The Itsy Bitsy Spider

By scottystaco

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Takes place after Civil War and Homecoming. What happens if 2 "ghosts" and a former Stark employee takes reve... More

Trailer & Release Date!
Chapter 1: Notes with Roses
Chapter 2: Misfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Feeling Hallow
Chapter 4: Mystery in the Darkness
Chapter 5: Death to the Future
Chapter 6: Past, Ghosts, Mysteries
Chapter 7: Blood in the Darkness
Chapter 8: Screams from the Mercy
Chapter 9: Getting the Band Back Together
Chapter 10: Chasing The Lead
Chapter 11: A Message Of Faith
Chapter 12: The Missing Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 13: The Parkers Hidden Bunker
Chapter 14: Secrets Kept Hidden
Chapter 15: Lets Go Find A Leprechaun
Chapter 16: Safe At Home
Chapter 17: Rules and Talks
Chapter 18: Dead at Dreams
Chapter 19: Questions of Studies and Trust
Chapter 20: Clinging to the Daytime
Chapter 21: Chaotic Elements
Chapter 22: Christmas Eve
Chapter 23: Jolly O' Presents
Chapter 24: Surprise
Chapter 25: What is Real and What is Fake
Chapter 26: Endless Nights
Chapter 27: First Day Back
Chapter 28: What Are Friends For
Chapter 29: Sherlock Holmes- Friends in Love
Chapter 30: Our Mystery Friend
Chapter 31: They Know
Chapter 32: The Haunted Tower
Chapter 33: He's Back
Chapter 34: Protectiveness and Love
Chapter 35: Haunted By Them
Chapter 36: Freaky Week
Chapter 37: Illusions
Chapter 38: Fun Day Besides Almost Burning The Tower Down
Chapter 40: Time Is Ticking
Chapter 41: Final Showdown
Chapter 42: Aftermath

Chapter 39: Family Is Always There For You

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By scottystaco

It's Saturday on March 3rd. Peter has been working up the courage to tell May about the note he had received. In all honesty, he hasn't told anyone what the note had said and everyone's suspicious.

May is currently sitting across from him on his bed, waiting for Peter to tell her what he needed to talk about. It shouldn't even be that hard but it feels impossible.

"Peter, you can tell me anything. You know that right?" May assures.

"Yeah...I know" Peter nods.

"So what is it that you need to tell me?" May asks leaving Peter silent for another few seconds.

"I ummm are you...are you hiding anything from me about my parents?" Peter wonders. "I mean I know some parts of them like with that bunker in Switzerland and them creating the radioactive spider but that's it."

"There is things your parents didn't tell anyone, didn't even tell me or Ben. Things they couldn't. I was looking through the attic and found a box from your parents with their things in there that contains their work and letters to...well you" May explains.

"To me?" Peter questions.

"Yes, to you Peter. They knew what kind of job they signed up for and they knew they wouldn't be here forever so they had wrote letters. I was meaning to tell you but I never found the right time cause I found the box when you were gone" May tells him.

"Can I see the box?" Peter asks.

"Sure, I left it in my room cause I had to bring it here. I'll go get it and then leave you be" May agrees as she gets up and leaves.

Two minutes passes by with Peter scrambling through his thoughts when May comes up and sets the box on his bed.

"Thanks May" Peter thanks.

"No problem sweetie. Just...if you need to ask me any questions, I'll try my best to answer and I know you'll connect the dots to some of what's in there so just know, you can ask anyone about any questions" May hints.

Peter looks at her confused but before he can say anything, May had left and closed the door behind her.

Peter looks down at the box to see that it says For Peter B. Parker in rushed handwriting. Peter doesn't take another second when he opens up the box to reveal papers, notebooks and little things Peter guesses they wanted him to keep. Peter pulls out the stack of letters and starts to read through them first.

Dear Peter Parker,

We're so sorry that we couldn't see you grow up into a teenager and an adult but through the years we were able to see you grow up, you've surprised us by many ways.

We don't want you to ever think we wanted this to happen or that we wanted to keep secrets from you but you were too young to understand and we weren't allowed to share Oscorps plans or our work with anyone and that's also why your aunt and uncle couldn't know about our work.

