The Itsy Bitsy Spider

scottystaco द्वारा

2.1K 63 22

Takes place after Civil War and Homecoming. What happens if 2 "ghosts" and a former Stark employee takes reve... अधिक

Trailer & Release Date!
Chapter 1: Notes with Roses
Chapter 2: Misfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Feeling Hallow
Chapter 4: Mystery in the Darkness
Chapter 5: Death to the Future
Chapter 6: Past, Ghosts, Mysteries
Chapter 7: Blood in the Darkness
Chapter 8: Screams from the Mercy
Chapter 9: Getting the Band Back Together
Chapter 10: Chasing The Lead
Chapter 11: A Message Of Faith
Chapter 12: The Missing Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 13: The Parkers Hidden Bunker
Chapter 14: Secrets Kept Hidden
Chapter 15: Lets Go Find A Leprechaun
Chapter 16: Safe At Home
Chapter 17: Rules and Talks
Chapter 18: Dead at Dreams
Chapter 19: Questions of Studies and Trust
Chapter 20: Clinging to the Daytime
Chapter 21: Chaotic Elements
Chapter 22: Christmas Eve
Chapter 23: Jolly O' Presents
Chapter 24: Surprise
Chapter 25: What is Real and What is Fake
Chapter 26: Endless Nights
Chapter 27: First Day Back
Chapter 28: What Are Friends For
Chapter 29: Sherlock Holmes- Friends in Love
Chapter 30: Our Mystery Friend
Chapter 31: They Know
Chapter 32: The Haunted Tower
Chapter 33: He's Back
Chapter 34: Protectiveness and Love
Chapter 35: Haunted By Them
Chapter 37: Illusions
Chapter 38: Fun Day Besides Almost Burning The Tower Down
Chapter 39: Family Is Always There For You
Chapter 40: Time Is Ticking
Chapter 41: Final Showdown
Chapter 42: Aftermath

Chapter 36: Freaky Week

22 0 0
scottystaco द्वारा


It's Monday the nineteenth and Flash brings the note that he got yesterday while Betty brings in the note she got today.

Nightmares will come pouring out of hell when the Devil gets desperate 

-February 18th

Spidey got a bad dream...or was it real?

-February 19th

"Ok that one's very creepy" Cindy points out.

"What was your nightmare about?" Ned wonders.

"It was ummmm it was about goblin b-but it wasn't anything uhh new" Peter stammers.

"It's like you said, he's just messing with us. They all are" Mj assures just as the bell rings.

"Ugh school sucks" Sally complains.

"We should just go before we're late" Charles sighs.


It's the end of the day. Academic Decathlon practice had ended and Mr. Harrington finished up all of his work he needed to get done.

He exits his classroom and starts to walk down the hallway but before he even gets to the corner, he sees a green mist slowly flowing out of there.

'This is normal. It's the city after all' Mr. Harrington thinks to himself right before his eyes goes wide and he almost drops everything he has in his hands. 'This is the green mist that appeared before Spider-Man disappeared!'

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Mr. Harrington screams at the top of his lungs before booking it to the other exit.

To put it together when he entered his car and quickly drove away from the school, he was petrified.


It's Tuesday the twentieth.

Abe is walking home after AcaDec practice. He's paying attention to his surroundings for once and not on his phone. Everything has been crazy these past few days so mind as well be on the look out especially if Peter is swinging above going to save who knows who doing god knows what.

Abe stops in his tracks. He was about to pass by an alleyway when he heard someone take a tumble and a hiss of pain. Abe automatically looks up and doesn't see Spider-Man swinging around and he wonders if that's Peter in there. He doesn't want to check incase it's not and it's some killer but he has to know.

"Karen please don't call him! I'm fine!" Abe hears Peter whisper shout.

'Ok so it's Peter' Abe thinks before turning into the alleyway and yep, he sees Peter in the alleyway bleeding. "Shit Peter! Are you ok?!"

"Does it look like I'm ok Abe?!" Peter snaps back.

"Wow, didn't know you had to be in pain to snap back at someone" Abe tries to joke around.

"Fuck off. God you are being so annoying right now!" Peter curses at him.

"And I didn't know you had it in you to curse" Abe continues to joke.

"Go away! I hope you go die in a ditch or something" Peter scoffs.

"Peter, what the hell man? What kind of injury did you get to be such a dick?" Abe questions.

"I'm not a dick Abe. Actually, you are way more than a dick than me!" Peters voice cracks.

"Did the wound come with drugs or something?" Abe can't help but wonder.

"No now go away" Peter practically demands.

