
By Artemisia738

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She got alerted hearing the same footsteps approaching her. Crawling backwards she shook her head vigorously... More

Chapter 1- Abducted
Chapter 3- Why?
Chapter 4- Handwriting
Chapter 5- Escape
Chapter- 8

Chapter 2-Ruined

6.2K 262 45
By Artemisia738

It's the third time Rubab's mother fainted just imagining her only daughter's situation. Rubab's cousins and aunts were trying to calm her down but nothing was working. A doctor was called as well but it also went in vain.

Rubab's father was talking to the police with teary eyes while her brothers were searching for her in the whole city like crazy people. Her brothers started blaming themselves for not being able to keep their sister safe. 

Walid was way too stunned to react. He was trying to not think of anything worse for Rubab but nothing was working. He doesn't want to think anything bad but his heart was saying something else. It was scared. 

All the musis and giggles of Mirza have stopped after the news of Rubab's abduction. Ayesha told Rubab's family members what happened to them and after hearing her they felt like the earth around them had stopped spinning. 

" Sir, It seems like they kidnapped her for the jewellery," A police officer told Selim whose eyes were red and his face was pale. It's not needed to describe how a father was feeling when his only daughter is missing.

Selim answered bursting into tears" Amir, I just want my daughter back. I don't care about the jewellery. I don't care about anything. I just want my daughter."

" Don't worry, Sir. I promise you that in the next 24 hours I will find out your daughter," Inspector Amir promised and then left Rubab's house.

While Rubab's family was losing their sanity and crying their eyes out for Rubab, her abductor was enjoying his coffee standing on the balcony of his huge villa. He wasn't just enjoying. He was waiting. For Rubab. His prey.

He was observing the only rose in the garden. His thick fingers caressed his beard like he was thinking about something deeply. He scowled with sudden irritation. 

" Rubab means Rose," he sounded disgusted. 

He took out his gun. It didn't took seconds for him to shoot down that rose. Two birds flew away from the tree by the sudden terrifying sound.

He was enjoying himself when he felt someone's footsteps approaching him. He didn't bother to turn behind like he knew who it was.

" Did she struggle too much, Jumman?" His intense intimidating voice echoed through the whole area.

Jumman answered chuckling," It was an easy task to do, Sir. She got inside the car willingly thinking that her brother send it for her."

" A foolish woman," Jumman babbled but the man heard him.

He mocked taking a long sip," She can be anything but not a foolish woman."

Jumman didn't understand the meaning behind his boss's words. So, he kept looking at him with curious eyes. He doesn't know why his boss is after this particular girl. He has been serving his boss for a long time. Approximately, ten years or more. He never saw his boss taking interests on girls. Sometimes he even doubt that his boss must be a virgin till now. So, it was a bit weird for him.

" Where is she now?" The man asked Jumman.

Jumman answered," Rahella bi took her to one of the guest rooms."

The man nodded his head. He forwarded his legs to meet his prey. His lips curled upwards forming a devilish smile. 

" She looks innocent," the man found Rahella bi standing in front the guest room. She seemed worried to him. His eyes didn't miss the confused expression on her wrinkled face.

Leaning close to Rahella bi he questioned back," Are you sure?"

" Looks can be deceiving," he smiled but the envy and disgust in his voice didn't go unnoticed by Rahella bi.

Rubab woke up a few moments ago. After waking up, she felt her hands handcuffed and her legs bound with ropes. Since her eyes were blindfolded she couldn't see where she was. But, feeling the soft mattress under her she was sure that she was laying on a comfy bed. Feeling the chilly air touching her skin she understood that it was an air-conditioned room. She was sweating profusely even in this atmosphere just wondering who abducted her. What's going to happen to her?

Muffling sounds were echoing through the whole room because her mouth was taped. She crawled on the bed helplessly to run away from this place.

Her brows moved nervously when a cracked sound reached her ears. An intruder just entered the room. Rubab jumped slightly out of fear of hearing the thud sound of the door closing. She crawled backwards hearing footsteps approaching her.

Rubab's heart almost exploded when she felt someone taking a sit beside her. It was a man. A man with a strong masculine fragrance. His hot breathing fanned her side neck making her realise how close he was to her. She sucked on oxygen hungrily when the man removed the tape from her mouth.

" If you want my jewellery then please take them away. I won't utter a single word. Just let me go," she said trembling with fear but nobody responded.

Rubab pleaded shaking with fear, "Please, let me go."

" I won't even go to the police. I promise," She said but still there was no response from the man.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh," the man pressed one of his cold fingers on her lips stopping her movements instantly.

She moved away her face in another direction feeling the man rubbing her lips. She was just taking Almighty's name to save her from this psycho. His fingers were rough and his touch felt like insects crawling on her skin.

" Please, take them away. I will tell my father to send you more jewellery but don't touch me," Rubab requested feeling the man removing her jewellery.

" No," she whimpered. The man just took away her dupatta(stole).

The next moment her blouse was gone. An inaudible plea left her mouth.

Rubab struggled in that man's mouth letting the tears flow. He was sucking and nibbling her lips like they were some kind of sweets to devour. His tongue invaded every corner of her mouth tasting her saliva. He felt her mouth sweeter than any other sweets.

" No......No......don't.....tou.........." Rubab's words were left unfinished when the man cupped one of her soft mounds.

Pressing her lips tightly she controlled herself from screaming like a mad woman. What's the point of screaming? She could sense the upcoming incident already.

He fondled her boobs like they were some kind of squashy balls. Taking her nipples inside his mouth he sucked them. His tongue rolled all over her creamy neck while she was just laying like a dead body. Hearing the man moaning she felt like vomiting.

" Don't ruin me like that. What I have done to you?" she questioned helplessly. The man ignored her questions. He concentrated on opening the ropes from her legs.

A few whimpers left her mouth feeling the man tugging her skirt away. She was now completely bare in front of him. Adding to her horror she heard the sound of a zipper opening. She cried out while his skin brushed against her skin indicating he was naked and hovering over her. Spreading her legs he took the amazing feeling of her smooth skin. Her inner thighs were soft like some kind of cotton.

" No," an inaudible whisper left her mouth understanding that he just wrapped her legs around his torso.

A painful scream left her mouth and after that, everything was ruined for Rubab. She was supposed to be with her husband enjoying the best night of her life but Alas!! She was laying under a stranger who was devouring her like a hyena. She cried silently with every thrust of him. She heard him moaning but he never let out any words.

His hands travelled all over her body feeling every single mole of her skin, measuring every up and down of her body. His rough hands and callous fingers felt like knives in her skin.

Rubab wasn't feeling her lower region anymore. His manhood was huge. With his every thrust, she was feeling like dying. Her mind went completely blank by the time he finished. She was sickened to the core feeling his warm liquid inside her.

Her virtue, her innocence, her dignity everything was robbed by a stranger whom she hasn't even seen or even heard. The pain she was feeling inside her chest was thousands of times stronger than the pain in her body.

A few minutes later Rubab couldn't feel the man's presence inside the room just like she wasn't feeling the presence of her soul inside her. Is she dead? Is she still breathing? She doesn't know. She was numb.

Coming out the room he found Rahella bi standing with some clothes and food. He buttoned his shirt looking at Rahella bi's emotionless eyes.

" Rahelia bi, Clean her up and feed her. I am not done with her yet," he left after ordering. 

Note- A sad chapter indeed. 😔

What do you think why this man is after Rubab? Any guess? 🤔

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And yes, It’s a free book.

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