Yes, we worked for Oscorp. More specifically Norman Osborn. Your father had found out to make a radioactive spider and when Norman wanted to know more about it, your father and I hid it from him. We knew it was going to be dangerous and we didn't want it to get in the wrong hands so we made sure it will only work on one person specifically and that was you.

Richard had put some of his blood into that spider and so when it had bit you, you wouldn't die like everyone else who would've if the spider had bitten them.

We suspect that you are old enough and have the abilities of a spider when reading this hopefully, but one can never know the future. We know that you are doing amazing things with this kind of power and even as your own self.

I'm sorry that I'm rushing this but our cover has been blown. We have to get onto a plane before they find us and send you to your aunt and uncle who are taking amazing care of you.

We have a secret area that we are going to be flown too and if they somehow find us...we're sorry we couldn't see you graduate and have a family.

You're the best son we could've ever asked for.

We love you so much Peter and we will never forget our son. We hope you don't forget us either.


Mom and dad

"I can never forget you guys..." Peter whispers before looking through the next letter.

Dear Peter Parker,

We honestly have no clue if we will be in your life to tell you what we do for our jobs so in case we aren't, we deciding to write letters to you personally that.

Not even your aunt and uncle know what we do except for only one of our jobs but they don't know anything about that either.

We work for Norman Osborn at Oscorp where I (your dad) had came across a radioactive spider. I was suppose to inform Norman everything about it but decided against it. I knew I couldn't trust him. I saw his sick and twisted mind so I knew he wasn't allowed to know any further information regarding the spider.

I had put my own blood into that spider which hopefully bit you already but I will assume so. That spider was always meant for you. Your mother and I knew you would do amazing things with the power it contains.

Anyways, I never told Osborn but I of course, told your mom. We kept it a secret from him and didn't even tell our other job, Shield.

We knew if we told them, they would want to study my experiment and test it on their own people even if I had told them I made it so it would only work on you.

On other letter somewhere it will discuss more about Shield.

I'm sorry but I have to wrap up this letter now. You had just called me for dinner that you were making with your mom and I already know it's going to be an amazing plateful of spaghetti and meatballs.

We both love you dearly son.


Dad and Mom 

"They were Shield agents?!" Peter practically shouts, stunned before recognization hits him. "That means Nat and Clint might've met or heard of them." Peter quickly looks through the next letter, wanting to know more.

Dear Peter Parker,

Both your parents again here!

We had just finished up watching the new Star Wars film with you which we hope you still love.

Anyways back to what your father had briefly discussed about, yes we had worked with Shield. We were recruited by a young Nick Fury who hopefully still runs Shield today.

We had even went up against what seems like an another ever lasting Hydra partake at an uncharted location.

The point is, we had jobs at Oscorp because it was a Shield mission.

Something was up with Osborn. He was creating something on his own without letting anyone else know and we thought or knew it was going to be dangerous.

Sometimes he would snap at people for really much nothing or we would find himself talking to himself before him yelling that "it's not working! I need to keep trying so it can work!"

Your mother and I worked there and she had helped me create the spider by giving inputs and just being helpful.

Don't listen to your father, it was mainly him while I was working on something unrelated but to try to not be suspicious to Norman.

Later on which is the present, we had found out he was creating this green gas. We looked more into it and it seems like he's using an alter ego almost like.

We've seen the days go by as his moods go as to unexplainable.

We know knowing this information is really dangerous as he seems like a now even more dangerous man. We have no clue when we'll have to go into hiding when he finds out because...

He's not human when he uses that green gas.

He's evil.

Stay away from Norman Osborn and Oscorp.

He's too strong Peter.

And if he gets part of your spider blood...there is no way of stopping him without almost killing yourself.

Please listen to us.

Please for once, don't be self-sacrificing because we know that's who you grew up to be.

We've seen it through the years we've been watching you grow, ever since you were born!

Please Peter.

Be safe.


Mom and Dad

Peter has tears pricking in his eyes but sniffs them away. "They knew what they were getting themselves into. They knew about the goblin" Peter mutters with wide eyes.

Dear Peter B. Parker,

It's going to be very soon that Norman catches on.

We heard him in his office, cackling in this demonic laughter.

It's not him.

But he's joint together with this...thing.

A monster.

A parasite.

We've done some research and we think it's the Green Goblin.

The goblin only submits into the host if the host complies and that's what it seems to like Norman. He and the goblin had come together, working together and plotting together.