"Yea, don't think so even though you are being a total ass right now I rather have you not die" Abe informs, kneeling down in front of Peter.

"Don't touch me! Go away! Leave me alone you fuck!" Peter tries to swat Abe's hand away but all it does is go through.

Abe falls backwards on his butt and look at Peter like he's seen a ghost but that might actually be literal.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Abe yells.

Abe scrambles up to his feet but before anything else could happen, Peter disappears. Abe quickly pulls up Peters contact and calls him, hoping to Thor he picks up.

"Hey Abe, what's up?" Peter asks as Abe hears the wind howling through the phone.

"What the fuck?!" Abe repeats cause he has no other words for what just happened.

"Uhh what's going on? Abe, are you ok?" Peter wonders.

"Am I ok?! Dude! I just saw you bleeding in an alleyway and now you're swinging around the city?! You literally just disappeared on me outta thin air after cursing me out and having your hand go through me!" Abe explains.

"Abe...I need you to go home now. That wasn't me" Peter informs.

"No shit that wasn't you!" Abe practically yells.

"I'm too far to get you on time. I'm on the outskirts of Queens dealing with some dealers, I need you to go to somewhere safe and wait ten minutes before going home. That wasn't me, it was Beck and his drones" Peter claims.

"Ok...ok, I will" Abe nods while he exits the alley and goes into a random cafe. "I'm in a cafe, I'll order something to eat and then go home."

"Thank you. Look, if anything else happens call me back but I need to get back to these dealers" Peter thanks.

"Alright dude, good luck" Abe wishes him before hanging the phone up and letting out a deep breath. 'Time to text the group chat.'


Things just keep getting weirder and creepier by the days. It's Wednesday the 21st.

Mr. Delmar and Murph are walking home cause their apartment is close by. As they are walking through a deserted street, Murph hisses at something by a garbage can.

"What is it Murph?" Mr. Delmar asks as he bends down to take a look.

His eyes goes wide at the sight.

One of the goblins smoke bombs.

Mr. Delmar doesn't say anything besides picking up Murph and running out of there as fast as his legs can carry him.


Thursday rolls around and it's the 22nd. Everyone is getting worried and freaked out to the point they jump at every noise.

Peter is in school when it happens.

More specifically, AcaDec practice with Mr. Harrington talking with Principal Morita in the hall while Mj is drilling everyone on everything.

He gets a call from Tony.


"I'm bored" Cooper complains.

"Wanna go outside?" Lila suggests.

"And do what?" Cooper questions.

"I can't come up with everything" Lila rolls her eyes.

"Look out the window. I'm not going out if it's too cold" Cooper states.

"It's February, of course it's gonna be cold" Lila snaps at him but looks out the window none the less. "There's barely any snow- HOLY SHIT!!"

"What?" Cooper questions but Lila ignores him and races towards the back door and onto the lawn. "LILA WAIT!! WHATS...PETER?!"

The sight before the two teens was horrible.

Peter was laying on the ground with hitching breath. A glider is stuck to his stomach as his hands are barely holding onto it. Blood is pooling out of him and his form is almost limp.

"DAD!!!!!" Lila and Cooper both scream for him. "DAD!!!"

Lila and Cooper are quick to get to Peters side.

"Come on Peter, dad is coming and he'll help you" Lila assures.

"Do-don't...t-touch" Peters stutters. "Hur-ts.."

"We won't. DAD!!!" Cooper calls again.

"Yeah? What's going-PETER!!" Clint shouts, running to Peters side.

"Don't touch it! Peter said not too and that it hurts too much. I think if you try and move it, it might mess something up. It's lodged into his stomach dad!" Lila explains.

"Peter can you hear me bud?" Clint asks.

"Yea" Peter coughs out.

"Alright, I'm going to need to lift you and get you inside" Clint informs.

"N-nooo" Peter shakes his head a little.

"I know it's going to hurt but I need too. The cold isn't helping and I don't need you to try and sneak into hibernation again. Laura and I will help you and there is a Shield doctor like ten minutes away and we are going to help you Peter" Clint assures. Right before Peter can protest, Clint goes to scoop Peter up from underneath just for him to disappear. "Hey! Peter!"

"Where did he go?" Cooper panics.

"I-I don't know. We need to go inside, I'll call Tony" Clint instructs while they all get up and rush inside.

"What's going on? I heard screaming" Laura asks as Nathaniel stands right next to her with a confused look.

"Keep the kids safe. I need to call Tony" Clint tells her and she quickly gets the message, bringing the kids to the safe room. Clint quickly grabs his phone from the table and calls Tony. "Come on Tony, pick up the damn phone."

