Why brother why?... [ Country...

By Helloyallitsmeagirl

17.9K 343 203

Uhm ya this is an unrealistic story on what I think might happen if another Korean war broke out πŸ₯² Well the... More

South Korea's dream
Chapter 1
The meeting
North Korea
Authors Note
A day in the life of war
Introduction to the Countries.
I dont know what to name this
Diary Entry
Japan joins
Just a chapter
North's side
New leverage
North and South Hwangehae
Developing Friendship
What happens, happens
The escape plan
Brother's reunion
Catching up
Real Trouble
Invasion. Period.
North Korea
We Will Win
Thank you
New book is out


351 8 3
By Helloyallitsmeagirl


America sipped his morning coffee and looked out the window. It was sunny and the sky had no clouds.

'If only every day was like this' He thought as he sank into his chair and sighed.

Texas suddenly burst into his room, breathing heavily. America sat up quickly, knowing something was wrong.

"Da-Dad!" He panted, still breathing heavily. "I-I he-heard that the S-soviet Union i-is alive!" He cried.

"WHAT?!" America yelled, spitting out his coffee. Texas nodded.

"Tell me how, now!" America ordered.

"I-I don't know! The news is all over the world! You can see the massive landmass he has!" Texas said. "They updated the flag to the Soviet Union one!"

America straightend his posture. "Do the people know?!" He asked.

Texas nodded, and he cursed.

"I'm going to have to say something to them." Ame said, quickly standing up. "Texas, help me warn South and Japan. Warn NATO as well. All the countries in it." He said.

"Ok." Texas said, running away.

America glared as he lifted his shades, showing his fiery gold and blue eyes. Images of the Soviet Union flashed in his head, and he glared even more. Memories of the Cold War resurfaced, and he walked out of the room.

'So much for a peaceful day.'


Japan and South were quietly going on with their military planning, war stuff when they heard the telephone ring.

"Hello?" They answered and found out that it was a three-way call.

"South Korea! Japan!" They heard a certain state of their ally say. It was Texas.

"What is it?" Japan was the first to say.

"The Soviet Union! He's been reunited!" The state said. "And he has joined North Korea's side!"

South's eyes widened. "Is this true?" He asked, though it was obvious.

"Yes.." Texas's voice trailed off.

The call went silent for a bit, then South spoke.

"Japan, meeting. Now. I'm calling America. Thank you Texas for telling us." And he hanged up.

Japan nodded and thanked Texas too, then quickly ran out.

South called America, praying that he was close, and to his relief he answered.

"I'm guessing Texas told you, huh?" America said.

"Yes. He did. An emergency meeting is needed between you, me and Japan." South said.

"I'm on my way." Was the last thing America said before hanging up.

South sighed heavily as even more weight was piled up on his shoulders. With the Soviet Union back, the war effort will become 10x harder.


"So, all we know at the moment is that the second world has managed to somehow bring the Soviet Union back to life. We don't know how they managed to get the other republics to join them, most dominantly Ukraine since Russia attacked her years ago." America summarized, looking at his sheet of paper.

Japan nodded. "Honestly, Belarus and Russia's allies would be easy to recruit, but come on. Ukraine, Estonia, and others? I don't see how it's possible."

"Agreed." South piped up. "They have terrible relations. If anything, they might have been taken by force."

The meeting dragged on with them mostly trying to find out how USSR was resurrected and how they were going to deal with him.


Back in the North, South and North Hwanghae were having a conversation.

"Brother, what would life be like if we went to the South?" South Hwanghae asked, leaning on her brother's shoulder.

"Shush!" North Hwanghae said quickly. He then lowered his voice to a whisper.

"We shouldn't be talking about that. You know how much trouble we would be in if we did?" He asked.

South Hwanghae sighed wistfully. "I know." She whispered back, running her fingers on her sleeve while biting her lip. "It's just.. it's just that we are treated so horribly here. Our citizens barely have any food to get by, but the Supreme leader and North Korea barely bats an eye." She said. "It's all Pyongyang who gets the good treatment. I don't get it, why him?" She asked.

North Hwanghae sat quietly. "I agree. I so want to get out of this hellhole. When things get smuggled in, I can sometimes see the amazing things North's brother has. Apparently they have this things called "K-pop" and "K-fashion". I have an idea on what K-pop is, judging from the loudspeakers South Korea used to blast, and it sounds so fun and relaxed, nothing like glorifying Kim Jong-Un." He said.

"Then why don't we escape?" A voice said. North Hwangehae blinked twice as he realised it was in fact his sister who said it.

"What?? Do you realise how much trouble we could get in if we tried that? We could even get killed!" Hs said, sitting up.

Fire burned in South Hwangehae's eyes. Although she was caring, she could also be fierce. "You heard me. I would rather die than spend all my life here. I want to go out, and explore the world." She said.

She looked at her brother, with begging eyes. "Please North Hwanghae, I beg you!" She cried.

After much convincing, North Hwangehae finally gave in. They started to plot how they would escape. It was now or never.

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