We had just destroyed the gas and destroyed all the research and papers, everything about the gas and the goblin.

It's only an amount of seconds, minutes, hours or even days before he finds out.

We're planning on our escape since we know we still have little time.

We're sorry that we couldn't see you grow up further but we are looking down on you with proud smiles.

We love you so, so much Peter.

You're the best son we could had ever asked for.


Dad and Mom

"And I love you guys too" Peter replies back even when it's to thin air.

Dear Peter. B Parker,

Norman isn't working alone.

He's working with Doctor Otto Octavius and Quentin Beck.

His son Harry came to the tower back from his boarding school but Norman is shutting him out. He's not letting anyone know his plans and that's why if he knows we found out his plans, we're going to have to flee and leave you with Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

Otto and Norman have been friends for years but there is something off about it. It seems like Otto is trying to pull away from Norman but is maybe being threatened or just trying to put up an act.

Now Beck, we've heard he's planning on working for SI but is waiting until the plan furthers on. It seems like Becks and Normans family goes way back but we don't know too much about it.

We need you to be safe Peter. Don't risk things.

Norman is going to be powerful once him and the goblin have a few years together and will be even more powerful if they get the power of a spider.

They'll be unstoppable.


Mom and Dad

Peter runs over this information again. Normans been trying to do this for years. Normans possibly been spying on Peter ever since he was younger. A chill runs up his spine and he whips his head to the window to see a letter. Peter slowly puts the letters down and walks towards the window. Chills are dancing across his body as he sees the note taped onto his window.

Tick Tock...tick tock.

Is all what the note says and Peter feels himself frozen. He is planning on killing Peter and it may be sooner then he thought.

Peter grabs the note and quickly writes the date before throwing it on his bed and rushing to Nat who is in the training room according to Friday.

"Nat!!" Peter shouts as he runs out of the elevator and towards her.

"What's the matter?" Nat asks, noticing Peters vibe.

"Do you know anything about my parents since you all were in Shield?" Peter wonders.

"Peter...I'm sorry but I don't know too much about them. I do know they were great Shield agents and they did everything they could to hide you from the databases. Even when they were gone, Fury hid them away so everyone after them didn't know they had a son. Clint knows the same amount as me" Nat exclaims.

"There was encrypted letters in the box. I know May used that box to help find us. Do-do you know what they say?" Peter points out.

"It was more about their work in Shield. They stopped a lot of threats, they were good people" Nat answers.

"Ummm yea...anyways, thank you" Peter thanks.

"You're welcome, now can you tell me what you're hiding in return?" Nat bargains.

"I didn't go through the box that much" Peter shrugs.

"Is this about you finding out who killed them and your uncle?" Nat guesses.

"I actually already knew that" Peter slowly claims.

"Then what's bothering you?" Nat tries again.

"When did you turn into a therapist?" Peter jokes.

"If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to tell me" Nat assures.

"It's just..." Peter let's out a sigh. "They knew I was going to be Spider-Man, I mean they are the ones who planned it out. They want me to take down the goblin but what if I can't? Even in their letters, they say that he's stronger with my spider abilities so what if I can't?" 

"Don't doubt yourself младенец паук. They chose you because they knew how strong and good of a hero you are. I mean, they already knew you to be self-sacrificing when you weren't even five. They know that you'll do everything in your power to stop him and us avengers...we know this is your fight but that doesn't mean you can't call for backup" Nat reminds him.

"Do you really think I can win this battle?" Peter asks with hopeful eyes.

"I know you can. We all know you can" Nat smiles at him.

"Thank you мама паук" Peter thanks as he gives Nat a hug.

"Just don't get yourself killed and we're on good terms" Nat jokes.


Peter is walking the hallway to the comms when his spidey senses flares to life. He quickly looks around only to notice no one else is with him and all the bedroom doors are shut.

"Hey Peter" Rhodey greets, coming out of nowhere.

"Uhh hey Rhodey!" Peter greets back.

"Tony has a surprise for you but you need to put this blind fold on" Rhodey claims.

"Why? Where are we going?" Peter wonders.

"That would ruin the surprise" Rhodey argues.

"Fine, fine" Peter agrees, grabbing the blind fold and putting it on.

"Ok, let's go to the elevator. Don't worry, I'll guide you" Rhodey assures.

