The Last Time (Vinnie Hacker)

By vinnieswifelol

8.6K 196 18

Sequel to The First Time. More

Characters, Warnings, Playlist


395 11 0
By vinnieswifelol

Vincent Hacker

"You've got to stop doing this man" I look up at Jett who is sitting on one of the chairs across from me, "You can not keep moping around hoping something will change"

"I'm not gonna stop looking for her" I admit to him, taking a sip from the beer i opened.

"And why are you so sure she's actually in this city"

"She's going to school here, where else would she be?" He rolled his eyes, "Plus i know my girl"

"Ex girl" Jett corrected, "You lost the right to call her your girl"

"Yeah whatever"

"Let's say you figure out where exactly she moved" I nodded for him to continue talking. "What are you going to do? Show up at her place? Send her mail? Stalk her?"

"Jett i love you like a brother man but if you don't shut up i'll use all my training skills on you" I threatened but he seemed unbothered

"Did you ever think what would happen if she just doesn't want to see you? If she slams the door on your face"

"I cant hear you" I took another drink of the beer, "Now let me fucking concentrate on this" I'm looking at houses and apartments that have been rented recently. I'm not going to show up at her door i just want to know where she's at.

"Is he still looking at the houses?" Jack asked Jett, walking away from the bathroom door, "You have to move on or something, stop being obsessive"

"Jack if you're not gonna help go in the living room" Jett scoffed and got up from the seat.

"Vinnie stop being an ass." He walked into the living room on his phone. "Oh well she finally posted" I stood up quickly and walked to him.

"Let me see" He moved his phone away.

"Her hair is red" He stated. Red?

"Damn Vinnie shes for sure done with you" Jack laughed.

"Okay i get i fucked up but you guys need to stop being fucking stupid and saying stuff like that." They've been making remarks at any little thing. "Let me see Angel" Jett brought the phone close to me and let me see the post.

She indeed has red hair.

It looks so good on her, makes me wanna call her to tell her but she ignores me. She probably blocked my number.

"She's so pretty" I complimented in a soft voice, "Her face looks slimmer" Her jaw line looks more prominent, her eyes look dark.

"I saw her in the back of her sisters tiktok but she got out of the frame fast" Jack spoke from behind me, "Her hair wasn't red yet"

My focus is on the caption of her post so i'm not even paying attention to what the guys are saying.

forever is for dreamers

"Is that a song?" I asked Jett, referring to the caption, he nodded. "How do you think she is?"

"Well she dyed her hair" Jett spoke in a duh tone, "I can't tell you how she is because she doesn't answer me either." All of my close friends have tried to reach out to her but none of them have gotten a response. "I don't blame her though, we're friends with you and you shattered her heart"

I rolled my eyes at his comment, "Jett i will seriously go get the boxing gloves"

"Vinnie you can not be bothered by stuff we say when it's literally all your fault. Who the fuck uses a vulnerable girl to get their ex back? Did you even get your ex back?"

"I don't want her back" I defended, "I want Angel and i was just stupid i tried getting out of that shit" Many times actually.

"You shouldn't have done it in the first place" Jack spoke, "Angel is a nice girl Vinnie she never deserved to go through this."

"I never said she deserved it"

"You didn't have to" Jett argued, "Your actions speak louder than your words."

"I don't think she deserved what i put her through, i never once thought that. I was selfish and i admit that but i tried getting out of that fucking deal. I have not wanted anyone else other than Angel since the second i met her in person"

"Yet you didn't get out of that deal? You kept it going for an additional ten months? Nearly a year Vinnie."

"I forgot about it." I spoke honestly. I did forget about the actual reason why i spoke to her to begin with. I caught feelings for the girl, nothing was on my mind other than her. My ex has not crossed my mind since i met Angel. "Jett you're still mad and i get it but i'm trying to get her back and you aren't helping"

"Of course i'm still mad" I sighed, "She's one of my best friends, one of the only people i trust with my whole life and you hurt her"

"Not intentionally"

"Then you should've confessed the second you caught feelings for her" I stayed quiet knowing he's right about everything.

Jett is losing a friend no a best friend because of my actions. I could've told her everything months ago but i didn't. I could've prevented everyone from going through this... Angel wouldn't be sad, I wouldn't be sad, Jett wouldn't be mad at me, Angel wouldn't be mad at everyone, I would've still had my girlfriend by my side, Reggie would've still had his best friend, my mom and dad would've still had the daughter they always dreamed of having, Avani wouldn't be sad without her two best friends, Amelie wouldn't be left to comfort her best friend on her own.

I am the problem in everything.

Everyone wouldn't be affected by this if i wasn't so stupid.

"I never meant for anyone to get hurt" I whispered

"And where did that get you? Look around you" I looked at Jack who wasn't saying anything, "You didn't want anyone to be hurt or affected but look at who is. Angel moved to be away from everything. She hasn't said a word to people who were considered her closest friends, she hasn't been active on any of the platforms that she has. The person you claim you never wanted to hurt is the person you hurt the most."


"You think i don't know this?" I snapped, "I know i hurt her, i was there when she was crying. She didn't even let me touch her, she yelled at me to let her go. She couldn't even look at me Jett, I was the one in that room with her. So of course i fucking know i hurt her. Don't tell me stuff when in reality you're the one who doesn't know everything that went on in that room."

Before Jett could open his mouth to say something Jack spoke loud and got our attention. "Okay you know what? I think we all just need a break. Um Vin you can stay here and keep looking at Zillow and Jett we'll go get some pizza or something."

"Yeah whatever" Jett walked to the front door and opened it.

"Any specific flavor?" Jack asked calmly

"Anything's fine" He nodded and followed Jett out the door.

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