The Itsy Bitsy Spider

By scottystaco

2.1K 63 22

Takes place after Civil War and Homecoming. What happens if 2 "ghosts" and a former Stark employee takes reve... More

Trailer & Release Date!
Chapter 1: Notes with Roses
Chapter 2: Misfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Feeling Hallow
Chapter 4: Mystery in the Darkness
Chapter 5: Death to the Future
Chapter 6: Past, Ghosts, Mysteries
Chapter 7: Blood in the Darkness
Chapter 8: Screams from the Mercy
Chapter 9: Getting the Band Back Together
Chapter 10: Chasing The Lead
Chapter 11: A Message Of Faith
Chapter 12: The Missing Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 13: The Parkers Hidden Bunker
Chapter 14: Secrets Kept Hidden
Chapter 15: Lets Go Find A Leprechaun
Chapter 16: Safe At Home
Chapter 17: Rules and Talks
Chapter 18: Dead at Dreams
Chapter 19: Questions of Studies and Trust
Chapter 20: Clinging to the Daytime
Chapter 21: Chaotic Elements
Chapter 22: Christmas Eve
Chapter 23: Jolly O' Presents
Chapter 24: Surprise
Chapter 26: Endless Nights
Chapter 27: First Day Back
Chapter 28: What Are Friends For
Chapter 29: Sherlock Holmes- Friends in Love
Chapter 30: Our Mystery Friend
Chapter 31: They Know
Chapter 32: The Haunted Tower
Chapter 33: He's Back
Chapter 34: Protectiveness and Love
Chapter 35: Haunted By Them
Chapter 36: Freaky Week
Chapter 37: Illusions
Chapter 38: Fun Day Besides Almost Burning The Tower Down
Chapter 39: Family Is Always There For You
Chapter 40: Time Is Ticking
Chapter 41: Final Showdown
Chapter 42: Aftermath

Chapter 25: What is Real and What is Fake

29 1 2
By scottystaco

Peter couldn't sleep at all and what was even more annoying, was that Friday was trying to threaten him by waking up Tony or May which he didn't want her to do so he turned on the protocol where Friday isn't allowed access to his room or him in general.

He made sure to turn on the protocol in the morning and Friday wasn't happy but he hopes she could forgive him. It's Christmas after all.

Peter tiredly gets off his bed and checks his phone.

December 25th, Saturday.

He looks outside to see snow covering the grass. Somebody definitely already cleaned up the snow on the towers sidewalk and the streets because there are now uneven piles atop of the snow on the grass and as he looks to the other sidewalks, most of them are still covered in snow.

Clint and Scott had left last night on the quinjet with all of their presents to return back to their families and he hopes they had made it safely. The only reason why he knows that they returned is the quinjet being parked on the roof in its visible form.

As soon as Peter enters the comms, he sees the tv screen paused and Yelena facing him.

"You sneaky spider. Guys come look at the news!" Yelena calls for everyone to come look at the tv. Without saying anything, Yelena clicks play.

"Spider-Man had made his reappearance! He stopped by several children hospitals and orphanages to deliver them all presents for the holidays! Some kids had even told their parents how they saw Spider-Man swinging outside their homes to wave at them! Police had also been called to scenes only to see a gang webbed up. This is a Christmas miracle" the news reporter explains the nights events.

The news switches to a different topic which makes Yelena turn the tv off as they are all now facing Peter.

"I'm so proud of you honey! That was so nice of you" May hugs her nephew. "Don't tell me where you got the money or else I'm changing my mind about being happy and Merry Christmas."

"Got it, Merry Christmas"Peter nods, hugging her back before they separate.

"Is that why you look so tired?" Steve wonders.

"Oh uhhh yeah, it is" Peter slightly lies.

"I made breakfast" Pepper announces, saving Peter from more questions.

"You ready to go back to school?" Sam teases as they are all now eating breakfast at the table.

"Why did you have to bring that up?" Peter pouts.

"Because I wanted to see your reaction" Sam smirks.

"It's Christmas man, come on" Peter whines.

"Are you though? Cause we can always push back the day" Tony makes sure.

"I'm ready, plus we are almost done with our homework. Tomorrow is like our last day of it I'm pretty sure" Peter claims.

"Oh while we are talking about this, Peter we are going back to the apartment on the second since school is on the third. Mj, Ned and Flash will be having a sleepover and Happy will be driving you all to school and picking you guys up after AcaDec practice" May explains.

"Wait, there's a AcaDec practice?" Peter questions.

"When was the last time you checked your emails?" May wonders.

"Uhhh well I have classes with Mj, Ned and Flash either when we are all together or if I'm with one of them. Point is, they check their emails since we have the same work" Peter shrugs.

"What if a teacher privately emailed you?" Vision asks.