"No need" Peter waves off, already walking the opposite direction to the elevator with Rhodey staring at him confused before following.

"Is that blind fold see through?" Rhodey questions.

"No but I have a sixth sense if you forgot" Peter reminds him.

"Oh ok.." Rhodey slowly nods.


The elevator doors dings and both Rhodey and Peter get out. They continue a little walk straight when Peters senses buzzes even more with danger.

"Rhodey? Wh-where are we?" Peter stutters as he stops walking.

"We're where the surprise is but don't take the blindfold off yet" Rhodey claims.

"Why are we in the garage? I think somethings coming, my senses are going crazy" Peter tells Rhodey, about to yank his blind fold off.

"Hold on Peter, just a second. Here, turn around and you'll see the surprise. I promise you it isn't bad. Maybe your senses are malfunctioning" Rhodey promises as he helps turn Peter around.

"You're lying!" Peter shouts, yanking the blind fold off only for a huge hand with whip cream hits Peter right in the face making him fall backwards in a kiddie pool filled with more whip cream.

Laughter fills the garage as hurried footsteps approaches Peter.

"Kid, you ok? You guys didn't say it would be that hard of a hit!" Tony asks.

"I-I'm good" Peter nods, slowly sitting upright.

"Tones, that's why we had a kiddie pool behind the person getting hit" Rhodey recalls.

"He's fine, it wasn't that bad. Right Pete?" Nat asks.

"No, it was actually kind of fun falling in whip cream" Peter giggles.

"See, the kid loves it!" Sam laughs.

"Here's a towel to clean yourself up. We are pranking the rest of your teammates so you can stay down here and watch. Friday will be uploading the videos onto everyone's camera rolls" Steve claims as he hands Peter a towel with a thanks from Peter.


And the prank continues. Nat had went and got Yelena only for her to yell "SHIT!!" as the hand smacks her and she lands in the pool of whip cream.

Then Steve got Bucky who tried to land on his metal arm only for it to kind of work. He deeply regrets trusting Steve but still trusts him anyways.

Lastly, it was Nat who got Wanda. Wanda had tried to use her powers to levitate herself so she doesn't fall but it didn't work out as she planned cause she was too off balanced and unfocused from having a hand making her feel like she got whiplash. 

It was all fun and games and everyone was laughing and having a good time. They're sad they couldn't prank Clint but he's with his family for the reasons of they had saw an illusion.


It's already the next day, Sunday on March 4th and Peter is looking more into the box from his parents when he comes across a notebook filled with equations.

Peter flips through each page, skimming at every equation when he gets to a page with a note to him.

To Peter Parker,

Your mother and I had came across many formulas that can help Norman get rid of the goblin. Most of those formulas are scraps but some aren't like towards the end. We think the last formula we wrote down will work but if Norman made modifications like added the spider to the goblins blood, you'll need to fix up some parts to make it work out.

We know you can do this Peter. You're a very smart boy. If you make the right formula, Norman can be back to his full on self and he won't have the spider or goblin blood in his dna.

This is the only way to fully stop him or else he'll keep coming back but we need you to be safe. We know you can do this Peter. We believe in you.


Dad and Mom

"Holy crap" Peter mutters. He quickly flips back to the last page with the formula and goes over with it in his head. He only has to make some small tweaks. Peter makes a new page after the letter and starts to create the new formula.


It's two in the morning and Peter had escaped his room to go down to the lab. He went to bed at ten and got a nightmare not too long ago so the wake up time is actually perfect. He has enough time to make the serum.

He doubts he'll actually have the full working thing done before school but starting on it will help a lot.

"Please go back to your room and go to bed mini boss. You have school in a few hours" Friday tells Peter.

"I know, I know but Friday, I really need to do this. It might be the only chance I have at stopping Norman" Peter pleads.

"And you need a full nights rest to be well for school" Fri bargains.

"We all know I haven't been getting that much sleep anyways so they'll be like no difference. Come on Fri...this fight is going to be like life or death! He's already too powerful and if I make this serum, it can make the goblin and spider blood remove it's dna from Norman!" Peter explains. "I need to do this Fri. He'll just keep coming back if I don't."

"Fine but you have until 4:30 so you can get some rest before you need to wake up" Fri settles.

"Deal!" Peter smiles as he gets straight to work.


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