I Fell For A Gang Member [EDI...

By SimplyAmber96

1.6M 28.4K 4.1K

When Marco Millet, Kennedy High's bad boy, shows interest in Bailey Hartlem, an inconspicuous school nerd, th... More

Chapter 1 (Rewritten)
Chapter 2 (Rewritten)
Chapter 4 (Rewritten)
Chapter 5 (Rewritten)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 3 (Rewritten)

73K 1.4K 309
By SimplyAmber96

Chapter 3



            The day finally ends and I stop by my locker before leaving. I walk across the parking lot to my car. I unlock the door and climb in. When it starts, a warning beep fills the car and I look at the screen on my dashboard to see that it's notifying me of low air pressure in my tires. I sigh as I turn my car off and climb out to examine my tires.

Confusion fills me as I look at the sight, and then anger. A large gash extends across the top of my tire. I walk around my car, noticing that they all have the same gash.

"You've got to be kidding me." I sigh as I run my hand through my hair.

            "Well that's unfortunate." Kelsey says, coming to stand next me as she looks at my tires. "Who would have done such a thing?" Lacey and Casey try to stifle their giggles.

"I could call the cops and have all of you arrested."

"Go ahead." Lacey says as she shrugs her shoulders. "What proof do you have to prove it was us?" I roll my eyes as I realize I have none. "Have fun walking home."

The girls leave, not bothering to hold in their laughs this time. I look around the parking lot for Kassia's and Spencer's cars but unfortunately they'd already left. I kick my already flat tire in frustration before leaning against my car. If I call my mother, she'd be so upset she would contact the principle and make everything worse for me at school. If I call my father I'd be disturbing him from his work. As a lawyer who knows whether he's in court or some type of meeting. I guess my only choice is to walk.


            As the guys and I leave the building, I see the girls laughing as they come to stand with us. Just behind them I see Bailey kick her car in frustration.

"Hey babe." Kyle greets Kelsey before he meets his lips with hers. I look away, already feeling my food rising up from my stomach. Bailey leans against her car with her arms folded and stares off into space as if she's mulling something over.

            "Where were you?" Dustin asks Lacey as he wraps his arm around her waist.

            "We slashed the tires of that goody two shoes over there." Lacy smiles. "Now she's trying to figure out a way home."

            "Brutal." Lance says.

            I return my attention back over to Bailey who wipes something away from her cheek. Did they make her cry?

            "I'm going to head home." I tell them before I make my way over to Bailey.

            "I thought we were hanging out today." Dustin says.

            "Another time." Bailey doesn't notice me as I approach her. A tear rolls down her cheek and I refrain from wiping it away. "Hey Bailey."

She jumps at my voice and quickly wipes away the tear on her cheek, obviously trying to hide the evidence of her crying.

            "What do you want?" she asks bitterly. "Here to cause more trouble?"

            "No. I just... I know what the girls did to your car. I thought I'd give you a ride home."

            "Yeah, right. This was probably your idea." Her friend Spencer sat with her at lunch. Why didn't he put in a good word for me like I'd asked? "Anything to ruin someone's day, or potentially their life."

            "You really see me that way?" She doesn't respond as she stares at me. I sigh. "Please let me give you a ride. I'm harmless, I swear."

            She bites her lip and as I stare at them, I find myself wetting mine.

            "Fine." She says. "But if you try anything...."

            "You can trust me." I put my hands up in defense.

            "We'll see."


            I follow Marco to an old bulky grey van covered in graffiti. I pull the handle to the passenger side and it doesn't budge.

            "It's locked." I say as he walks to the driver's side.

            "I just have to open if from the inside."

            He climbs into the truck and reaches over to unlock my door. When it opens

I climb inside. It smells fresh due to the air freshener that hangs from the rearview mirror, but empty chip bags and soda cans litter the back seats.

"So where do you live?" He asks as he pulls out of the parking spot. I reluctantly give him my address, hoping he never decides to rob my house later on. "No way!"


"That's my neighborhood. I live just a few streets down from there. Strange how we've never come across each other."

How long have I been living right around the corner from Marco Millet? How many times has he looked at my house and contemplated robbing my family of everything we own, and selling it for his own gain?