"Whatcha-" Tony tries to say.

"Is Peter ok?" Clint blurts out.

"Uhhh yes? He's at Academic Decathlon practice right now or he should be. Fri, ask Karen for an update on Peter" Tony asks his AI. "She said Peter's still at practice and everything seems to be fine. Why, what's wrong?"

"I don't think I'm coming back to the tower today" Clint claims before telling him the story.

"I'll call Peter to make sure everything is alright. I think this is a coloration to the things that have been happening cause weird shit has been in fact happening. Hold on, I'll call you back after I call Peter" Tony informs.

"Ok" Clint easily agrees.


"Hey Tony!" Peter greets as he picks up the phone.

Mj snaps her head at him and sends him an evil glare. They're all up on the stage sitting down at their seats while Mj is standing in front with her flashcards.

"Speaker" Mj whispers. Peter nods and puts the phone on speaker.

"Karen told Fri that you are at practice, is that true?" Tony questions.

"Yea, Mj is even death staring me since I answered the phone so why exactly are you calling?" Peter wonders.

"Clint and his two oldests saw you outside of their farm house bleeding out with a glider in your stomach. When Clint tried to pick you up, you disappeared. Sounds a lot like what happened to your friend in the alleyway" Tony explains.

"Cause that is almost exactly what did happen! Peter was bleeding and I tried to help only for him to disappear!" Abe chimes in.

"Am I on speaker?" Tony questions.

"Well you decided to call in the middle of practice so yes, you are on speaker" Mj states matter of the fact.

"So you're ok? No bleeding or anything?" Tony double checks just as the doors open up and Mr. Harrington comes in, having done with his conversation with Principal Morita.

"All is good. I gotta go, my teacher came back into the room and I really need to get back to practice but I promise everything is fine" Peter promises.

"Good and why don't you cut down later for today? Everything's just been weird and all" Tony suggests. "Oh and Clint will be staying with his family and I informed Scott to not come here on Saturday either. Just to be on the safe side and to stay with their families."

"Ok that's fine, better to be with their families. Anyways, now I seriously have to go cause Mj is gonna murder me so bye!" Peter replies, hanging up the phone.

"Who was that and why are we now taking phone calls during practice?" Mr. Harrington wonders.

"It was work" Peter shrugs.

"Ok, back to practice" Mj cuts in.


Friday, the 23rd and Peter, Mj, Ned and Flash are in first period which is English class.

"For your homework assignment you are all going to write a five paragraph essay about the Green Goblin cause we are going into the urban legends unit next week" Ms. Noval explains.

The four teens look at each and Peter can swear that he heard the goblins laughter in that moment.


"This is the worst!" Ned complains at lunch.

"What is?" Betty wonders.

"Ms fricken Noval is making us all write a five paragraph essay about the Green Goblin cause we are learning about urban legends next week" Flash rolls his eyes.

"So we won't do it" Mj shrugs.

"What? Mj we can't just get zeros on this" Peter questions.

"I know but I also know people who would love to help out to not...the avengers. I'm sure they'd all love to help" Mj states.

"That's...actually not a bad idea" Peter agrees.

"Throw Peter at them and it's going to work for sure" Abe chuckles.

"They'll definitely agree to help you guys out" Cindy nods.

"And if they don't, go with Abe's plan" Sally smirks.

"You guys are brutal" Peter comments.

"I doubt they'd have to get that far" Charles shrugs.

"Ms. Noval is still the worst English teacher in the school. We're learning about urban legends next week too but we don't have to write a dumb essay" Abe practically brags.

"Bragger" Flash snaps at him.


It's Saturday night on the 24th and Mj is quietly reading on her bed with Murph curled up next to her.



Mj looks up from her book to her window that has the curtains closed.


"Mj please let me in. I-it hurts. I got sh-shot, p-please M" Peter panics.

"Peter?! Ok, I'm coming" Mj hurriedly puts her book aside and runs to the window. She pulls the curtains away and opens the window, letting Peter crawl in. 

As soon as Peters in, he stumbles but regains footing. Mj looks at him a bit suspiciously but too be fair, weird things have been happening all week.

"I thought you weren't going to patrol at night for now?" Mj suspiciously recalls.

"I was at Neds and I h-heard a man calling for help. So-someone was trying to mug him and they had a g-gun" Peter stammers a bit, holding on his bleeding arm.

"What did you get me for Valentine's Day?" Mj questions.

"Black teddy bear" Peter hisses in pain. "Says j-join me in death." Murph jumps off of Mjs bed and circles around Peter. "He-hey Murph."

