The Itsy Bitsy Spider

By scottystaco

2.1K 63 22

Takes place after Civil War and Homecoming. What happens if 2 "ghosts" and a former Stark employee takes reve... More

Trailer & Release Date!
Chapter 1: Notes with Roses
Chapter 2: Misfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Feeling Hallow
Chapter 4: Mystery in the Darkness
Chapter 5: Death to the Future
Chapter 6: Past, Ghosts, Mysteries
Chapter 7: Blood in the Darkness
Chapter 8: Screams from the Mercy
Chapter 9: Getting the Band Back Together
Chapter 10: Chasing The Lead
Chapter 11: A Message Of Faith
Chapter 12: The Missing Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 13: The Parkers Hidden Bunker
Chapter 14: Secrets Kept Hidden
Chapter 15: Lets Go Find A Leprechaun
Chapter 16: Safe At Home
Chapter 17: Rules and Talks
Chapter 18: Dead at Dreams
Chapter 19: Questions of Studies and Trust
Chapter 20: Clinging to the Daytime
Chapter 21: Chaotic Elements
Chapter 22: Christmas Eve
Chapter 23: Jolly O' Presents
Chapter 24: Surprise
Chapter 25: What is Real and What is Fake
Chapter 26: Endless Nights
Chapter 27: First Day Back
Chapter 28: What Are Friends For
Chapter 29: Sherlock Holmes- Friends in Love
Chapter 30: Our Mystery Friend
Chapter 32: The Haunted Tower
Chapter 33: He's Back
Chapter 34: Protectiveness and Love
Chapter 35: Haunted By Them
Chapter 36: Freaky Week
Chapter 37: Illusions
Chapter 38: Fun Day Besides Almost Burning The Tower Down
Chapter 39: Family Is Always There For You
Chapter 40: Time Is Ticking
Chapter 41: Final Showdown
Chapter 42: Aftermath

Chapter 31: They Know

23 0 1
By scottystaco

Monday the seventeenth.

The AcaDec is going back to the plan that Abe had mentioned.

Following Peter after school.

They honestly don't want to do it cause the boy is paranoid enough but they really want to know if something is going on with Peter other than cooping with the trauma he definitely got along with Mj, Ned and Flash. 

Peter is set off for his walk, waving goodbye to his friends and Happy Hogan who is driving the kids home like usual.

They are a block down and Peter had already looked behind him once. They thought their footsteps were too loud but Peter doesn't seem to notice them just as they duck behind an alley.

Now it's block three and Peter had looked over his shoulder quite a few times. He makes a beeline where they follow him to Delmars Deli.

The team wonders why would he go there without his friends and especially his girlfriend whose father owns the deli. The team feels like Peter knows someone is following him. There is no way. He looked behind him like he knew.

They stand at the side of the shop, a few by the front and a few at the back incase he goes through the back. After a few minutes, Peter had actually gone through the back. Yep, he probably knows what's up. The team follows him anyways when he takes a phone call.

"H-hey Tony" Peter greets. "I ummm I think...I don't know." Another moments of a pause, probably Tony Stark talking. "No I think it's my...senses. It won't stop going off. I don't feel danger though. I just...I don't know." Another pause. "Just left Delmars, I'm walking with civilization." Pause. "No I don't think it's them. It's not telling me of danger...just I have no clue." Quick pause follows. "Stop calling it my Peter tingle Tonyyyy. I'm still mad at May for coming up with that." Pause. "Karen's all hooked up, yes. Well I was planning to go out...hey, maybe it's a malfunction? Can my senses do that?" Pause. "You saying my tingle is tingling sounds like I have to pee." Pause. "You don't need to pick me up. Maybe it's nothing. I mean I would've gotten attacked already if it were something." Pause. "No, I can't identify it or else I would have already." Pause. "Ima just keep walking around and until it stops, I won't be going home. I'll just try and change when I can. Bye Tony."

Peter hangs up the phone, continuing his walk. The AcaDec team looks at each other with a sigh. Guess they aren't gonna find out anything.


"Wait...Peter was talking about senses, tingling and most importantly, knowing that we weren't a danger to him" Betty brings up on their FaceTime call.

