing home just a few years before her death. Mom always made sure that we visited her three times a week. We would put together jigsaw puzzles, and play Scrabble and other board games. I would even read to her whatever book I borrowed from the library since she loved it when someone read to her out loud rather than listening to an audiobook. 

"What could I do? The harbormaster wants to move her boat from the marina," Emma explained, "He says she can't stay there."

"But you brought her here," Rikki pointed out.

"Just for a while. We'll try and talk to the harbormaster, make him see some reason."

"Emma, this old lady knows about us," Cleo cautioned, "What if she says something to your mum or dad?"

"She won't," Emma assured her, "She's smart, and I'm sure she's discreet."

"You hope."

"Look, Cleo, we're probably worrying over nothing. I mean, has she ever actually said to you or Zoey, 'I know you're a mermaid."

"Not in those words exactly. But everything she said about the full moon turned out to be true, didn't it?"

"It did," I nodded recalling the last full moon.


Later, we learned that the harbormaster was having Miss Chatham's boat, the Lorelei taken away as it wasn't up to code. Seeing the distressed expression on the elderly woman's face, I could tell she had a lot of sentimental memories of it, especially of the ones of her late husband.

Emma had us get some paint and rolling brushes wanting to give the Lorelei a fresh coat to make it look newer. Rikki was doubting that the plan would work. Since Miss Chatham knew Ida well, I too made an effort to try and help support her, and Emma's determination.

"Rikki, it's her home," Emma expressed, "We've gotta help her."

The four of us arrived at the Lorelei. It looked like it could use some upgrading.

"You're kidding," Rikki remarked upon arrival, "It's a pile of junk."

"A coat of paint will spruce it up," Emma pointed out, "Now stop arguing and start painting."

"It needs more than paint. It needs a new boat."

"Rikki being negative. What a surprise."

"Though it could use a major upgrade in the engine area," I suggested, "And a little bit of remodeling."

"Get real! We can't do this," Rikki frowned.

"And even if you did, it's not going to make a difference," the harbormaster arrived, "I know you're trying to help, but you're wasting your time. The boat's got rust all through its structural framework. Do I need to go on? She's better off without it."

"That is your opinion, not mine," Miss Chatham arrived and confronted him, "I'll be leaving now, thank you." She went past us determined to get on the Lorelei.

"You know you can't do that. I've referred this matter on. The boat has been impounded by the water police. It's not seaworthy."

"It's my home. I live here."

"Miss Chatham, they're just doing what they think is right," Emma tried assuring the woman, "They're trying to help."

"I've got to get my things," Miss Chatham expressed, "They're just after my treasure."

"Let's just go home, back to my place. We'll talk about it there."

"I want what's mine. They're after my treasure, all of them."

The girls and I escorted Miss Chatham back to the Gilbert house. I had a feeling when she mentioned treasure, I figured it was something of huge importance to her.


Later, we all had dinner. Miss Chatham had an amazing recipe for clam chowder. Everyone got a kick out of it. I was for sure planning on saving the recipe if I ever planned on making it in the future.

The girls and I sat in the living room after helping clean up the table and getting Miss Chatham comfortable and seeing that she took her medication.

"Friendship. That's the most important thing," the elderly woman told us, "I appreciate what you're trying to do for me. But the burden you carry is too great to carry alone."

"Wait, what burden?" Cleo wondered though it was obvious to Rikki, Emma, and me, "Oh, that one."

"When you're different, it helps if you have friends who understand. I had friends."

"Did they-- like, did they dress like you?" Rikki asked referring to Miss Chatham's outfit.

"Rikki," I shook my head, "Don't be rude."

"This was long ago. We were younger. I wasn't always this old," Miss Chatham answered, "Well, maybe I was."

"When you say burden, what do you mean?" Emma inquired.

"When it got too great for me, I had to give it up."

"You can do that?" Cleo asked.

"It's getting late," Miss Chatham rose from her seat, "I think we should all be in bed."

"But it was just starting to get interesting," Rikki sighed.

"I had hoped to ask about my great aunt," I nodded but understood the elderly woman was tired after a long day.

"Miss Chatham's right, it's late," Emma agreed.

"Goodnight, girls," the woman nodded at us.

"Would you like me to show you to your room?"

"Oh, it's all right. I know where I'm going."

"See you tomorrow, Miss Chatham," Cleo called as she left the living room.

Maybe then I would be able to ask her about Ida.


Emma alerted me that Miss Chatham had gone missing the next morning. I had a hunch she would be at the Lorelei.

"Is everything ok, Zo?" Grandma asked after I read Emma's text and slid my shoes on.

"Yeah. Emma just needed a favor from me," I nodded, "I'll be back soon."

I raced over to the marina where I met up with Emma at the dock where the Lorelei would be docked. However, there was no sign of the boat. Though we did notice Zane's speedboat half sunken like the Titanic.

"What's this?" Zane asked taking notice, "That old bat. She did this."

"Zane, you don't know that," Emma stated.

"Yes, I do."

