Kiss Me Deadly (boyxboy)

By Dizasaurus_Guwarr

21.2K 315 28

He was born blind, Mother proud, Father ashamed. Meeting a very strange person and falling in love, twice. Fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 12

750 10 2
By Dizasaurus_Guwarr

So it seems I only have one person who really wants to figure this story out.

So this is for jnel2012

Chapter 12-


Shadow POV

 After getting punched repeatly by your father, you tend to never want to go back. But I did and now here we are again. Me, face down on the ground. Him, on top of me, smashing my face into the ground. Fatherly love, gotta love him for trying.

"Boys, enough. Get off your son and let him go. I bet he's already pissed for being beat. Again." Mother was ticked. She was in no mood for me to show up and ruin her life and plans.

'Father' got off of me and I quickly stood up and left while I had the chance before our demons sides wanted out and start killing each other. I picked up on Melissa's sent really fast and followed her. I had time to waste. Not a strong wind to mess up the trail.

About 20 mins into the following, the town started to disappear. Was she throwing me off on purpose? I stop to sniff the air just to make sure she was still ahead of me. Then it hit me. Demons and vampires. My Aunt Lynx. 

I knew her scent anywhere since the day she killed Kayden's parents. I picked up the pace, worried that my little sister was doing something she wasn't suppose to be doing. Where was Abel in all this anyway.

Kayden. It has been along time since I've seen him alone. Or even heard his voice. Looked into his eyes, knowing very well that he couldn't see me. Pain hit me. The only pain I knew. Heartache. I needed him back. He still blammed me for his parents death. Even though it does run in the family, my Aunt is the one to blame.

She screws up everything.

Anger surged through my veins. Wanting nothing more but to feel  Aunt Lynx blood running down my arms as I killed her. She is the reason why my Kayden hated me and wanted nothing to do with me.

This is all her fault and she is going to pay.

I saw her house coming up. It was on fire. Great. Melissa was in there and who knows who else was in there. I ran quickly to the house, calling for my siblings. Nothing answeing but fire licking up what life was left in the house.

Then I heard a faint yell. No. It couldn't be. Kayden?

Fire was my element, so why couldn't I control this and calm him down.

"Because I helped little brother. And you know dark magic with demon and vampire magic can be pretty nasty." Lex. But, he was dead. Wasn't he?

I turned to find a dark aura floating. Waiting for me to attack. As if. I wasn't a stupid demon.

"I see you're powerless unless you have your body. Is it still at the bottom of that lake. You know the one. With your coffin and your body in it. Mother and Father love you ya know. Then just don't care if you are hurting or living." I took some steps towards him. 

Still, he was the oldest brother of the family but still was tall in this form. He was about to saying something, I could feel it but he stopped and moved through me. What th-

A bright light shot straight up from Aunt Lynx burning house. What the fucking hell was going on here? The light just got brighter and brighter, to bright for my liking. I had to put my hand over my eyes to stop the brightness from burning them.

I finally realized the bright light was coming from within the belly of her house. From down in the game room. Everything was glowing as if thousands of lighting bugs were in the ground, the air, the house, the trees, everywhere.

I heard a scream. Not one of pain. One of torture. They are different. One that meant something or someone was realeasing so much build up pain over thousands of years that they just couldn't house it in. 

I looked around for my brother to find nothing let of him. Coward. Watching from the safety of the shadows. The shadows that I controlled. Screw him, I didn't have time to deal with that piece of trash.

Abel POV

He was glowing and screaming. Letting so much out as if holding it in all these years. The walls and house were caving in on us. We were going to die. Nothing better to do then share it with the one you loved.

I order Water herself to cover us til she was dried up. I learned down to pull him closer and kissed him. So shut up mostly but I put so much force into it that I couldn't wait any longer. He was what I need. He was who I needed. He was my Kayden and has been since the day we met. I loved him.

The light seemed to get brighter and I broke the kiss. Opening my eyes to find Kayden looking at me smiling and everything was blasted with bright light. Screams filled my ears. And everything went black.


So watcya think?

Who's POV should I do next?

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