Time Again

By pknelson1

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Adelle Montgomery has been completely ordinary her whole life. She lives in a small collage town and can't sa... More

Chapter 1: My Love
Chapter 2: Not that I was thinking of him shirtless
Chapter 3: An almost kiss
Chapter 4: His dark chariot
Chapter 5: Seeing through your eyes
Chapter 6: Take a deep breath
Chapter 7: True to my heart
Chapter 8 : Hospital rooms, Star Wars, and Soulmates oh my!
Chapter 9: Revelation
Chapter 11: It Wasn't my Heart Breaking, but my Soul
Chapter 12: This Love can Heal
Chapter 13: Midnight Confessions and 2 AM Fears
Chapter 14: Two types of Wicked
Chapter 15: A Need To Know Basis
Chapter 16: Goodbyes Were Never Meant To Be Happy
Chapter 17: The Levels of Pain
Chapter 18: Blood Bond
Chapter 19: All Hail the King
Chapter 20: My Heart and My Soul
Chapter 21: Doubt
Chapter 22: Take My Soul and Set Me Free
Chapter 23: Shatter
Chapter 24: Shot in the Light
Chapter 25: The Beginning

Chapter 10: Missing Pieces

174 4 2
By pknelson1

"I have so much of you in my heart"

-John Keats

----Not edited, I'll get around to it soon but for now enjoy!----

I was laughing.

So hard that tears continued to roll from my eyes.

"Seriously Wes? A Time Traveler?" I doubled over as I laughed. He was crazier than me! Time Travel. Wow.

"Adelle, I'm not joking," the gravity of his voice broke my peels of laughter.

"You do know how crazy that sounds right?" I was shaking now. A trembling that over took my whole body.

"Yes, but I need you to believe me," It wasn't until then that I realized how serious Wes was.

"How can I believe you when I have no evidence? You have told me next to nothing," I was scared to learn more. Terrified actually.

"I know Adelle and I'm going to tell you everything. But it's going to take time."I could tell that Wes was unsure so I softened my tone,

"I have time," I took his hand, needing the reassurance, needing the connection to him.

"This is going to sound completely crazy but just keep an open mind okay?" Wes's bright eyes bore into mine, searching.

"Okay," I took a deep breath.

"At the beginning of time there was Eve, the first women put upon the Earth. She had a daughter, Isra. Isra was beautiful but a little different. She was far more intelligent than other children her age. As Isra grew older she became a lovely young women, desired by many. But one day as she was working in the fields a vicious storm rolled in and Isra was caught in imperious winds and torrential rains. Blindly walking she was struck by a single bolt of lightning. Isra fell to the ground and was still, pale as a sheet and as cold as ice. But she wasn't dead; her heart beat was strong. Eve was distraught when she found her beautiful daughter lying so death-like in the mud. Isra stayed in this state for three days and three nights, as her mother sat vigil at her bedside not knowing that Isra's chromosomes were rearranging, giving her and her descendants, the powerful ability to Time Travel. Finally Isra awoke and recalled incredibly life-like dreams of flying through a blue tunnel to end up in a foreign land,"

At this I gasped and my world wavered. Wes only tightened his grip on my hand and continued the story, "In time Isra discovered her new found ability and used it to better the world. Isra later got married and passed the gift down to her children, who passed it on to their children, who passed it on to their children, thus creating the race of Time Travelers," Wes finished and and his eyes searched my face trying to gauge my reaction.

"Adelle please say something." I swallowed and tried to collect my thoughts.

"So you're saying that I'm a time traveler?"

"Yes, and so am I."

"No that's impossible!" I cried and shot to my feet, completely outraged and terrified.

"Adelle think about all that has happened. I know it sounds crazy but do you have any other explanation?" Wes rose to his feet as well as I started to pace his living room, digesting this life-altering information.

I thought over everything that has happened since Wes has shown up; the strange dreams, the miraculous healing, crazy flashes of blue, images that I've never seen before, and the intense connection to him, like my heart knew who he was but I didn't. Deep within myself I knew what Wes was telling me was true, it felt right and I couldn't change the truth; I was a Time Traveler. What that entailed, I did not know but what I did know was that Wes was going to be there for me. Every step of the way.

Turning around I looked straight into Wes's hypnotizing eyes and spoke,

"I believe you," my voice shook with conviction.

