The Golden Daughter✓Tony Stark

By Ivory-damsel

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Book 1 of the Golden Sunshine series. It was late at night. Sometime between 11PM and 1AM. The door bell chim... More

Part I.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Part II
6: Bombs and explosions.
7: Lost but Found.
8: It's like Operation
9: Board of Director's Meeting.
10: Accountability.
11: Blown to Kingdom Come.
12: Revenge.
13: Rebirth
14: Late Night Guest.
Part III.
15: Weapon or no weapon
16: The Concept of Change.
17: Poison
18: Notary.
19: Whiplash
20:Tested, not trusted.
21: Birthday Party.
22: Decades Old Riddles
23: New Elements.
24: Flight.
25: Kill Zone.
26: The Avengers Initiative.
Part IV.
27: Funny.
28: Mind Games.
29: Assemble.
30: Reindeer Games.
31: Warm light for Mankind.
32: Ghosty.
33: Too Late.
34: Performance Issues.
35: Battle of New York.
36: Sapphire.
Part V
37: The Mandarin.
38: Poisoned?
39: Nightmares.
40: One Night Stands.
41: Limited Edition.
42: Gary needs Tony.
43: Disappointed.
44: Memories Brings Back Memories.
Part VI
45: Impromptu Trips.
46: Weak
47: Alone.
48: Miserable.
49: Escape from Prison.
50: Betrayal
The Golden Sunshine.

51: Convergence.

155 9 0
By Ivory-damsel

"Jane! Lisa!" Darcy calls out as we entered the apartment.


"You can't just leave like that, the whole world is going crazy!" She says and I looked at Thor as he hung his hammer on the coat rack.
"All the stuff we saw is spreading. Your friends had been calling all day and I was panicking." She said.

"What? How long has it been since the factory?" I asked as I grabbed my phone off the table.

"It's only been a day." Ian replied and I sigh out in relief. Thank goodness, I was worried it's been weeks or something.

I check my call logs and I rolled my eyes when I see most of the calls are from Harley.

"Did you guys go to a party?" She suddenly asks.

"Uh?!" I ask and I looked up from the phone to see her gesturing to me and Jane's Asgardian outfit.

"Erik?!" Jane says and I snap my head in her direction.

"Jane, how wonderful!" He says and he pulls her into a hug.

"Lisa Stark. It's nice to see you again. You've been to Asgard." He says and he pulls me into an awkward hug.

"Where are your pants?" Jane asks.

"Oh, uh...he uh...he says it helps him think." Ian says from behind me.

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna need everything you got on this. All the work you've been doing on gravimetric anomalies, everything." Jane asks and he nods.

"Okay." He says with a smile.

"Are you well, Erik?" Thor asks and he chuckles before his smile fades.

"Your brother is not coming, is he?" He asks and my heart tugs.

"Loki is dead." Thor says.

"Oh, thank God." He breathes out in relief, making my brows go up.
"I...I'm so sorry."

"Thank you." Thor replies and Erik then hugs him.


"Malekith is going to fire the Aether at a spot where all the nine worlds are connected." Jane explains.

"Amplifying the weapon's impact. With each additional world, the power will increase exponentially. The effect would be universal." Erik adds.

"Yes, well the alignment is only temporary. He must be in exactly at the right place at the right time." Thor states.

"Well, how do we know where that is?" I asked.

"We follow the directions. This has happened before, thousands of years ago, and The Ancients were there to see it." Erik says as he places a map of the British Isles on the coffee table.
"All the great constructions: the Mayas, the Chinese, the Egyptians, they made use of the gravitational effects of the Convergence. And they left us a map." He explains as he continued to draw lines on the map, all connecting in one spot.

"Stonehenge. Snowdon, the Great Orme. These are all coordinates taking" he says and points at the middle where everything connects.

"Greenwich?" Ian and Darcy asks.

"The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is gonna go ballistic. Increase and decrease in gravity, spatial extrusions. The very fabric of reality is gonna be torn apart."Jane says and Thor summons his hammer.

"I better get my pants."


I let out a deep breath as Malekith's ship appeared out of nowhere, standing higher than the buildings. Portals open in the sky, as me and Thor flies towards the ship.

"You needn't have come so far, Asgardians! Death would have come to you soon enough." Malekith calls out as we landed in front of him.

