A Heroic Villain

By ChrisWolfblood

56K 2.9K 151

(PLACEHOLDER BOOK IMAGE) All her life changed in one choice that wasn't even her own. Darkness was suffocatin... More

-A villain is born-
-Complicated Life-
-League and Frappes-
-Grave and Sludge-
-Quirk test-
-Costume and Goal-
-Villain VS Heroes-
-New living quarter-
-Mountain zone part.1-
-Mountain zone part.2-
-A well deserve break-
-Last day off-
-Sports festival part.1-
-Sports festival part.2-
-Sports festival part.3-
-Sports festival: 1 vs 1-
-Sports festival: first fight-
-Sports festival: second fight-
-Sports festival: third fight-
-Sports festival: finals-
-Break day-
-Break cut short-
-Trust in those that failed you-
-Hero Names-
-Nomination Hell-
-Hero Killer: Stain-
-messed up hand club-
-The dreaded filler chapter?-
-Forced stop-
-Study Time-
-Test Exercises!!-
-Aizawa vs Yaoyorozu & Kinzoku-
-The lodge-
-School trip 2nd day-
-Test of courage and betrayal-
-First of consequences-
-Re-homed again-
-Room Showcase-
-Special moves-
-Guilt and late night talks-
-Boom goes the firework-
-Exam Start!-
-Fight on-
-Rescue training-
-Exam finale-
-Late night secrets-
-Big Three-
-Failed demand to train together-
-Eight Bullets-
-Unfortunate Realization-
-'calm' before the true storm-
-Goodnight Sir-
-We are here-
-Deadly A/N you can still look at.... Pretty please?-
-Down time with training-
-Musical Choices-

-Culture Festival-

267 15 2
By ChrisWolfblood

(Fun fact: Magne's quick is also called magnetism just like Kuroka's mother's quirk and I forgot that fact even tho they work differently lol so no, they are not relatives.)

"What is all this?" Kuroka deadpanned as she entered the room, seeing Mina, Izuku and Yuga break dance in one corner of the classroom.

"Oh we are just comparing hobbies!" Mina said, striking a pose.

"And speaking of hobbies Jirou's got a pretty amazing one too!" Denki pointed at the girl.

"Wha- come on cut it out!" He kept pointing at her as Kuroka closed the door to keep the noise inside the room.

"I mean, your room was like a full-blown instrument shop! That goes beyond the level of a hobby!"

"Denki stop it." Kuroka had just walked into this and from how Denki spoke of this it was just mentioned now but Kyoka already look uncomfortable.

"J-just stop talking about it would you?! Can't we just forget about the whole room king thing?!" She yelled, all red to the face.

"Really though! You're like a pro musician! I gotta say, it's super c--" Kuroka slapped the back of his head, almost causing Denki to headbutt the earphone jack that was menacingly pointed at him by a still red-faced girl.

"I'm serious, stop."

"Look what you did." Kuroka hissed at Denki as Kyoka sat down in her seat as the lesson would start soon.

"But why?" The boy said with a lost puppy face.

"Don't dig around the past of others.... They might hide things they don't want others to know..." She grumbled, sitting down too.


"It's time for the culture festival." Kuroka groaned while her class loudly cheered.

"You're not going to see Eri today Mr. Aizawa?" Tsuyu asked as their homeroom teacher had been substituted most days because he was indeed with the girl, Kuroka wanted to ask but always kept her mouth closed.

"I'll fill you in on that afterwards." Because he always said that and then would vanish, never telling them anything and it was annoying her greatly.

"Culture festival!!!" Denki yelled.

"Here we go!!! Something a normal school would do!!" Another boy cheered.

"We gotta decide what we're gonna do!"

"But it this really all right?!" Eijiro pipped up. "Being so carefree with everything that's going on?!" She needed to agree with him.

"A reasonable opinion." Aizawa agreed. "But lest you forget U.A. is more then just the hero department. If the sports festival is the heroes time to shine then the culture festival is where the others really stand out. While it's true that it's not nearly as big of a spectacle, it is an event that they look forward to and given the current state of things, with the introductions of the dorms, there are a lot that have felt stressed with everything involving the hero department."

"Yeah, basically all is our fault?" Kuroka asked without awaiting an answer.

"Thinking about it.... I feel pretty bad about it." Eijiro slumped into his chair.

