Fall For You (Zalfie)

By raadnicole

220K 2.2K 342

What happens when you fall for your bestfriend? That's what Alfie Deyes did. He fell for the youtube video-ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2

14.4K 108 13
By raadnicole

Vas happenin??

How are my Peels doin?

Ahah x

Sorry I haven't updated :(

Anyway, so like I'm reading this awesome fanfic and just, unff. Its called "I'll Stay Babe" and Imma be really sad when it ends.

Why can't fantasy mix with reality??

Nicole xx


Chapter 2


I woke up on the couch of my flat. It was very quiet, the rays of sun peeking through the window. My mobile buzzed, making me flip right out of the couch and bang my head on the coffee table. "Ye idiot." I said to myself, rubbing my head. I grabbed it and checked the ID. It was Marcus, a good friend of me and Alfie.


Me and Caspar are going to hang out, want to come? Downtown London, love x

I stared at the screen for a minute, deciding on my answer.


Sure, why not. But what about Alfie? Just call by the way x

A couple of minutes later, my mobile rang loudly. One Direction played and I smiled. It was Alfie and Marcus' favorite band. I answered, holding the phone up to my ear. "Helloooo!" Marcus said his signature greeting. I smiled. "Hello Marcus. So, why isn't Alfie coming?" I asked him. "Alfie told Caspar he didn't want to come." he replied. "Why not?" I questioned. "I dunno Zoe, ask him yourself. If he's coming, he can drive you. If not, text me." Marcus said, a bit of annoyance in his voice as he hung up.

I went to my contacts list and clicked "Alfieee." The text option came up, and I quickly tapped it.


Alife-boo, why aren't you coming with the crew to hang out?


Wait are you going? cause I was feeling a bit lazy before.


Yes I'm going c:


I'm sure it wouldn't hurt if I came now, would it?


haha, no but you're my ride. Pick me up at mine x

I smiled, feeling accomplished that I got him to tag along with us. But It was weird; he didn't put up much of a fight.


"Alife!" I smiled, hugging him at my front door. "Lets go, shall we?" I said. He nodded as we got into the car and sped off on the road.


"Hey guys!" I greeted as me and Alfie walked into the Starbucks we all agreed to meet at. "So you got him to come?" Marcus winked, then laughed. Caspar laughed as well and did a little eyebrow dance while Alfie scowled at them. "You dirty minded rats!" he said, pushing Marcus a little which just made him laugh harder. My brain processed the joke as my mouth made an 'o' shape. Then I scrunched up my nose. "Gross!" I said loudly.

I ordered a caramel frappuchino, enjoying every last sip of it. Caspar and Marcus sat across from me and Alfie as we all conversed. "So, I asked Louise if she could come, but she's taking care of her kid." Marcus said. I nodded. Louise was busy with things like that often, so I just hung out with the guys instead. A lot. "Guys, if Louise has a child, doesn't that mean that...she...LOST HER VIRGINITY?" Caspar exclaimed. A couple of people looked back at us weird as I was embarassed. "Yes Caspar, should you call the hotel she lost it at?" Alfie laughed, refering back to one of Caspar's videos. I laughed as well.



"Do you need assistance, sir?" a woman asked me. "We're just fine, ma'am." I replied, me and Zoe on the hunt for shoes. "Ah, getting your girlfriend a present? How proper." she said, making Zoe flush. I felt my cheeks heat as well as I shook my head. "We have more of a brother-sister relationship." I explained. Zoe nodded furiously, placing a shoe she was holding back on the shelf. "Oh. Sorry about that." the woman sheepishly said and rushed away.

Well that was embarassing.

Caspar walked towards us, a bra to his chest. "Is this too big for me?' he asked in a high-pitched voice. I laughed as Marcus appeared next to him, holding a camera. Caspar turned to the camera. "Is it a good color Marcus?" he asked. Marcus laughed. "Very very fitting sir-er- ma'am." Marcus said in a posh accent, holding in giggles. Me and Zoe burst into laughter. "What?" Caspar said, still with that silly voice.

"There they are!" a voice said from afar. Caspar and Marcus gave each other scared looks. They ran away, who knows what crazy stuff they could have done.

Stuff we would have to bail them out of.


Okay that was unacceptibly short and I'm so sorry loves!

Also sorry about the weird spacing, but if you're on your phone I think it looks a bit neater, right? I dunno, tell me if you are reading on your phone/ipod

I want to work on some other stories, plus school is putting a bit of pressure on me.

Also, my life sucks. My crush got a new girlfriend yaaaay -___- and a bunch of other crap is happening.

Love you xx

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