Why brother why?... [ Country...

By Helloyallitsmeagirl

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Uhm ya this is an unrealistic story on what I think might happen if another Korean war broke out šŸ„² Well the... More

South Korea's dream
Chapter 1
The meeting
North Korea
Authors Note
A day in the life of war
Introduction to the Countries.
I dont know what to name this
Diary Entry
Japan joins
Just a chapter
North's side
New leverage
North and South Hwangehae
Developing Friendship
What happens, happens
The escape plan
Brother's reunion
Catching up
Real Trouble
Invasion. Period.
North Korea
We Will Win
Thank you
New book is out


329 8 6
By Helloyallitsmeagirl

The southern part of the Korean peninsula was studying in his room.

"Ughhh... This js so hard" He groaned, letting his head fall onto the table.

Japanese was the only language he was fluent at. He wasn't allowed to learn Hangul, because that's what the Japanese Empire said so. He could speak Japanese fluently, but writing and reading it was a challenge.

However, his father taught him some basics of Hangul, and he loved every moment of it.

His brother, North came into his room. He was the opposite of South. He wanted to learn Hangul, and scolded his brother for not trying hard enough to learn his mother tounge. He hated learning Japanese and only spoke it when it was absolutely necessary.

He peered at the Japanese that South was reading, and shook his head in disappointment.

"Really, South? I don't get it, why don't you just make an effort to learn your own language! Just learning the basics isn't enough! You should be speaking your own language proudly, not studying something else!" He cried angrily.

He was speaking in Korean, and South couldn't understand a lot, but got the message.

"B-but won't the Japanese Empire get mad if I don't speak Japanese? I need to North, I value my life!" He protested in his bad Korean.

North sighed as he sat down on his brother's bed.

"I do too, brother. But abandoning your own language and roots are another thing. It's not like Japanese soldiers are everywhere here, we live in remote parts of the country. We live in isolation! I'm sick of it, but at least it helps me to study my own roots." He said.

"B-but-" South started to say.

He was caught by surprise when North grabbed him and pinned him to the wall.

"No. Buts. I am teaching you Hangul right here and now. It will be easy for you to learn, since your a Korean country. I am not allowing you to abandon your own language just like that, because of some stupid Empire." He said.

South nodded.

North sat down next to his brother and started to teach him.

"Now, this is , , ..."


It's been a couple weeks since the war started. South looked at his phone.

"Prayers to Korea 🙏🏻 I hope this war ends soon, like if you agree!"

"Justice for Unified Korea! Follow if you want a Unified Korea!"

"Shouldn't the Korean war have ended years ago? Here's new merch I'm selling with the words "Pray for Korea!" on it!"

South clicked his tounge in annoyance. He rolled his eyes looking at all the clout-chasing people from other countries. In fact, he had seen people not from his country pretend to be Korean just for popularity and sympathy. He glared at all the posts and comments while disliking them.

He looked at his desk and was surprised to see a note on it.


'A phone number?' He looked at it suspiciously. Who on earth could've put that there?

Eventually, he decided to call the phone number out of curiosity.

He pressed the buttons on his telephone and put the microphone to his mouth.

"여보세요? (Hello?)"

"It's been a while, brother."


Author's note:


Also, if any of you think that the ships I do is unreasonable or unrealistic, it's your opinion and I respect that. However, one thing to note is that I don't just make the characters *poof* fall in love. I first write how relations are fixed amd a slow friendship gradually becoming more romantic

Again, I am not sure if I am going to write any ships here. Prob Japan x South Korea since they have alr fixed their relations here (not in real life of course!) But not for certain.

But I will NEVER ship enemies, only neutral or friendly countries. Japan could be considered a South Korean ally but is more on the neutral side. Not enemies. NEVER Rusame, USSR x Nazi Germany or anything like that.

(Also btw the Japanese empire is basically like Japan's mom, but it was a part of Japan that was torn apart and "made evil" ig.)

Could anyone comment any ideas for this story? I'm running out of them TvT.

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