Waterworks (H2O Just Add Wate...

By Fireleaves

54.4K 1.8K 357

After the death of her mother, Zoey Shaw moves with her father to the Gold Coast for a better change and scen... More

Part I
1. Metamorphosis
2. Pool Party
3. Catch of the Day
4. Party Girls
5. Something Fishy
6. Ida's Secret (An Original Chapter)
7. Moon Spell
8. The Denman Affair
9. Dangerous Waters
10. The Camera Never Lies
11. Sink or Swim
13. Shipwrecked
14. Blue Moon (An Original Chapter)
15. The Big Chill
16. Lovesick
17. Under the Weather
18. Bad Moon Rising
19. Hurricane Angela
20. Hook, Line, and Sinker
21. Red Herring
22. Fish Out of Water
23. In Too Deep
24. Love Potion # 9
25. Dr. Danger
26. A Twist in the Tail
Part II
27. Stormy Weather
28. Control
29. The One That Got Away
30. Fire and Ice
31. Hocus Pocus
32. Pressure Cooker
33. In Hot Water
34. Wrong Side of the Tracks
35. Riding for a Fall
36. Missed the Boat
37. In Over Our Heads
38. Fish Fever
39. Moonwalker
40. Get Off My Tail
41. Irresistible
42. Double Trouble
43. Moonstruck
44. The Heat Is On
45. The Gracie Code Part One
46. The Gracie Code Part Two
47. And Then There Were Five
48. Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble
49. Reckless
50. Four's Company
51. Sea Change
52. Unfathomable
Part III
53. The Awakening
54. Jungle Hunt
55. Keep Your Enemies Close
56. Rogue Tide (An Original Chapter)
57. Big Ideas
58. Secrets and Lies
59. Happy Families
60. Kidnapped
61. The Sorcerer's Apprentice
62. Revealed
63. Just a Girl at Heart
64. Crime and Punishment
65. To Have and to Hold Back
66. Mermaid Magic
67. Power Play
68. The Dark Side
69. A Magnetic Attraction
70. Into the Light
71. Breakaway
72. Queen for a Day
73. The Jewel Thief
74. Mako Masters
75. Beach Party
76. Too Close for Comfort
77. A Date With Destiny
78. Graduation

12. The Siren Effect

737 29 2
By Fireleaves

It was karaoke day at the Juice Net. As usual, Miriam showed off on the platform. When the song ended, everyone else applauded, except for our group. Rikki and I went to Wilfred to ask him something. Rikki had entered Cleo in the karaoke contest. I was next in line after her.

I could tell Cleo was highly nervous when Rikki pushed her toward the platform.

"You're gonna regret this," Emma told Rikki.

"She'll be fine," Rikki nodded.

"How will she regret it?" I asked turning to Emma.

"You both haven't heard her sing," she replied.

Cleo tried singing but was pulled off the platform for having terrible vocal cords. When Zane booed Cleo, I used my straw and spat a spitball at his ear, and acted like I did nothing. Rikki discreetly high-fived me. It didn't matter if anyone sang well or not. The whole point of karaoke is having fun. 

"Up next, we have Zoey Shaw," Wilfred announced.

To prove my point to everyone, I went on the platform and selected 'Make It Shine' to sing. I didn't care if I had a great voice or not. I could see Cleo smiling at me as I sang out loud and danced to the beat. 

When the song ended, the entire audience applauded including Tiffany, minus Zane and Miriam.

"Wow, Zoey," Cleo commented as I returned to the table, "I didn't know you could sing well."

"It was nothin'," I shrugged.

"You rubbed it in their faces," Rikki smiled referring to Miriam and Zane.

"It doesn't matter if any of us can sing, the whole point of karaoke is just to have fun. Guess I just wanted to make a point to everyone here, especially to that jerk over there with the queen bee."

"And you did prove a point," Emma nodded at me.


The next day at work, during my break, I headed for the dolphin tank to check on Cleo. Since the karaoke contest, she felt she lacked self-confidence. I got to the dock where she fed a couple of the dolphins and started singing scales, which sounded like it could use some work. The dolphins began swimming away from Cleo's offkey tune.

"What? I'm not that bad, am I?" she asked one of them who just swam away, "Great. Even the dolphins hate me."

"Could always use some practice," I suggested, "I think there are some choir sessions at school."

"Thanks for the advice, Zoey."

Cleo sounded like she wasn't feeling any better.

