Clouded thoughts (hxh~bnha)

By automatic_11037

63.9K 2.3K 1.9K

Killua finds himself in a unfamiliar world. Things are different here and he doesn't understand them one bit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 11

2.3K 79 78
By automatic_11037

[Killua's pov]

I sat, patiently waiting until a click sounded from behind me and a man entered the room, walking past me and taking a seat in front of me. He wore a light brown trench coat and looked like a detective from those old films you would find in antique shops. Don't ask how I know that.

"Hello, I am detective Tsukauchi, I'm just going to ask you a couple questions if that's alright" he said. Why would he even ask if it's okay if they are going to ask the questions anyway. It's not like I have a choice in the matter. I nodded to which he did the same before speaking up again. "Can I get your name and age please?"

"99. I'm 14. 15 soon."


"My apologies, but I am going to need you to tell the truth, what is your name?" My eyes widened slightly. How did he know? fuck, I forgot about those stupid quirks.

"Killua. My name is Killua Zoldyck."


"Thank you. Now, what is your quirk?" I mean, technically I don't have a quirk. I have nen which is completely different.

"I don't have a quirk."


"What..." Tsukauchi mumbled, he seemed confused for a moment before he collected himself and continued. "Where do you live? Do you have a family?"

"I live on Kukuroo Mountain, in the republic of Padokia." I told the truth. Hoping they maybe could find it and I could find out where the fuck I am.


"Hm. I've never heard of it.." the guy seemed to be lost in thought as he checked his papers. "That's all I have to ask for may go." What the hell..they couldn't find it? Where am I...then it hit me. Am I in another world? That would be the only reasonable explanation. Even though it sounds insane on its own. I nodded and stood up from my seat, taking my leave from the police station.


Aizawa met me outside and we walked together down the streets of this unknown world. Neither of us spoke until we stopped at a small house and Aizawa walked up, knocking on the front door. Aya opened the door with a wide grin on her face. Before I could even attempt to argue, the homeless man pushed me forward.

"I need to head out, thank you for your assistance Ms. Aya" he bowed, turning around and walking away, casual as ever. I mean come on man! He just left me alone here?!

"Hey, Come on in" she gestured inside the house as she moved backwards and stepped to the side of the door. I stepped inside and she gently closed the door. I instantly looked around at my surroundings. It was a simple house, there were a couple doorways leading to other rooms. From what I could it seemed pretty clean.

"So, what should I call you?" She asked, walking further into the house, I followed. honestly doesn't matter at this point, I turned and looked at her, my hands in my pockets and an emotionless expression on my face.

"Killua, nice to meet you" I said. She seemed surprised to actually have me answer "what, you asked me."

"Hm." She said with a shrug as she walked down a small hall "this is your room" she said, opening a door that led into a small room, it had a simple bed and a window, there was a desk in the corner and a closet on the other side of the room "we can go shopping whenever and you can decorate it however you'd like. Oh and my rooms across the hall from yours so if you need anything be sure to tell me Killua!"

"Yeah yeah, thanks." I waved my hand. Stepping into the room and sitting on the bed. Aya made a offended expression as she placed a hand over her heart

"Rude." She spoke, closing her eyes and turning her head to the side. She sighed, moving her hands to her hips and turning back to face me. "Anyway, you start school tomorrow morning, you're going to attend Aldera junior high but only for the end of the year considering most kids your age are about to go to highschool now anyway" I cringed at the thought of going back to school. I mean, if it's anything like being homeschooled then it's going to absolutely suck.

"Do I have to go? If it's the end of the school year then why can't I just skip it?" I whined as I fell backwards onto my mattress. Not going to lie, it's much more comfy than the beds at the arena. Those ones felt like just a plate of wood.

"Yes you do, I'm now your legal guardian here and if you skipped school I would be responsible for it!" Aya waved her hand in the air as she spoke. I groaned, sitting up again "oh and Killua? Do you mind helping me out at work today? I'll pay you" I instantly jolted up back onto my feet. Money means I can buy things..I can buy sweets. Chocolates.

"I'm in." I said, walking to the door and passing a confused Aya. She shrugged and followed me to the front door. I slid my shoes on and she did the same. She stepped forward and clicked a little lock, opening the front door.

"Hope you don't mind working at a cafe" she mentioned before closing the door behind us and walking down the front steps. Meh, I could use some coffee right now. No harm no foul am I right.

We only walked for about five minutes before we reached a small coffee shop down the street. Aya walked forward, pulling her keys out from her pocket and unlocking the door. She gestured for me to come inside, and I did. I observed the place, it was small but not too small, it had a back counter along with the tables and chairs scattered around the cafe. There were a couple booths situated at the front giving a nice window view.

Aya walked to the back counter, going behind and opening a door leading to a back room. I followed and we entered the kitchen. She flipped on a switch, the lights flickering on as she moved her hand to the side and grabbed two pieces of clothing off a hanger. She tossed me one before unfolding hers and putting it on. They were simple aprons, Ayas was a light brown whilst mine was a brighter green.

