233K 5.9K 19.5K

โ ๐ˆ'๐Œ ๐‰๐”๐’๐“ ๐†๐Ž๐๐๐€ ๐’๐‡๐Ž๐Ž๐“ ๐Œ๐˜ ๐’๐‡๐Ž๐“ ๐–๐ˆ๐“๐‡ ๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐ˆ๐€ โž ... More

๐Ÿ’ฝ๐Ÿน๐ŸŽง โ‰‹ SHOT โœฐ
1. โ the role โž โœฐ
2. โ begging โž โœฐ
3. โ favorite color โž โœฐ
4. โ simp โž โœฐ
5. โ groupchat โž โœฐ
6. โ mason does not approve โž โœฐ
7. โ almost arrested โž โœฐ
8. โ tic tac toe โž โœฐ
9. โ liv is rich af โž โœฐ
10. โ daddy issues โž โœฐ
11. โ be fr โž โœฐ
13. โ livvy โž โœฐ
14. โ #maddyrebelera โž โœฐ
15. โ flour fight โž โœฐ
16. โ help. rebecca's gone crazy โž โœฐ
17. โ prank wars โž โœฐ
18. โ matchmaker โž โœฐ
19. โ robin arellano's gf โž โœฐ
20. โ jealousy โž โœฐ
21. โ #malivia4life โž โœฐ
22. โ friends or lovers? โž โœฐ
23. โ common mindless behavior stan W โž โœฐ
24. โ birthday wishes and the L word โž โœฐ
25. โ panic attack โž โœฐ
26. โ candles for jรฉne โž โœฐ
27. โ the kiss that changed everything โž โœฐ
28. โ k bf โž โœฐ

12. โ chaos โž โœฐ

9K 255 1.4K

olivia aoki posted a new video !


I MET THE CAST OF THE BLACK PHONE (it was not very eventful and i regret my entire choice of even auditioning to be a part of this movie) | olivia aoki

900k views • 1h ago



"hello, everyone. i'm olivia aoki and welcome back to my youtube channel," liv greeted her subscribers the way she always did, with a enthusiastic wave and a warm smile. "this morning, i am getting ready to meet a friend in person for the first time and then i'm going to meet my other friends tonight because we all are somehow flying in on the same day. so funny, right?"

"i don't know why, but i'm very nervous to meet him. i wasn't nervous at all to meet zendaya or, like, jacob elordi so i'm not sure what's so... different this time," liv bit her lip before applying mascara slowly to her lashes. "okay, well, i look like a walking corpse but whatever. the next clip of this video, i'm going to be with him because of editing. that's fucking scary. anyways—"


"look who i'm with, guysssssss," olivia whispered into her camera. she had it in a downwards angle so both her and mason were hanging over it, smiling like idiots. "the rumors are true, it's me, the amazing and good-looking mason thames," he nodded. liv gave him a side-eye to which the scene froze and a text appeared saying 'be fucking fr 😐'.


the two teenagers were now on the plane and mason was holding the camera so it was recording liv. she was curled up in her seat with a book open, resting her head on her chin. "liv," mason whispered. she turned her head slowly and then moved her eyes, smiling when she saw mason recording. "what are you reading?" he asked her. "the summer i turned pretty," she held the book up. "we're still watching that as soon as we get to my house, you know that, right?" she laughed. "greattttt," mason sarcastically said, turning the camera back to him and pressing his lips into a thin line.


olivia was running — no, full on sprinting — so quickly towards maddy and becca that mason could barely keep up. they were in the parking lot of the north carolina airport where maddy and becca were waiting for an uber to pick them up but liv and mason caught them just in time. "OH MY GOD, IT'S LIV," becca's voice was heard over the wind whipping because of how mason was running with the camera.

mason held the camera up just in time to catch liv tossing herself into maddy and becca, all three of the girls giggling as becca almost fell over. the scene cut to liv holding the camera way above the three of them. "it's my girls!" she exclaimed, beaming happily. maddy and becca both waved to the camera, laughing.