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure that came out right," I apologized.

"No, I'm the one who's sorry," Cleo shook her head, "But you're right, I could use the practice."

The dolphins jumped from the water and landed with a splash. Cleo and I quickly jumped backward, thankfully not getting splashed.

"Beware," a familiar voice called out to us, one I hadn't heard for nearly a month. Though the other time I saw her was at Ida's funeral. She had given Grandma her condolences for the loss. It didn't seem like a good time to ask her about Ida's knowledge of Mako Island and the Moon Pool since none of my family knew about it.

Cleo and I turned and saw that it was the same strange elderly woman.

"Beware of what?" Cleo asked.

"What do you think?"

"I don't know. You're the one telling us to beware."

"Haven't you two learnt anything yet? What's today?"

"Wednesday," I replied.

"It's the full moon," the woman informed us.

"Yep. We've remembered," Cleo nodded.

Ever since the first full moon, I've been marking my calendar for when the next one occurred. After Emma fell under the moon spell, I feared that I would be next and cause something that would worry my dad and grandparents. Plus, the girls and I planned a sleepover and we'd cover the windows to keep the moonbeam out.

"We're getting ready," I added.

"But is it gonna be as bad as last time?" Cleo wondered, "Are weird things gonna happen to Emma again, or Rikki, or Zoey, or me, even? I'd hate that."

"Forewarned is forearmed, but, only sometimes," the woman nodded.

Cleo's phone rang then.

"Remember, do not touch water when the moon is full," the strange lady warned.

I slowly nodded once again taking in every word she said like it was the only lifeline.

Cleo answered the phone, "Mum?"

I was about to ask the strange woman some more questions about Ida and her potential connection with Mako Island when the lady suddenly vanished.

Cleo hung up after briefly talking with her mom and saw that the woman was nowhere in sight.

"I wish she'd stop doing that," she sighed.

"Me too," I nodded, "I have lotta questions to ask her about my great aunt and how she knew Mako Island and the Moon Pool so well enough to draw them in detail."

"I'm sure you will get your answers soon, Zoey."

"Thanks, Cleo."


Later, after work, I went with Cleo to the grocers since her mom asked her to pick up some milk on her way home. I purchased some snacks and a couple of soda packs for the sleepover even though Cleo told me she had set it all up. I felt like contributing a little bit.

Dad dropped me off at the Sertori house just as Emma and Rikki arrived there and helped me carry the soda packs.

"I didn't know he would be there," Dad told me as Lewis showed up at the house.

"I didn't know either," I shook my head as I swung my backpack strap on my shoulder and carried in the snacks, "I'm sure Mr. Sertori will make him leave soon."

"I might just stick around to help be sure of that."

Whenever Dad made up his mind about something, he made it clear and stuck with it. Most often, it was for the best. Though I had a feeling he would suspect something if he saw the girls and me covering the windows to block out the moonbeam. Mainly, Dad would be more concerned that a boy showed up, though Lewis was just a friend and nothing else. 

Cleo's parents greeted us as we got inside the house. It turned out the Sertori couple was familiar with Dad. I wondered if others around the area have never met him before. 

Later, we were all in the living room watching a horror movie, one of the films Lewis brought over. The girls and I were on the couch together. Mr. Sertori, Dad, and Lewis were on the other sofa across from us. Since the movie had a restricted rating, Dad made an effort to skip some of the scenes that were too graphic.

"Don't open the door," Rikki shook her head at the screen as she was engrossed with the film.

"What do ya think is gonna happen, Zo?" Dad asked.

Whenever he and I watched any cheesy horror movie, we'd make a game out of it by guessing what might happen to the characters. It helps relieve the tension and liven things instead of watching the movie in silence, like at a cinema. Grandma hates horror movies so we only watch them on occasion whenever she and Grandpa are asleep or out of town. 

"The gal will open it anyway and find a dead decomposing body or get offed by the entity that's been killing off the characters one by one," I replied as I dug my hand into the popcorn bowl on the coffee table.

"Don't! Don't open the--." Rikki cringed at the scene.

Emma and Cleo covered their faces with the comforter while I squeezed my eyes shut for a second.

"Ah!" Kim gaped.

I didn't know she was in the room.

"She opened the door," Rikki frowned at the cliche scene as the character screamed in terror.

Mr. Sertori, who had been sleeping woke up, "Kim!" he got up from the couch, "Why, you shouldn't be watching this. This is for adults."

