Drawing of a Rose [Troyler AU]

By jamtim

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Troye Sivan is a 16 year old boy who loves to do art. He's also homophobic. When Tyler Oakley rocks up to the... More

Prologue: Slowly Closing
Chapter 1: The New Kid
Chapter 2: Masking the Emotions
Chapter 3: Cute Boy
Chapter 4: Confessions
Chapter 5: Flashbacks
Chapter 6: Explanations
Chapter 7: Artwork
Chapter 8: Messages
Chapter 9: Not fully out
Chapter 10: Casual Chit-chat
Chapter 11: Plans
Chapter 12: Iced Coffee
Chapter 13: Opinions
Chapter 14: Revelations
Chapter 15: Fairy-flossed Angel
Chapter 16: Who Was He?
Chapter 17: One Big Question
Chapter 18: Like I'm Toxic
Chapter 19: One, Two, Three
Chapter 20: Flower Of Truth
Chapter 21: Like Hell He Was
Chapter 22: Pity and Sympathy
Chapter 23: Toast
Chapter 24: Sun, Music, Peace.
Chapter 25: The Sandbar
Chapter 26: Ocean Eyes
Chapter 27: I Promise it Will
Chapter 28: Twisting and Coiling
Chapter 29: Forgive?
Chapter 30: Autopilot
Chapter 32: Future
Chapter 33: Unraveling
Chapter 34: Choices We Make
Chapter 35: Safe of Secrets
Chapter 36: Painting Memories
Chapter 37: Movies
Chapter 38: Delving Into The Past
Chapter 39: Old And New Acquaintances
Chapter 40: Stop Being A Teenager
Chapter 41: Swelled Head
Chapter 42: Recharge
Chapter 43: Fast Paced
Chapter 44: Moving Too Fast
Chapter 45: Recollection
Chapter 46: Blanked Out
Chapter 47: Please Stay
Chapter 48: Getting It Together
Chapter 49: Say I Love You
Chapter 50: Thanks for Listening.

Chapter 31: Raindrops

1K 75 47
By jamtim


Caspar better not be a fucking idiot today.

I never got the chance to see Troye after school yesterday. He seemed so out of it and spacey that I wouldn't be surprised if he had disappeared.

The usual cerulean sky had shifted into a dreary grey, storm clouds collecting above us. A light, but icy, wind had picked up.

It was going to rain today.

But I felt like I could risk my luck and skip driving to school. Even if I did drive, I would've been nearly half an hour early, and who would want to do that with rampaging, hormonal teenagers?

Not this guy.

When I arrived at school, I saw a few of my friends at our usual spot, so I wandered over to them.

"Hey" I greeted, squeezing in next to Jim and Louise.

A few responded back,

"I heard that there are these-oh hey Tyler- two girls, a year younger, going out" Zoe gossiped. "And there might also be those two 'emo' guys going out. There are a lot of gay couples, aren't there?"

"So, what about you Tyler? Still got your eye on Troye" Marcus hinted, wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes.

"Literally, stop" I replied, avoiding the question.

"Oh, and speaking about Troye, here he is now" Jim piped up.

Troye had just walked through the gates, making his way towards the school doors.

"Troye!" Jim called.

The mentioned boy looked up, searching for whoever called his name. When his eyes finally saw us, he nodded. Steering his feet towards us, Troye strutted up to us.

"Heya" I said to Troye, flashing a wide smile.

He responded with a smile, big enough to flash pearly white teeth. The best part was that it wasn't forced.

"You should smile with your teeth often, it's cute" I blurted out.

A light blush creeped up his cheeks, tinting them a light red. I knew my face had mirrored his as well.

When I turned back to the group, Louise was staring at me, a knowing glint flickering in her eyes. My blush deepened, and I focused on the conversation.

The Bell droned through the P.A., signalling the start of classes.

I strolled with Zoe towards history, preparing to learn about things I won't need to know.

Just before turning the corner, I sneaked a glance at Troye, in a totally non-stalkerish way, and saw him making small talk with Alfie.

I breezed into the history room and sat down, grabbing out my notebook.

"Alright, let's do this" I mumbled to myself as the teacher rushed in.


