Rainbows And Sunshine - NOT{U...

By J_enny_xoxo

539 256 127

"Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?" she asks with disgust. "Don't tell me you actually like what you... More

Chapter 1- Excitement And Embarrassment
Chapter 2 - New Friends And Weekend Plans
Chapter 3 - Crushes And Chores
Chapter 4 - Encounters And New Students
Chapter 5 - Bad Ideas And Marathons
Chapter 6 - Rejections And New Beginnings
Chapter 7 - Intrigue And Insecurities
Chapter 8 - Bullies And Mantras
Chapter 10 - Accidents And Bump-In's
Chapter 11 - Boredom And Cartoons
Chapter 12 - Arguments And Skipping
Chapter 13 - Chocolates And Bad Voices
Chapter 14 - Reminiscing And Drifting
Chapter 15 - Tests And Standing Up For Ourselves
Chapter 16 - Overthinking And Tears.
Chapter 17 - Rekindling Old Friendships
Chapter 18 - Stress And Putting People In Their Places
Chapter 19 - Debates And Swooning
Chapter 20 - Shopping Sprees And Hugs
Chapter 21 - Parties And Ball Dancing
Chapter 22 - Avoiding And Hangouts.
Chapter 23 - Answers And Confrontations.
Chapter 24 - Lunch Dates And Awkwardness
Chapter 25 - Long talks And Holding Back
Chapter 26 - Step by step
Chapter 27 - Bribes And Set up's
Chapter 28 - Desserts And Charity Cases
Chapter 29 - Meetings And Dummies
Chapter 30 - Speaking Up And Trying To Help
Chapter 31 - Self love And Promises.
Chapter 32 - Lunch And Secret Codes
Chapter 33 - Reconciliations And Friendship
Chapter 34 - Ice Cream And Horror Movies.
Chapter 35 - Peer Pressure And Pain
Chapter 36 - 'Winning' And Interrogations.
Chapter 37 - Scratches And Getting Caught.

Chapter 9 - Wise words And Interviews

14 10 5
By J_enny_xoxo

Enjoy lovelies 😘🥰
      We were all sitted at the cafeteria waiting for Isaac and the guys. We were becoming inseparable by the day. The cafeteria was serving fried potatoes and tomato sauce. Yummy indeed. Soon enough, we saw them approaching but they weren't wearing their usual smiles. What's up with them?

       "Are you guys okay?" I asked popping a chip into my mouth but the tomato sauce dropped on my face and I turned red in embarrassment knowing they were looking at me.

       "We should be asking you that" Benji said taking the empty seat by my right.

      "It's okay to not be okay" David said looking at me with concern. I'm not that fragile na. Do I look like egg??

I really just wanted to forget that incident as it was and besides, I was really enjoying lunch today. Who am I kidding? I enjoy lunch everyday but still....

        "You're right. I'm really not okay but I really want to enjoy lunch right now" I said giving him the puppy dog eyes. At that, Jacob burst up laughing.

       "Forget. You no get sense walai. Something like that happened and it's food that's doing you" he said trying to control his laughter while everyone joined him. When he was done, he tried stealing a piece of potato chips. He was sat opposite me. I slapped his hand away.

       "And as my friend, you're supposed to comfort me and not steal my food. I do not share food. Get your own" I said pulling my food closer to me.

        "Sharing is caring" he said pouting. Hold up. Jacob. Pouting!!! I really need a pic of this.

        "Then it's a good thing I don't share with you so you won't get the wrong idea" I retorted and stuck my tongue out at him. Childish, I know. Leave me.

       "Foodie" he said also sticking out his tongue but I just froze. Maybe I really am a foodie. That's what Stephanie said anyways. What she right about other things too. Was I really second to Jasmine to the point that I won't be considered? I didn't realize that I zoned out until I saw David's hand waving in front of my face. I grabbed his hand and rolled my eyes. I'm fine. Perfectly fine.

      "Sorry. I kind of spaced out" I said sheepishly.

       "Obviously" Jacob said with an eye roll.

    "Are you sure you're okay, Kemi? Yo probably wouldn't want to say what's bugging you but we're here for you" Isaac said with a sad smile.

      "I know that and I appreciate that alot but can we just talk about something else?" I asked a bit pleadingly.

      "Kemi,not talking about your problems and running away from them doesn't make you look strong or even be strong" Benji said and turned back to his food.
    I wasn't running away. I was just avoiding talking about it. Oh wait. That's running away. See eh me I'm tired abeg. But those were wise words. I'll talk about it later when I don't have all these thoughts running through my head. But it'll be weird talking to Jasmine about it. Oh well.
   "I'll think about it Benji" I said with a smile. Lunch went on after that. Although, it was sort of tense probably because of me but it was okay.