"I am an adult, almost," Kim remarked.

"Anyway, it's past your bedtime, too," Mr. Sertori went over to her and turned to Lewis, "You brought the movie, Lewis. It's your fault. You should have been supervising." He left the room with Kim.

"Your dad hates me," Lewis turned to Cleo.

"My dad hates all boys, Lewis," she told him, "Don't flatter yourself."

"He's never had the experience of having a son or two," Dad answered assuring Lewis, "When I first met Mara, Zoey's mum, her dad at first didn't like me, but eventually came to love me when we got to know each other better."

"Mom's dad didn't like you?" I asked sounding surprised about my late maternal grandfather. From what I've been told about him, he had been approachable and easy to have a conversation with. 

"He wanted to make sure I was worthy of being a part of your mum's future, and that I wouldn't take advantage of her. If he was still alive today, he would've loved you."

The scene on the TV screen changed showing a creepy cathedral and bell tower with the moonlight in the background.

"Hey," Emma turned to Lewis, "What time does the moon rise?"

Lewis looked at his watch, "About two minutes, ago."

"Anything I should be concerned about?" Dad asked noticing our reactions.

"No," I shook my head, "Just remembered to close the shades since it's dark already."


"Don't look at the moonlight," Emma warned as she and Rikki hid under the comforter while Lewis closed the curtains.

"It's a mini-game," I informed Dad as he and I went into the kitchen to put away the food and drinks so he wouldn't question my friends and me any further.

"What do you think might happen? A case of moonlight madness?" he wondered as I placed the rest of the sodas in the fridge.

"Something like that."

Rikki had placed a karaoke DVD in the player and started singing an 80s song. Like Cleo, she sang offkey. Emma wasn't amused while Lewis jammed along with Rikki. 

"Is that the moonlight madness?" Dad asked referring to Rikki's bad singing.

"Nope. Rikki's being Rikki," I answered.

"Could we possibly do something that's not from 1985?" Emma asked when the song ended, "Let me have a go."

She was about to take the mike when Cleo returned from having been to the bathroom and took it and started singing what sounded like an enchanted vocal from a fantasy movie.

"What happened?" Emma wondered, "She can sing."

"I thought you said she couldn't sing," Dad turned to me.

"For real, she can't," I nodded having a bad feeling Cleo had accidentally gazed at the moon.

"Who's that singing?" Mrs. Sertori asked as she and Mr. Sertori and Kim arrived in the living room.

I noticed Cleo's hands were wet. It surprised me that her tail didn't sprout. Plus, I noticed Lewis looking like he was hypnotized by the enchanting tune. 

"Wow. She's amazing," Lewis remarked still mesmerized.

"This isn't Cleo," Rikki shook her head, "It's gotta be the full moon."

Suddenly, the door knocked, and Mrs. Sertori opened it and Byron entered like Lewis, hypnotized by Cleo's sirenic song. Then it occurred to me, I remembered reading a mythology book and a page about sirens, female beings from the ocean with alluring voices that often led men to their fates. 

"How did I do?" Cleo asked when her song ended.

"You were good!" Mr. Sertori commended her.

"I can sing. I can really sing! I mean, it sounded good to me, but sometimes it's hard to tell."

Emma and Rikki stood up and went over to her.

"Cleo, we need to talk," Emma suggested as she and Rikki pulled her into the other room.

I excused myself and followed them.


Emma dried off Cleo's hands with a hand towel.

"Cleo, listen. You touched water and the full moon is doing something to you," Rikki explained.

"I can sing," Cleo grinned at us.

"Cleo. Wake up," Emma informed her, "You're a bad singer."

"You're just jealous. But that's OK. I still like you. You're my friends And if you want, you can pick out my next song."

"Let's get Lewis." Emma took Cleo's hand and led her.

"I think I may know what's wrong with Cleo," I muttered to Rikki as we followed them having a feeling Lewis wouldn't be any help long as he was under the sirenic spell.

"What is it?" Rikki asked as Emma led Cleo up the stairs and we followed them closely.

We managed to get Cleo into her room. I was about to explain to the girls about Cleo being turned into a siren when Mr. Sertori came in wanting to talk to her about his concerns about Lewis and Byron being suddenly smitten with her. 

Getting back downstairs, three more boys had shown up. Dad and Mrs. Sertori tried toning them down until Mr. Sertori demanded that they leave.