Murph hisses in reply, making all his fur stands up.

"Michelle, what's going on in there?" Delmar asks as he opens her door to see a bleeding Peter. "Crap Peter, sit down! Michelle, grab the first aid kit!"

"It's not him" Mj stares at Peter. 

"M-Mj please, it's not th-the time for this. I'm not the dr-drones" Peter stutters.

Delmar stares at Peter with hard eyes.

"Get out. You aren't allowed in here" Delmar demands.

"Fuck you guys! You guys are such dipshits" Peter curses.

"Fuck you too Beck. Can't get your illusions perfectly right, can you?" Mj snaps back right before Murph tries to scratch at the illusion only for it to disappear.

"That's what Abe and Clint saw? How did you even tell it wasn't the real Peter? It looked exactly the same" Delmar questions. 

"If you saw his eyes, there was barely any emotions in there. He also usually smells like sweat after patrol but there was no smell" Mj points out.

"Smart. You should probably call Peter and just see if he's ok, that boy always gets himself into trouble" Delmar playfully rolls his eyes before leaving the room. "Night Michelle."

"Night dad" Mj replies before plopping on her bed and FaceTiming Peter.


"I hate writing essays and suck at them" Tony says right away once the four teens asked the avengers to help with their essay.

It's Sunday the 25th and Mj, Ned and Flash had all met up at the tower with Peter to get the avengers to do their Green Goblin essay.

"It's-it's about the Green Goblin" Peter informs, looking down and playing with his feet.

Wanda, Vision, Sam and I are all good at writing. We'll help" Pepper quickly agrees.

"Thank you" the four teens thank in union.

And so, Wanda, Vision, Sam and Pepper wrote the kids essays about the goblin to make sure the kids don't have to relieve through the trauma again.

It doesn't necessary help because it was night when a nightmare crept its way up to Peters head.

Peter lands at his school in his Spider-Man suit. The entire building has collapsed because of the stupid goblins exploding orb ball. 

Peter sees all the students and staff laying unconscious or maybe even dead with blood surrounding and he feels tears streaming down his face. He didn't even realize, he doesn't have his mask on.

He spots Mj, Ned and all of his other friends laying by each other, under all the rubble but still visible.

"I'm so sorry" Peter cries out.

"It's your fault" they all blame.

"I-I know, I'm sorry" Peter nods his head.

"It's all your fault!" Everyone, not even just his friends but every single person laying in their blood is screaming how it's Peters fault.

"Poor Peter! To weak to save his school" the goblin mocks on his glider.

Peter tears his eyes away to look at the goblin with a hatred expression.

"I'm gonna kill you" Peter threatens in a dark voice.

"I'd love to see you try" the goblin smirks as he's not wearing his mask either.

The goblin swoops down with his glider while Peter rolls out of the way.

As he rolls and gets back up, he doesn't see the goblin stopping in his track in midair but the Vulture.

"Hey Pedro" Adrien greets right before one of his wings knocks Peter down, facing the sand.

Peter has a panicked look in his eyes but doesn't let it get to him. He can't. He needs to fight.

Just as he's about to get pushed back up, he gets shoved into a bucket of water that soon isn't a bucket of water but an ocean of water.

Peter tries to swim towards air but he finds himself stuck in a parachute. He feels himself fighting before slowly giving up cause this is his fate. It's what he gets for killing his parents, killing his Uncle Ben and killing his entire school. He goes into a deep slumber.

Peter wakes up, choking on water. He looks around to find himself in a cemetery.

"It's your fault" a voice accuses from behind. He turns around at the familiar voice to see Pepper "May and Tony died because of you. Trying to protect you but it costed their own lives."

Peter feels tears prick at his eyes. 

"I-I didn't mean too" Peter chokes out.

"Doesn't matter. They're gone now and it's all your fault" Pepper blames.

Peter gets pulled away from the scenery to find himself standing in front of the big Times Square Screen with J. Jonah Jameson broadcasting the Daily Bugle.

"The spider menace has been killing everybody he's around. He isn't saving anyone, he's killing them! He killed the entire school of Midtown High of Science and Technology! He killed Tony Stark aka Iron Man and he's killed a bunch more. The spider menace needs to be in prison, better yet...dead" Jamesons voice spats out.

Peter looks down to see concrete underneath him and the lights from the screen gone. He looks back up to see Otto.

"I never liked you. It was all an act! I want to rip you apart and study you but Norman didn't  allow me cause he wanted your blood for himself!" Otto yells, sending his octopus arms pinning Peter to the wall. "It's all your fault."

