TMNT x Reader One shots

A-Non-BinaryTurtle द्वारा

223K 3.6K 1.9K

A book of one shots for TMNT fans, goes from movies to episodes to just made up one shots, requests are open... अधिक

2014 The Bus Station
2014 Where Am I?
2014 Turtlenapped (Leo)
2014 How do we get out? (Raph)
Leo 2014 I Promise I'll Do Anything You Say.
2014 Catch Me! (Raph)
2014 Eric Sacks Or Shredder?
Donnie x Child Reader
Borrower Child Reader x 2016 Donnie (P1)
Borrower Child Reader x Donnie 2016 (P2)
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016 (P3)
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016 (P4)
2014 Don't worry (Donnie)
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016 (P5)
Borrower Child Reader x Donnie 2016 (P
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016 (P7)
Stash of Orange Crush (Mikey)
Don't Let Go!! (Donnie)
It's Alright Dudette. (Mikey)
Child Borrower x Donnie 2016 (P8)
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016 (P9)
Child Borrower Reader x 2016 Donnie
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie (P11)
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie (P12)
Child Borrower Reader X Donnie (P13)
Part 14 Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016
Part 15 Borrower Reader x Donnie
Part 16 Child Borrower Reader x Donnie
Reader Borrower Child x Donnie Pt 17
Part 18 Donnie x child Reader
18 Part 2 Donnie x Child Reader
Donnie x Reader Chapter 19
Donnie x Reader Part 20
Turtles x Female Mutant Turtle Child
Turtles x Female Mutant Turtle Child
The Basketball Game
"Where'd He Go?"
Raph 2014 x Insecure Trans Boy
Karai x Male Reader
"Stacey Moans?" (Leo)
"Stacey moans?" (Raph)
"Stacey Moans?" (Donnie)
"Stacey Moans?" (Mikey)
Tracking BeBop n Rocksteady
Dance For Me (Raph x OC)
"Don't shoot!" (Leo)
Don't Shoot!! (Raph)
Don't Shoot!! (Mikey)
Power of Flight (Leo)
Recovery (Raph's)
The undercover Plan (Donnie)
The Power of Flight (Mikey)
Doing Our Part (Leo)
The Krang (Raph)
Karai (Donnie)
The Krang (Mikey)
The Ceremony(Leo)
The Ceremony (Raph)
The Ceremony (Donnie)
The Ceremony (Mikey)
Raph x OC
There Is No Time Left
We have to go!
A Werewolf
First date?

Don't Shoot!! (Donnie)

1.2K 35 1
A-Non-BinaryTurtle द्वारा

Reader's Point Of View...

I walked back into the lair with April as I looked around for Donnie to not see him or even Leo anywhere.

"Hey guys, where did Donnie and Leo go?" I asked. Raph turned around and looked to us as we walked up. 

"They went out.." Mikey said in a not so convincing tone. "A-alright." I said as I looked to April in which she shrugged.

We sat at the table together as Raph seemed off. I pulled out my phone and texted April.

"Something seems off. I bet he is going to say that Leo left him in charge." I sent the text as we all listened to Raph.

"And so you want to break into police headquarters?" I asked. "That's right." Raph said. April looked at her phone briefly before putting it back down. A few seconds later my phone went off. 

"Donnie mentioned that he needed more of the purple ooze to track BeBop and Rocksteady." Raph explained.

I looked to my phone at April's message. "Definitely something up, they probably had a fight again. But his reason better be good for us to agree to go with them." I read.

Mikey was mixing sauces as he was placing them onto his fresh pizza. 

"And Leo and Donnie aren't here because?" I asked. "They went to the museum to find out more about what BeBop and Rocksteady were doing in there with Shredder." He explained.

"And you said yourself that the cops would have locked it away in the evidence control room by now." Raph said.

Raph and Mikey were defiantly acting weird, and they were hiding something from us for sure. 

I sighed as I made my decision. "I'm in." I said reluctantly.

"Alright, and Leo is good with this plan?" April asked. "Actually, I'm in charge on this one... Ain't that right Mikey?" Raph admitted and motioned to Mikey. 

"Yooo-rrr Right!" Mikey said as he sounded robotic. April squinted as she looked back to Raph as he pulled out a blueprint of the police headquarters.

Raph struggled to roll out the blueprint as he pointed at the layout.

"So... We are going to be able to take the elevator shafts and vents. We need you three on the ground-" Raph explained before Casey interrupted him.

"I-...I can't just walk straight into police headquarters." He sighed. Raph rolled his eyes with a sigh. "What are you, chicken?" Raph taunted.

"Hey! Who are you calling chicken, turtle!" Casey retaliated. April and I both sighed as we sat back in our seats. "Look, do you want to find BeBop and Rocksteady or not?" Raph asked making Casey pause.

