Escape [Fruits Basket OC]

Par par13ker

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Hatori paused for a second finding his choice of words. "I understand you and Akito are still at odds..... do... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The Beginning
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Your Highness
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
He's Different
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The God is Here
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
You Saved Me
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
The Original Story
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 18

1K 39 9
Par par13ker

She started to grow distant. Audrina kept replaying that phase Kieran told her in her head, and as much as it set a small ignited fire in her, it was just as dangerous as people say flames could be. She couldn't look at him the same, because if she kept going back to the idea that it was truly meant to be a compliment, then she was in deeper than she had thought.

It was a couple of days after that moment when she finally moved back into her apartment. In which she had a visitor.

The doorbell rung, and Audrina had looked at the clock seeing it was just morning. She slowly got out of bed, and headed towards the front door. She was too sleep deprived to remember to check the peephole, so instead she went ahead and opened it up.

The blinding light of the rising sun caused her to squint, but she wasn't to obscured of vision to see, a long black haired teenager.

"Rin?", she mumbled. "What's wrong."

Rin didn't bother saying anything until she was already in her apartment, with a couple of bags. Audrina blinked in confusion turning as she shut the door.

"You said I could come here when I wanted. I want to now."

Audrina again, was still coming out of her sleep, so she didn't process on what Rin was truly saying until a few minutes later. When the girl was already down the hall.  "Wait..."

"Which is my room.", she opened up the door to an empty one. All except for a twin sized bed and a dresser with a Tv on top. It was meant for a guest room, yet other plans were in store."

Audrina was now fully awake, following her into the room and watched as Rin started unpacking her stuff. "What happened to Kazuma, I called him and he said you could live with him?"

"That dumb cat is there, and that girl is always following him... no."

Audrina had forgotten about the relationship that Tohru and had built. It was again one of the many things she disapproved. Tohru was sweet, but especially for Kyo there was no room for bringing an outsider in. But she was only speaking from experience. No good could happen.

"I-.", Audrina sighed and nodded, remembering what she had told her. That if she needed a place to stay, her door was open. And she didn't lie, "There's food in the fridge, if you want to order something my card is in my bag on the counter. I have work in a couple of hours but if you need anything just call."  She turned around accepting the matter with no end. And right when she was ready to leave the room Rin whispered quietly enough that she could barely hear it,

"Thank you."

"Of course.", she spoke back and went back to her room to lie down.

  It was only an hour later till she heard yet another knock on her door. She assumed Rin would get it but when the knock sounded again, she had no other choice to get up and proceed to answer yet another unexpected visit. When she passed by Rin's temporary room she saw that the girl was sleeping. She must of fell asleep unpacking for her bag was still open and clothes were surrounding her. It only took an hour for her to already feel comfortable enough to sleep, with the door open for that manner.

Audrina quietly opened the door and saw yet another one of the Sohma members,

"Do y'all not have school?", she mumbled.

"It's Saturday", Yuki corrected. Audrina turned to look at her calendar on the opposite end of the wall, to remind herself.

"I'm sorry. What's up?", she turned back. She opened the door further letting him in. There was no point in wishing for anymore sleep so she wasn't that upset about being woken up for a second time.

"Nothing... I just wanted to say Hi.", she softly spoke.

Audrina immediately smiled to herself. She hadn't thought that Yuki would ever do such a thing, but meddling their relationship and clearing the air was the best thing he could have done. On top of that the day before was when he told Kakaru about her. How Audrina was the mother he never had. On top of Tohru filling as a role. But unlike Tohru he looks to her as a guide. Someone who he can depend on in matters like such. In which he could come over and just feel automatically welcomed.

"Make yourself comfortable. I wish I could stay and talk but I do have to work in about an hour so....."

Her phone vibrated, interrupting her sentence. And when she checked it she knew it wouldn't be from anyone else.

Hey I'm sorry if this is last minute. But our meeting was canceled for the day. So no need to come into the office.

Then an immediate follow up.

Did you have any other plans today?

She squinted her eyes at the second text. There was more interpretation that she's been doing ever since that day, and so that text could mean a variety of different things, but nonetheless she responded with the truth.

The forced truth

She looked up at Yuki and he stared back, she had forgotten she was in the middle of a sentence, so she picked up a new one, "You want to do something today? You need anything for school."

Yuki tilted his head up thinking, "Well we are having a school play. I was planning to get a couple of items.."

"Great. I'll get them for you."

I need to help my little cousin with some school shopping for his play.