liv was recording as the uber pulled to the house her parents bought her. they decided to just get in the same uber as becca and maddy since mason's mom already left to check in to a hotel. mason's jaw dropped and he turned towards the camera with wide eyes.



becca and liv were holding hands and jumping up and down in maddy's bed. maddy was currently in the bathroom and they knew how much of a neat freak she was so they decided to tease her. they stopped for a second and it got silent as they both listened for maddy's footsteps. as soon as they heard her, they started jumping up and down again and giggling. maddy walked into the room and even though you could only see her back, you could tell she was angry.



the camera was placed so you could get a full view of the front door. becca and liv thought it would be a good idea to try and scare tristan, brady and miguel since they knew they were all showing up at the same time, brady was driving them. they turned off all the lights and hid where the boys couldn't see them when they walked in.

a couple minutes later, knocking was heard from the other side of the door before the door slowly opened. the two girls covered their mouths, trying to hold in their laughter. "why is it so dark in here?" the girls recognized miguel's voice. "someone turn on their phone light, i don't like this," tristan added. "bro, come on, they're obviously trying to scare us," brady told them.

the girls waited a couple of seconds before jumping out of the darkness, screaming like maniacs. brady and miguel stayed still with straight faces while tristan let out an extremely high-pitched scream and fell backwards, knocking down two suitcases with him. liv was laughing so hard, she fell on the ground and was curled up into a ball, holding her stomach.

the scene cut to liv holding the camera up. tristan was death staring at it, his lips pressed into a thin line. liv giggled, covering her mouth. "my best friend who loves me so very much is here, guys!" she smiled. "no. i don't like you," tristan shook his head, walking away.

liv quickly turned the camera to show him walking away. she bent down and reached to grab her slipper off her foot and chucked it at his head. his hand shot up to his head as he turned away, with a shocked/hurt look on his face. "what the hell, liv?" he pouted.

"that's what you get, motherfucker. you're lucky it was my slipper and not my hand."


they were all sitting in the living room, liv put her camera onto a stand so no one had to hold it. "okay! we're all here, guys!" she held a thumbs up. "so, i'm going to introduce everybody," she nodded. "why can't we do it our—" miguel opened his mouth but liv snapped her head to look at him and he shut up quickly. "it's my video, so i'm doing it," she crossed her hands tightly.

she stood up from the couch and walked to becca since she was sitting at the very end. she got on her knees and decided to waddle to each person. "this is rebecca, or becca! she's the instigator of the group and she loves drama," liv pointed at becca as she did jazz hands and smiled. "okay, this is maddy!" liv moved on to maddy. "she's the mom of the group and she hates when people don't pick up after themselves," liv laughed as maddy nodded. "very true," maddy chuckled.

"this is tristan! he's the broke one and he can't afford a three-dollar ice cream or good wifi," liv joked as she moved on to tristan. "damn. me, personally, tristan, if i was you, i wouldn't let that slide," becca shook her head from the end of the couch. "hey, i could afford it, i just wanted liv to buy it. and shut up about my wifi," tristan quickly defended himself. "no, you're poor, next!" liv moved on to miguel.

"this is miguel. he's the one who is so fucking annoying that he makes me want to rip my ears off and stomp on them repeatedly. he makes me want to jump off a cliff and die and be reincarnated into cheryl and quran's baby. he makes me want to be like cassie howard. he makes me want to cut tiny slits all over my body and then go swimming in a pool full of hand sanitizer. he makes me want to lick a frozen metal pole so my tongue gets ripped out of my mouth. he makes me want to hit my ankle with a scooter twenty-three times. he makes me want to jump feet first onto a pile of legos," liv ranted as it was edited sped up, everyone silent listening to what she had to say.

as soon as she was finished ranting, the whole group burst out into laughter. "what the fuck?!" miguel threw his arms up. "moving on from that! this is brady! he's cool, i have nothing to say about him," she smiled and brady gave her a high-five. she moved onto mason and he started blushing as soon as they made eye contact.

