Clouded thoughts (hxh~bnha)

By automatic_11037

64.1K 2.3K 1.9K

Killua finds himself in a unfamiliar world. Things are different here and he doesn't understand them one bit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 13

2.1K 82 119
By automatic_11037

[third person pov]

Months have passed by now and most days were the same. Killua woke up, got dressed, ate a bowl of cereal and a chocolate bar and made his way to school. Days went by as per usual. Every once and a while Killua hung out with Sakune and he would show him around the city.

The both of them have been taking their sign language lessons almost everyday and were actually able to have a conversation with each other now. It's awesome! One day when he was showing Killua around the city the other boy brought him to a crowded beach covered in garbage. But something was strange about it. Every time they visited there was less and less trash around the beach. I mean, they were not complaining but it was just odd

Killua had been getting pretty used to this new place. But that doesn't mean he had forgotten about Gon and Alluka..the past months have been nightmares nonstop. He can't sleep without my mind racing about them. His mind would tease him non stop 'what kind of brother goes missing on his little sister! What if she got hurt and I'm not there to protect her? What if Illumi showed up?'

Thoughts always raced in his mind as he tried to find some way to distract himself, it could be sweets or maybe even just going on a midnight skateboard trip around the city. Though that did involve getting scolded by his caretaker for sneaking out without permission to leave after curfew.

The albino sighed, pulling a chocolate robot out of his pocket and peeling the wrapper as he walked down the streets. His other hand supported his skateboard under his arm. Today is the entrance exam for UA highschool. Sakune decided not to try out for the hero course, seeing as he lost his quirk he felt as if he was useless as a hero and would be better off somewhere else. Though, he did consider joining the support course at UA.

The streets were pretty packed, whether it was people going to the exam or just random people going about their days. Killua quickly finished his chocolate bar, stuffing the remaining wrapper back into his pocket and stopping at a crosswalk.

"Are you lost?" A quiet voice sounded from behind the boy, it sounded taunting as well as curious. He wasted no time to look over his shoulder, his eyes being met with nothing. Everything seemed to go silent for just an instant before the voice returned, this time from in front of him, repeating the former question. "I said, are you lost?"

He snapped his head forward, his eyes halting at a small boy standing directly in front of him as the both of them stood just across a street, waiting for the signal to cross. The smaller boy had black messy hair that was held to one side with a hair clip. He wore a simple black school uniform and his eyes shone a bright yellow as the sunlight bounced off those cold irises. The boy had a scar across his cheek in the form of a cross. Though the scar seemed quite fresh.

"Mister?" The child impatiently spoke once more, connecting his hands behind his back and leaning forward. Killua instantly shook away his thoughts, assuming he was just too sleep deprived and was seeing or hearing things.

"Oh, no actually I'm fine." He spoke, giving the smaller child a quick reassuring smile and a short nod before glancing back up just in time to see the sign change. He ignored the stare of the child as he put his hands back in his pockets and began walking across the street.

The cold stare of that child followed him by the crosswalk. Making the white haired boy stop once he reached the sidewalk once more. The gaze seemed to still follow him even as he turned his head back, glancing across the busy street to meet eyes with those yellow orbs. The child grinned, waving at Killua before a car drove by. As the car passed it looked as though it had erased the kid from existence. One moment he was there and the next he was just..gone?

The scene gave the albino a headache, so he ignored the strange occurrence, turning back around and continuing his walk to the entrance exam. Something about that kid freaked him out, not enough to give him an actual scare. But just enough to keep him on edge.

"Killua!!" A voice sounded from around the corner, Killua turned his attention to the new person. A green haired boy ran around the corner stopping right beside Killua with that usual grin on his face.

"Izu." Killua waved at the greenette, making him frown at the little interaction. The two of them walked to the supposed UA highschool together. The freckled boy only whined about how Killua barely even acknowledged his existence.

"Aren't you excited for the exam?!" Izuku cheered, jumping up and down as he held his notebook in his arms. The amount of times Killua found himself protecting the green haired boy whilst looking out for himself was just too many to count. If he thought about it reasonably then it would only make sense for the two to stick together. The both of them were close to the only quirkless kids in their grade, meaning they were instantly the target of most of the school bullies.

"Meh, if we get in then once again we will be the target of bullies for being quirkless." Killua hummed, walking towards the large gates of UA with Izuku. The mood shifted as Izuku turned his focus to the school.

"Right." He mumbled, adjusting his shirt as he walked into the school grounds. Killua noticed the shorter boy's mood change at the mention of being quirkless. He furrowed his brows in curiosity before turning his attention back to the exam.

The two of them looked around at all the students filling the school grounds; they made it a bit farther before Izuku tripped over a loose stone, falling forward. Killua had just been about to catch the boy by grabbing the back of his shirt but he froze when a girl tapped his shoulder, freezing him mid air just as he had been about to hit the ground.

Killua internally groaned, deciding it would be best to leave the two after seeing the way Izuku blushed intensely at the sight of the brunette who saved him from the short fall. The white haired boy didn't care much for staying by them during their little interaction. So he made his way into the school building after registering at the front.

They only asked his name and quirk, along with his address. When he finished up he casually followed a group of students and they led him to a large auditorium. He found a seat near the back, and after a while of waiting Izuku joined him, Sitting beside the albino with a smile on his face. Looks like the little green bean has a crush. To the right of Izuku sat Katsuki, a grumpy look on his face as usual.

