Clouded thoughts (hxh~bnha)

By automatic_11037

64.1K 2.3K 1.9K

Killua finds himself in a unfamiliar world. Things are different here and he doesn't understand them one bit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 17

2K 78 75
By automatic_11037

[Killua's pov]

A couple days passed, school being boring as usual. Though after a while we heard news of a field trip to a place called the USJ. I forget what it stands for but it stands for something. But by the time any of us were able to think about it we were already forming a line for the buses while a frustrated blue haired moron shouted at some kid who was sitting on top of the bus. I was totally not that kid....not at all..

After a glare being shot my way from mister insomniac I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at that stupid stickler for the fucking rules as I hopped off the buss top and placed my hands in my pocket stepping inside. The bus ride was anything but quiet. Not to mention I had to sit beside the homeless guy, at least he let me have the window seat.

For the entirety of the ride there were small conversations being spread back and forth like a rabid disease attempting to cause a pandemic. Though I just kept my headphones on and stared out the window until the large building came into view and shouts of excitement began yelling over the music that at this point was being blasted into my goddamn ears.

We arrived and filed out of the bus after the orders from Aizawa were given. Small glances were shot my way, specifically by a spiky haired blonde boy before he realized I noticed and he whipped his head to look towards the building once more. I ignored it and decided to move on before following the rest of my classmates into the USJ.

When we entered it looked as though half of the class's eyes were sparkling, one dude in particular was sparkling himself- we don't talk about him though. The place was separated into different types of zones, such as a city, a flood zone, landslide and so on.

Pro hero thirteen showed up not long after we arrived and introduced himself, along with telling us about his facility; apparently it stood for the unforeseen simulation joint. The only reason I knew this pro was because I've been working on my technology skills and may or may not have hacked into UA information so I wouldn't be behind in class if I took a nap.....but that's besides the point.

I soon overheard the insomniac over there mention something to the space hero about All Might not being able to join us today and I mentally cheered to myself. The two finished their conversation, nodding to each other before turning back to us.

"As most of you already know, my quirk is blackhole. It has its setbacks, for instance it could be used to kill. And I'm sure some of you have a similar setback. But instead of using your powers to fight, today you will be learning how to save lives with your quirks!" Thirteen had begun going on this long rant about the last couple of days and our previous training before he moved on. But I stopped focusing as soon as I felt bloodlust fill the air around us.

I tensed and shot a glance in the direction I could feel the newfound bloodlust practically flowing from. Just ahead of us a bit farther into the giant dome there was a flattened out area with a fountain directly in the center along with what looked to be hedges in which slowly but surely a purple mist began to form in front of it all.

A head emerged from the swirl of purple, a pale hand holding on just to reveal these bloodshot eyes that shot like daggers at our class. Aizawa seemed to be the next to notice before he shouted out for everyone to get back.

"NOBODY MOVE!!" Everyone followed our teachers instructions, some whispering about how real they made villains look for this simulation as more and more things entered the center building.

"Protect the students! This is not a drill, those are real villains." Aizawa spoke and thirteen nodded, standing in front of us as some sort of protection I would suppose. The bratty boy with the hands around his form began to growl as he searched the group ahead of them.

"We put so much effort into getting all of these friends to play, and the symbol of peace isn't even here?" The man clicked his tongue in disappointment before stepping forward. "Maybe if a couple of his students die...he'll show up after all?!" He ended it in a shouting fit and Aizawa threw on his yellow goggles as his hair began to float along with his stupid grey scarf. I hate that thing.

I sighed, annoyed by the interruption. Today was supposed to be a day in which I wouldn't need to do much at all for school except maybe a couple training exercises to learn how to save people. But nooo, they just had to ruin it and show up with their stupid emo costumes. I reached my hands in both my pockets and pulled out my Yo-Yos in case of emergency.

The electric boy began attempting to find some sort of signal as instructed by the pros. But it seemed like the connections were jammed so they gave up on the idea of contacting reinforcements. Aizawa shouted something to thirteen before heading to the villains, ignoring the shouts of worried students telling him he wasn't strong enough for a battle this size on his own and with his type of quirk.

"A hero needs to be versatile if they want to be a pro." Was all he said as he ruched towards the fight. Some students were shocked, not knowing what to think. Before all their eyes shot to me as I began running after our insomniac teacher with my arms stretched to the side, Yo-Yos in hand.

"Killua wait! It's not safe!" The ponytail girl shouted after me, yet she didn't move an inch to try and stop me. I scoffed at the remarks being thrown before I met up with Aizawa.

"Zoldyck!! Stay with your classmates!!" The pro shouted angrily as I caught up to him and ran by his side before he whipped out his scarf and latched onto a couple of enemies, crashing them to the ground in a second.

