The Inheritance II Bloodlines...

By BlkQween

691 149 17

Upon reaching the remarkable age of 18, Samira Waterstone ascended to the throne of Etharkia, marking several... More

Queen Samira
Shahid's Embrace
Rise & Shine
Marriage Promise
Join Souls
Love Me More
Journey East
We Go East
The Voyage
Mirror Image
Locked In The Mirror
Business Talk
Queen's Advisor
Party Ready
Obsidian's Date
Birth Right
Day Trip
Early Birthday Gift
A Day At The Beach
A Daughter's Love Final Chapter


17 5 0
By BlkQween

Chapter 15

Samira was deep in sleep one of the holy half dead's sat on the corner of her bed awake child.

Samira sat up to a one eyed man. He had dark flawless skin and the eye was in the middle of his forehead. Where human eyes rested there were gold engraved circles.

The man was wrapped in a grey and white cloak. Gold symbols and incantations lit as he spoke.

He handed her an egg when she held it again it glowed black. Children he whispered his words echoing in her ears. Your children a gift from the holy half deads.

Samira smiled thank you the Holy half nodded turning his head Samira saw Cypher coming through the portal.

SHASHINEEK he pointed SHASHINEEK he kept saying it over and over pointing at Cypher. The holy half dead kissed her hand Samira screamed.

Obsidian woke her baby hummm? My hand daddy it hurts bad she turned over and went back to sleep.

Obsidian raised her hand healers! They came to a still deep in sleep Samira when they pulled the covers a black egg was between her legs the blood from her hand stained the egg.

When they looked the blood went in the egg and it rattled. The healer's jumped back knowing it was forbidden for them to touch the eggs.

Send the carriage for Lividia hurry. The healers placed medicine on Samira's hand any thing they put on it dissapeared causing her to scream.

SHASHINEEK Samira repeated the healers fell to their knees faces to the floor.

Why are you all on your knees? Great King Obsidian our Queen and us are in the presence of a Holy Half dead. He has placed his brand of protection upon her for all of Etharkia to see and gifted her with a child.

Impregnated? No great King the eggs and the one between her legs he placed it there to show us this new breed of egg are her children and have been created for her protection.

Will her hand heal? Yes my king we shall wrap it Samira gave us wonderful anti infection drug's and paperwork on how to create it from the mirror she will be fine my king.

Leave us but please stay. The healers rose walking out the the room hurriedly.

Samira's fever was rising. I need your help please great deity. How did you know I am a deity Child? You have been on Etharkia so long you know all of it's secret's. Yes you are holy, blessed but also a God am I correct?

I am the only Goddess of three I have been awaiting your arrival for three centuries my child.

Why me? You are going to lead Etharkia well one more gift you have three question's to ask now and three after you marry.

Must I ask all three now? The deity smiled no child over a lifetime. The first may seem foolish however I must know will I marry Ahmad or Shahid?

Your answer is at twelve three and six. Huh? Twelve three and six. Thank you Deity.

She nodded her head the diety walked on the balcony stepped up on the dragon stairs walking off the balcony  up toward the starry lit sky where she vanished into a star.

Samira woke to healers around her a wrapped hand and her grandparent's father Shahid and Ahmad asleep near her bed.

Samira checked her clock it was four a.m three days later. She looked between her legs and her egg was gone.

Samira surfed the room with her eyes the egg was near the fire place.

Noni? Lividia opened her eyes hey baby. My egg. It's fine and so are the others.

They nees their own egg pit Noni. They are in the second egg pit in waterstone. How many? Samira the shadows found twenty one eggs in total in the east. They have gone back every day looking for more but the odd thing is there are no dragon tracks leading to or from the eggs.

That's because Dragon's didn't leave them there dragon's weren't born bere they were brought here by the holy half dead's from another dimension way before our ancestors arrived. I think like is the slaves they were in some kind of trouble this planet is a safe haven Noni.

The only people allowed to stay are those the half dead's brand to stay. They brand through blood almost like a way the planet know's you belong here.

Samira moved her right hand it hurts she grabbed the wrap no baby don't it has to heal. What happened?

The Half dead's marked you baby. What does that mean Noni? Simply that you have been chosen by them. Chosen for what?

We were hoping you'd know baby.

Samira stared at the egg you are their mother now the deity's voice played in her head.

The eggs I am their mother now that's what she said. He said? No Noni one of them is a female two are male.

This mark burned on my hand has something to do with the eggs Noni. It was burned on the top of your hand now it's in your palm Samira. When it surfaced it was bloody and your fever spiked.

Then in a half sun's day the fever broke again. Samira stared at Shahid remember your promise? Her grandmother reminded her Yes Noni.

She looked to Ahmad SHASHINEEK what does this mean Noni? Lividia inhaled then exhaled it means...

Death Bringer

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