"You do?" His eyes were hopeful.

"Yes," I spoke with complete confidence.

"Well that was easier than I expected," Wes looked impressed and strangely proud.

"What were you expecting?" I was curious to know what he thought I would have been like.

"You screaming, running out of my apartment calling me crazy and never speaking to me again," I thought I saw Wes cringe a little at the last part.

"Well I'm not doing any of that," I smiled bravely still shaking slightly from the shock of everything. I was pretty sure I was going to freak out later when Wes wasn't around to save me. Oh well, I'll cross that bridge later.

"Which is good, do you have any questions though?" Wes's face was open, ready to answer any of my questions.

"I have some," I sat back down on the couch and mentally prepared a list.

"Fire away," Wes sat beside me.

"Well to start off, who was that family I kept seeing get murdered? It was awful and I experienced these strong emotions I knew weren't mine." Wes froze and the blood drained from his face leaving him vividly pale.

"What did I say?" I whispered, I didn't understand his reaction.Wes swallowed and took a deep breath before speaking,

"The family you saw was mine," His voice was rough with emotion.

My heart stopped and my hand flew to cover my mouth.

"Oh Wes, I'm so sorry I didn't know. I'm so sorry," I felt so insincere but I had to ask, "Why was I seeing your family?" Wes struggled to bring himself to the present and I hated that I was causing his pain, but I had to know.

"I- I don't know," Wes stumbled over his words, I've never seen him so disturbed.

"It's okay, I'm so sorry for this. I shouldn't have asked," I cursed myself for not thinking and an odd anguish grew in my chest and I found it hard to breath. The sadness was so intense I couldn't help but turn to Wes, seeking comfort for my pain or to sooth his. Anything to make this horrible feeling go away.

"No It's not your fault. I never really mourned their death and talking about it is harder than imaginable," Wes sucked in a lung-full of oxygen before continuing, "They were murdered at the hand of the Cumacht, a group of power hungry Time Travelers who want to rule over all the Time Travelers," Wes didn't pause, the words tumbled out of him and I knew that he hasn't ever spoken of his family's death and that he needed this time to talk about it. "I chose to sneak out that night and when I came back I found my whole family slaughtered on the front lawn," Wes bit off the words and clamped his jaw tight. His whole body trembled as he strained against the assaulting memories.

Looking away, Wes clenched his hands into fists and dropped his head. I caught sight of two translucent salt water tears drip down his sculpted cheeks. I hated, with my whole being, to see him like this. Closing the space between us I simply laid my head on his shoulder and held his hands. He blamed himself for the death of his family when he had no power over what happened.

Softly I spoke, "If you were with your family that night you would have been killed right alongside of them and I would have never gotten the chance of meeting you. You would have never shown up in my history class that Monday morning, I would never know I was a Time Traveler, and we certainly would not be sitting here right now. So please Wes, don't blame yourself," by the time I was finished I had matching tears rolling down my face.

"Thank you Adelle, thank you so much." Wes had finally turned to me and I gently wiped away the remaining tears on his beautiful face.

"Your welcome Wes," I smiled and squeezed his hand.

"Okay no more tears, I don't want you thinking I'm some wuss," Wes laughed and tried to look tough.

"It's okay I won't tell anyone," I held up my pinky finger, "Pinky promise."

Wes lifted his pinky as well and wrapped it around mine, dwarfing it in size. "Pinky promise. Do you have anymore questions?"

"Yeah, why are my dreams so crazy life-like? They only started to be that way once you showed up, actually all of this weird stuff didn't start happening until you showed up."

"Well you were unknowingly traveling into the future through the Corridor, the blue hallway you always saw, and as for it all starting when I showed up, I don't know."

"This is all so surreal," I was blown away. This stuff only happens in books and movies. "Yeah I bet, I grew up in a community of Time Travelers so I can't imagine what a shock this all must be for you, I'm sorry," Wes looked slightly regretful.

"Don't be! It's who I am and I needed to know. I have another question though,"


"Why did my forehead heel so fast?" That blew my mind.

"Your body naturally does that, it's a defense mechanism. The platelets fuse and heal faster. It's apart of your different chromosome make up-"

"Wait," I cut Wes off, "I have a different chromosome make up!?"

"Yes, that's what makes you a Time Traveler."

"Oh that makes sense," This was starting to be too much to take in and I could feel myself start to shut down.