"No can do, mister teacher. I would rather go for the spine of the beast than the flock being rained in from the sidelines." I'm not going to lie, I legit just made that up as I went, I'm totally aware it makes zero sense whatsoever but hey, it made me sound cool so it works for now. Aizawa threw villains around left and right, beating the absolute shit out of most of them, knocking them out of the ranks.

While he felt with ones targeting him I was faced off against some low ranks that seemed to be protecting the hand guy. They also seemed to be taking the dead student thing to heart as they threw attacks at me without a second thought, not caring about whether or not it could kill a normal person or not.

"That's kind of mean you know." I spoke as I slid my Yo-Yos back in my pocket. There was no way any of these freaks would be able to take a hit from them without it gravely injuring them and even killing them due to the weight they have. So I sighed, taking my fighting stance like I used to in the underground arena.

Some laughed as they charged directly at me with the intent to kill. In a slight instant before contact I bent backwards, avoiding a hit to the face before I dropped down completely and held the ground with my hands and swept my leg under the enemy. They failed at keeping balance before one of them attempted to shoot just a regular gun at me. They missed as I appeared behind them and chopped the back of their neck, knocking them out. I did the same with the rest that attempted to attack and it seemed to be working up until I was distracted and turned back to notice that purple smoke villain had made its way up to my class.

My breath hitched as it enveloped half of the class without hesitation. I noticed now that there were people scattered around the entire dome. Using En I was able to at least figure out a good distance at how far most of them were probably brought. I clenched my fist and shot a punch beside me, hitting some guy in the face. It was his fault for trying to attack me when my 'guard was down'.

Aizawa began moving forward into the group, lunging after the hand dude. He landed a good hit but next thing I noticed was his hair fell and a hand landed on his elbow before the fabric of his clothing along with his skin began to flake off in small bits. I froze just as it happened, my nails beginning to dig into the palms of my hands as I did my best not to overreact. Aizawa whipped his head in my direction before shouting.

"ZOLDYCK MOVE!!" He yelled as a presence appeared directly behind me. Before I could even react or jump away I was shoved to the side in time to see Aizawa being grabbed by some disgusting creature with a bird-like beak and a brain sticking out of its head. A sickening crack sounded as the thing snapped his arm like a twig as he pinned him to the ground.

I lost it. That was it. He's lucky I took a liking to him, I made sure to hold back, not activating assassin mode nor using my electricity, plus I haven't recharged in a while, it wouldn't be as effective. I lunged forward, pulling out my Yo-Yos and swinging one out, hitting the brain of the beast and watching as it screeched but refused to let go of its grip on our teacher.

"Meet my weapon. The anti-symbol of peace. Nomu." The creature grabbed onto Aizawa's head, bringing it slightly in the air before begging to push force down to slam his head into the ground. But before it could I grabbed the thing by the arm, stopping the contact and glaring at the thing. "W-what?! It should be impossible for anyone to stop nomu..IMPOSSIBLE!!" The azure haired boy screamed out, scratching mercilessly at his neck as he mumbled incoherent words. Before that mist appeared behind him

It spoke to him for a moment before he began scratching even more onto the flaking skin around his neck. He looked pissed off before he sighed and mentioned something about leaving. I directed my attention to three presences a bit far off to the side, it was Izu, the frog girl and that short pervert. A wave of bloodlust was shot towards the three as the man turned around once more.

"But before we leave. Might as well leave some dead students to show that symbol of peace in his place!!" He lunged right for them, arm outstretched towards that green haired girl, Asui was her name I think. I let go of my grip on the creature, lunging after the man in an attempt to stop him from doing exactly what he did to Aizawas arm to the frog girl's face.

But I froze just as a slam was heard moments after I jumped away, and a hand made contact with the girl before I could react. But nothing seemed to happen before the man muttered something, looking back to where Aizawa was to see him staring with those widened red eyes. He had been canceling out the enemy's power even after his injury.

I groaned when I noticed Izuku charging up his quirk and attempting an attack against the enemy. I directed my attention to the so-called nomu as it dashed away from Aizawa, halting in front of that hand dude just before Izuku could land a hit with his quirk. Things didn't seem to be going so well before a voice sounded throughout the dome and I groaned hearing that familiar phrase of 'I am here' before turning around with my hands tangled up in my hair and a frustrated expression.

"Are you, FUCKING KIDDING ME." I shouted out as I looked up to see All Might. The FUCKING bastard.

Words: 2090

I apologize for the longer wait, I start school in less than 24 hours and I've had a lot of work so I needed a bit more time to finish a chapter, thanks for your patience

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