Ottos octopus arms throws Peter into a wall and Peter feels all the concrete of the building fall on top of him. He feels it weighing on his back, crushing him slowly and painfully. He sees a puddle in front of him, staring back at himself. He's alone and no one is going to save him.

Or that's what he thought.

He spots a figure walking closer and closer to Peter. Once the figure reaches Peter, they kneel down and Peter can see a dead version of Tony Stark.

"I would help you but you did kill everyone. I call it fair and square" Tony jokes and a voice behind him laughs.

"Good one, definitely fair" May agrees.

Peter feels his eyes getting heavy as he's getting less air into his lungs and it's no surprise, he passes out.

Peter shoots up in his bed, gasping for air. Friday turns the lights up to 50% instead of at the dim of 25%. Peter takes deep breathes in and out.

It only takes Peter two minutes to control his breathing but the tears only slow down, doesn't stop. He wipes them away even when new fresh tears comes and checks the time on his phone. It's Monday the 26th at 4:59am, great way to wake up early for school.

Peter goes onto Twitter for ten minutes, scrolling through everyone's tweets about Spider-Man and it's heartwarming especially after the dream about everyoneblaminghimfortheirdeathsthatmayormaynotbehisfault. Peter wipes the memory away and a small smile comes onto his face. He just had a good idea.

Spider-Man @theofficalspiderman :

Hey everyone! Spider-Man has officially joined Twitter and if you don't tell the avengers, I may even post some really funny photos I have on all of them and of course I'm gonna tell you some fun facts! Like how I may or may not had given the Black Widow a tarantula for Christmas that she named Satan and may or may not be training him on how to throw knifes...oops.

#scaredformylife #blackwidowisgonnakillme #theofficalspiderman

Peter posts the tweet and it immediately blows up. Peter goes wide eyes at his phone and starts to scroll at some replies and tweets.

Spidey Lover @spideyloverogfan :


#theofficalspiderman #iloveyouspidey

Avenger Stan @avengers2819 :


#theofficalspiderman #codered

SM's Secret Lover @spideysecretlover :


#queenshero #theofficalspiderman #spideyiloveyou

Spider-Man @theofficalspiderman :

Guess I'm making another post already ahaha! Yes I am the actual Spider-Man, I'll have a legendary photo of myself when I was swinging and texting (pls do not try, bad idea, almost hit a building) and I am not an official avenger. They're cool and all but I love helping the little guys but that doesn't mean I won't help them fight in battles🕸

*image attachment*

#theofficalspiderman #QueensNYC #NYC

Spidey Fan @ogspideyfan :

Bro how can I pay attention in school when my mind is spinning through so many things in my head like SPIDER-MAN HAS TWITTER!!!🤯 Pray for me on my tests😒

#theofficalspiderman #twitterisrockin #loveyoumyman

@theofficalspiderman has replied :

Spider-Man @theofficalspiderman :

Pls pay attention in school and good luck on those tests! I rather not attach Caps PSAs on here cause those are terrible! The " sO yOu GoT dEtEnTiTiOn" is still haunting my head. That one is the worst one! I mean the workout ones are too and don't get me started on the back to school ones! I've seen them all AND more than once! I walked in on the avengers having movie night (without me, how rude! Srry I was busy!) and those were playing cause I brought them up to him and everyone overheard :p anyways thanks for being a fan!❤️🕷

#goodluck #psasarebad

@ogspideyfan has replied :

Spidey Fan @ogspideyfan :

HOLY CRAP I DIDNT THINK YOUD RESPOND!! Thank you so much! That seriously means a lot! I have three tests today! How unfair are my teachers. I've seen them all too so I can definitely agree with you on that

#sorrycaptainamerica #thankyouspiderman

Spidey 4ever @spidermanisdabest :

How crazy is it to think our local Queens hero is on Twitter?! Imagine the entire avengers having the app?! That'd be crazy! Spider-Man, you should also get Tik Tok! I know your acc will be slayin🔥🔥🔥

#theofficalspiderman #spidey4life #spideysontwitter

Webster @spideywebs :

So cool dude that you're on Twitter now! We all love you spidey! Thank you for everything you've done!

#thankyouspiderman #thankyouspidey #spidey4life #theofficalspiderman

Peter smiles grows on his face. He continues to go through Twitter and replies to some people only to get responses back right away. Peter should've thought of this sooner but he's glad he's making everyone happy now. He looks at the time to see that he should be getting ready for school, get an early start you know? It's only 5:20am but he'd rather not go to sleep just to wake up again at six.


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