The Belladonna

Por BekLittleSparrow24

129K 5.6K 706

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... Más

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Belladonna
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Across the Plank
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - Sitting Room
Chapter 69

Chapter 18

1.8K 91 4
Por BekLittleSparrow24

Sky was numb. Her entire body seemed to hum with a deep intense cold that had nothing to do with the temperature. It was well into the night. The crescent moon emitted just enough light to see in the midnight darkness. After Thomas had finished speaking they were both silent for a long time, the only noise was the sound of the water against the ship. The other pirates had gone to bed long ago and there were just a few men on night watch.

Sky looked at Thomas for the first time since he started and saw it. The love and devotion towards his captain was clear in his dark eyes. She had wondered what held their friendship and now she understood; they respected each other as human beings and they had both saved the other. But surely that couldn't be all.

"What did he say to you?" Sky was desperate for Thomas to continue; there must be more.

"Dustin?" Thomas smiled. "He called me a 'daft fool' and said he didn't need my help." The fond memory was so clear for him Sky felt like she could see it in his eyes and she smiled as well.

"Did you reminisce about the old days and buy each other a drink?" Thomas grinned at her.

"Along those lines. We spoke for a long time and he finally introduced himself as Dust. I told him I had no name and that he could call me what he please for I owed him my life." Sky stared surprised.

"You had no name?" She asked making sure her voice was gentle.

"I had been a slave my whole life and when on The Belladonna I was simply called 'Captain'." Dumbfounded Sky nodded. "Dust asked me if 'Thomas' was worthy enough and I laughed at his question telling him I'd be honoured if he called me 'You'." Sky was rather glad that Dustin hadn't been low enough to refer to this man as 'you'. "But, despite his wicked grin and bright eyes there was definitely something off with him and I didn't know what it was."

"How old was he then?" Sky asked.

"He would have been around nineteen I'd say." Thomas said. "I told him I could never replay him for what he'd done for me but it seemed to anger him. He told me that we were the only ones who lived. I didn't know what he meant at the time so I brushed it aside. As a way of thanks offered him a place on my ship and told him that I'd be grateful to sail under his command. I was happily surprised when he agreed and he said to give him a few days to sort out some business.

"I told him where The Belladonna would be and as we said our farewells we passed a drunken man. He tripped and the poor bastard lost his hat before continuing on his way bareheaded. I bent to pick up the thing and when I saw if had a massive feather I placed it on top of Dust's head and laughed at him. He grinned and simply pulled it farther down saying he'd see me in a few days."

"So that's why he never takes it off." Sky laughed thinking of the Captains huge feathered hat.

"Aye. True to his word he met up with us days later and I've sailed under him ever since." Sky smiled at the happy ending but stopped when she realised something.

"You said you pushed aside what he'd said because you didn't understand," She started, "What did he mean; 'that you were the only ones to live'?" Thomas' smile disappeared.

"That's a story you need to ask Dust, Lass." Sky's heart sank.

How am I meant to ask him if he'll never look at me again? Her view had changed. Never had she imagined the captain of this ship would be in the Kings Navy or save slaves. And yet if what Thomas' said is true then maybe he had. Perhaps I was wrong. She felt guilt claw at her. She looked for something to say to distract herself.

"So technically The Belladonna is yours?" She asked.

"We share her. Aye, she may be 'technically' mine but Dust leads her. Hence this monstrosity!" Thomas gestured to the bird behind them. Sky looked up at it and finally made the connection.

"Captain Dustin Hawk, at you service." That had been what he'd introduced himself as when he'd claimed the navy Brig. The hawk was at the very front of the ship as if pulling her forward through the water on its back.

"I like it." Sky admitted as she gazed up at the hawk feeling an odd sense of safety under its huge caved wing and keen eyes.

Thomas grinned at her. "Of course you do." His tone implied something and Sky's eyes snapped back to him. She opened her mouth to scold him but he suddenly stood up, holding on to the railing for support. "Come on. The sun 'll be rising soon and we've got a long day ahead of us."

She watched as he easily lifted himself over the railing and onto the deck. Sky was less graceful but managed to get one leg over and from there she climbed back onto the ship. Sure enough there were already pirates on deck letting down the sails in preparation for the morning wind. Sky felt oddly refreshed despite her sleepless night. She certainly did not want to see Dustin, but she no longer wanted to throw herself into the water which was a start. Once the sails were down the ship moved across the water with such ease that Sky felt like she was flying. The sensation nearly distracted her for the cabin door opening. Nearly.

Dustin stepped out, his hat so low over his face that all Sky could see was his chin. She smiled at the thought of Thomas giving him the hat and caught herself; she didn't want him to see her smiling at him. He might take it as a challenge and after last night she didn't really want to challenge him like that again. More alarmingly she found herself wanting to ask him his story. Have him sit down with her like Thomas and just talk. She wanted to hear his voice; see if his eyes got lost in past memories too.