"Yes, it this situation, it isn't fair for them to act retrained but this year unlike in past years we'll be putting on the culture festival exclusively within the school community with the exception of a relatives.... And yeah you aren't the stars of the show this time but each class does something so today we'll be deciding on what the class showcase's."

"Then without further ado, your very own class president, Tenya Iida, will take the helm! I'll do my utmost to ensure that everyone's ideas are accounted for!" The class rep yelled, suddenly up front in Aizawa's place. "First of all, let's put a list together! If anyone has a suggestion raise your hand!"

Kuroka was forced to cover her ears as a chorus of 'ME's echoed through the class before everyone was screaming their ideas.

"Let's do a maid cafe!" Denki yelled.

"That's weak Kaminari! Boob--" Kuroka threw a needle into Mineta's neck, hitting a point a knocking the perv out as Tsuyu, without even being asked, wrapped the boy up and strung him to the ceiling.

"A toy store!" Ochaco added.

"An arm wrestling tournament!" Eijiro.

"How about a crepe stand?" Rikido.

"Dancing!" Mina.

"A haunted house!" Toru.

"A petting zoo?" Kuroka said to Toru, trying to show her that both ideas were stupid to do for one class only but she heard Tenya scribble it down. "Wait no!" But he didn't listen, already having someone else's idea on his mind.

"A culture festival of darkness." Fumikage tried.

"A sparkling show!" Yuga.

"A skit or something?" Kyuka.

Kuroka wondered why she didn't say anything with music, she did shoo off Denki from bothering her about it but she must be good for her friend to notice it, being the idiot he is.

"Alright!" Momo said with a smile, having been noting them on the board as everyone spoke. "I will erase anything that is not school appropriate or simply impossible to implement." She said, half of the choices already being rubbed away.

"Then the haunted house!"

"No lets roll all the food ones together and do that!"

"Who even proposed study party?!"

Everyone, even Kuroka, started a huge argument on what to do until Aizawa stood and loudly declared.

"Well that was quite the unproductive meeting, make your decision by tomorrow morning. If you haven't decided by then it'll be a public lecture, got it?"


Kuroka, unlike the rest of her class, had went to bed so they decided to do a music show without consulting her tho she didn't care as they announced it to Aizawa.

"Good, you chose something, now Midoriya, Kinzoku, you are coming with me while the rest of you stay with Vlad King, he'll teach you this morning class."

"Huh? Why tho?" Izuku asked.

"Eri, she wants to see you."

Kuroka grabbed her hands, touching the visor Momo had made her.

"She wants to see them?" Tsuyu asked.

"Yeah, you could say Midoriya, Kinzoka and Togata have been on her mind recently. During the whole time she's been hospitalized, this is the first time she's ever requested something."

"Well lets go." She stood. "What are we waiting for?"

"Ah, right!" Izuku spoke up again.

"Good, lets go right away."


"Sorry we couldn't come visit you until now." Izuku said with a smile as the girl, Eri, looked at the three of them in shock that they were actually here.

"I see you still kept that visor I gave you." Kuroka grinned, pointed at her new one on her face with both pointer fingers while Eri was still wearing her original one.

"And I brought some assorted fruits! Eat as much as you want!" Mirio held up the basket. "Which fruit is your favorite?! Let me guess... It's peaches right?! Because you look like a little peach!" Kuroka nudged him with a smile. "What?! I am right! Just look at her!"

"A-apples." Eri said as she was holding the basket, not knowing what to do with it.

"I knew it!" Mirio said, going back in his guess.

"Let me."  Kuroka gently put it on the table next to her bed and grabbed an apple. "Wanna see something neat? One of you boys get me a plate please." She looked around grabbing a metal clip and making a knife of it, more or less just the blade and slicing into the apple.

"Here." Izuku set the plate on the bed as she cut out a slice of the fruit and cut the peal away slightly before cutting that too, making a shape that is really vaguely animal like and put it on it, cutting the whole of it like that as the boys had sat on stools in the room.

"There you go." She waved at the whole plate, turning the blade back to the clip it was tho now the paint on it was gone, grabbing herself a stool too.

"I've been um... Thinking a lot... Even when I was sick with a fever." Eri said, looking at the plate but not touching it, clothes held in tiny tight fists. "About the time you saved me.... But.... You never told me your names... I only knew Mr. Lemillion so I really wanted to know yours too.