"Do you mind if we make a stop?" he asks me. "I need to get something from a friend at the skate park. It's on the way home."

I shrug. "I guess it's alright."

I stare out the window as we ride in silence. I can't believe I've ended up in a situation where I actually have to rely on Marco of all people. Would walking have been so bad?

Marco pulls into the parking lot of the local park where the skate park is located. I can feel his gaze on me, but I don't look his way.

"You can stay in the van if you want." He finally says. "Or you can come with me, your choice." He climbs out of the van and I follow suit. Who knows how long this may take. I'd rather not sit alone in a van with nothing to do.

I walk a few paces behind Marco as we approach the skate park. Skaters use the different ramps to attempt and pull of tricks. I wince as one of the skaters attempt a trick and fail, face planting on the concrete.

"Hey Justin." Marco says, drawing my attention to a guy with spiky blonde hair and green eyes. He and Marco shake hands and my eyes are immediately drawn to the toned muscle on his arms. "You have my board?"

"Yeah." Justin reaches behind the bench he sits on and picks up a skateboard. "Here." Justin hands the board off to Marco and suddenly his eyes come up to meet mine. "Who's this?" he smiles.

"This is Bailey." Marco introduces.

"Nice to meet you." He puts out his hand to shake mine and I quickly do so. "I'm Justin. So are you two dating or something?"

"No." I say quickly. "Of course not." I think I see Marco flinch but I ignore him as I keep eye contact with Justin. "Do you also attend Kennedy High?"

"No, I go to Mercy Hills High."

"Our biggest rivals!"

"Go bulldogs!"

I talk with Justin for what seems like forever. I realize it's almost dark when people begin to leave the skate park.

"Wow, look at the time." I say, not sure how we lost track of time. "I really need to get home."

"Me too. It was great meeting you." He pulls a pen and paper from his pocket and scribbles something onto it. "Call me sometime, okay?"

"Yeah, sure." Marco suddenly says, snatching the paper from Justin. "We have to go." He grabs my wrist tightly and pulls me off the bench and all the way to his van.

"Let me go!" I command as he pulls me along. "What the hell is your problem?" I ask when we finally make it to the van.

"It's late." He says simply. He climbs into the van and reaches over to open the passenger door. I climb in and slam the door behind me.

"Can I have the number, please?" I hold out my hand. He hands it to me and quickly pulls out of the parking lot.


He made it seem so easy. He barely says two words to her before he had her full attention. Why can't she be interested in me like that? What is it that he has that I don't? I glance over at Bailey who rubs her wrist where I'd grabbed her as she looks out the window.

"I'm sorry about your wrist." I apologize. "I can get a little carried away sometimes."

"It's fine." She says quickly, never looking in my direction. I sigh as I make the turn onto her street. I pull in front of her house and stare in awe at her house. I'd never guess that she lives on the richer side of town. "Thanks for the ride." She says as she tries to open the door. "Um, I think I broke your door even more."

"No, it's just a little tricky." I reach across Bailey and pretend I didn't hear her breath catch as I jiggle the handle. The door opens and Bailey quickly climbs out from underneath my arm.

"Thanks again." She shuts the door and jogs up to her front door. Once she's inside, I head home.

I pull into my driveway and sigh when I see the living room light still on. Of course my mother waited up for me. She worries about me so much it's ridiculous.

"Where have you been?" My mom asks when I walk through the door. "School ended hours ago."

"I had to pick up my board from the skate park. Then I gave someone a ride home and I lost track of time."

"Who?" She folds her arms and narrows her eyes at me. Of course she doesn't believe me. Why would she when I lie about my friends and whereabouts. "I told you I don't want you hanging around that group of boys. They're bad influences, every one of them."

"It was just some girl from school." I shrug, moving into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I rummage through the fridge and grab a plat of leftovers from last night.

"Well in that case." My mom says as she follows behind me and sits at the dining room table. "Is she pretty? What's her name? Are you at least using protection?"

"Boundaries, mom! You can't just ask me a question like that."

"Sure I can, I'm your mother. I don't want to hear pitter pats of small feet on my floor just yet."

"If you really want to know, she's a girl I'm interested in. Her name is Bailey."

"Are you going to ask her out?"

"I don't know mom. She's not really interested in me. Honestly, she hates me. I don't blame her."