"Holy shit! You're right!" Cindy practically shouts.

"What does that mean though?" Charles questions.

"Can't Spider-Man do all those things? Look we have all these clues. The baby spider keychain, the bug squad sweatshirt, knowing if danger is around, going out alone, an AI. It all makes sense, don't you guys think?" Betty lists.

"But he isn't ripped. I saw him without his shirt one time" Abe comments.

"And when was that?" Betty asks.

"Sometime in middle school" Abe shrugs.

"Spider-Man started out when we were freshmen" Sally claims. "But do we really know if Peter is Spider-Man? He can't even do gym class or protect himself from bullies."

"Secret identity for a reason" Betty states.

"As much as SOME things would make sense, it also doesn't. I mean there is no way Spider-Man is our age" Sally argues.

"Fine but it is a good theory" Betty protests.

"It is kinda believable though" Abe nods only to get Charles and Cindy to nod as well.

"Fine, it kinda is!" Sally admits.

"Peter also stopped showing up to school the day after Spider-Man is kidnapped. Everyone kept pulling out the sick card and rumors but really, he was just fucking gone! Then they had the bright idea to say Peter got better and got kidnapped with Mj, Ned and Flash cause they knew they couldn't continue with the lie especially since they didn't know when they would find him!" Abe gasps, putting the pieces together.

"Fuck. Betty and I almost got robbed like how we told you and if Peter is Spider-Man than he got himself shot for us" Cindy goes wide eye.

"He fell in front of me on the sidewalk" Sally adds.

"He got a knife "graze" cause of me and Abe" Charles air quotes.

"Peter's a badass" Abe gapes.

"He also took down Tony's plane to stop the Vulture from taking the avengers things. Crashed it onto Coney Island and started that fire. He goes into burning buildings, robberies, gangs all the time! He even helped us when the elevator fell! Peters been under that damn suit for more than a year now!" Betty brings up.

"Should we confront him?" Sally wonders.

"Are you crazy? We can't unless we want our asses webbed up!" Charles shuts down.

"We won't let him know that we know. He'll be more panicked then he already is" Betty settles.

"I wanna go back to the idea where Peter is Tony Starks biological child now" Cindy winces.

"Those days are over. Now it's time to keep an eye on Peter when he's being Spider-Man. We can call ourselves the Peter Parker Protection Squad, PPPS for our new group chat name. No one let him know that we are on him or anything like that" Abe plans.

"PPPS it is. Oh and don't tell Mj, Ned or Flash though I think Mj will figure us out sooner or later if she hasn't already" Sally reminds them.

"God how did we not figure out sooner? We are so stupid" Cindy questions.

"I wonder what Flashs reaction was" Charles wonders.


It's Tuesday the eighteenth and Peter is bored. Him and Mj are sitting down in the library with the rest of their history class and it's just so boring.

"Mj, I'm bored" Peter complains to his girlfriend.

"Hey bored" Mj responds, not looking up from her sketch of Peter.

"I'm serious" Peter pouts.

"Not when you pout and complain like that you aren't" Mj retorts. "How's the two heaters?"

Peter splutters out random and incoherent words. Of course Mj knew he had the suit under his heating jacket and long sleeve shirt.

"It works" Peter finally gets out.

"We all know you have it under. You aren't being secretive with it" Mj claims.

"You got me" Peter sighs before his eyes go wide. "You know that dog Alanta I told you all about? Well, I helped another dog earlier and she got a bit jealous of the other dog. It was pretty funny. Ace was laughing his butt off while I kept telling Alanta I don't speak dog but I'm sorry."

Mj cracks a small smile.

"Alanta sure is something" Mj hums.

"Definitely is but too be fair, she just turned three on Sunday and loves people. She was really happy when I gave her that dog toy" Peter chuckles until he sees his screen light up making him groan in annoyance.

"Clint again?" Mj guesses.

"Yep. Ever since he went back to his family, he non stop texts me! I didn't think the dude will miss me so much. I mean I miss him too but he spam texts and sometimes I think I'm texting one of his kids which I probably have" Peter explains.