"I'm in charge of snacks and you deal with coffee k?" She spoke, going further into the kitchen and stopping at a sink to the side, washing her hands then drying them with a small cloth hanging over the handle of the oven. I nodded, watching as she pulled different ingredients out of mixed cabinets.

"Hey um." I interrupted, Aya stopped, looking over her shoulder at me. "Can you teach me how to make whatever it is you're doing?" I motioned towards the counter. She smiled slightly, nodding her head

"Of course! Here, come over and I'll walk you through it" she turned back to the counter. This is insane, I just want to find Gon and Alluka..what am I doing. I thought for a moment, walking over to Aya. Tonight after helping out here I'll check out around town and get some of my questions answered. It's settled.


We worked for a while, I was taught how to make a few different treats, along with how to brew up a perfect coffee. The customers were okay, some were snobby, others were calm and quiet. We even had a group of writers show up for a little club meeting. At least they weren't too obnoxious. It was about time for me to end my short shift, I hung up my apron and washed my hands, heading back out front.

"I'll be on my way now, see you at the house!" I shouted as the bell from the door rang when I opened the door.

"Alright! See you later!" I heard a shout back just before the door closed behind me and I left the cafe. It shouldn't be hard to find my way back to the house, I mean, I'm okay with directions so it shouldn't be much of a problem for me...right?

I shook my head, putting my hands and my pockets and walking down the streets without a care in the world. Every once and a while I would stop and mark in my head my locations. Could be useful in the future.

I stopped walking, ready to ask someone where the closest sweets shop was, just out of curiosity...totally not because I just got paid and I'm craving a little chocolate...was that too specific?

Sirens filled the air around me as people began running around and freaking out. I panicked at first before realizing it was none of my concern. Then again my curiosity had been piqued and I actually wondered what all the fuss was about.

People ran back and forth shouting about 'heros!' And 'a villain!' So I did as any normal person would, I told them to shut up and I ran to the direction of the commotion.

"That kid! He's being held captive!" Someone from the large crowd yelled over the screams and shouts of others, holding his phone up high above everyone and recording it. I scowled at all the people standing by, nudging my way to the front of the crowd.

There was this hideous creature in the middle of all the chaos. It looked like a mop of slime stuck in someone's hair. Then it caught my attention, right in the center of that thing. Was a kid. His spiky blonde hair poked out from the sludge as explosions were shot left and right around the alley. The supposed heroes of this place seemed to just be standing around observing.

Only for a minute I locked eyes with the spiky blonde, the fear filling his eyes as he struggled against his restraints made me tense slightly. The desperation to live is what made me step forward, making me instantly be shoved to the side. Some other kid was already on the way to help.

He had this bushy green hair and tears streaming down his face as he bolted past heroes that urged him to stay back. It's not like they were going to help. They were just going to watch him die anyway. The green haired boy clawed at the sludge, trying his best to help him out. There was no way on earth that it was going to work. So I did the same.

I ducked under the crowd of people as I ran forward, once again hearing the shouts of worried civilians and heroes. I found myself beside the broccoli boy and I sharpened my hand, digging straight into the sludge and hoping to find some sort of base to the creature or even just a heart, but I was out of luck.

A familiar voice sounded behind me and I instinctively dodged to the side, grabbing onto the other boy and shoving him out of the way before a large flash of light blinded everyone in sight. Of course that bastard had to show up. I gritted my teeth just as my vision cleared and everything was back in sight.


So, turns out that idiot named all-might or whatever smashed that sludge thingy into bits and pieces leaving it for the police to collect. Such an asshole. Whilst that blonde kid from before was being praised for his bravery, the broccoli and I stood off to the side being lectured by heroes. They shouted and shouted, watching as the greenette slouched over and apologized profusely for jumping in when those idiots did nothing but watch.

"You know, If you ask me, I don't think any of you have the slightest of rights to yell at us." I placed my hands behind my head and smirked mockingly at them. "In fact, we are the ones that jumped in first. Unlike you, who stood by and watched as a poor teenage boy was being suffocated to death. If anything I think we should be the ones lecturing you guys" I half shrugged, turning on my heel and beginning to walk away, these people are boring anyway.

They tried shouting back at me as I walked away, attempting to argue with my claims. But I bet they know that every word I said was true. Those bastards just can't admit they are wrong.

Despite the shouts and complaints from those dickheads, I was able to peacefully make my way back to my current place of..uh..dude I cant always sound so fancy what do you expect from me! Anywho. I made it back to the house, being kindly greeted with a smack to the head and an angry brunette.

"Where were you?! I was worried sick! Did you get hurt?! Explain yourself mister!" Aya shouted continuously, I simply waved her off as I made my way into the house, walking to my room "Killua! You can't just walk away from me!" Nothing else was heard before I closed the room door, falling backwards onto my bed and staring up at the ceiling. That Kid, he was carrying a paper, or more like a flyer.

I pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from my pocket, straightening it out and getting another look at the thing.

A hero school huh. Wonder if they'll know where exactly I am. I guess I'll find out once I ace this exam test.

Words: 2288

I still remember, third of-

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