"Maybe she's trying to hide her feelings. You never know unless you try. Ask her out, she might just say yes."

I'm not sure why I even try to get Bailey to like me. It's clear she has me figured out in her mind. I'm a bad boy with bad habits and a trail of broken hearts. What would a girl like her want with someone like me?


I go inside and watch Marco's headlights disappear as he leaves my driveway. I hate the butterflies that fill my stomach whenever he's around. Why does that happen? I know what kind of guy he is and that I shouldn't socialize with him in the slightest. When he reached across me in the van, my breath ceased for a moment and I'm almost positive that he heard. He probably has me right where he wants me.

Someone clears their throat and I jump, turning to see my mother standing in the living room. Her arms crossed and a disappointed frown on her face.

"Where have you been? You should have been home a while ago."

"I had car troubles and got a ride from a classmate."

"What kind of car trouble?"

"Um, flat tire. I didn't want to call and worry you, but I guess I already did that." I frown.

"Your father taught you how to change a flat. Did you forget?'

"No, it's just... all of my tires are flat." She narrows her eyes and my heart rate speeds up as I feel like she's catching on to my partial lies.

"Did you attempt off-roading or something?" she asks. "My goodness. Use my car to drive yourself to school and have Spencer look at it in the morning before I call a tow truck. He may be able to give you a good deal."

"Okay." I nod once before rushing up to my room. If Spencer can't fix this at the auto shop, I'm screwed for sure.

I wake to the sun streaming through my window and reach over and turn off my alarm. I slowly put one foot on the floor at a time before reluctantly standing up. I trudge to the bathroom to take my shower.

After my shower I dress in jeans and an open back tank top. I slip on a pair of black wedge sandals and head downstairs for breakfast. The kitchen is empty telling me my mother is still asleep and my father is gone for the day. I grab a quick bowl of cereal and take my mom's car to school.

I park near Spencer's car and rush over as he just gets out of his car. He smiles as I approach him.

"Hey B." He says. "Isn't that your mom's car?"

"Yeah. Kelsey and her friends slashed all four of my tires yesterday after school. I was hoping you could check it out for me."

"Yeah, of course. Why would they make such a big effort? One would have done the job well enough."

"No one ever said they were bright." He laughs as he takes one more look at my car. "I'll give you the family and friends discount, with that you're looking at about fourteen hundred dollars."

"You're kidding." I sigh. How am I supposed to come up with that kind of money? "Okay thanks Spence. Can you pick it up and take it to the shop today? Maybe we can come up with some kind of payment plan?."

"Yeah, we can talk about it later."

I make my way to my first period chemistry class. I take my seat as soon as I reach the classroom and take out my books and pencil. I look over to Marco's empty seat and frown. What are the odds that he'll skip class today?

            Mrs. James enters the room as the first bell rings. She takes her seat behind the desk and soon students begin to fill the room.

            "Hey." Marco says as he takes his seat beside me. I look up and give him a small smile. "I was wondering if..." The late bell rings and Mrs. James starts the class. "I was wondering if..."

            "Mr. Millet, this is my time." Mrs. James says, cutting Marco off again. "Talk on your own time please. Thank you."

            Marco opened his mouth to speak again, but I turned my attention to the front of class where Mrs. James wrote and equation. I don't know what Marco is trying to ask me, but something tells me I won't like it.

            After class, I pack up my books and head to my next class before I'm late. I barely make it out of the door when Marco stops me.

            "Hey, what's the rush?" he asks with a smile as he casually leans against the wall. The butterflies in my stomach begin to flutter once more and my grip tightens around my books.

            "I have to go to class. I don't want to be late." I walk around him and barely get two steps in before he blocks me, again. "What do you want?"

"I never got to finish my question before class."
"Okay, then."

"I was wondering if you had any plans this weekend. I was thinking maybe you and I could go out and grab dinner. Maybe see a movie or whatever. We could even go ice skating if you'd like." He gives a nervous laugh before running his hand through his messy hair. "Or we could do something else, I don't know it's up to you really."

Marco Millet, Kennedy High's most popular bad boy, just asked me of all people on a date. I can't say I saw this coming. I'm not sure what answer he's expecting out of me, but there's only one that I can give.

"Absolutely... not."

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