"Well one is a baby so I doubt him. It's either Lila or Cooper or both" Mj shrugs.

"Definitely both" Peter nods. "They're nice so I'm not complaining. They even send me funny videos of Clint before deleting the message off of his phone."

"They're probably just bored since I doubt they leave the house much with Hawkeye being their father even with it kept under the radar" Mj recalls.

"Probably. I think you'll like Lila. She isn't as dark as you but you guys have similar taste. You both love Nat, both like to read, love to bother people and uhhhh that's it unless you secretly take archery lessons that I don't know about" Peter jokes.

"Yes, I'm an expert in archery. I'm even better than the man child himself" Mj sarcastically agrees which makes Peter laugh.


"I have an awesome idea!" Peter practically shouts at lunch. "I'm going to prank the team on Friday."

"What are you gonna do?" Flash wonders.

"Can I help?" Ned asks.

"Sorry but you guys can't help. It's not really that kind of prank" Peter claims before telling them.

"That's awesome!" Ned gasps.

"She also has a replica of Annabelle and Chucky" Mj adds.

"Yea so it'll be a great prank" Peter nods fast.

"Did someone give you sugar or some drugs? You're like bouncing off your seat" Flash questions.

"No, I'm just super excited about Friday!" Peter smiles wide.


It's Wednesday the nineteenth after AcaDec practice when it happens.

Peter gets hurt on patrol.

The AcaDec team formed a protection squad for him for a reason but they have no clue on how to help him. They saw him go into an alleyway, blood gushing out so they just did what they thought of first. Run towards him to help.

"OH MY GOD!!" Sally yells making Spider-Man or Peter or whoever they should call him flinch hard only for him to wince.

He turns his head and faces the team. His mask eyes going wide. He's sitting down against the alley wall, blood pouring out of his stomach and through his hands.

"Are you ok Spider-Man? Stupid question actually" Betty stops herself.

"We need to take you to the avengers!" Charles practically demands.

"What happened?" Cindy can't help but wonder.

"I-I'm fine. I already called for help" Peter coughs out, making him wince more.

"Take my jacket. Put pressure on your wound with it. I have a sweatshirt on so it's fine" Betty assures.

Peter doesn't have time to answer before Betty gives it to him and making him put it on his wound.

"Th-thanks" Peter thanks.

"What happened?" Cindy repeats.

"Gonna end u-up on the news 'nyway. Al-alien tec, 'till out" Peter starts to slur.

"Spidey, stay awake. You said help is coming, right?" Abe recalls making Peter give a tiny nod. "You need to stay awake for them."

"I 'ear...'im" Peter whispers.

"Who? A bad guy?" Sally panics but Peter just shakes his head.

Before they know it, Iron Man is landing in the alleyway and kneeling down next to Peter.

"Underoos, I'm gonna have to lift you. It's gonna hurt like a bitch but you'll survive. Keep your eyes open for me will ya?" Tony informs.

Peter gives a tiny nod as Tony starts to lift him. Betty's now bloody jacket falls to the ground where she quickly grabs it and gives it back. 

"To keep applying pressure" Betty claims.

"Spidey isn't too sticky right now so it'll fall off. Keep it, it's a free souvenir. Thanks for helping him" Tony waves off before flying out with a barely conscious Peter.

"That was..." Sally trails off, not exactly knowing what to say.

"Terrifying" Cindy fills in.

"Bloody" Abe tries to joke.

"Eventful" Betty replies.

"Crazy" Charles nods.


Peter bursts up in bed, taking deep, painful breaths.

"Woah kid. Calm down. You're making your stitches pull" Tony informs.

"T-Tony?" Peter stutters.

"Ya, hey. More alien tech out there, huh? God why don't people understand the definition of get rid of" Tony mutters. "You ok?"

"Mhm just hurts a bit but I'm fine" Peter brushes it off.

"Got you pretty bad out there. Your teammates actually found you and helped you. One girl even gave you her jacket to apply pressure and now she has a souvenir" Tony cracks a smile.

"Oh god no! What if they recognized my voice?!" Peter panics.

"Relax, they would've figured out you were Spider-Man by now but they still haven't. You know for going to a smart school, students sure are dumb" Tony points out.