"No, you don't," I glared at the jerkwad.

Zane headed over to his Zodiac and untied it from the dock.

"Zane!" Emma and I called out in unison as he started the engine and sped away.

Both of us found Lewis and asked him to drive his boat to catch up with the Lorelei knowing that Zane was pursuing Miss Chatham and Emma and I couldn't swim and risk being seen by him.

"And you guys can't swim because--?" Lewis inquired as he started the engine.

"Zane's out there chasing her. He'd see Zoey and me," Emma answered as she untied the rope, "Hurry up, Lewis."

"About anything could happen to her," I nodded as both of us jumped on board and headed out of the marina. If something were to happen to Miss Chatham, it would all be on Zane.

We were out at sea when we saw the Lorelei ahead of us.

"There's the Lorelei!" Lewis pointed out, "Look! Near the Mako Island mangroves!"

I noticed the Zodiac was anchored close to the boat.

"He's already here!" Emma turned to us.

We managed to get to the Lorelei. On arrival, Zane came out of it.

"It wasn't my fault," he claimed, "I didn't do anything."

The three of us got on board. I saw that Miss Chatham was unconscious. I hoped to God she wasn't dead. 

"She's still breathing," Lewis informed us as he checked on her.

"Zane, there's gotta be some pills down there," Emma suggested, "Go have a look."

Even as he looked, I could tell he was searching for something other than the medication. I wondered if he had overheard Miss Chatham talk about her treasure. Emma reminded him that if the elderly woman died on the spot, it would be Zane's fault. 

Once Zane found Miss Chatham's medication, all of us managed to get her on board Lewis' boat. I noticed Zane didn't get on the Zodiac as if he had other intentions. There was no time to argue. We needed to get Miss Chatham to the hospital at once.

We were some kilometers from the Lorelei when we heard an explosion. Looking back, there was smoke coming from the boat and it was sinking.

"Oh no," Emma gaped.

"Where's Zane?" Lewis asked.

"I can't see him," I replied as I looked out at the horizon making me realize he was still on the Lorelei.

"Zoey and I will have to go down," Emma suggested.

"You can't," Lewis shook his head, "He'll know both of your secrets."

"I can grow the seagrass tall so that he can't see us," I assured him.

"They don't have a choice, do you, Emma? Zoey?" Miss Chatham rasped as she woke up.

"Make sure she gets to the hospital, Lewis," Emma turned to him before she and I dove into the water.

Emma and I swam swiftly toward the sight of the Lorelei. Before approaching it, I stretched my hand out and caused some seagrass to grow around the boat before Emma went over and used her tail to get the door open. 

Both of us managed to get Zane to the surface as he became unconscious and onto his Zodiac and on the beach of Mako Island. Emma and I were already back in our human forms as Zane woke up.

"It's all right," Emma explained to him once he noticed us, "You floated up. We dragged you to shore."

"But I went down," Zane remarked, "I couldn't get out."

"Somehow you did," I shrugged my shoulders, "You're lucky."

"There was something down there. Something-- I don't know. Did you two see anything?"

"No," Emma shook her head.

It worried me that I didn't grow the seagrass tall enough. Zane had seen either Emma or me.

"Yeah. Well, I saw something. And I'm gonna find out exactly what it was," he expressed looking out at sea.


Emma and I had managed to salvage what we could from the Lorelei. The only thing we could save was a locket that matched the ones Cleo and I wore. The pendant had a clear crystal stone near the loop. I told myself that I would return to the shipwreck later.

"Zoey and I got something for you," Emma told Miss Chatham after she was released from the hospital.

Emma handed her the small box that contained the locket. 

"My treasure!" Miss Chatham gasped after opening it, "You found it."

"It wasn't easy. It's pretty dark down there now," I explained, "We're sorry about the Lorelei."

Miss Chatham opened the locket. It was the same black and white photo I had seen in Ida's locket, four girls in mermaid forms, one of them being Ida herself, "It was 1955. I'm the only one left. Ida was the one on the second right."

"I thought so," Emma nodded.

"Me too," I agreed finally realizing what Ida had been hiding from Grandma, Grandpa, Dad, and Ebony.

"And Julia and Gracie," Miss Chatham continued.

"Where are they now?" Emma wondered.

"Gone," the elderly woman closed the locket and turned to Emma and me, "Thank you both. This means more to me than anything."

That second, Mrs. Gilbert arrived in the living room with a phone in hand, "I've got the retirement village on the line. There's a vacancy if you want it."

"Well, you've done more than enough for me. I'm sure I'll like it there."

"She'll take it," Mrs. Gilbert spoke into the phone.

"But I will miss the excitement," Miss Chatham turned to us.

"I bet you will," Emma smiled at her.

"We'll make sure to visit you soon," I nodded at her as I recalled that most of the nursing facilities encouraged volunteers to visit with the elderly folks when their relatives weren't able to.

"I know you will soon, Zoey," Miss Chatham beamed at me.

We turned to look at a framed photo on the side table of the girls and me as it confirmed our friendship.

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