Skyler! She yelled to herself not liking where her thoughts were taking her. Thomas met him at the wheel and Sky watched the exchange between them. She saw Dustin shake his head and take the wheel. Sky looked away and helped the other men untie the side sails to make the ship go faster.

She looked up at the fading stars to get her bearings. The cradle was close now and there were currently in a 'red zone' or so she'd learnt from Fane's map. The waters here were under strict guard and if any navy vessel saw a ship bearing a flag that wasn't blue and red it would be gunned down and boarded.

Apprehension filled her at the idea but she pushed it aside; these men had taken a Brig with little effort, a patrol ship would go down in seconds.

"All sails down. We need to ride this wind for everything it's worth!" The sound of his voice washed over Sky and she looked to him and was surprised when she joined in the rest of the crew.

"Aye, Captain." The words felt odd on her tongue but bizarrely satisfying.

The wind was strong and it propelled The Belladonna forward with almost unnatural speed. They had been moving at this pace for a few hours and Sky longed for a hat to keep the sun off her face. She was hot from the work and her lips were cracked from the salt in the air. She used her shirt to wipe her face clean and settled down in the shade of the sails.

She was only sitting for less than a minute when she heard a bell. All eye turned to the main mast as Fane appeared over the side. The look of distress on his face was clear even from the main deck.

"Enemy patrol ship, Cap'n!"

Sky grabbed her spyglass from her hip and held it up to her face. She knew Fane would have a better view from the top of the mast but Sky wanted to see for herself. Sure enough the ship was sitting on the horizon from this distance Sky couldn't tell what type it was but if it was in the red zone then it was more than likely that it was the navy.

From the poop deck Dustin began giving orders. Sky turned and run up to the deck her spyglass open in her hand. Thomas looked at her as she stood next to the captain. He did not even look at her but Sky refused to let their argument drag on like children. She pushed aside her conflicted feelings towards him.

"Don't you have a flag that you can use for situations like this?" Sky asked him remembering that James had once told her pirates would steal the king's flag to confuse other ships. Dustin frowned.

"I will never sail under those colours." His voice was fierce and it took Sky a moment to realise that he had sailed under the kings flag. She knew better than to point out that his pride might cost all their lives.

"Then do you have a plan?" She looked back up to Fane and saw he was using his spyglass.

"Thomas, what is it?" Dustin asked ignoring her and turned the wheel looking only slightly worried.

Before Thomas had even grabbed his spyglass Sky had hers to her eye and inspected the ship. She wished the instrument offered her a little more range but they were close enough for her to see it better now. The ship had three tall masts and was larger than a brig. It only had one row of guns and it looked like there were twenty-five of them on each side.

"It's a Frigate." She stated. Dustin turned to her and gave her an odd look. When her hazel eyes met his she felt like he'd somehow managed to stop her breathing.

"Good." Thomas said oblivious to their locked gazes. "We can out run her. If we keep our pace and move out of her range, she hopefully won't turn around to follow us."

Dustin ripped his eyes off Sky and nodded. "Once we pass her we'll head south and dock just out of the bay. As long as this wind stays behind us we should get by without having to sink her or waste any ammunition."

The plan sounded simple enough but something was nagging at Sky.

Just get through this for now. Once it's over we'll be at Karniva and I won't ever have to deal with pirates again. Sky wasn't entirely sure how she felt about that.

"Cap'n," One of the men, Sky saw that it was Mr Rogue, called out, "Fane says it's a single deck Frigate." The Captain nodded already knowing this. "He also said that it's turning to face us. What are your orders Sir?"

"Keep the sails open and catch the wind. We're going to slip past her with ease." He called back. The men on the main deck leapt into action adjusting the sails to maximise how much wind they got.

Sky inspected the Frigate and saw that it had turned so that it was parallel with them and if they continued the way they were heading they'd still be in its range of fire.

"You need to head more to port side-"

"I know." Dustin growled through clenched teeth.

Dustin spun the wheel with what looked like great effort and Sky looked out at the waves; they were pushing the ship the other way as if angling The Belladonna towards the Frigate. Movement on the port side caught Sky's eye.

"What?" Dustin asked noticing her sudden change in demeanour. Sky didn't answer him; instead she squinted in the sun.

On the horizon, so far way it could have been nothing, was a speck bobbing just above the water. Sky tilted her head and pulled open her spyglass. It took her a few seconds to find it, as it was farther than she had realised. When she saw the outline of what it was her entire body felt like it would crumble apart.

A ship that far way wouldn't have been visible unless...

"Sky! What is it?" Dustin demanded. Sky met his gold gaze and bit her lip.

"We have a problem." She said her voice trembling. Dustin frowned at her and opened his mouth to say something.

"Captain!" Fane screamed down. Dustin's eyes snapped up with concern.

"There's another ship."

"For fucks sake! What is it!?" At his frantic tone the rest of the crew looked up at Fane. Sky spoke before he could.

"It's a Man-o'-war." Dustin turned to Sky at the sound of her voice and she saw the fear that passed through his gold eyes.


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