By Neenasd

63.7K 4.9K 656

AGREEMENT AND LOVE 3 .... Alexander suppasit a well know ceo and a singer of Thailand who runs a big empire... More

chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63 END

chapter 56 🔞

1.1K 74 5
By Neenasd

Author pov...

All four vamipers keep glaring at all four tops who hugging thier wifey while Arthur and nova seat next to type and tharn and watch Alex and tevis wedding ...

Type:"Look at two girls they are killing Alex with thier eyes for sure tharn... Poor babies they become single...." Type and tharn giggle while Freye and gaia glare at them for giggling...

Priest:"So we are here to witness the wedding of Mr Alexander suppasit and Mr Tevis lane ... If anyone against the wedding you can stop it right know ..." Freye and gaia above to raise thier hand while jeff and Scarlett pull them and hug them ...

Everyone:"Vampires ..." They keep sobbing while Alecia clap her hands looking at her daddy and papa ...

Alex:"Come on do it fast before those girls ruin my wedding plan ... " Priest laugh and nod his head ...

Priest:"Just repet after me ..."

Alex:"I, Alexander suppasit , take thee, Tevis lane , to be my wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith ... Tevis smile and nod his head while he continue with his vows...

Tevis:"I, Tevis lane , take thee, Alexender suppasit, to be my wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith...

Alex i am sorry for my mistake and i promise you that i will always be with you and stand beside you in what ever situations it is Alex ... I will never think of leaving your side again and i promise love you and cherish you till my death and bring Alecia in a good manners ... I love you so much babe ..." Alex was surprised by tevis word while he pull tevis and kiss him while Freye and gaia run and bite Alex leg ...

Alex:"Ahhh you vampires let me go ..." Alex rub his leg while tevis laugh look at Freye and gaia looking at him with teary eyes...

Freye:"Beauty marry us ... Marry us ..." They pull tevis pant while he kneel down and kiss thier cheeks ...

Tevis:"Beauty can only marry you guys when you grow up like p'Alex ... Your so small know how can you marry me ..." They look tevis and wipe thier tears while kissing him on his lips ...

Tharn:"This what it fell like when they interpret in our marriage..." Type glare at tharn ....

Type:"It was Arthur not my babies... But anyways they prove that they are his blood afterall ... I know you did the same at papa and dada wedding don't you tharn ..." Arthur and nova giggle looking at tharn who was sulking at him ...

Gaia:"Let's marry beauty Freye ..." Alex shake his head looking at his sister's who glaring at him ...

Mileapo and samyu got married with them and finally they all four where happy while smiling looking at each other...

Tevis:"I love this ring so much babe ... I love you ..."

Tharn:" so enjoy your honeymoon for next one week guys ... And travel safe and take care of eachother...." All eight look eachother Before nodding thier heads ...

Everyone:"THANKS DADA/P'THARN..." Tharn and type hug them all while grauds carry thier luggage towards the cars...


Zee:"Baby saint why don't we accompany them for next one week ... And also discusses about ..."

Jeff:"About your punishment or kneeling down at corner right grandpa..." Zee glare at jeff who laugh out at him ...

Zee:'You brat i will never give my grand daughter to you not even in your dreams...." Jeff and Zee keep on fighting while saint and gulf pull them towards the car ...
Type:"I want grandkids soon again everyone see you all bring chocolates again when your returning back.. " tharn carry type towards the car while he wave his hand ...

Tevis kiss all vampires who slept on jeff and bible shoulder... While Alecia hold tevis coat tightly and not letting him go ....

Tevis:"You should be good girl and not fight with Freye and gaia ok be friends and i will be back soon Peachy..." Build remove her hands and carry her towards the car while all wave their hands before walking towards the sea...

Nova:" Finally the day is completed and i am really fall in love with you so much like more deeper kitten ..." Arthur laugh and shake his head while hugging him ...

Arthur:"So can you get pregnant... Don't you hear what my tyee have told while leaving..." Nova slap his chest while Arthur carry him towards their room ...

Mile:"Did we become air to them Ale..." All four look at behind and find Alex Tevis missing while apo and yu laugh at thier hubby reaction ...

Sam:" Backstabber ... We become air to them ... Let's go baby yu let have our own baby ..." Mile look at apo who run from thier while mile run behind him ....


Alex carry tevis like a koala bear who keep Giggling all his way to room .... He hug Alex tightly while kissing his neck while Alex drop him in the bed while tevis made a grabby hands ...

Tevis:"Are you made any bet with uncle Arthur or mile,sam that who's wife is going to get pregnant first I can see your eagerness babe ..." Alex throw his coat and pant on corner while tevis rip his shirt with a smrik...

Alex:"Peacock is more eager than me right ..." Tevis pull Alex before kissing kissing him passionate...

Tevis:"Let's have babies ..." Alex smirk and remove tevis clothes while leaving him naked... Tevis bit his lips seducing him his babe ...

Alex keep on kissing tevis neck while tevis keep on moaning... Tevis flop Alex and sat his stomach while he grin widely ...

Alex:"wrong move Peacock..." Alex shake his head and flip tevis on bottom while he remove his boxer while he blowjob which make tevis moan higher....

Tevis:" ..cumming..." Tevis cum on Alex hand while tevis pull Alex into deep kiss ...

Alex thrust one finger on tevis hole while he keep on adding another two finger which make tevis cry in pain ... Tevis bite Alex shoulder hardly while he hiss on pain ...

Alex:"Stop me peacock if you..." His word hang on middle while tevis glare at him ...

Tevis:"Talk less work more Alex ..." Alex chuckled and thrust little by little not to hurt tevis ... He wait for tevis to adjust and wipe his tears while tevis nod his head while Alex move in one go ... " Fuck it's hurt but i love it ..." Alex keep on thrust in and out while tevis hug Alex tightly...

Alex:"Babe loves peacock so much..." Tevis keep on moaning while Alex thrust deeply ...

Tevis:"Cu..cum inside me babe..." Alex cum inside tevis while he kiss tevis neck making alot of hickeys...

Alex:"Want another round ..." Tevis flop Alex and enter in his hole without any second thought...



Spoiler ....

Arthur walk towards the pool area while holding his back while Nova smrik and walk before him while all six look at thier uncle limping ....

Mile:"Did the table trun around ... " Alex and sam nod thier head while Arthur shout Before sitting on the chair ...

Arthur:"Fuck ... It's hurts baby ... " Nova laugh and serve and the food to Arthur who rub his back ...

Sam:"Did you become bottom yesterday ... If not what happen come uncle tell us ..."


So hope you guys like this chapter ❣️ ...

Let's see in coming chapters sweethearts ❤️🥰❤️...

Please don't forget to vote and comment sweethearts ❤️😘❤️....

So AL3 is going to complete in next five or six chapters sweethearts ❤️ ...

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