"For one, I'm not Asgardian."

"Not by your hand!" Thor says.

"Your universe was never meant to be. Your world and your family will be extinguished." Malekith threatens  uses the power of the Aether towards us, I cover Thor and I but the force of the aether managed to push us back.
He continues to throw blasts at us and we kept standing up after each one.

"You know with all that power, I thought you would hit harder." I tauted as I started to throw blasts at him. He tries to deflect them and Thor uses the opportunity to throw his hammer at him, which sends him flying back far away from us.

We fly towards him and Thor sends a lightening blast at him and he stills for a couple of seconds, his face turning completely black.

He throws a huge blast at us and I fly over it as Thor slides under, completely unscathed.

I used the force of my flight against him, throwing him a punch and he falls back, Thor hits him with his hammer at that moment and he falls into a portal.

Thor goes to follow him but he appears out of nowhere punching him back, he raises his hand to throw a force at me and I do the same, both energy meeting and causing a ripple effect, shattering all the windows and glass nearby.

The force pushes us apart and Thor goes for him, the momentum pushing all three of us into a portal, we land roughly on the dusty floor of the dark world.

We continued to tumble and I put a field around myself as we free fall for a few seconds before the bright sky of earth suddenly burns my eyes. Before I can even get adjusted to the brightness, we're in the dark world again.

Thor stands up before I could and throws his hammer Malekith only for it to go through him. Malekith looks down before looking back up at us, throwing forces of the aether at us, one of them hits Thor but I deflected the rest. My composure faulters when Thor doesn't stand up immediately and Malekith used this to his advantage.

He throws a blast that knocks me off my feet and another that pushed me face first into a rock and I'm sure the resounding crack is my nose. I grip my head as it starts to ache and the warm feeling of blood trickling down my face makes me feel weird.

The tingling sensation comes back again as my nose starts to heal and I wiped the blood with the sleeve of my suit.

I hear grunts beside me and before I can even comprehend, I'm falling again, the warmth of the sun greeting me. We landed harshly on a glass building, sliding off until we start to free fall again. Before I can even stop we entered another portal and this time I'm hit in the face with cold.

What the-?

Even with my abnormal body heat, I could feel the cold. It was the first I've felt really really cold since Edgar. Before I can even revel in the feeling, a loud growl cuts me off.

The giant beast launched itself at us, breaking the ice slab we were standing on, making us fall again.

I land on a hard floor, pain coursing through me. I hit another body and they grunt standing up before helping me up.

"Where the hell are we?" I asked as soon as I recognized Thor.

"I should be asking you that question." He says before looking around and ask a lady in the train.
"How do we get to Greenwich?"

"Take this train, three stops." She says and we nodded entering the train. The train moves and the lady falls against Thor and she stops herself by placing her hand on his chest.

"Sorry. Sorry." She mutters clearly flustered and Thor smiles softly at her before turning to me, smirking, making me roll my eyes hard.


We rushed out of the station to see the Aether taking over.
"Thor! Lisa! We're too late." Jane says and she runs to us.

"The Convergence is at its peak." Erik says and I sigh.

"Can those things stop him?" Thor suddenly asks making me look in his direction, my brain doing the mental calculation.

"Not from here." Erik replied.

"We can't get close enough." Jane says and I looked up at Thor and we shared a look.

"We can." Thor said as we take the spears from Erik, going into the red cloud.

I put up a field in front of us as we pushed through. Soon Malekith was standing there with his back to us.

"Malekith!" Thor calls out to him, catching his attention, making him turn to us.

"Darkness returns, Asgardians. Have you come to witness the end of your universe?" Malekith taunts.

"I'm not Asgardian and we've come to accept your surrender." I replied as I threw one of the spears in my hand and he catches it and his arm disappears a few seconds later.

"This, for Loki and Frigga." I gritted as I threw the other one and it impales his other arm which disappears too.

"You think you can stop this? The Aether cannot be destroyed." Malekith asks as the aether forms hands around him.

"But you can." Thor says as he runs towards Malekith his arm stretched out. He jumps impaling Malekith with the spear before hitting him with his charged up hammer.

The force throws all three of us back in different directions, darkness surrounding me.


I opened my eyes slowly, taking in my surroundings. I was lying in the midst of rumbles and I stand up, coughing slightly.