"Reckon we get any ideas out of Lewis?" Emma turned to Rikki and me as Byron and the other boys headed out the door, except Lewis who still lingered.

"Forget it. He's a pod person now, just like the others," Rikki replied referencing Body Snatchers.

"Yeah, he won't be any help in that state," I nodded.

"I'm popular," Cleo smiled turning to us, "Isn't this great?"

Lewis nodded happily at her. 

"What were you gonna tell us earlier Zoey?" Emma asked as we dragged Lewis up to Cleo's room.

"The moonlight turned Cleo into a siren," I answered as we got to the second story, "It all explains her hypnotic song and why Lewis, Byron, and those other guys were all entranced by her, just like the folk tales of sailors being lured to their deaths by the harmonic mermaids."

"That makes perfect sense," Rikki nodded.


When Cleo started singing once again, Emma and Rikki had Lewis wear a pair of headphones plugged into a Walkman to block her enchanted vocal cords.

"Zo?" Dad called, "Is everything ok?"

I left Rikki and Emma to handle Cleo and keep Lewis plugged in while I went back downstairs.

"It's all under control," I nodded as I started putting away the karaoke machine.

"What was up with all those guys suddenly showing up?" Dad wondered as he helped me clear the Sertori's living room.

"Not sure," I fibbed, "It's pretty crazy."

Emma and Rikki came down to help me put away the stuff before heading back up to check in on Cleo. Just then, Mr. Sertori came back downstairs carrying an entranced Lewis like a sack of potatoes and had him leave the house.

"I think I'll head back home now that it's boy-free," Dad told me and kissed my forehead, "I'll see you in the morning, Zo."

"Alrighty," I nodded.

He shook hands with Mr. Sertori before leaving. I gathered mine and the girl's things and carried them up to Cleo's room knowing they would be watching her like hawks. I saw that they had managed to get Cleo into her PJs and tuck her into bed.

Rikki, Emma, and I set up our sleeping areas surrounding Cleo's bed so that we'd make sure she didn't try and leave the room without waking up any of us. I pulled out my iPod and earbuds and listened to some tunes after getting into my sleeping bag and soon dozed off to sleep.


"I never thought we'd make it to morning without something else happening," Rikki turned to us after getting to the kitchen to get breakfast together.

"Yeah.  Thanks, Cleo, for not doing anything crazy," Emma thanked her.

"Sure. No problem," Cleo smiled.

"And now some late-breaking news," the DJ on the radio announced, "Fresh FM has discovered a new star, and you're not going to believe this voice. Her name is Cleo Sertori."

"You didn't," Emma turned to Cleo.

"She did," Rikki frowned.

I noticed a mischievous grin on Cleo's face as her sirenic song played on the radio. I had a feeling that more guys might get entranced by the tune like the night before. Emma turned off the radio.

"Why?" I asked Cleo.

"How could you?" Emma countered.

"I'm good," Cleo shrugged like it was no big deal, "Why not let me share it?"

"It's the full moon, Cleo. Don't you get it? It's not you," Rikki pointed out.

"Yes, it is. That's the thing. This is the real me. The one that's been hidden. Why shouldn't I let it out?"

Clearly, Cleo was still under the moon spell. The moon would set soon and she would return to her normal down-to-earth self.

"Does the word, deluded mean anything to you?" Rikki frowned.

"Why can't you just be happy for me?" Cleo asked all of us, "You'd think, as my best friends, you'd be a little more supportive. I'm a star. You could be my entourage." She pulled the three of us into a group hug, "I won't forget you."

There was a knock at the door. I figured Dad had arrived to pick me up even though the girls and I were still in our sleepwear and hadn't had breakfast yet.

"I'll get it. It might be Lewis," Emma told us.

"Or it might be my dad," I jumped in as I followed her to the front door.

On opening the door, Emma and I saw a giant crowd of guys. I could tell they were mesmerized like Lewis and Byron. They sounded bummed out the moment we stepped outside like they were expecting someone else. From their reactions, I could tell they were expecting to see Cleo.

"Oh, no," Emma gaped at seeing a crowd of hypnotized dudes.

"Is Cleo home?" Byron asked.

Both Emma and I turned and went back in the house. 

"Is it Lewis?" Cleo asked us.

"Sort of," Emma replied.

"Plus half of the guys from around town, potentially all of the coastline," I added.