"Well I didn't think about that but I also don't feel like going through all those emails now" Peter responds.

"That's why you check them" Nat states.

"Fine I will from now on" Peter assures.

"You better" Yelena says, sticking a piece of bacon in her mouth.

"Anyways, how's Alpine and Satan?" Peter switches the topic.

"He's doing good" Nat assures.

"Same with Alpine" Bucky agrees.

"That spider still better be in his cage" Tony warns.

"Oh he's been roaming around your room, don't worry" Nat winks.

"It's Christmas, are we seriously gonna argue?" Rhodey questions.

"Seems so" Happy answers.


"So, are you really sure you want to go out as Spider-Man already?" May brings up once her and Peter are alone.

"Honestly I'm not sure but I do really miss it. He's like a piece of me and last was good, you know? I gave some kids presents, waved to some who are trying to see Santa, stopped a gang, helped some homeless people, helped drunk people and even helped a woman get home safely. She's a single parent like you, has a daughter. I wasn't done with all of the bags with gifts so I gave her one to give to her daughter. She kept trying to deny it but in the end, she finally took it. I like helping people" Peter shrugs lamely at the end.

"Well I can't tell you what I think but I'll agree with whatever you choose. Whether you go back tonight or wait, I'll support it" May assures.

"Thanks May. Oh! I totally forgot to stop outside of Delmars!" Peter remembers.

"Mj told you?" May wonders.

"No, I found out on Twitter and asked her about it and then she told me" Peter corrects.

"I'm ready for the snowball fight! How is everyone taking a long time?" Yelena announces her presence.


Today was fun.

It was a good day to get Peters mind off of everything, then again it's Christmas. That's the holidays job.

Everyone is spread out on the two couches and the two comfortable chairs, watching more Christmas movies.

Peter is sat in between May and Tony and asleep. Tony was the first one to notice since Peter was leaning on him and touched May to let her see that her nephew fell asleep. By only doing those two slow movements, Steve noticed and pointed to the two assassin sisters sleeping beside each other. No one takes a photo though, already knowing Friday is sending the photos to their camera rolls.

And it was the first night where Peter didn't get a single nightmare.


"How are you kids holding up and I want honest answers" Pepper asks Mj, Ned and Flash once they enter her office where she was working on Sunday the 26th.

SALT beeped at them in greeting which they easily retuned before answering Peppers question.

"Fine" Mj claims.

"Taking one for the team since the other two can't lie as nearly as good as you?" Pepper calls them out. "Come and sit down on the chairs. I just want to talk."

The three teens do what they're told and sits down on their own chair. 

"How's Peter doing?" Ned blurts out.

"He can definitely keep secrets when he wants too" Pepper sighs. "He didn't get any sleep when he went out as Spider-Man and he finally got no nightmares last night but we all thinks it's because we slept in the comms. We think that since we were all there, he felt safe and his mind let him slip away to no nightmares. He spaces out a lot, thinking of god knows what and still can't handle shouting which we do our best to avoid. We can just be glad he isn't taking after Tony and locking himself away. Now, how are you three doing?"

"Not as bad as Peter" Flash shrugs.

"Just the nightmares" Ned adds helpfully.

"You're hiding something" Mj points out.

"Same with you, aren't you?" Pepper snaps back.

"No we aren't. We just have nightmares. What's going on with Peter?" Mj wonders.

"He's still eating normal peoples diets. We're still trying to boost it up. He's getting better with it but that takes time. Now I think it's your turn to tell me everything" Pepper bargains.

"Actually, mine was just the nightmares" Mj shrugs.

"Same" Flash and Ned agrees.

"Good thing Nat taught me a few things because I know that's not it. You guys are scared Peter is going to disappear again or have to see him hurt like that again. We're taking all the precautions we can so that doesn't happen" Pepper assures.

The teens don't say anything, letting their eyes drop to the desk and nodding their heads. 

"We can always sign you up with therapy if you guys want to do it. There are former therapists who worked for Shield all around the city that would be happy to help" Pepper suggests.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you though" Mj denies.

"Yeah, I don't want therapy either" Flash shakes his head.

"Same, I'm fine" Ned claims.

"Alright, well the offer will always stand" Pepper lets them know.


"And we're done with homework!" Peter announces happily.

"Finally!" Ned smiles.

"God that took forever" Flash complains.

"Oh yeah, do you guys know what's happening with AcaDec practice when we get back?" Peter brings up.

"Actually, I'm not too sure. We don't have any competitions till the spring but I guess an early start with that isn't a big deal" Mj shrugs.

"Says the captain who makes sure everyone overworks" Ned recalls.

"If you wanna win nationals again, that's just what we are gonna have to do" Mj claims.

"Are you even going to be captain anymore?" Flash questions.