        I didn't really have time to think about what everyone said during lunch because the next day was going to be the interview of potential future prefects and I was successfully on that list. I needed to perfect my speech. Let's just hope everything goes according to plan.

      Wednesday came and I was nervous, confident and excited at the same time for the prefect ship interview. To sum it up, I was a whirlwind of emotions. I needed today to be perfect and it must most definitely be perfect.

     I got to school with my heart beating a million times per minute. I was that nervous. Jasmine was also going for library prefect. Who would've thought?? Temi couldn't contest because he's still new. Chichi wasn't supposed to contest due to her record with some teachers but her good grades, punctuality and decency gave her a boost which gave her the opportunity to contest for social prefect. Sophia was going for either assistant head girl or chemistry laboratory prefect.

       They were going to be calling us into the teacher's lounge. By lunch break, Isaac had already gone and so had Jasmine and Jacob. Apparently, the questions weren't too difficult. They were just asking reasons for your position and if you feel you're the best candidate for the position. So basically, you're giving a speech.

         Before the end of break, a junior had approached the table to tell me that I was being summoned to the teacher's lounge. My friends wishes me good luck and I left. On getting to the teacher's lounge, I took in deep breaths before opening the door. My palms were getting sweaty.

       Almost all our senior school teachers were there including our financial accounting teacher, Mr James. Cue the eye roll people. I needed to focus. Mr James or not.

      "Take a sit Miss Adeshina" said Mr James. They were sitted in a circle and my seat was in the middle. How scary is that?

      "Which post do you wish to go for?" Miss Abigail, the chemistry teacher asked. She wasn't as bad as Mr James but I'm not really used to her so I don't really know her.

      "Library..." I paused to clear my throat. "Library prefect ma" I said confidently.

      "And why do you think you're the right person for this post?" She asked again. Is she the only one that'll ask questions or what?

       "I believe I'm the right candidate because of my passion for literary works. I believe I can help create a more open environment for the students and also preserve the books in the library. I would act as a defender of the library" I said nodding my head firmly.

     "Interesting. And what exactly do you plan on doing to improve that sector of the school? What should we expect from you if you eventually get this post?" The mathematics teacher, Mr Oladejo asked.

   "Like I previously said, I plan on creating an open reading environment and improving the reading culture of the students by making reading more inviting to them by using various means as it applies. I will maintain peace in the library and help in the smooth running of the school in any way I can. I'll keep the library and the books contained in it in good condition. I will also promote the peace and stability of our great school" I don't know how I even came up with that in the spur of the moment.

     "And why aren't you going for the senior prefect role?" The English teacher, Miss Diana asked. That's a tricky question.

     "Erm..... because I sincerely think that the library is more of my forte and where I can perform my duties effectively. I believe my love for fictional characters will propel me to do better in that particular position" I replied. I think I'm sweating our of my eyebrows. The air was getting thick and nobody was saying anything.

   "Okay. We've heard all you have you say. We'll get back to you" she replied breaking the silence. I stood up, rushed a quick thank you and left.

      Okay. So, that's done with. I can finally take a deep breath. It's a free period because of the interviews. Our teacher is among the judges. I just got to class to meet Isaac asking about how the interview went and even Temi made an attempt to talk to me.

   So, for that period we tried catching up with each other. I don't know but for some reason I was hoping Jasmine won't get the prefect ship position. I know it's a really bad thought but you can understand right? Right???!! So, I'm guessing you don't understand. Anyways, we won't know till next week which is a bummer since I have to be studying for my tests.

      By the end of the day, we all met up to know how each other's interviews went. Chichi wasn't really sure of hers and she behaved like she didn't care but I know her like the palm of my hand and I know that she cares. A lot.

      Getting home that day, I tried to make myself smile at all costs. To not have my mood spoilt till the rest of the week. I put on some music once I got home. My mom wasn't home and my dad was apparently visiting my uncle without us. I cranked up the volume but as always Kiiti had to be the party pooper. The fun killer. He hates my type of music but it wasn't that bad. It's just sometimes, I prefer older music you get?

     I decided to make noodles then later on make dinner. I was seriously craving noodles and Kiiti didn't mind.

After that, for the first time in weeks, I and Kiiti had quality bonding time over a game of Monopoly. We were both too busy arguing or doing our own thing so, we never really had time. Gone are those days.
  My babies, what do you think? I'm loving where this is going. I feel like it's a bit slow but bear with me🥺. Anyways, how about words from Benji🤔? Who knew he was so wise😂? I didn't come up with that tho. A friend of mine did😏. He'll probably recognize it later but won't know when he said it😂. By the way, I hope you liked the interview. I literally had to research most of them 😂😂
Keep voting, sharing and commenting🥺.

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