Audrina was fully awake just from the nerves alone. Turning the phone face down on the counter was her only way to prevent herself from looking at the next text he sent. Maybe she was being over dramatic, but what unsettled her was the slim possibility. Even that was to much. When it rung again she didn't look, she's turned back to Yuki and smiled.

Yuki saw the apprehension behind that smile. Audrina's sense of covering up her true feelings has been deteriorating slowly. Either that or her sense are so overwhelmed that it has become more difficult to mask them.

"I'm hungry.", another female voice came from the room which she was just sleeping in. After rubbing her eyes and looking to see another person in the apartment, Rin froze. She then turned her gaze up to Audrina, "What is he doing here?"

"Rin?", Yuki whispered. He took at step forward the same time she took a step back, "Haru has been looking for you."

Audrina looked at the girl, tilting her head at the statement. Rin or Haru hadn't told Rin about their relationship. Simply because they knew she wouldn't approve. She wasn't going to say they shouldn't be together just because. Instead she would have rebuked it for putting themselves in danger with Akito.

Female Zodiacs has always been a target. It doesn't help that they were the minority either. With only have 4 out of 12 possessing a Zodiac spirit, it makes it easier for Akito to spew the blame onto them. Rin's eyes darted back to Audrina to see the look on her face and she wasn't going to tell. Audrina would accept it despite her original thought to have them stay friends. But she had just let her into her home. Have her a place to stay, for who knows how long, she couldn't.

"Tell him to stay away. All of you need to take that note too.", she turned around and marched back into her room. Shutting the door.

Audrina silently watched the whole thing go down, the way Rin looked up at her, there were so many things that Audrina was missing. It reminded her of Kureno. When she first found out his situation, it felt like it took her too long to realize what was going on. And it was too late by the time she found out.

And now she had that same feeling.

"I'll let Haru know, that she's here.", Audrina spoke, still eyeing the hallway Rin walked down.

Yuki turned back to face her and nodded, he expressed worry. Audrina sighed out a breath, having already a lot for it only being morning.

"What's that play about?", she redirected the conversation.

"Our class is doing Cinderella."

"Oh that's cool.", she stated. "Do you have a list of what you need?"

Yuki hummed and pulled out a folded up piece of paper for his play. It wasn't relatively long as he passed it to Audrina, she scanned over it and ended with a nod.

"Ok, I'll get dressed and we can go out to get it."

Yuki watched as she walked by, "You really don't have to... I have money."

"Save your money Yuki", she waved a hand. And without giving him another chance to rebuke the offer, she went to her room to get ready. But as she passed Rin's door, she slowed down.

She wasn't sure how living with a teenager was going to go, but she did want to make sure she was okay. Knocking on the door Audrina waited. There was no immediate response but after a few seconds, Rin's voice was muffled from the other side.


"Can I come in", Audrina asked. After getting an okay, she walked in. Rin was laying on the bed facing the window. Her entire body was covered all except her head that Audrina could only tell from the waves of hair the trickled the pillow.

"I wanted to let you know that I'll be gone. I'll leave some money for you to order something."

"Okay.", her voice was heavy.

Audrina opened her mouth to say something more about was just happened but thought it was best to save it for a time where she wasn't ready to leave, or have other company. Quietly she turned and shut the door behind her officially heading back to get ready.


Audrina got everything on his list. They were driving back to her apartment, when the conversation about the play struck up into more detail.

"I hate I may have to get my idiotic brother to help with costumes.", he mumbled looking out the window.

Audrina smirked at the mention of his brother. Their personalities couldn't be more different, and just the thought of them being related was humorous. "Then you'd hate me more for teaching him how to sew."

"Wait what?", Yuki turned his head. Audrina slowly nodded.

She exhaled, thinking back, "Yea your brother had a...... unique fashion sense. So it wasn't as simple as getting another pair of pants or finding something in a different size. I told him it wouldn't be an issue if he made it himself. I helped him with getting started."

Yuki was frozen from just the mention of his brother learning from her. He had thought his creativity was the driving force, but of course he had to getting the knowledge of seaming from somewhere as he wouldn't do it himself. Audrina of course had to be the one to teach him. She only learned because Shigure and Ayame would always find ways to put tears in their clothing. On top of them always transferring at times which were unfavorable she had to make spare clothing to change in instead of using money to buy something they'd eventually destroy.

Shigure never bothered to learn, he just hadn't all of his stuff to her, however Ayame took the knowledge and basically became his own fashion designer.