"Adelle are you okay?" Wes caught on to my change in mood.

"Yeah this is just starting to get to me now. I don't think I can handle anymore today," my hands were shaking now.

Wes looked concerned and regretful, "I'm sorry I told you so much, I guess I should have slowed down."

"It's okay you were just answering all of my questions," I smiled wryly.

"I guess I shouldn't have answered all of your questions then," Wes joked.

"Oh well," I eased back against the couch and looked at Wes, full of happy, contented feelings. I couldn't think I could get much more happier until Wes spoke again,

"Adelle there's something I've been meaning to ask you," He looked nervous, which was so unlike him.

"Yeah?" I leaned slightly closer, my interest piqued.

"Will you do me the honor of going to the fall formal with me?" His eyes cautiously met mine and I found it adorable that he was so nervous to ask me this.

"Of course Wes!" I exclaimed. He asked me! I guess the little black dress sitting in the back of my closet wasn't going to go to waste.

"Really?" A gorgeous smile lit up Wes's face making him even more attractive, if that was even possible.

"Yes!" I laughed, elated."Thank you A ghra, you don't know how happy you've made me!"

"I'm glad I could make you so happy, and I'm glad you asked me," I laughed, feeling like a huge weight was taken off my shoulders. I'm sure the reality of it was going to come crashing down on me but until then I was just going to enjoy this reprieve and indulge in the happiness and feeling of having Wes beside me. My heart was full. No holes.


I knew the bubble of happiness was going to pop sooner or later.That night when Wes dropped me off at my house everything was normal; I ate dinner with my parents, did homework, called Abby, and took a shower. That's when reality hit me like a ton of bricks. My mind replayed the story Wes told me and the same word kept reverberating through my head: Time Travel. It pounded against my skull.

And for the second time that week my knees gave out and I slowly sunk to the tiled floor of my shower, letting the scalding water beat against my back. I gulped in air like a fish out of water but the constricting of my lungs only got tighter and tighter. Black dots danced across my vision and I balled my hands into fists, bringing them to my chest as I bit back a scream.

It felt like hours when in reality it was less than a minute before slowly my vision cleared and I was able to breathe normally. That was when the tears came, this was all too much. It was fantasy, fiction, a made up story. But what was even crazier was that I actually believed it. Somewhere deep down I knew without a doubt that this explanation, truth, was real. I was real, Wes was real, Time Travel was real. It was not a fairytale story. My salted tears mixed with shower water as I released all those pent up emotions. Sobs wracked my body and my chest heaved as I cried. With a detached feeling I realized that the shower was a really good place to cry, no one could hear your sobs or see your tears.

Finally the tears subsided and I turned off the now cold water. Stepping out I put on cotton shorts and a T-shirt before wrapping my sopping hair up in a towel. I looked into the mirror to see that only my eyes were red, no gross splotches of color or any other evidence of my cry.

As I climbed into bed I picked up my phone to find five messages and two missed calls from Wes. He knew something was wrong. Strange how that always happens.


I paced my room, clutching my cell phone staring at the screen.

Why won't Adelle answer? I was starting to assume the worst when finally my phone buzzed and lit up with her name. Exhaling I answered on the second ring,


"Sorry I was in the shower,"

"It's okay I was just checking to see how you're doing, how are you? Be honest," I heard Adelle exhale a shaky breath.

"Actually I'm pretty sure I just had my first panic attack and I'm kinda freaking out," her voice caught.

"I'm coming over," she needed me so I was going to be there for her, soulmate or not.

"Wes it's midnight, my parents are asleep."

I ignored her caution. "I'll be over in five, leave your window unlocked."


I gave her no room to argue and hung up.

Precisely five minutes later I was sitting parked in front of her house. I could feel her anxiety pouring off in waves. Getting out of the Camaro I jogged across the dark lawn and to the tree that grew beneath her window. Grasping the lowest branch I pulled myself up and climbed until I was level with her window. Tapping softly I pulled up the window until I could see Adelle.

"Wes!" she shout-whispered.

"You didn't think I would really come?" I flashed a wry grin and swung my legs through the window before standing in front of her.

"I didn't think you were serious until now," she smiled softly and I saw the tension leave her body.

"Well I needed to know if you were okay," I yearned to pull her into my arms and cast away the fear. A dark cloud descended and her gorgeous blue eyes brimmed with unshed tears.

