The Staggering Fall of Youth...

De jongkey_krisho

1.3K 93 103

After months of being in the paranormal world, Junmyeon and Baekhyun have many problems to deal with. For one... Mais

1 - It's Shool, not School Junmyeon
2 - Breakdowns Call for Oreos
3 - Soup
4 - Witch? More like Bitch
5 - Take a Hint
6 - Let's All Act Possessed: Part 2
7 - Can I Please Get a Waffle?
8 - I was there first
9 - Fuck Research Papers
10 - Meaningful Conversations
11 - Yeah, It's Been Awhile
12 - What You Came Here For
13 - Touch Me and You're Dead
14 - They're Multiplying
15 - This is so Messed Up, Like-
17 - Search Party
18 - Zitao's House
19 - I'mma Need an Alibi

16 - Life is Painful

20 1 0
De jongkey_krisho

Disclaimer: I have been contemplating updating my two Krisho fanfics, both this one and The Village in the forest, while dealing with stuff in my life, and I reached this conclusion.

I do not, will NEVER support Wu Yifan's actions in real life. I think what he had done is digusting and repulsive, and which I desire that he gets punished severly.

Now, in terms of my fanfics, I have always separated the characters from the real life singers and actors. I write this fanfic because I like writing fanfic in general, and have always used it to perfect my writing skills, my editing, etc.

I will continue to update these fanfics. I love the stories I have created, I love my made up characters, and I want to see them finished. I always told myself I would complete my stories, no matter how much of a hiatus I need to take or how life gets difficult.

Please keep this in mind as you read these two stories. I just want to finish these fanfics. I have many ideas plan. I use these stories to vent while my real life world crumples to pieces, while my depression gets worse and I get more lonely. I am NOT supporting Kris Wu as I write these, these have NOTHING to do with that piece of shit. 


Minseok was in the hallway, pacing back and forth as he maintained a death grip on his phone.

Baekhyun and Junmyeon were at the end of the hallway, watching him. They shared knowing looks to each other, mouthing to each other "you go talk to him".

Junmyeon, in no way wanted to break the silence to MInseok. Between the teens randomly showing up to their house to whatever messages Minseok read on their phone, the latter reaching his boiling point.

I'm not doing it. Baekhyun frowned at Junmyeon, shooing him away. You do it.

Shaking his head, Junmyeon mouthed no fucking way.

You're better at calming people down.

I'm not angering Minseok.

You're literally part angel.

Junmyeon frowned. That don't mean shit.

Baekhyun crossed his hands. You know people who are expecting shouldn't be stressed.

"Are you fucking serious-" Junmyeon's eyes widened when he realized he said that last part outloud. "Oops."

Their faces fearful, they both turned slowly to see Minseok, who was now staring at them, a raised eye. "I'm sorry?"

Baekhyun pushed Junmyeon forward, hiding behind him.

Oh, this motherfucker- "Ignore Baekhyun, he's being an idiot," Junmyeon said, ignoring Baekhyun's loud hey! behind him. "Are you okay? You look... pissed off-"

"Well, no shit!" Minseok yelled, his angered face quickly changing into one full of regret moments later. "I'm sorry- oh fuck I..."

Minseok sighed, turning his attention back to his phone. "I'm stressed."

"Kind of figured, especially when they pulled their stunt-"

"Baekhyun, you can't be that fucking insensitive," Junmyeon scolded him.

"Hey, you can't yell at me! I'm-"

Minseok scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Don't remind me," he muttered, clutching his phone. "I just... miss the peace, to be honest."

Junmyeon frowned. What sort of peace was Minseok talking about? When he was still human?

Baekhyun, not wanting to anger Minseok anymore, pointed back to the living room. "I'm going to go check on them," he said, leaving Junmyeon and Minseok alone.

As much as Junmyeon wanted to roll his eyes to Baekhyun jumping ship the moment something got to intense, he couldn't say anything. Baekhyun never does that, usually, and didn't need more stress than necessary.

Welp, Junmyeon was left alone to make Minseok feel better. "Did something happen?" he asked Minseok.

"When doesn't something happen," Minseok muttered, showing Junmyeon his phone. "Look at this lengthy text Luhan just sent me."

He had his messages app on, where he could see the contact name reading... something in Chinese, Junmyeon figured out. (He could only read the "My" part). "Luhan texted you?"

"I'm not even fucking worried about Luhan right now," Minseok cut him off. "I'm not going to get what I want in life and it's time for me to accept that, just read the text, Junmyeon."