My classes rolled by until it was lunch.

I sat down at our usual table, joining Joe and Connor. I was hungrier than normal so I skipped conversation and went straight to food. Cause, food.

The others joined us eventually, the chatter growing louder with each addition.

Surprisingly, Troye joined us at his own terms. As he sat down, I caught Caspar's eyes, giving him the death stare. He quickly averted his gaze, leaning lower in his seat.

"Someone save me" Marcus groaned as he collapsed into a seat next to me.

"Oh god, here we go. What happened now?" I replied as I shovelled the rest of my sandwich in my mouth.

"That weird girl, Miranda or something, wouldn't shut up in biology about dissecting a frog, and now she won't stop bugging me" Marcus explained, pulling faces as he did.

"She got kicked out of my maths class because she was so disruptive" Troye said, a knowing smile on his face.

"I wouldn't be surprised. What did she do?" Marcus asked.

Troye then began a wonderful tale of how Miranda would randomly break out into songs during class, practically screaming the lyrics. She would complain about how she had so many haters and no one would listen to her.

By the end of the recount, Marcus and I were giggling like schoolgirls at the ridiculousness of the acts.

"There once was this girl in my class..." and that was how the rest of our lunch was spent, talking about the strange characters we had in our school.

As the bell went, signalling the end of school, I hastily packed my things away and exited the classroom and halls, knowing Troye would have already left.

I was right, as I found Troye walking through the courtyard.

"Yo, Troye what's up?" I said as I caught up to him.

He looked towards me. "Hey, Tyler" he responded.

"Do you want to go to Starbucks and do our little tradition, ordering drinks and writing the story?" I asked, praying he would say yes.

"Yeah, okay. I got nothing better to do" Troye agreed, causing a smile to spread across my face.


We traipsed to Starbucks, making small talk on the way.

The cafe was fairly empty, so our usual seat by the window was free. The scent of coffee and something spicy (cinnamon perhaps?) swirled through the air, the atmosphere warm and comforting as usual.

Troye and I began working on the story, sipping the drinks we ordered along the way.

As words and lines and dots were scribbled across paper, the sky darkened, earlier than usual. The dark clouds from the morning had not disappeared, instead threatening to burst with the faintest movement in air.

"We should probably finish up soon, it looks like it's going to rain" I suggested when clouds slowly covered the sun.

Troye looked up from writing, glancing out the window.

"Yeah, probably should" he agreed.

We both stashed our books and papers away, throwing the empty cups away.

A crisp wind had picked up since we had entered the building, attacking us the moment we walked outside. I tugged my jacket further around my body.

We barely spoke a word as we made our way down the street. Our pace was twice as fast, both wanting to escape the cold.

Three blocks away from my house, something fell down my neck. Another on my head, then my arm.

Multiple began pounding down upon us, and I began to get drenched.

It had started to rain.

I cursed, wishing I had drove this morning. I quickened my pace, but realised something was wrong.

There was only one set of footsteps.

I spun around, raindrops blurring my vision. I could feel goosebumps rising on my skin as the water began to soak through my clothes.

"Oi, Troye, what are you doing?" I called.

Amidst the rain, I could see Troye standing in the middle of the path, staring up at the sky. As he heard my voice, he began walking to me, still looking upwards.

A metre away, he finally gazed down upon me. He wasn't worried about the rain, or shivering about the cold. No, he was just relaxed and calm, like the rain was an everyday occurrence.

He met my eyes, and smiled. The smile was soft and gentle, mimicking his nonchalant attitude. A few droplets twinkled down his nose and cheeks, his eyes somehow glowing in the dim light.

"I love the rain" was all he said as he began to walk again down the path.


Why hello there! I have updated!

This chapter had some sweetness at the end, not sure if it was good or not, but I enjoyed writing it. It made up for the beginning.

So how's your life been going? Any awkward/exciting moments happen?

I've just been watching YouTube (a reason this chapter went up later) and staying in bed. Although I did lose my phone on the bus... (I got it back luckily).

And Hello L3ttuc3 .you've also found my story. What's up?

Comment and vote if you enjoyed.
Imma go now.



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