"Yeah, Mr. Harrington and I have been emailing. I'm almost done with the new flashcards" Mj nods.

"Ughhhh" the boys groan making Mj hit them with a pillow. "Hey!!!"

"Capsicle wanted me to inform you all that dinner is ready" Friday announces.


Peter's staring at his bowl half filled with the rest of his soup. Everyone is at the table except May who is working a shift and Happy who is taking his break later from his work with another security dude that is his sorta friend. Happy claims he doesn't like him.

He's mindlessly stirring his spoon in it when he hears something.

"Peterrrrrrrr" a voice calls him.

Peter looks up from his bowl and quickly looks around to only see everyone talking about whatever they are talking about.

"Boo" the voice startles Peter from behind, making him fall over in his chair.

"Pete, you ok?" Tony immediately asks.

Peter gets up from the floor and looks around to see that no one was behind him.

"Yeah...sorry" Peter apologizes.

"Was the soup really that bad?" Steve jokes.

"No, it's really good actually" Peter claims, picking his chair up from the floor.

But he can't help feel like someone else is in the room with them that shouldn't.

"Are you gonna sit back down?" Mj wonders.

"Come and catch me if you can!" the voice cackles over by the windows.

Peter whips his head to see...the goblin.

"How?" Peter whispers.

"Did you just ask how to sit on a chair?" Sam snickers.

"Sam, stop" Bucky cuts in.

"I'm behind youuuu" the goblin howls.

Peter turns around to see the goblin standing a few feet away, making Peter to slowly back up.

"Peter, what are you doing?" Pepper asks, getting worried like everyone else.

Peter backs up until he is forced to turn around when he feels the goblins breath on him. He swings his fist and hits the window, breaking the glass.

"PETER!!" Everyone practically yells, getting up from their seats.

Peter turns around to see them but what catches his eyes is the Green Goblin right in front of him.

"Oops" Norman chuckles, pushing Peter out of the window.

"KID!!" Tony is the first one to move and rushes over to the window.

He slides onto his stomach, somehow avoiding the glass and catches Peter by his arm as he's now dangling from the window.

"Mr-Mr. Stark?!" Peter panics, realizing he's dangling from the window.

"I got you kid" Tony assures, pulling Peter up and grabbing him once he's through the window.

"I...he was here! Tony h-he was here! We have to-" Peter tries to warn him.

Everyone slowly walks away to give Peter space, taking their bowls of soup with them. Peter is sitting on Tony as Tony has his legs crossed.

"Nobody is here that shouldn't be here. Friday would've informed us and if not, Jarvis would've since you got him all hooked up to that" Tony assures.

"But he was here Tony" Peter repeats.

"Remember when you thought the Vulture was with us in the lab or when you thought you were under that building again?" Tony recalls making Peter nod his head. "That's what this is. I promise you that no one is here with us that shouldn't be."

"B-but he pushed me out the window" Peter states.

"He didn't Pete, no one pushed you out. You began backing up again and slipped off" Tony explains.

Peter doesn't say anything for a few seconds. Instead, he keeps switching his gaze from Tony to the window until his eyes land there.

"Hey, look at me. Don't look at that. It's ok, someone will fix it within the hour. I bet you that Friday had already got someone or Pepper" Tony reassures.

"I'm sorry" Peter apologizes.

"It's ok Roo. Just take deep breathes" Tony instructs to which Peter does so.

"I'm not getting better am I?" Peter asks once he took a few deep breaths in and out.

"This takes time, you know that Pete" Tony reminds him while Peter nods his head.

"Do you wanna go down in the lab for a bit? We could work on your Spider-Man suit and you can also make more web fluid incase you wanna go out again" Tony suggests in which Peter nods his head again.


Peter's back in bed. 

It's only ten pm but he wanted some space and time to think.

"Don't let Becks illusions get to you Peter. They're fake. They aren't real. You can tell because even when he uses the people you love in them, there will always be flaws. It's either he doesn't get them perfectly, their voices are close to matching but really they aren't and your loved ones are all safe and won't be brought into this" Otto helpfully reminds Peter.

"Thanks Otto but it's hard sometimes. It just feels so real" Peter claims.

"And that's why you need to tell the difference between what is real and what is fake" Otto points out.

"Has he used them on you?" Peter asks.

"No but I know illusions. They are never perfect even when they seem so" Otto denies.

Peter takes a deep breath.

'Ok Peter think. What was fake about Norman?' Peter thinks. 'That wasn't actually his breath maybe? It could've been a breeze from a vent. He didn't have the crazed look in his eye...well he did but not exactly how the real one does. Norman also can't keep reappearing and disappearing out of thin air. There was no wrinkles when he smiled uhhhhh I don't know what else. Maybe that was it? Yeah...'