"Adelle," I took one step before she was flying into my arms. Adelle buried her face in my chest and I wrapped my arms around her trembling body.

"I'm scared," her voice was so small, so fragile.

"Don't be, love, this is who you are. Think of it as a new chapter, you have an amazing and powerful ability. But I'm still so sorry, I wish I could take this all away but I had to tell you. I had to keep you safe and the truth was the only way. You were going to get hurt or lost in the Corridor," Adelle sniffed and relaxed into me as I rubbed circles on her back.

We stood like that for a moment before I lifted her up and sat down on the window seat.

"I feel better when you're here, why?" Adelle laid her head on my chest and looked down at our entwined fingers.

"I'm not sure, but I do know that I feel whole when I'm with you. Like a missing piece inside me clicked into place," I held her tighter, wishing I could tell her that she was my Soulmate. I wished to tell her how I was falling for her. Hard. But I couldn't, not yet. Not when she already had enough shocks. She didn't need another one.

Looking down I saw her eyes closed and felt her breathing even. I decided that I should go so I stood up and and walked over to Adelle's bed with her cradled in my arms. Pulling back the covers I gently laid her down then turned to leave but Adelle reached out with her hand and grasped my fingers,

"Stay," her sleepy eyes pleaded.

"Forever," I took off my shoes and placed my lips to the soft skin of her forehead, right where the cut would have been. I then laid down next to her on top of the comforter and pulled Adelle close, wrapping my arm around her waist and laid my head next to her, breathing in her unique scent of honeysuckle and sugar. And with Adelle tucked against my body I fell into the best and most contented sleep I've ever had.


I woke feeling an absence in my heart.

Rolling over I ran my hand across the cold right side of the bed. Wes's outline still imprinted in the comforter. I opened my eyes and stretched, smiling softly to myself as I remembered the way Wes held me last night. Like I was the most precious thing. I sighed then giggled. Crap. I was in deep. Deep as in falling in love, deep. Which was so crazy, I was only 16! Well turning 17 but I guess it wasn't as crazy as being a Time Traveler. And the dark, ominous cloud was back. Lovely.

Shaking my head to dispel the dark thought I sat up and looked to my right to see a note folded on my bedside table. Opening it I saw Wes's sweeping cursive;

"M' fhiorghra, I'll pick you up at at eleven o'clock this morning for our date. I can't wait to see your beautiful face.

Love, Wes

.P.S. wear snow clothes and look out your window."


Leaving Adelle seemed to be getting harder and harder.

As soft gray clouds were just dropping their first fragile snowflakes I climbed down the large tree in Adelle's front yard, cursing myself for being so careless. Cursing myself for leaving. For leaving her when all I wanted to do was crawl straight back into Adelle's room and hold her close as I breathed in her addicting scent.

As our bond became stronger, the urge to kiss her sinful lips became overwhelming and I knew it was my soul urging me to connect with hers, to sooth the pain it brought to be alone. To complete the first stage out of three to make us one. I needed to tell Adelle she was mine. I needed to tell her I loved her, before the pain of being unbonded drove us both to insanity.

I could feel her emotions and last night they hit me like a ton of bricks. I needed to tell Adelle she was mine. I needed her in my world, in my life, forever. I just needed her. But telling Adelle was a whole new obstacle. She was so stubborn and headstrong I doubt she would just accept us being Soulmates. She would want proof. So I called Ronan.

"Do you love her?" Ronan's question was simple but weighted.

"Yes," I breathed, letting the rest of my inhibitions fall away.

"Okay then tell her," he stated so simply.

"Roan, I can't just stand in front of her and pour out my undying love," even though I wanted to.

"Yes you can."

His simplicity was starting to piss me off,

"Ronan what if she doesn't love me?" I let my anguish seep into my voice, letting him know how terrified I was.

"Look Wes, you need to complete the first stage of the bond or you. Will. Lose. Her." Roan stabbed out. "She can't continue to be this disconnected from you. And neither can you. It will just end up hurting you both. So damn it Weston, tell her!" Ronan's voice shook with conviction and I remembered then how he had almost lost his Soulmate, Grace.

"Thank you, Roan."

"Well, I can't let you go and lose the only one who will actually tolerate you," I heard Ronan chuckle through the receiver.

"No you can't and neither can I. I'll see you next week."