"That's amazing", Yuki awed. Then he thought... "Can you also help with designing..... if your not busy of course."

Busy or not, he asked. She was going to do it , "Yea... I can come in Monday and get measurements."

"Thank you. Truly.", he said.

Audrina had pulled into the parking garage at that statement and before she exited she nodded, "Look I understand the responsibility of being President and hosting the entire thing. If you need anything at all just let me know."

Yuki has gotten more comfortable with letting Audrina know stuff off the top of his brain. She wasn't going to make him feel as if he was asking for too much. Or being selfish for asking anything at ally. So his next question had no guilt weighted on him.

"Actually... for props. Do you know how to build?"

Audrina chuckled, "Yea no."

Yuki nodded understanding. But as she was thinking of ways to help him get, she thought of someone. And it killed her to think of it. But it wasn't for her.... It was for Yuki. At the café she recalled a conversation between her and Kieran.

"Did you always want to be a Lawyer?", Kieran asked finishing his drink. Audrina was still sipping on her when he asked, but she shook her head.

"No. I got my first degree in Forensic Biology before I got another in Criminology. I wanted to be a Forensic Medical Examiner."

Kieran's eyes filled with anticipation, his face lit up. "Wow.... That's really amazing. What made you change."

Audrina shrugged her shoulders, "I wanted to help people get out of situations they feel they're stuck in."

Kieran was softly smiling the whole time. Audrina hadn't noticed that is was truly out of admiration. So shifting the conversation from it being about her, she cleared her throat.

"You always wanted to be a lawyer?"

He aswell shook his head, drawing her attention, "I got my first degree in Architecture before getting another in Criminal Justice. I had no idea what I was going to do with Architecture.... I just heard it reeled in money."

"Fair", Audrina smirked. "That's a big jump though. What made you change?."

He aswell shrugged, "I've known close relatives to be placed in the system over false accusations. It ruined their life....... I want to prevent that from happening to anyone else. Or their families."

Audrina's face softened. She saw a sort of vulnerability in his eyes and upon hearing his reason further from the money, she respected it. More than he could imagine.

"I like that.", she said.

Kieran rose and eyebrow, "Like what?"

"I've met some people, who did it simply because of the money. Or to have a presence in a court room. But your reason is...... it's beautiful really."

Kieran's eyes widened at her response, and Audrina saw how he placed a fist up to his mouth clearing his throat. He turned away to catch his breath before calming himself down. She only knew the surface but inside his heart was racing.

"Thank you.", he mumbled. He forgot his drink was empty but, he grabbed it as a distraction drinking the droplets that sitauted themselves at the bottom. Flustered was an understatement.

A huge understatement

Audrina sighed, as she pulled out her phone, "But I might know someone who can help."

She opened the text to which she ignored earlier:

Enjoy yourself.

She smiled upon reading it, but was already texting him again.

I have a question

Soon enough it chimed.


Do you want to put that Architecture degree into use?


"Cinderella huh?", Kieran leaned across her counter. Audrina was placed in a similar positioning, Yuki sat on the stool opposite the to them. Seeing him out of suit and tie always set Audrina for a little surprise. He wore a short sleeve blue shirt and black sweatpants. His niece didn't lie. Instead of just the piercing in his lobe, on the same ear, was a cartilage piercing to which both had an earring in it. Matching the silver jewelry, he wore a chain necklace.

Yuki nodded, "Yea we need a couple of set props."

Kieran turned to face Audrina, "What's the pay?"

Yuki's expression was fearful. He didn't think that Audrina's friend would ask for any sort of payment given it was a Highschool pay. To set things straight he started to speak but Audrina lifted a hand to stop him.

"Don't scare him.", she spoke. To which Kieran chuckled and went back to facing Yuki.

"I'm kidding. Just run me your ideas. Doesn't have to be detailed I can finish the rest."

Yuki look between the both of them, a sense of relief washing over him. Now that the weight was lifted off his shoulders from having to search for a way to make that play good for everyone involved. On top of that, he's bringing in people who know what their doing instead of Highschool students who have other things to do, including actually being involved in the play.

"Thank you both", it was sincerity in his tone.

"Of course", Audrina sighed and turned around. She handed them each a drink, the last being Kieran, she whispered.

"And thank you.... For coming over I mean. Means a lot."

Kieran softly smiled to her, "Anything you need."


Did I base Kieran off of my dream guy....


Yes I did.

Continuer la Lecture

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