"Does anyone know I'm here?" Peter wonders.

"Just the avengers. I tried to call May to let her know but she's too busy with her shift" Tony shrugs.

"Please don't tell her. I don't want to make her worry even more. She already does. I know she's always asking Karen and you for updates" Peter claims.

"Fine but if she finds out you are dealing with the consequences, not me" Tony throws his hands up.

"Whatever" Peter rolls his eyes.


January is flying by fast. It's already Thursday the twentieth, the next day.

The entire AcaDec team has seen Peter wince every time pressure was added to his stomach. They really hope he's ok but they can't technically ask since he isn't supposed to know that they know.

It happens in the hallway just after the bell rings to signal the end of lunch. Everyone is following out when Peter gets his backpack pulled from behind. Mj, Ned and Flash quickly notice and tries to grab Peter before he's slammed into a random girl.

"Oh god! Sorry!" Peter shouts in panic, quickly getting up only to hold onto his stomach. He slammed into her pretty hard thanks to the guy who pushed him, Chris.

"What the fuck man?!" Flash calls him out.

"Don't touch him again or else I will grab a knife and shove it up your butthole" Mj threatens with an evil death stare.

"You'll have to go through us" Ned argues.

"And us" Cindy adds.

Everyone turns around besides Chris who was already facing them to see the rest of the AcaDec team.

"Hasn't anyone taught you to not go around and bully people?" Charles questions.

"Like I'm scared of you nerds" Chris scoffs.

"What are you kids still doing in here?! Get to class!" A lunch lady shouts as she comes from the back.


Chris didn't try anything while they were all walking to the same chemistry class. They weren't even late so all was good for the most part.

Until Mr. Harrington turned on a boring and long chemistry video. Peter and Ned were whispering frantically about something, Mj was sketching and everyone else were on their phones.



I can't help but keep thinking if Peter is alright or not

He heals pretty fast but it seems like his stomach still hurts

I mean ya it would he got blasted by who knows what alien tech

Charles Murphy

It prob just takes longer to heal cause it was a bigger injury

Sally Avril


Does anyone know that girl Peter got pushed on?

Cindy Moon

Her name is Kaylie

She was new at the beginning of the year

She's rlly nice but already in a group 

Abe Brown

She's pretty

Think Peter fell for her? 😉 


Abe gross

He's dating Mj

Abe Brown


It was a funny joke!





This video is boring


Mj is too busy sketching her bf👀

Not rlly hiding ur sketchbook too well r ya Mj?


Peters face went like a 🍅 as soon as he saw ur txt🤣


Wha no!

Lila found an embarrassing vid of me on Clint's phone

And then she sent it to me!


Who Lila and Clint?


Clint is Mays work friend

Lila is one of his kids


What vid?


Nope not saying


Does Lila go to this school




Can we meet her?

She seems nice


Can't promise that when I've never met her

I also never met her siblings either so :/


R u sure u aren't txting a scam or smth


Nope def real


Does Mj know?






Ofc she knows


This convo just turned to the sus corner





Ok well that confirms our suspicion from earlier

If Peter was cheating

He isn't


We already knew that!


Ya & we know the real reason why he acts strange & stuff


I still had my suspicions

U never know






It's Friday the 21st and Peter has been bouncing in his seat the entire AcaDec practice. Mj is currently quizzing Flash and Ned who are up on the stage while everyone else is sitting down to wait their turn.

"Why are you bouncing in your seat?" Cindy asks.

"Uhhhh no I'm not" Peter lies.

"Are you planning something for Mj? That's so cute" Sally guesses.

"No but I'm planning something for someone else" Peter corrects.

"And who is that somebody?" Abe questions.

"Well actually it's people, more than one. I'm just pranking a few people later tonight. Can't really give you specifics" Peter shrugs.

"Are you pranking Ned, Mj and Flash?" Betty wonders.

"No, I'm staying with a few of Mays friends tonight so I want to prank them. May has a night shift and she doesn't want to leave me home alone and they offered" Peter explains.

"Peter and Abe, you're up" Mj announces.


Next chapter is the prank so hope you like it!

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