"Take care of yourself Wes."

"Will do," I ended the call ready to go confess my undying love.


Butterflies flew in my stomach and a smile broke across my face. I put down the note and padded across my room to the window - the window Wes climbed through last night - and looked outside to find the world covered in a thin layer of white dust which floated down from fluffy gray clouds. Nearly squealing in excitement, I flew down the stairs.


"In the kitchen," she called. I skidded around the corner and burst into the kitchen.

"It's snowing!" I yelled, unable to keep the happy grin off my face.

"I can see," mom laughed.

"Oh and guess what," my excitement grew again.

"What," my mom humored me as she put down the rag she was using to wipe down the counters.

"I have a date with Wes today!" I was close to doing a happy dance. Real mature.

"Really? I didn't know you two were so close," mom looked slightly astonished but was smiling.

"Yeah we've gotten close since the accident," How close? I didn't know.

"Well that's great! Speaking of the accident that scar cream must have worked really well, I can barely see a scar," my mom leaned closer to look at my forehead.

"Uh... crap Wes is picking me up in an hour I need to get ready!" Hurriedly I gulped down my orange juice and ran upstairs before she could notice any other abnormality. Breathing slightly faster than normal I quickly straightened my hair and threw on some makeup before dressing in an oversized cream sweater and black fleece-lined leggings, completing the outfit with a printed scarf and brown boots. At the last minute I grabbed some blue earrings that Wes commented he liked. Putting the rest of my snow gear in a backpack I headed downstairs right as Wes rang the doorbell. I opened the door, grateful that my dad was at a work emergency, something about a group of extremists in Ireland.

"Good morning beautiful, sleep well?" Wes greeted me with a sly smile. Giggling a grabbed his arm and pulled him inside.

"Now that you ask, I did actually," I felt whole, basking in his presence.

"Then I'm happy-" Wes was cut off by my mom walking in.

"You must be Wes!" Mom exclaimed and held out her hand to shake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Montgomery," Wes shook my mom's hand.

"Oh my, your mom is raising you well,"

"Yes, she did," Wes smiled with a slight sadness in his eyes. I put my hand on his back, trying to comfort him discreetly.

"Well we better go," I stepped forward and hugged my mom.

"I'll see you later!"

"It was nice to meet you Mrs. Montgomery."

I pulled Wes towards the door.

"Have fun!" my mom called as the door shut. Wes had picked me up in a new car this time, a large Ford Raptor.

"I think she likes you," I commented as Wes opened my door.

"Good cause I plan on sticking around," he winked and a flush traveled up my neck despite the chilly air.

"So where are we going?" I asked excitedly.

"Well since it's snowing I decided we should head up to the mountains and find the snow," Wes glanced over at me.

"Really? That sounds perfect!" How much more romantic can you get then a snow day?

"I'm glad you like it," Wes laughed and I surprised myself by reaching over and intertwining our fingers. It felt so natural. Wes smiled and brought our connected fingers to his lips and placing a kiss on the back of my hand. I jumped as a static shock traveled up my arm.

"Ouch! Did you feel that?" I asked, bewildered.

"Yeah, that was weird," Wes looked thoughtful.

Looking out the window I watched tall Oregon pine trees pass by. Funny that my first date with Wes happened to be the first snow of the year too. Wes pulled off the main freeway and onto a smaller road that was noticeably less traveled. We drove into a small clearing with pure untouched snow that sparkled in the bright sun breaking through the gray clouds. Making everything look like a fairy land.

"It's gorgeous!" I breathed, staring at the landscape in awe.

"I found it a couple of weeks ago, hiking. I figured that it would be beautiful with the snow," I looked over to find Wes staring at me with the most tender look in his eyes, it stole my breath.

"Well I love it," I squeezed his hand and before he could open my door I jumped out and started pulling on my snow clothes.

"Come on slow poke!" I laughed.

"I'm coming, I'm coming jeez," Wes laughed right along side of me. Quickly he pulled on his own gear.

The sun was shining through the clouds but porcelain snowflakes still came floating down. Everything around us was sparkling, it was so magical I couldn't stop smiling, my cheeks ached. Grinning mischievously I bent down and filled my gloved hands with powdery snow. Packing it into a tight ball I lobbed it at Wes, catching him off guard with freezing snow to the face.

"Are you sure you want to start that love?" Wes's eyes glinted with humor.

