The Inheritance II Bloodlines...

By BlkQween

691 149 17

Upon reaching the remarkable age of 18, Samira Waterstone ascended to the throne of Etharkia, marking several... More

Queen Samira
Shahid's Embrace
Rise & Shine
Marriage Promise
Join Souls
Love Me More
Journey East
We Go East
The Voyage
Mirror Image
Locked In The Mirror
Business Talk
Queen's Advisor
Party Ready
Birth Right
Day Trip
Early Birthday Gift
A Day At The Beach
A Daughter's Love Final Chapter

Obsidian's Date

19 4 0
By BlkQween

Chapter 19

Samira looked to ward the east the bright glow of the second mirror stood out in the deep dark of night. She looked west to the shadow land's same. A shadow demon crawled from her roof on the balcony's edge Hunter lifted his sleepy head lowering it when he realized it was a shadow.

The shadow held a bouquet of roses and mumbled words that sound like screeches. From Shahid? Thank you huh? Looks inside? Samira looked in a small envelope was tied with twine to the roses she gasped I can't accept this.

Hehe yes you will give it back. He won't yell at you he knows i don't allow it unless you all deserve it. Alright I'll return it scadaddle now. The scratches on the room above her room were clear as he exited tree tops were disturbed.

Samira looked down at a lazy behind Hunter hey she pushed her toes in his side please keep the fire and watch the egg? I turned it already.

He pushed out his tongue when I get back and the fire is roaring sleepy head kissing his head. Please behave Hunter stay out my room I hid the doritos Hunter cut his eyes at her. Yeah whatever to you too lazy GOAT.

If you need water I had them fill the pool for you so you don't need to go far. He turned on his side ignoring her. Let the flame be out and see what you get. She walked to the hall where Jakar Lividia Cassia and Maddie waited. Lividia cried they all chuckled come photos Maddie took a family photo then one with the two of them. Jakar wanted one alone and so did Lividia and Cassie. Maddie please carry the camera do we have enough film?

Yes you have about 300 more cartridges. Ok thank's you're in charge of party pictures if they ask for it let them have it Maddie. But not the ones of our family. Yes my Queen.

Ahmad coach was outside oh man Samira smiled sixteen white horses waited with plumes on their heads. The coach was covered in light blue taffeta. The window had Ahmad's Initial's.

The family stepped in the coach to flower's waiting for Samira on the chair. Cassia was amazed at this black society living like a fairy tale.

She couldn't stop smiling. How do you like it so far Cassia? I live is Samira Livida held Cassia's hand Jakar took out his flask.

Jakar Lividia looked at him upset he passed her the flask it's henny. She sipped from it passing it to Cassia who took a swig. Mirror habits drinking before the club Samira said.

Everyone burst out laughing papa that jacket is hot I love the crimson. Lividia smiled your papa would make his dad so upset everyone is wearing black blue or brown not Jakar when they would go on a supply run in the mirror he'd pay them to return with odd colors crimson blood red royal blue chile my man was always shaking the room.

Why would I want to look like everyone else right ladies? Now i had to impress Lividia and I wasn't going to impress her blending in. Hehe. And...I had my own tailor paid him double not to make anyone's clothes but mine Half Dead's bless him, he'd say Jakar people are begging me to make a jacket from your material bulk. Haha I said if they didn't pay for it then don't cut from it my fabric bulk.

Lividia shook her head kissing his lips samira your papa wasn't to be toyed with as a teenager.

I can imagine Jakar. My mother said I can get you out the marriage Lividia.

Your mother said that liv? She gave him a look I thought she loved me. She did later on...but baby you're a wild card ok? I prefer jack of all trades kissing livi who tapped Cassia. You see this Cassia watch out for silver tongued devil's like this one hugging Jakar.

They arrived at Firestone everyone got out the carriage and went inside except Cassia and Samira. They waited for Obsidian who came to the carriage opening the door.

Cassia stared at Obisidan and he stared at her Samira was quiet they locked eyes four whole minutes.

Daddy this is Cassia a good family friend from the mirror. Onsidian held out his hand for her it is a please Cassia do you have an escort for the ball?

No sir-

Obsidian my name is Obsidian. No Obsidian I do not. May I do the honor's? Please he took her hand staring at her walking off. Samira sat there here father made it to the castle doors when the guard asked where is the Queen my king.

Obsidian laughed running back for Samira.


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