"this is mason! he's the one that— well, i don't really know what to say about him," she put her hands on her hips, pretending to think as she looked off at the wall. "mason is the one who likes you," miguel said, making tristan and brady laugh. liv slowly turned towards miguel as the jaws music played in the background. "what?" he asked, smirking. "i don't know, but it sounds like you really wanna sleep on the porch tonight," liv crossed her arms. "yeah, i think he does," becca added.


the scene cut as liv was now up close to the camera, everyone was still sitting on the couch. "and i'm olivia! i'm— i don't know," she giggled, shrugging. "oh, you're the one who likes mason," miguel blurted out from the couch.

the scene cut again as tristan was recording, showing liv and miguel full on wrestling on the couch. everyone got up and ran, afraid of getting hit. liv grabbed his hair, yanking it as hard as she could. "OW. LET GO OF MY HAIR RIGHT NOW, OLIVIA," he screamed, grabbing her arm and pulling it off of him. "GRAB HIS HAIR HARDER, LIV," becca shouted, clapping in the background.

"guys, oh my god, stop!" maddy tried to grab liv off of miguel but she wouldn't budge. "MASON, GET YOUR GIRLFRIEND OFF OF ME," miguel cried, holding both of liv's arms together so she couldn't grab his hair again. brady and mason rushed over to the pair on the couch and lifted liv off of miguel, making her kick him right where it hurts. bad.



liv was holding the camera with becca to her right and maddy to her left. they were all wearing heart sunglasses, becca and liv wearing pink ones and maddy wearing yellow ones. they were in the bathroom, making tiktoks and taking photos. "we look so hot, thanks to brady. he got us these amazing sunglasses from the dollar store," liv giggled as she set the camera down and they all started posing.

miguel was shown walking past the bathroom before he stopped, leaning against the doorframe. "i'm gonna need all of y'all to be fucking for real," he told them. liv turned around, pushing him harshly and then slamming the door shut in his face. she turned back and becca and maddy didn't even question it, they kept on posing.


miguel took liv's camera and now was recording himself. "alright, y'all. so, mason and liv have been in liv's room for a good twenty minutes, so i'm boutta go in there and see what they're up to," he spoke into the camera as he turned it around, reaching liv's room. he opened the door, making both mason and liv's head shot towards the door. "what?" liv snapped at him. mason was laying down on his back and liv was sitting with her legs crossed on the bed.

"damn, alright. i was just tryna see what y'all were doing," miguel began walking out of the room. "no, come back!" liv motioned for him to come back into the room. he walked back in and sat in the bed next to mason, the camera facing liv. "okay, so, look, i brought all of my stuffed animals," liv pointed to all of her stuffed animals on the bed, a few of them on mason's chest and one in between her legs. there were about seventeen of them.

"okay... why did you bring so many?" miguel asked. "shut up and let me talk! so, i have a name for all of them because i've had these for years. but, mason just recently bought me this one and i don't know what to name it so i need your help," liv held up the pink teddy bear that was in between her legs. "you should name it malivia," miguel told her.

"what is malivia? i've never heard that name in my life," mason chuckled as miguel turned the camera to him. "mason and olivia is malivia, the fans made it," miguel said, smirking behind the camera. the video was edited so liv's head look bloated as she gave a death stare to miguel. "why is that actually a cute name for a baby girl?" liv pouted as she held her hand to her heart. "our ship name is cute, i'm not gonna lie," mason looked up at liv, shrugging.

"you make everything so obvious, mason," miguel spoke. "what?! what did i do?" mason's face got red as he threw his arms up, staring at miguel. "just shut up, bro, look at your tomato face," miguel pointed at his face, to which mason smacked his hand down. mason grabbed the pink teddy bear from liv's hands, using it to cover his face as he groaned.

