The Inheritance II Bloodlines...


570 148 17

Upon reaching the remarkable age of 18, Samira Waterstone ascended to the throne of Etharkia, marking several... Еще

Queen Samira
Shahid's Embrace
Rise & Shine
Marriage Promise
Join Souls
Love Me More
Journey East
We Go East
The Voyage
Mirror Image
Locked In The Mirror
Business Talk
Queen's Advisor
Party Ready
Obsidian's Date
Birth Right
Day Trip
Early Birthday Gift
A Day At The Beach
A Daughter's Love Final Chapter


14 3 0

Chapter 21

GUARDSMAN ARREST THIS MAN! Shahid lead the arrest team they grabbed at ahmad...they were grabbing air. HAHAHA! You thought I'd be fool enough to physically walk into Etharkia Obsidian?

How dare you use the holy magic of the half dead's and you're not trained sanctioned or blessed to do so! A dragon divide yelled out.

The book's belong to me! To the royal dragon blood of Etharkia hush! Adults are speaking!

You will have one week from today to give my answer King Obsidian! With that the foursome's holographic image's dissapeared vanished.

Obsidian yelled I refuse to allow this ruffian to impede a dark shroud upon my daughter and her bethrothed.

Prince Ahmad to answer your question yes you may have my daughter's hand. The two of you will track Cypher down and make sure he never enters Etharkia again!

The crowd clapped. King Obsidian may I present Queen Samira with my ring? You may Prince Ahmad.

The teenage girl's Samira invited stepped forward. Ahmad bent on one knee Queen Samira will you be my wife?

Samira smiled looking at Ahmad then she glanced a look at Shahid behind him. Yes Ahmad.

He put the ring on her slender finger Samira was breath taken it was beautiful diamonds with a cluster of emeralds.

Emeralds the color of your eyes, diamond's the way your eyes shine and dance when they look upon me.

Samira ran to Ahmad hugging him. The residents clapped Samira went around to the girls her age and her lady maid's showing her ring hugging them.

The parents of the girl's loved she knew all of their daughter's names and demanded they treat her as a friend. When in town she would stop by thier homes suddenly to talk and have tea or dinner before going home.

People talked saying she shouldn't eat with common people because she was royalty.

In Samira's heart she was still common. She missed the day's she could dress and hop on her bike to ride to the library with her hair behind her.

Etharkia never knew bikes until Samira rode to town one day on her's. People pointed laughed smiled and some touched the new contraption amazed.

When Samira moved out the Earth house and out of  the mirror to her native Etharkia, she went to every thrift shop and second hand bike shop to buy 1000 bikes for boys men women and tricycle's for the little ones.

She left the in town without saying a word. In a matter of weeks young and old rode the bikes all over Etharkia once again making her a beloved Queen. To maintain the bikes she showed the cobbler how to fix them and blessed him with a manuel and the tool's to do so.

She explained how bike's can be taken apart and rebuilt into other bike's  amazing the cobbler.

Obsidian danced Cassia off her feet allowing no one to cut in making the men laugh at their love selfish king.

Jakar was angry he hid it so Livi could enjoy their first public party together since she exited Etharkia 18 year's prior.

All of Lividia's old friend's spoke with her about Cypher but more importantly they talked about how beautiful she was and how Jakar was better since she'd returned home.

They teased her about how horrible he was when she was in the mirror. How he wouldn't date or get serious with any woman. When he was drunk he'd brag he married the last waterstone princess in the town tavern making the men toast to his success.

Everyone knew he could never kill those families and they knew someone not well as per the high priest had to do it..a dark magic had taken hold of someone but not Jakar.

Etharkia was her home and quickly she was becoming a part of her native Etharkia. Loving the planet, people and everything on it.

The night ended by morning Ahmad escorted Samira home alone as 500 guardsmanl were stationed at Waterstone Castle.

Samira and Ahmad sat outside talking I had a nice time and everything was perfect Ahmad thank you.

Even Cypher? We will handle Cypher baby I'm not worried. I should sleep here tonight. Daddy said no more sleepovers until we're wed.

Ahmad sucked Samira's neck did he? She pulled back don't Ahmad.

Why? You won't go all the way with me. It's not because I don't want to baby Obsidian made me promise.

Oh hehe Samira sat on Ahmad's lap grinding on him both of them came completely dressed and tipsy. Now I get to go home with stained trousers they chuckled together.

Ahmad walked her inside look up baby. Samira looked up to Hunter peering down at the front door's from his balcony. Don't upset him Ahmad you and Hunter like to taunt one another. It's too late to hear him screech he will wake everyone. 

Samira quietly walked to her room. Passing her grandmother's suite she heard her grandparents making love....finally.

Cassia stayed at Firestone which was expected Shahid waited at her door. What are you doing at my door Sha?

She opened her bedroom he walked in with her you're beautiful baby. Thank you Sha. He kissed her pulling her so close he felt the beat if her racing heart in his arms.

The passion mixed with dragon blood champagne made them want each other. Samira dropped to the bed as Shahid raced to remove his retrictive restricting clothing.

Samira? Damn she whispered yes Noni? Giggling giddy she covered Shaid's mouth.

Lividia opened the door inviting herself in she stopped looking at the enraged fire. That's to many logs baby.

No Noni the half dead said five. Five? Geesh she turned the egg that glowed a smokey black upon her touch.

I'm no excited baby. I am to how are the 20 in the pit doing? Well they haven't found anymore I know you have them searching daily.

Lividia sat next to her grandaughter I'm so proud of you baby all the good thing's you're doing around Etharkia. I know things aren't easy here and we are behind in the times compared to the mirror but please be patient and baby be very careful what you introduce to our society.

Everything in the mirror is not meant for Etharkia. I know Ahmad and I agreed I wouldn't introduce anything before discussing it with him you daddy or Jakar first.

I agree. We have our own little counsel huh Noni? Yes baby. Lividia lit moved the egg basket away from the fire.

No Noni please put it back. You're sure he's not too close? He's fine. Okay you're their mama. Hehe.

Shahid? He pushed his head from under the bed lets go. They teenagers exhaled how'd you know?

Jakar could smell him all that dragon blood he drink's came in handy. Samira hugged Shahid who kissed her neck in front of Lividia Samira you promised.

I told him Noni I'm trying. Try harder. Yes ma'am the two exited with Lividia jumping on Shahid.

Samira was so tired and her feet hurt she lay down her hand under her pillow she pulled a box from Tiffany's.

She knew it was from Cypher she opened the tiny box two gold bangle twisted with rose and yellow gold. Inside the lid was a card.

I'm coming for you.


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