Peter looks around at his dimmed room. He can't sleep when it's pitch black but that's ok, that happened for a little while with the Vulture since the warehouse was really dark. Tony had told him this had happened to him too after Afghanistan. He didn't say much but it helped Peter a lot to know that he wasn't and still isn't alone.

Peter looks at his phone that had glowed with a notification. He takes his phone to see his friends texting in the group chat.



I'm bored




U guys r already annoying me


I'm also bored

& sorry abt earlier


Already forgiven


Ya dude like srsly ofc we already forgave u :D


Wasn't mad at u for it


Have u guys been feelin off?

Srry that was random




Nvm srry


Like somebody watching u off?




I thought that was only me


Def not only u


Sometimes Murph would scratch thin air & hiss

He's never done that

& his hair would stand up sometimes like he's ready to attack

Peter looks up from his phone and remembers what Otto had told him, "And that's why you need to tell the difference between what is real and what is fake". Peter looks back at his phone and starts to type again.


Yep def weird unless ur house is haunted


At least think realistically dude


I am!

If aliens wizards & other things r real than ghosts could be real!

It's like what I said when we first knew abt these notes!


We should first figure out if this is real or fake first

You'll be able to tell the difference

There is always a difference even if it's trauma playing tricks

I mean Fri hasn't said anything so who knows🤷🏻


How do yk that?


Umm well I figured it out

Yk since like earlier





So Otto may not be a villain?


Don't bs us Parker

He fucking did shit to u!


Doc Ock IS a villain bro!

He had us hostage!


Wtf did those villains tell you?!


Ik what he did

But I'm the one who spent more time with him

He told me things

He told me abt Becks illusions

He told me abt Normans son

He told me abt his octopus arms & how they controlled him

Norman helped fix that & then asked for a favor

More like demand

Or threaten actually

Not rlly sure but point is Otto didn't wanna do any of that!


I think u might be goin a lil insane dude

Otto is a bad guy not a good guy


No guys don't u remember when Otto stuck that needle in Peter?

In the cell remember?

He looked like he regretted it & then lied to Beck abt the effects.

Who else have u told




Did she believe u?


No offense but I think this is kinda nuts

It doesn't matter if he lied to Beck

Who knows what Otto was tryna do

Maybe he was telling the truth 

He was prob lying Peter I wouldn't believe him


Yes she believed me & wont tell anyone until I say it's fine

I told her I'm still figuring things out 

And I was kinda listeningtohisheartbeat so Ik he wasn't lyin


U could do that?!

So cool


Do u listen to mine?


No I don't invade ppls privacy like that!

I only did that cause I wasn't sure if I should trust him or not

My sixth sense was all outta whack so I couldn't rlly tell with that


I wanna believe u but I still don't trust Otto


That's ok I never expected u too



U don't think they r watching us do u?



I mean idk



Shit man!


R they gonna post my nudes?

I mean I change in my room but like they've been watching us!

Am I safe?


Ew keep that to urself



Ned u r fine!

Maybe it's just all of us being paranoid

They shouldn't be watching us

They would be plotting their next move

And if they were ur senses would be goin off


Ur right they haven't


I lied

They have

Or maybe they go off bc of my nightmares?

They r usually off when I wake up from them

Yk prob the bright lights and whatever


Makes sense👍🏻









Peter ur senses r still on high alert

This happened to u with the vulture


That was only for a couple days tho


U forgot I make good observations

U were jumpy very jumpy

Ur hands fidgeted more than usual

U kept playing with ur web shooters

May I go on?


Peter was barely ur friend at that time

U r just creepy


I'm with Flash on that🙋🏾


Awww MJ that's so cute!

Knew u had a soft spot

Dw I love u too :3


No I just make good observations like how I found out u r spidey

U and Ned r very loud

U disappeared every time he showed up

U were hurt in the same spots he was

U & Stark

U went to Germany & the avengers fought there

U had ur internship when Spidey was hangin with a tin can

And why was spidey in DC? cause Peter Parker was

It's not that hard ppl r just seein past it

Dumb idiots in a school full of smart ppl🙄



I have no words for that



I knew


Only bc he snuck into his window & didn't know u were there

Doesn't count




Ok so we r just goin through trauma & imagining this shit?


Seems so

Peter bites his lip, thinking. Could this all be in their trauma filled heads or is it something more...that he doesn't know but he will eventually.


Wattpad is weird. Like 3k words is long? I'm too used to reading ao3 guys sorry but I also don't want like 1k words for each chapter cause like that'll make even more chapters. Honestly you are getting more with 3k+ words cause we only post one every other day to keep a cliffhanger and so you guys don't catch up so fast for me to rush through more stories. Also even if I spilt up the chapters, it's still take the same amount of time to finish the story.

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