"okay, anyways! this is malivia, our daughter!" liv laughed at mason. "your what?" miguel asked, completely flabbergasted. "no, not like that! she's adopted, it's totally platonic," liv shook her head. "there's absolutely no way i'm hearing this right now," miguel quickly switched the camera back and forth from liv to mason, they were both staring at each other.

"oh my god, get out of my room, mikey. you're so weird," liv rolled her eyes, shoving his shoulder. "you're the one who told me to come back in here," miguel defended himself. "well, now, i want you out because you're fucking annoying. go!" liv pointed towards the door. "okay, fine," miguel complied.

suddenly, he grabbed the pink teddy bear from mason and threw it across the room. it hit the wall with a large thud. "BITCH, FUCK YO BABY," he screamed, turning the camera back to mason and liv on the bed with shocked looks on their faces. mason sat up immediately. "MY DAUGHTER?!" he yelled back. "YOUR DAUGHTER, FUCK THAT BITCH" miguel responded, ten times louder.



becca was now holding the camera towards liv, who was having a mental breakdown, tristan laughing beside her. she had mascara running down her face and she was heaving out sobs. "liv, why are you crying?!" becca sounded genuinely concerned, even though she thought it was funny. "she's mad i got past the candy level on speed run in one try," tristan told becca.

"I'M GONNA FUCKING PULL A STANLEY URIS. I HATE ROBLOX," she threw her face into a pillow, screaming into it. becca turned the camera to show mason in the doorway. when he realized liv was crying, he ran into the room, sitting on the bed. "what's wrong?" he asked her. she lifted her face off the pillow, turning to him, wrapping her arms around his torso.

"TRISTAN GOT PAST THE CANDY LEVEL IN ONE TRY. ONE FUCKING TRY. I'M ON MY FORTY-SECOND TRY. I CAN'T DO IT," she sobbed into his shoulder. "okay, hey, it's okay. why don't we take away your phone and turn it off? let's go do something in my room, yeah?" he spoke to liv in a soothing voice. she looked up at him and nodded. he grabbed her phone and put it in his sweatpants pocket, leading her out of tristan's room. becca slowly turned the camera back to tristan.

"anyways, who wants to watch me play speed run—"


becca was still recording, walking up the stairs to mason's room. she opened the door, revealing mason and liv sitting on his bed. liv was lightly pressing a black face mask to his face. liv turned her head towards the door, smiling. "hi, bec bec!" she motioned for her to come inside the room. "hi! what are you guys doing?" she asked as she sat down on the bed.

"face masks! i was crying so much so my skin felt gross," liv told her. "at least you look pretty when you cry," mason blurted out. both of the girls shot their head to look at him. liv covered her face with her hands, smiling like an idiot. she was so glad she was wearing a black face mask so they couldn't see how hard she was blushing.

the scene cut to mason holding up the camera to show the three of them with face masks on. "look at us!" liv exclaimed, beaming. "where is maddy? she could be doing this with us right now," liv turned to becca. "i think she went to sleep," becca nodded, looking down at her phone. "sleep? it's 10:30 pm..." liv's eyes widened as she shook her head in disbelief.

suddenly, miguel showed up in the doorway, making mason turn around the camera to show him. he furrowed his eyebrows, crossing his arms. "what the hell is going on in here?" he asked. "oh my god, mikey, come here!" becca laughed, nodding her head so he would step in. "what?" he questioned, slowly walking inside.

the scene then cut to miguel screaming as liv tried to put a face mask on him, becca was recording and mason was laughing his ass off. "HELL NAH, GET THAT SHIT AWAY FROM ME," he fell on his back onto the bed so liv was towering over him. "MIKEY, COME ON," she pleaded. "NO, STOP THIS MADNESS. NOW," he yelled. "BRADY," liv turned back and screamed.

brady appeared at the doorway in seconds since his room was across the hall, his mouth dropping at the scene. "what is going on?" he asked. becca started laughing hysterically. "help me hold him down!" liv yelled. brady came into the room, grabbing miguel's arms and holding him in place.



miguel had his head buried in mason's shoulder in humiliation. liv was now recording. "miguel, lift your head," she told him. "no," he mumbled. liv reached up to take his curls out of his face, revealing his face mask. liv giggled, lifting his chin up with her finger. "i want this dirty, sticky shit off of my face now," he complained.