"Hmm, let me think," I placed my index finger on my lips, pretending to be contemplative. "Yes, I think I do," I laughed, starting to back up as Wes turned towards me.

"Well you asked for it," I was still backing up, grinning crazily when Wes suddenly lunged forward, flinging up snow with his hands. Completely covering me with icy powder.

"Wes!" I shrieked, wiping wet snow out of my eyes, shivering as it slid down the inside of my coat.

"What? You asked for a snow fight," his smile was too innocent to be real.

"I did, didn't I?" Moving quickly I scooped up handfuls of snow and charged at Wes, throwing my handfuls as he ran from me. Laughter bubbled out of me and I couldn't remember a time when I was so happy.

Wes dodged behind a tree and I slowly walked towards him, my feet softly crunching the thin layer of snow on the ground. I had two perfectly round snowballs sitting in my curled hands. I snuck up behind the tree and jumped out in front of it with a yell, throwing the snowballs. Wes wasn't behind the tree. I turned around in confusion, I thought I saw him hide behind this one. Huh. I nearly jumped out of my skin when two strong arms wrapped around me from behind.

"Did I scare you?" Wes whispered into my ear, his lips grazing my skin.

"No," my heart pounded and it wasn't from fear.

Wes chuckled and traced my jawline with his lips, "You're heart is pounding."

"How attentive of you," my voice sounded breathless to my own ears but I couldn't help it, not when his sinful lips were teasing my neck.

"I think I won," Wes placed his hands on my hips and slowly turned me to face him. I tilted my head up and our eyes connected, I swear I was drowning in his, I couldn't look away even if I wanted to. Wes broke contact and stared at my lips, his intense gray eyes darkening to the color of storm clouds.

"I think you did too."

he brought his gaze to mine, his pupils dilated. We were so close our breath mingled and steamed around us, dissipating in the cold air.

"I told myself I wasn't going to kiss you, that I was going to wait until after I told you, but I can't wait anymore, you're driving me insane," he was so close, his scent all around me, mint and something so entirely unique and his it could only be described as heady and addicting. His lips brushed mine when he spoke, hinting at what could be.

"Then kiss me."

Wes's left hand tangled in my hair, his right going to my waist, pulling me flush against him so I could feel every contour of his chest. I felt his heart pound against mine, our heartbeats in sync. Wes tilted my head up to his, one breath before his lips met with mine.

And it was like a star exploding, sparks ignited and a white light burned behind my closed eyelids. I felt an overwhelming feeling surge through me and heat coursed through my veins before wrapping around my heart. It burned in my chest and I felt connected to Wes, like I could read his thoughts or feel his emotions, I had never felt anything like it and it wasn't even a real kiss, just his lips pressed against mine. I gasped, feeling truly alive for the first time. Then all coherent thoughts flew from my mind as Wes angled his head, parting my lips with his.

"Adelle," he whispered my name like a prayer. I merely sighed.

Wes's hands were tight on my waist, slowly creeping up my back, leaving a trail of fire despite the many layers between us , then he twined his fingers through my hair, our lips dancing. I trailed my fingers over his shoulders and chest. I've never been kissed like this. Ever. And never has a kiss affected me so much, it was like every cell and nerve in my body was woken up and electrified, all by Wes's touch.

Our earth-shattering kisses led to slow drawn out ones, our lips clinging and bodies pressed together so there was no space. I felt like I knew his soul, like we spoke with no uttered words.

"Adelle," Wes drew slightly away but his lips still brushed against mine.

"Yes?" I finally opened my eyes.

"I've been thinking of telling you this since I met you," Wes's gaze locked with mine and he removed his shaking hands from my hair to cup my face. "I know you're wondering why these feelings between us are so intense and that it physically pains you when we are apart, you feel like you're missing a piece of yourself."

I nodded slowly, completely thrown that Wes guessed how I felt.

"Well every Time Traveler has another half, a Soulmate, and," Wes looked scared, "you're mine," his eyes became cautious and vulnerable.

"What-" I began to ask, completely confused when Wes suddenly wrapped his body around mine and knocked me down to the frozen ground, covering my body with his.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

The snow around us began to explode as bullets whizzed over our heads, Wes's heart pounded against mine.

"The Cumacht has found us," Wes urgently whispered into my ear.