Raph and Casey exchanged looks before Casey spoke up. "So we're breaking into police headquarters." Casey then sat back down.

"Are we going somewhere?" Mikey asked as he just finished stuffing his face with four pizzas.

We all ended up in an alleyway as it seemed we were visiting an old friend.

"Give me about two minutes." April said as she handed me her yellow jacket. "Why can't I come with you?" I asked.

"It's an adult party, there is more than likely some people standing guard for underaged people." April said as I sighed. "Fine." I growled as I sat on a cold staircase making me shift.

"Please don't get upset." April sighed. "April, I don't get out as often as the boys, mainly on big missions or the occasional patrol. I just want to be more useful than just a sidekick." I groaned.

"Go get Vern." I waved as she walked down the stairs.

I waited silently as Mikey and Raph were going over the plan. "So then I activate the tablet to help them get through security." Mikey repeated as Raph sighed. "The more you get it in your head the less you will forget." He said. "Yeah yeah." Mikey groaned.

I heard talking in the distance as I looked behind me. "April's coming with Vern." I said as everyone got quiet.

"Hey look, your jealousy holds no limits." Vern sighed. "I hold no jealousy towards you Vern, I'm the one that left." April said with sass.

Vern was about to retaliate before April spoke once more.

"We need your help." She stated.

"We? Who is we?" Vern asked.

"Seems like a pretty stupid question Falcon." I growled. I didn't have a good friendship with Vern after he took credit, acting like he was better than all of us.

Vern looked around as he looked for the source of the voice. Raph jumped down making Vern jump in surprise. "Well well well, if it ain't the prince of the city." Raph smirked. 

"Give me a break Raph, you are the one that told me to take credit for Shredder in the first place." Vern said.

"And now in the light of the fact that he is, who knows where. I am starting to have profound regrets about our arrangement." Vern confessed. 

"So are we going to just stand around and talk or?" Casey said as he showed himself to Vern.

"Who's this guy?" Vern asked as if offended. 

I sighed as I jumped down and handed April her jacket as I stood from a distance.

"Long story short Falcon, we need your help." I said as everyone seemed to ignore me.

"Total loser bruh." Mikey started. I rolled my eyes as I kept quiet. "I mean, nice enough fella. If you like guys who can't even bench press." Mikey taunted. "Or fill out a t-shirt." Vern mumbled with a smirk as Mikey and him fist bumped.

"Vern, he is a part of the plan." April said. "What plan is that?" Vern asked. "The plan... To break into police headquarters." April sighed.

"What?" Vern asked.

At the police station...

I stood there with April and Casey as we were about to enter into the police station. I watched as Vern started to take selfies with the cops inside as he slipped back and placed the chip into the computer. 

"Now." I said as April walked around me and opened the door with Casey as I followed close behind.

April was getting her fake ID checked as we managed to pass through security. I held in a sigh of relief as we walked down the hall. 

As we were passing two people Casey quickly turned and gestured for April to follow his league.

I walked into the bathroom as to seem less suspicious, Casey let the two people pass as one seemed to be in charge as she was a stern looking lady.

Casey started walking again as April followed, I walked back out of the bathroom as I followed them.

By the time that I rounded the corner April had already swiped the card for access.

The two froze as I managed to sneak a peek to see it was the Foot. I took off my hat as I raced towards them as I was about to punch one of them they both managed to start running up the wall.

"How did they get better training so quickly?" I asked as April seemed to ignore me as she raced towards the fleeing Foot.

I raced after them as well, I suddenly heard something collapse as I looked to see Raph and Mikey racing after them. 

"Guys! What are you doing!?" I asked as they also seemed to ignore me. "What is with everyone!?" I asked.

I raced after the boys as it seemed like I was too late, as Raph managed to get the Foot away from the vial with the help of Donnie and Leo.

"What are you guys doing!?" I growled as I looked behind us to see the cops lining up.

"FREEZE!" Someone shouted as I paused in shock. "DON'T MOVE! DON'T MOVE! DON'T MOVE!" He shouted. "No no no no!" Raph said as he started putting his arms up.

"DON'T SHOOT!" I shouted as I stood between Mikey and Raph from the police.

The lady came around the corner as she paused as she looked at the boys.

"We are not your enemies!" I shouted back. "We are trying to help!" I added as they didn't seem to listen to me.

Leo moved as he headed towards his brothers as a cop got back up and pointed his gun at him.

"I SAID DON'T SHOOT!" I shouted as they looked to me. "WE ARE TRYING TO HELP!" I screamed as everyone looked to me.

Someone tried to grab me as I pulled myself away. "I don't need your help." I growled. 

"GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!" Someone ordered. "WAIT! We're the good guys!" Mikey tried to say.

"Get down on the ground!" Another repeated. "They are not your enemy!" I shouted as everyone ignored me and the boys started to kneel to the ground. 

"What are those things?" A cop asked.

"They're monsters... THEY'RE MONSTERS!" Another shouted. The boys lowered their heads. "We're not monsters..." Mikey said quietly as he started to tear up.

I watched as Mikey lowered his head as he tried not to cry, I looked back to Donnie as I sighed.

"You...Want to see a monster?" I growled as I glared to the cops. "I WILL SHOW YOU A MONSTER!" I screamed as I shifted. "LOOK AT ME!" I said as they all backed away. 

"If you should call anyone a monster it should be me!" I said as I iced their feet to the ground. 

"If you had just listened to me! None of this would be happening!" I growled as I knocked their guns out of their hands.

"I can ice you all if I wanted to! But I haven't! None of us have done anything to you! Only I have! So if you want to point your guns at anyone it should be me!" I growled.

"Stop stop!" I heard Casey's voice in the distance as April shouted as well. I shifted back to normal as I hugged Mikey close. 

"Just because we are different, doesn't mean you can label us as monsters!" I growled as I tried to comfort Mikey.

"DON'T SHOOT!" April and Casey shouted as they put themselves before us.

"Go!" April said as they boys looked confused. I took this opportunity to pull Mikey's arm to pull him up. "GO NOW!!" She shouted.

The boys stood up as Leo and Donnie disarmed the cops next to them and left. I followed after the boys. "Jones, you have got to be kidding me!" Is all I heard before I iced the window closed and the doors shut. 

"GO!" I shouted as I ran as fast as my legs could take me.

Back at the lair...

"It is all over the police scanner!" Master Splinter said. "They are hunting you, what happened up there?" He asked as he looked to us.

"Tell him Raph!" Leo said with a growl as he started the fight. I sighed as I sat a distance away as I let a few tears fall. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked up to see Donnie. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "I-I'll be fine... I just didn't want Mikey to cry anymore." I said as I wiped away my tears. 

"And I thank you for what you did for him and us." He said as he gave me a hug.

"-and how you lied to April and Y/n and now she and Casey are taking the fall for your mess." Leo said.

"We knew they were lying!" I said. "What?" Leo asked. "We knew they were lying and went along with it. We knew it would be better for us to have the ooze than the FootClan. Besides the only reason we were caught was in fact the FootClan. We were struggling, yet Mikey and Raph wanted to help." I said as Leo kept quiet.

"Yes they made a mistake, but it was better for them to help us than for them to standby and do nothing while the Foot got away and started turning more criminals into mutants." I said.

"I think you did the right thing, but it still doesn't excuse the fact you my boys had to put yourselves into the line of fire and exposing yourselves to the police." Master Splinter sighed.

I sighed as the boys continued to fight about what had happened.

I hid myself in my room as Donnie called his brothers, mentioning that he had pinpointed BeBop and Rocksteady. I guess the boys ended up leaving as I started to think about how I could possibly help them.

An idea came to mind as I thought for a moment... "Master Splinter?" I called out. He approached my room as he knocked. "Come in..." I said.

"What is it my dear?" He asked. "I have an idea... To help everyone but they can't know of my idea." I said. Master Splinter looked confused.

"What... If I became a spy?" I asked.

"I want to be useful but nobody can know of what I plan on doing." I sighed. "I need to pretend to become enemies with the turtles. I already have an idea to put to use. Nobody has been listening to me lately. And I can use that as an excuse to why I want to become allies with Shredder. And I can always help the turtles when they eventually face the Shredder." I explained.

"I will only leave a note for Donnie, but I need you to make sure he can not tell his brothers or April and Casey." I said.

"It seems dangerous." Master Splinter said as he thought about it. "But I think it would be a nice idea to help have an advantage against Shredder. I will go with your idea if it comes to this." Master Splinter said. "All I hope is that you are safe with your mission." He said.

"I hope so too..." I said.

I wrote in a book Donnie and I used.

"Donnie... I am going undercover for becoming a spy, I can always alert you of new plans that Shredder is planning on doing, but when the time is right, I will return to you with all of his plans. Lots of love... Y/n.  P.S Don't tell anyone about this, even April and Casey, Master Splinter knows." I wrote as I packed a few of my things as I started to put a change of clothes.

I even tried to mess up my clothes to make it look like I was upset.

I left my phone there as I grabbed one of Donnie's gadgets, it would keep me in closed contact with him. Nobody would be able to get into it without an ice piece of me, and a fingerprint.

It couldn't even be hacked. 

And with that I said goodbye to Master Splinter and made my way out of the sewers.

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