"What's going on?" Mr. Sertori asked as he came down the stairs, "What's all the noise?" He went to the door.

"No. Don't open that," Emma warned him.

"You're not gonna like it," I shook my head.

"Why?" Mr. Sertori asked us.

I just shrugged my shoulders not even sure how to put it into words. Plus, I don't know how Dad would be able to bypass the crowded front yard whenever he arrived.

"Is that boy Lewis back?" Mr. Sertori asked Cleo who just grinned and he opened the door.

I could hear all the entranced guys groaning as Mr. Sertori stepped outside. Cleo went out and the crowd went wild at her presence like fans at a big concert event. She started singing a bit and at the end of her short song, the guys applauded. Cleo was hauled back in by her father.

"Explain, young lady," Mr. Sertori frowned at her.

"They're my fans," Cleo shrugged.

The hypnotized guys started chanting her name.

"What's all those boys outside?" Mrs. Sertori asked as she and Kim entered the living room.

"They're Cleo's boyfriends," Kim smirked teasingly.

"That's it. I'm calling the police," Mr Sertori headed for the kitchen.

"No wait. Why don't we negotiate?" Rikki suggested and headed for the door.

The back door knocked. I checked to make sure it wasn't any of the mesermized dudes. Thankfully, it was Dad and Grandpa. They must have had trouble getting to the front door and opted for the back one.

"What's going on here, Zo?" Dad asked as I let them in the house, "The front was packed full of girl crazed boys like fans at a concert."

"You wouldn't believe what we heard on the radio earlier," Grandpa smiled, "I didn't know Cleo had an angelic voice."

More of a siren than an angel. I thought.

"Who was it Zoey?" Mrs. Sertori asked.

"My dad and my grandpa," I replied assuring her that none of the entranced guys managed to get into the house.

In the living room, I saw that Lewis, Zane, and Byron were allowed inside and were trying to convince Cleo's family to let her go on to be a singer. Mr. Sertori refused to let it happen and wanted all of the guys to leave. Cleo purposed that she put on a small concert at the juice bar for the guys. 

"That is truly a father who looks out for his daughter," Grandpa nodded as Mr. Sertori still wouldn't allow Cleo to perform, "When Eb was preparing to move to the UK, I tried finding ways to get her to stay here in Australia and be close to home."

"Yet, she was determined," Dad added, "I remember you tried taking a long detour with her so she'd miss her flight to London, but Mum knew what you were up to. Eb assured you that she would be back for the holiday breaks."

As Mr. Sertori called the cops and had Zane, Lewis, and Byron leave the house, the front yard got quieter as it sounded like the entranced guys were leaving. Kim peeked out the window.

"Mum, Dad. They're leaving," she informed all of us.

"She's right. They're going," Mrs. Sertori nodded.

We saw all the hypnotized guys departing from the house.

"Where's Cleo?" Emma wondered.

That second, the guys hollered in excitement. I noticed they were following someone. That's when I realized Cleo wasn't around.

After Emma, Rikki, and I, along with the Sertori's were dressed, all of us raced to the Juice Net. At a distance, I noticed the moon close to setting. It wouldn't be long until Cleo was back to normal. On arriving at the cafe, it was packed full of entranced guys.

As Cleo started singing, Mr. Sertori pushed his way through, determined to get to her as he led our group through the overpacked cafe.

On getting to the front of the platform, Cleo's sirenic vocal cords returned to her offkey tune, which broke the hypnotic effect on all of the guys. It confirmed to me that the moon had already set. Cleo begged everyone not to leave as they walked out.

"It's over," Emma explained.

Cleo was comforted by her family, confirming their love for her.

"Wonder that whole thing was about?" Grandpa wondered as we all left the cafe.

"Let's just say, it was moonlight madness," I nodded not wanting to explain what exactly went on with Cleo.


"This whole full moon thing is so creepy," Cleo expressed, "I wasn't that embarassing, was I?"

We were back at the Sertori house. The girls and I sat at the table, after having had breakfast. 

"No," Emma shook her head, "Of course not."

"Don't worry. Before you know it, everyone will have forgotten," Rikki assured Cleo.

"Yeah. I'm certain most of those guys have no memory of it all," I agreed.

The radio DJ came on after the song ended and played a recording of Cleo's terrible singing. Cleo got up and turned off the radio.

"I'm never going to live this down," she turned to us.

The girls and I found ourselves laughing out loud.

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