Glass crunched beneath my boots as I made my way towards the voices.

"Jane!" I heard Erik call out and I started to run. I get there in time to see, the giant ship that would have crush her to death, slowly disappear.

I rushed towards them, breathing hard when I see Thor laying there unmoving.

"T-Thor?" I called out my voice breaking a little.

A few seconds later he opens his blue eyes and I laughed.

"Everybody okay?" Erik asks and I smiled up at him. I rolled my eyes when Ian and Darcy starts kissing.

Jane and I help Thor up and he stares at me with wide eyes, soon Jane was staring too, so was Darcy and Erik too joined in.

"Ummmmm, what is going on?" I asked looking around.

"Holy shit." Darcy exclaims hitting Ian excitedly.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"How is the possible?" Erik asks walking towards me.

"If you guys don't tell me what's wrong, I'm going to freak the fuck out." I told them.

"You're carry the hammer." Jane says and I look down.

I drop the hammer in shock, jumping away like it'd burnt me.
"What the hell?"

"It means you're worthy." Thor says with a grim smile.

"Wow. What the fuck? So does this mean I have Thor's powers now?" I asked as I eyed the hammer that Thor called back to him.
"Of course not. That's ridiculous."

"Um, I don't know what's going on here but I'm hungry, can we get something to eat while you guys discuss this?" Ian asked making us all nod.


It's been three days since Asgard, since Malekith, since... Loki. Thor had gone back to Asgard to Odin and I'd spent the last few days sightseeing and hanging out with Darcy and Ian. Jane was really worried Thor wouldn't comeback like he didn't the last time and she's out of it.

I'd called dad immediately and I gotten the lecture of a lifetime. My flight is in a few hours and I'm seating in Ian's apartment eating toast, in the very awkward silence.

"He's going to come back." Darcy says breaking the tense silence.
"'Cept the last time it took like two years."

"Well, it's only been two days." Jane says.

"Did he say anything before he left?" Erik asks.

"Yeah, he had to figure some stuff out with his father. He kind of committed treason... on our way out." She says and I nodded in agreement.

We continued to eat in the tense silence.

A few minutes later, we were all done, leaving Jane there as she continued to play with her food. I was getting prepared to leave when we heard the familiar rumble, making me peep out the window to see the now familiar rainbow colours of the bifrost.

Jane is out before we know it and I look away as they started to kiss. They're at it for a few minutes before they started to talk animatedly.

Jane points in our direction and he nods. He starts to walk towards us and it's then I noticed the parcel in his hands.

He enters the small apartment, greeting everyone casually before heading towards me.
"Lady Stark, I heard you will be leaving in a few minutes. I'm so happy I came when I did."

"Hey Thor." I greeted and I pulled him into a hug. "I'll be leaving in a few minutes, my flight is in the next, fifty minutes." I said as looked down at my watch.
"What's with the parcel?" I asked gesturing to the box in his hand.

"Ah. Father asked me to give this to you." He says and he hands me the box and I frown in confusion.

"Odin? This isn't going to blow up in my face is it? Like literally." I asked.

"He said they found it and it belonged to you. He sends his apologies to you and Jane." He replied and I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, right." I muttered. "So, I should get going. I'm so glad I didn't miss your arrival, I don't want to miss my flight. Bye." I said as I waved at Erik who was standing there and Jane who just entered.

Thor smiled waving at me as I left the apartment, down the flight of stairs. I get outside, only to find Ian and Darcy making out on my car.

"Can you both not? Keep it in your pants for a few minutes." I said rolling my eyes as I opened the car, dropping the box.

"We're sorry." Ian muttered

"It's okay. Oh, Thor is upstairs by the way. It's way earlier than you predicted, making Ian win." I said as I walk towards the driver's side.

"Yes. I won."

"Urghh. Whatever. Bye Lisa, we'll miss you." Darcy says waving and I waved back.

"Bye, can I post these pictures on Facebook?" Ian asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, you can. Bye. You can call me anytime." I said as I got into the car, starting it up. It purred softly to life and a grin makes it's way to my face as I zoomed off.

A/N: And so, the chapter, arc and book comes to an end. Thanks for staying with me till the end. Thank you for the silent reads and to the regular votes. Join me in the next book, which is starting tomorrow. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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