Junmyeon, who had started reading the long paragraph, only managed to read Hey there was an incident today when he realized what Minseok said. "Oh, come on, Xiu, don't say that-"

"Kim Junmyeon," Minseok said. "Read."

I really need to help him stop being so negative all the time, Junmyeon thought to himself, as he continued reading the paragraph that Luhan sent Minseok, only to see the phone automatically go down to the end where another long paragraph came up. "Uh, he's sending more messages."

"He's what-" Minseok took the phone back from Junmyeon and read the new message as quickly as he could, his eyes getting wider by the second. "Are- are they fucking with me right now?!"

"They're what now?"

"They're- oh my FUCKING god, they are so goddamn STUPID!!!" Minseok screamed. "How old are they again?!"

Things were only going to get worse from here. "Give me that," Junmyeon said, snatching the phone from Minseok.

He read the messages while Minseok kept screaming, which were thankfully in Korean, and... well, Junmyeon could barely comprehend what the fuck was even going on.

Luhan and his kidnapping? Finding a location? Yixing following him? Almost getting attacked- AN EXPLOSION!!!

Another message popped up, but Junmyeon decided to read it before telling Minseok.

We found blinding crystals as well, with a lot of obsidian alloy, which I found particularly interesting. It was hidden under the floorboards and we found it by pure luck. I have no idea what the group is planning on doing with this information and their next steps, but I feel like you should know and be involved as well, considering this affects all of us.

"Affects all of us?" Junmyeon read the last phrase out loud, the words sinking in. Because, yes, at the end of the day, it did affect all of them.

He was part of this world, not now, not recently, since the moment of his conception, whether he liked it or not. It wasn't something he could run from forever.

He'll get to that issue another time.

Meanwhile, Minseok raised an eye at him. "What did you say?"

"Oh, Luhan sent another message," Junmyeon said, handing Minseok's phone back to him. "Something about blinding crystals-"

As soon as he said blinding crystals, Minseok snatched the phone from Junmyeon again, reading the new message. "I swear to our dead god-"

When he grabbed his phone and read the new message, instead of screaming again, Minseok froze, only confusing Junmyeon even more.

"Do- do you think that group is planning something?" Junmyeon asked, trying to be helpful. "Should we be worried-"

Minseok pressed the call button on his phone and pressed it against his ear, rubbing his eyes with his free hand until the call went through.

Luhan had picked up.

Neither said a word to each other for the first few seconds, so Luhan broke the silence. "Hello? Minseok-"

"What the fuck do you expect me to do?" Minseok said coldly to the receiver, shocking Junmyeon. He did not expect that to come out of the werewolf's mouth.

"I'm- I'm sorry?"

"So now you can't hear." Minseok put the phone on speaker and held it up to his face. "I said what the FUCK do you expect me to do?"

Junmyeon heard silence from Luhan's end. Minseok obviously knew Luhan better than what Junmyeon did, but Junmyeon had a feeling that Luhan was clearly missing the latter. "I'm not trying to pressure you, Minseok, I just- well, your opinion is very important and-"

"Luhan." Minseok looked more pissed by the second, it was a miracle he wasn't yelling for the whole forest to hear. "If I would have told you not to have gone, would you have ignored me and gone anyways?"

Luhan stuttering. "Min- Minseok, that's not the point, I-"

"Would you or would you have not ignored my advice and gone anyway?" Minseok asked again. "I don't think you need me to call you out on your stupidity."

"It was not stupid-"

"Luhan." Minseok sighed. "My opinion does not matter to you or to anyone, so pray, do tell me, what do you expect me to do about it?"

Silence again. Minseok's words were harsh, but... there was truth in them.

"Minseok, maybe you should hang up," Junmyeon said, though it came out more as an imperative sentence than a suggestion.

"Min... I need your help," Luhan at last said. "I- I need you."

For a split second, Junmyeon swore Minseok's eyes turned black, though it could have been the lighting, but all Minseok said was "Who am I to you for you to be asking help from?" before hanging up the call, throwing the phone on the floor smashing it.


He was in his own little world again, not quite paying attention to the words being said around him.

Why hear them? Kibum would think to himself. When I could just read them?

Kibum was alone in his house; he always teleports there when he feels like it, didn't really stay in the stronghold. He just hated interacting with people.

He remembers when he fought Zitao in the forest, the demonic witch who had appeared in front of Kibum, the two shouting insults to one another before engaging in a fight.