Turns out they needed to do a written exam first, sheets were handed out as everyone began the test. They had eyes on them left and right, probably to make sure nobody had been cheating. Still confusing considering how many students to teachers there were. But they surely had some way of watching all the students did they not?

The written exam flew by like it was nothing, killua had only the slightest bit of trouble with it, mostly because of the foreign language. He studied pretty over the past couple of months but learning two new languages at once. Damn he was overworked.

Once all the students handed in their exam papers they found seats back in the auditorium. The three boys turned their attention back to the front as the lights turned off and began shining at the stage up front. Killua mentally died when he saw the yellow cockatoo again. He mumbled incoherent words as he crossed his arms. Izuku on the other hand was just fanboying over present mic as he listened carefully to ever word the hero spoke. Katsuki just mumbled, telling him to shut up.

Mic explained to auditorium all about the physical part of the exam, he revealed the different robots and the amount of points you would get for diffeating a specific one.

"I have a question!!" A man stood up, sitting a bit farther ahead of us. He had short dark blue hair and glasses, his voice stern and both Katsuki and Killua instantly pictured the boy as a teachers pet kind of student. "There appear to be four faux villains on this handout sheet! Yet you only stated three! Such a mistake is hurtful towards japans top hero academy!" Katsuki mumbled something about the boy being annoying before all three of us raised our heads at the mention of Izuku

"And you with the curly green hair!" Izuku practicaly jumped in his seat when a glare was shot his way by the other boy. "You've been muttering this entire time. It's disrespectful! If this is some sort of joke to you then I suggest you leave!" Izuku mumbled an apology as he sank into his seat in embarrassment.

Though Killua had though about wanting to argue back with the guy he decided against it and stayed in his seat. Only sending a small glare towards Iida.

"You are correct little listener!! But the fourth robot gains you zero points! You could say its more of an obstical!" The blue haired boy responded with a short thank you before sitting back down. Something didnt sit right with Killua or Katsuki about this so called zero pointer. But they both ignored it. "Thats all for now! Good luck out there little listeners! Go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!"


All students were separated into different groups around the fake city. The three separated at the exam site. Killua only sighed at all the pathetic looks of the other examinees. From what he knew so far, this exam was nothing like the hunter exam. If he had to guess whoever thought of this was indeed quite intelligent. The only problem was the fact that not all students would be able to defeat the enemy.

It would all depend on their type of quirk, and as for Izuku and Killua? If they had to rely on just a quirk they would be doomed. Which got the albino thinking, this made no sense. Heros in this world aren't just equipped for fighting and fighting alone. By the research he's done there are many different types of heros, some of which aren't suited for fighting at all and only rely on their ability to rescue others. That only meant they were hiding something. Some hidden part of the exam they would be graded on.

Killua threw his skateboard on the ground, placing one foot on it as he grabbed another chocolate bar from his pocket and opened it and took a bite of it. He turned his head in time to see a boy with purple hair approach him. He didn't say anything, he only stood beside Killua and looked forward.

Killua stared blankly at the boy, observing his tired expression along with the large bags under his eyes. Killua didn't think much before he reached back into his pocket and pulled out another chocolate bar. Reaching it forward towards the sleep deprived boy and offering it to him.

He glanced at Killua, a bit shocked at first. But he nodded, and thanked him for the chocolate before accepting the offer and placing his new treat in his pocket.

"Thanks. I'm Shinso Hitoshi." He said blankly, observing Killua's skateboard along with his appearance.

"Killua. Nice to meet you." Killua responded, giving the other boy a small wave. "Can I ask, what's your quirk?" He looked the boy up and down, not seeing anything related to a mutation quirk so he assumed it had to be something else. Or maybe he was quirkless like Izuku and him. Either way, the question made the insomniac boy freeze.

"It's brainwashing." He said quietly, avoiding eye contact with Killua. He sounded ashamed to say it, but Killua only tilted his head to the side, confused at the boy's response.

"Is something wrong about that? Sounds pretty useful if you ask me." Killua spoke, making the other boy perk up, a bit confused by the response.

"What about you? What's your quirk?" He seemed genuinely surprised. Most likely because Killuas response to hearing about his quirk wasn't some snarky response or a disgusted look.

"Oh, I'm quirkless." Killua shrugged, Shinso couldn't help but wonder. If his life was only tormented by his classmates because of his quirk. What would happen to those who didn't have one at all?

"BEGIN!!" A loud voice boomed through the fake city as the gate opened and Killua grinned, turning forward before shooting a small smile at Shinso and pushing off the ground with one foot, and skating into the city. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!! GO GO GO!!" Everybody bolted into the city. Along with Shinso. But one thought remained in his head. Just as Killua had skated forward his shirt had flown up slightly because of the wind. Giving Shinso a quick glimpse of the scars that littered the others back.

He couldn't even begin to imagine how he got those scars. Whether it was from classmates, or even parental abuse. It could have even just been an accident that had happened in the past. He did his best to push those thoughts out of his head, repeating to himself that it was none of his business.

Words: 2318

WOOOO!! I have multiple chapters already ready to post! I hope you bullet proof for dis bout to hurt.

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