"How?!" I panicked and the bullets were still flying

"I don't know," he tightened his arms around me.

The gunfire ceased and I dared a glance over Wes's shoulder to see three blacked out SUV's parked in a semicircle around us. Wes lifted his head and stood,pulling me up with him and placing his body firmly in front of mine.

"What do you want?" Wes shouted to what looked like the lead car. The doors opened and a tall imposing man stepped out. He had graying hair cut short, wore black gear of some sort, and holstered to his side was flat black hand gun. As I looked around I saw that other people dressed in similar clothing had gotten out as well and were now pointing guns at our heads. Instinctively I grabbed Wes's arm.

"Weston Payne, we meet at last. You really do resemble your father so much, a spitting image actually," his voice made my skin crawl and I felt Wes tense up.

"How dare you talk about my father, Caine!" Wes shouted, hatred flashed in his eyes.

"Did you know I was the one who killed your dear mother? I held a gun to her head and watched your father scream her name as I pulled the trigger. I then turned the gun on your poor old man and killed him as well," the man, Caine, said it so nonchalant, like he was discussing a football game.

"You're going to pay. I'm going to kill you!" Wes's voice went dangerously low and menacing. I clutched his arm tighter, scared he would do something drastic.

"Hilarious! Why would you kill me when I have something you want?"

Wes froze, "You have nothing I want."

"Are you sure? What about a specific brother of yours?" A sinister smile came to the man's face.

"Kyle is dead, you murdered him!" Wes was shaking with anger.

"No, Kyle is actually quite alive and a great asset to the Cumacht."

"Liar!" Wes screamed. The pain in his voice tore at my heart.

"Nope I'm telling the truth but oh well I didn't come here to talk about that, I came here to ask you to hand over Miss LaRoy. Her powers would be a powerful addition to the Cumacht. So please, hand her over," Caine held his hand out to me.

"Never!" Wes growled.

"Well I guess we have to do it the hard way. Get her." Several things happened simultaneously: bullets whizzed past our heads, Cain's henchmen started to advance towards us, and Wes turned towards me.

"Trust me?" It was fast and urgent.

"Yes," came my reply without hesitation.

"Close your eyes," his voice was strained. I closed my eyes. Wes's arms came around me. Then a tugging sensation began in my stomach and everything swayed. The tugging became more and more painful until it felt like I was being pulled inside out. I screamed, high pitched and loud. Tears fell from my eyes. Then the burning began. All my nerves were on fire in hot excruciating agony.

"Adelle! Breathe, It will go away soon. Listen to my voice love. Listen to me!" Anguish flooded Wes's voice but I couldn't bring myself out of my pain induced coma to open my eyes.

My head lolled back and forth over, what I assumed was Wes's shoulder, and I felt myself melt into unconsciousness as pain slowly seeped to every limb, nerve, and shadow of my body.

--Authors Note--

Hey guys! Sooooo sorry for taking forever to update!!! As much as I wish I could just write full time I'm also going to school as a full time student so grades trump hot fictional boys like Wes. So for the songs in chapter 10 I'm going to do 'This' by Ed Sheeran, 'Believe' by Mumford and sons, and 'Wildest Dreams' by Taylor Swift. These songs are the ones I listened to while I was writing chapter 10 and I really think they connect to Time Again and especially 'believe', it really reminded me of Adelle and how she was so confused about Time Travel. I'm really happy about how this chapter turned out and finally! A kiss! It was probably long over do but I had to keep the suspense up. Once again I'm so sorry for taking so long to update and I just want you guys to know how much this means to me, 930 reads? Seriously?! It amazing I never could have imagined my book turning into this! Thank you all so much! This book is my dream and it's all I want to do, I really am in love with writing and in shock that this is actually happening! I have readers from Finland, Nigeria, and India! like whoa thats crazy! Thank you!!! So please please please keep reading, voting, commenting! I really want your feedback on how to make Time Again better! And so sorry in advance if chapter 11 doesn't come for a while, I have exams coming up and really need to focus on that. I promise i'll update more this summer. So I'll try my very hardest to get 11 up within the next month or so. Also I will be putting a quote at he beginning of each chapter because I just love quotes and I find that they can really describe things and set tones. Thank you all again!!! I don't think I can say thank you enough times! It means so much! P.S. I updated the cover of Time Again and any feedback is welcome! I want to know what you guys think!

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