"you can't take it off for another ten minutes," liv told him. "oh, my god," he whined, putting his head back on mason's shoulder. mason was completely unbothered, he was on his phone acting like nothing was happening in front of him. "imagine all of the hoes you're gonna get if you post with a face mask on," liv playfully hit miguel's shoulder, chuckling.

he picked his head back up, his jaw dropped. "wait. you're right. imma go make a tiktok. you should come make it with me. we'll get hoes together," he began to get up. mason's head shot up as he furrowed his eyebrows. "who's getting hoes?" he asked, looking between miguel and liv.

"we're about to get hella hoes, mason. you jealous that other people find your girlfriend attractive, bro?" miguel teased him. "yes," mason responded, making liv and miguel both shocked. "what?!" liv screeched. "i'm joking..." mason mumbled, going back on his phone. "anyways..." miguel smacked his teeth, getting off the bed and heading down the stairs, liv behind him with the camera.


brady was recording miguel and liv's tiktok from a distance, the music was very muffled. they were dancing to 'sun down, i'm up'. miguel messed up for the hundredth time and liv reached up to smack him in the back of his head harshly once again. brady turned the camera around. "as you can see, we all love each other very much in this house."


tristan now had the camera, they were all in jacob's room. since he wasn't there, it was practically empty. liv was taking a photo in the mirror, brady standing next to her. "liv, lean down. brady looks short next to you," miguel cupped his hand over his mouth as he informed liv. liv leaned down, taking a picture as brady flipped miguel off.

miguel lifted his middle finger, flipping brady off as well, but he stopped immediately as brady started walking towards him. "why'd you switch up?" he asked as miguel hid himself in the comforter of the bed. "stop. please, i'm sorry," miguel apologized, holding his hands together. "that's what i thought," brady walked away, making liv burst out into laughter.


the camera was set up to show miguel and liv playing just dance. liv was eating up every single one of the moves as miguel messed up on almost every single one. "WHAT THE FUCK," he screamed as the game ended, liv won. she jumped up and down in excitement. "YES, YES. I WON," she waved her arms around.

miguel dropped to his knees in disbelief. "no, no, no," he muttered repeatedly. liv laughed at him, holding up an L with her finger. "miguel, it's just a game..." mason called out from the couch. "SHUT UP, MASON. THAT'S WHY I'M PLAYING WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND YOU'RE NOT," he screamed at mason. mason threw an open water bottle at him, the water splattering all over the floor.

liv gasped. "mason, what the fuck?!" she stomped over to him, grabbing him by the ear and pulling him up off the couch. "OW," he yelled, grabbing his ear as she let go. "clean this. now," she pointed towards the mess on the floor. "yes, ma'am," he sighed, going to the kitchen to get paper towels. miguel grabbed the camera, showing himself. "this just proves mason does everything liv tells him. he's like a puppy," miguel shook his head.



liv was laying down on her back, her hair flowing out onto the pillow. "that's it for this vlog! it's almost four am and i'm pretty sure we're all getting up early in the morning so i'm about to go to bed. i know i fight with them a lot but i just wanna say i love them all very much," she smiled. "thank you guys so much for watching! i love you, bye!" she kissed the screen, her outro music playing as the video ended.

author's note !
i'm sorry i dont wanna do the yt vid comments but heres this !!!

im so excited to publish this omgJSJSJDJD

dont be afraid to follow me and interact w my stories/message board yall ion bite.. i reply if i can and actually follow back 😭

creds to myfroggorights  for making up the ship name 'malivia' !!!! love u so much valerie 💝💝

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