"Oh, how silly of me. I'm Kuroka Kinzoku and nice to meat you, My hero name is Razor-blade but just call my Kuro is you want, I don't mind it."

"A-and I'm Izuku Midoriya! My hero name is Deku! Err.... I guess Deku is easier to remember since it's short... so call me Deku! I'm Deku!"

"Mr. Lemillion... Mrs. Kuro... Mr. Deku.... And... The man wearing glasses.... Everyone... You were all hurt so bad because of me..." Tear shimmered in her eyes. "I'm so sorry... That you had to feel so much pain because of me... Because of- Because of me Mr. Lemillion lost his powers..."

"You sweet child." Kuroka breathed out, hand over her mouth.

"Eri!" Mirio called out, patting her head with a halfhearted smile, sad she thought like that. "Not a single one of us is in pain! In fact, all anyone's thinking right now is 'I'm glad Eri is safe!'. There's absolutely no one you need to apologize to! So you can relax! We all fought so hard because we wanted to see you smile!"

She made a weird face before a few tears rolled down her face.

Kuroka grabbed a tissue and pat her face dry with a slight frown.

"I'm sorry... I don't know how to smile."

She froze like both boys, the tissue balled tight in her fist.

"His shadow is still heavy over her shoulders.... She still hasn't been rescued." She realized to her own horror. "I still haven't save you like I promised....."

"Mr. Aizawa!" Izuku yelled making her realize he was up and talking to the teacher that stood at the door. "Could Eri leave the hospital just for one day?" He asked.

"Just what mind bending idea did you have Izu?" She thought. 

"It shouldn't be impossible to arrange, that reminds me, I need to go talk with her caretakers abo--" "In that case." He cut the teacher off. "Could Eri com to the culture festival?!"

"You mad man!" Kuroka grinned. "Yeah! You should come, it would be so much fun!" She smiled at the girl.

"Culture?" The child muttered.

"Eri! That's a great idea! You see, the culture festival is a festival we put on at our school! We make lots of food and hold events so that all of the students can have lots of fun!" Mirio quickly ranted off.

"And there might be candy apples." Kuroka whispered to him since he had all of Eri's attention.

"Apples!! There might be candy apples!!" He basically yelled.

"Candy apples?" Eri asked.

"It's like regular apples." Kuroka said, pointing at the plate. "But they are even sweeter because there is candy on it, can you believe that?"

"Even sweeter..." The tears were gone as the little girl drooled on the idea of the candy apples.

"So, what do you think Eri?" Izuku asked, rejoining his friends.

"I.... Thought a lot about the time I was saved... And the people who saved me... I was thinking that I want to know more about Mr Lemillion and everyone else!" She said.

"I'll tell you all about 'em! Until you don't want to hear anymore! And we'll do our best to make sure that the principal agrees! And I'm taking time off from school right now, so the two of us can go on a date all day long!" Mirio said.

"A date?"

"That's when a boy and a girl, or a boy and a boy, or a girl and a girl who really like each other go out and have fun together." Kuroka said, simplifying it for her.

"A boy and a girl who really like each other?"

"Mirio you are corruption the youth!" Kuroka said, back handing him on the head.

"But she's the one who asked and you answer her!"

"You started it!"

"M-Mrs. Kuro?" She stopped herself from slapping Mirio on the head once again and smiled at her. 

"Yes Eri?"

"I-I took this from you... I'm really sorry..." Kuroka stopped her from pulling the visor off her own head.

"It's fine Eri, my friends made me a new one see?" She pointed at her face again, patting the girls head. "I told you a visor was to protect you right? You can keep it to be sure no one dare to ever hurt you."

"B-but it must be important to you."

"It sure is which is why I entrust it to you." She grinned. "When you can smile then you can give it back to me if you want alright? Until then keep it safe, can you do that?"


"You know what? What if I take a slice?" She pointed at the plate. "As an exchange, you get to keep the visor and I get to taste why you love apples so much... Can I?"


"Thank you." She grabbed one slice and popped it in her mouth. "Hmm... Sweet, you made an excellent choice!"


"Really." She pat her head. "Well Mr. Deku and I must head back to school soon but Mr. Lemillion will stay with you so be nice, I hope to see you at the culture festival Eri!"

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