Bring Him Back (a Rucas fanfi...

By clapsformia

77.9K 3.3K 949

"He's dangerous, Riley. Stay away from him." After a summer vacation to his hometown, Lucas has never been th... More

Chapter One: Days Gone By
Chapter Two: A Phone Call
Chapter Three: A Horse, a Prince and a Princess
Chapter Four: Suspicion
Chapter Five: The Imagine Mosaic
Chapter Six: Police
Chapter Seven: Interrogation
Chapter Eight: Sealed
Chapter Nine: The Mysterious Case of Lucas Friar
Chapter Ten: Where Did They Go?
The Article
Chapter Twelve: What Happened Stays in the Past
Chapter Thirteen: Dazed
Chapter Fourteen: Trial
Chapter Fifteen: Lost or Found
Chapter Sixteen: Imprisonment
Chapter Seventeen: Isolation
Chapter Eighteen: You Brought This Upon Yourselves
Chapter Nineteen: Help
Chapter Twenty: Roses for a Princess

Chapter Eleven: On the Search

2.7K 131 20
By clapsformia

Maya met Farkle outside the police station the following day at noon. It was a bright and sunny day, people rushed up and down the streets, making their way in and out of buildings for lunch time. The sun overhead threatened to blind Maya as she saw Farkle approaching her, the sun reflected off his figure; giving Farkle's hair an unnatural radiant glow.

"Hurry! Let's go inside, this warmth is going to burn my skin off!" Maya exclaimed.

Farkle picked up his pace, apologizing as soon as he was by her side.

Inside the police station erupted a series of panicked officers, the sound of keyboards being smashed down by fingers and the scribbles of pens or pencils overpowered peoples conversations.

"May I help you?" asked an officer sitting at the nearest desk.


Maya pit a finger in front of Farkle to silence him and shot a glance signalling for him to let her do the talking. See turned on her heels to face the officer who was now standing up and gave him a closed mouth smile.

"Yes. We were wondering if we could speak with a boy named Lucas Friar?"

The man narrowed his eyes at her.

"Who are you both?"

"We're his friends, obviously."

"How do I know you teenagers aren't just looking for trouble?"

"Oh I don't know, aren't you supposed to find that out yourself?" You are a police officer, aren't you?"

He glared at her, picking up a phone behind him and dialling someone.

"Yes, these kids want to speak with Lucas Friar, I'm sending them in." he slammed the phone down, "Turn left, take the first left and enter the third door to your right."
Maya and Farkle sat in front of a desk with a glass pane separating them from the rest of the room. The whole room was silent but after a few seconds, they heard footsteps coming from the other side and watched as a prison guard guided Lucas to the desk.

"You have ten minutes." growled the prison guard. Lucas nodded and looked at his friends. He looked perturbingly miserable, he was in a plain orange jumpsuit and his hair was unkempt.
Lucas picked up the phone on his side and Maya followed his movements.

"What are you both doing here?" he asked hoarsely.

"We wanted to speak with you."
Maya could hear his breath hitting the receiving end of the phone, he sounded sick.

"Where's Riley?"

"She's grounded for visiting you." Maya answered with pity in her voice. Lucas scratched his head, sighing.

"Look, if you're going to ask about this whole situation again, don't bother cause'-"

"No, actually, we've found out more than enough about this issue."

Maya explained to him the article Riley found on the internet which he reacted to with deep sadness.

"It-It's all true."

Maya and Farkle gasped. Farkle grabbed the phone from Maya and spoke into it hurriedly.

"No I still don't believe it- You're...Well, Lucas! I know you wouldn't do something like that. I-"

"Farkle, please believe me."

Farkle faltered, his shoulders began to shake.

"N-No." he was about to drop the phone but Maya took it from him in time. Farkle looked disturbed, his eyes were about to pop out of his head. Maya could only imagine what was going on in his mind right now. She knew what it felt like.

"But...You're not a murderer..." he muttered to himself.

"Before you jump to conclusions, let me explain the situation from my perspective. Not everything mentioned in the article is what it seems like."
Hey everryoooneee thanks for 4K READS AND OVER 400 VOTES! Wow I'm just at a lost for words HAHAH

But on the downside...I have a few things I want to speak to u guys about...

Please read all of it!

Look, I love u all a lot and reading ur comments make me smile and grin like a fool but sometimes...*sigh* they can be a bit annoying.

Recently I've gotten a ton of comments demanding me to update because I've reached a certain amount of comments or just because u guys want more chapters but u have to understand my position: I am just a fifteen year old girl who loves writing for enjoyment, writing is something I'm very passionate about and I understand that u all love my story and want new chapters however, I hope u get this into ur head that I'm not a full time writer. I only write when I have time and nowadays, I don't have as much time since I'm in those school years where exams and homework is becoming a burden. I take a lot of opportunities (even ignoring my teachers as u may know) to write for u guys and for myself. Don't get me wrong, i love it when u guys comment but sometimes, i would just like to see a bit more creativity and difference in the comments than "Update please" blah dee blah dee blah. Im thankful for all the supportive comments but would love to see comments where I can just laugh at or reply to because I love talking to new people. I'm not saying all of u do this, some of u comment some pretty crazy stuff and I die of laughter every time! Sorry if this was a bit repetitive and harsh! So take this as something that u can all do for me. I update for u all and in return, u comment some more interactive comments instead of asking me to update all the time. I love u all and I hope this request doesn't effect ur views of me or makes u stop reading this fanfiction. XxxxxxxxXxxxx <33333333

*CAN WE REACH 100 COMMENTS (for the whole story, not this chapter ofc XD) FOR THE NEW CHAPTER? LET'S DO IT!"

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