You act like you are capable of love, but remind me who locked themselves away for centuries up in that little forest with a big house, like the materialistic bitch you are?

Materialistic. Kibum wasn't materialistic.

He was born with his powers, many centuries again, growing stronger anyday. He had stopped aging in his early twenties, when his family noticed something was wrong with Kibum.

They tried to hide it, they really did. But the society that Kibum lived in found out. And put him in arrest.

For his evil powers, powers he hadn't even shown to anybody, they sent him to burn at the stake. Kibum didn't resist the fight, knowing what was coming. He let them arrest him, sit him in their jail, willingly starving himself for a week before they tied him up in the center of the city, his bare feet standing on a pile of carbon, before they lit a match and threw it under his feet.

And, to their horror, they watched as a fire erupted, and yet Kibum remained untouched.

They panicked. They threw spears, trying to kill him, but without saying a word, Kibum calmly broke the rope binding his wrists together by yanking his hands apart from one another, the spears reaching an inch from his face before falling to the ground, never touching him.

And his parents, in the sea of the audience, shouting for him to be killed, to be destroyed.

He had calmly stepped over the fire, the whole crowd giving him space, while the soldiers ran up to him, wanting to kill him. But, just like the spears, they fell to their feet once they were three feet from Kibum, muttering in confusion.

There was screaming. There were outcries. There were weapons being exchanged, words being exchanged, the whole society wanting Kibum to end his existence while they all simultaneously realized that the witch could not be touched.

He walked. Kibum walked until he left, left the city, left humanity, to be by himself, where he couldn't be hurt.

And now, he was here, trying to protect humanity, the very one that set out to destroy him.

Ending his daydreaming, Kibum picked up one of his books on the coffee table, ripping out one of the pages. He forgot what the book was, probably one of Shakespeare's early copies of his play or whatever, but that didn't matter as he swiped the paper against his finger tip.

He felt the pain immediately, a tiny line of blood forming for him to see.

Kibum stared at if for a few seconds before closing up the wound with his magic. No one was going to hurt him again.


Sehun stared at the small pile of blackberries in his hands.

How funny, he thought, knowing he could eat them now. When his entire human life, he had been allergic. The first and only time he had tried them (blackberry pie given at school) it sent him to the emergency room.

He remembered lying to Zitao when they first met, saying he was allergic to oranges instead, despite it being a lie. He just hated oranges.

But Zitao, true to his word, never served him oranges. And he never served him blackberries as well.

He knew. Zitao had to know. But why? Why did he hide it? Why did he kept inviting Sehun over anyways? Why did they date? Why did he introduced Sehun to Minseok and his friends? Why?

Was this part of a bigger plan? Making Sehun fall in love wih him, then make him live in guilt for the rest of eternity? Was that funnier to Zitao? But then why did he do it when he died?

Why is he alive?

Maybe... maybe this new Zitao is what he has always been. Maybe this was all part of an elaborate plan.

Sehun ate the handful of the blackberries in his hands, wishing they could cause him pain.


Yifan was in pain.

It turned from mental to physical ache. He was stumped. Every day they were left with more questions than answers. Their relationships with one another were breaking apart. Their structure was crumpling.

But... he had a lead. He just needed a favor.

"Minseok's not texting me back," Luhan said, who, after his disastrous phone call with the latter, had continue to blow up the werewolf's phone, even though Minseok was leaving him on delivered. "He has to know something-"

"He knows." Yifan said, taking the phone from Luhan before throwing it on the ground. "I know he knows what we need."

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU JUST THROW MY PHONE?!" Luhan shouted at Yifan. "KRIS?!"

"Oh, shut up, idiot." Yifan reached into his bag and took out a manila folder, throwing it on the table. The papers spread all over, though Yifan didn't seem to care. "I'll go ask him myself, I don't need you to do it."

"Ask Minseok what?" Luhan gritted his teeth, ready to fight Yifan if he pulled any of his tricks again. "You're an asshole to everybody."

Yifan rolled his eyes, not caring about the insult. "I've been researching, unlike you," he continued. "ANd we need a book."

"Let me guess, you know where it may be?" Luhan said, mocking him.

"I know where it is." Yifan corrected him. "And I know Minseok knows where to find it."

"And where exactly would that be?"

Yifan opened the folder, taking off the first document to reveal the one underneath, a map scribbled in red. "We need him to show us Zitao's house."

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