Castle in the Forest

By MapleLeaf_Reads

253 34 5

Deliah was discarded and abandoned in the forest at two days old. However, she is saved by a cursed Alpha and... More

Prologue: In Which Deliah is Found
Chapter 1: Deliah Doesn't Want to Play Proper Hide and Seek
Chapter 2: In which Deliah has Dinner
Chapter 3: In which the Full Moon ritual Occurs.
Chapter 5: In which an Unwanted Visitor pays Deliah a visit.
Chapter 6: Deliah Finds the Forest Witch
Chapter 7: Heritage or Dark legacy
Chapter 8: Warning
Chapter 9: Meeting
Chapter 10: Meeting Part 2
Chapter Eleven: Aftermath
Chapter Twelve: Gone
Chapter 13: Funeral
Part two Chapter 13: The Saint of Wolves
Part 2 Chapter 14: Leave.
Part 2 Chapter 16: Reunion part 1
Chapter 18: In the Castle of the Wolfgod

Part 2 Chapter 17: Reunion part 2

7 1 0
By MapleLeaf_Reads

"The Wolf God?"



"It's going to be okay."

"No. It won't. He won't stop them. Or he might not stop with just them," Deliah said with a shutter. she snatched her hands away from granny. And shook her head wildly. "No, no, no."

"Listen. You are the only one who can make him. I just wish there was more time..." Granny said. 

"Please. surely there is another way..."

"He is part of the balance. I took it away. Everyone paid the price..."

"And everyone will pay again. There will be so much blood."

"Deliah, listen...I need you to accept one more gift," Granny said gripping Deliah's shoulders tightly. Somewhere off in the distance an angry cacaphony of howls errupted. "Accept it and I swear on my own grave that Wolf God will not repeat history."


"Time is running out," Granny said hastily her eyes taking on a wild and nervous gleam. Deliah felt like she was seven and frantic all over again. Nothing felt right and everthing felt like the wrong option. Deliah had a really bad feeling about Granny's gift. But she needed a way to make everything fine. She would give her own life to make everything right. And to get her brother back she would...have gladly died.

" I accept," Deliah said in a voice that sounded too calm to be her own. Granny snatched her hand and magic danced around them. It was still as beautiful as the first time she had witnessed the witch's magic. Not only beautiful but calming.  Granny's hand was warmer and lighter than normal. Before she could think about it any more the old woman spoke in a voice that sounded like many all at once. Her voice was ancient and primal. It was a voice that had known Eons of life.

"Deliah the Saint of wolves I bestow upon you the title of Forest Witch. I grant you my magic, wisdom and prowess. As of this day you will bow to no one. You are the Wolf God's equal in title and responsibility," Granny finished and Deliah gasped as the old woman was fading away as the howling continued. growing so close. Too close. "Go to him child and remember your power."  Those were the last word the great forest witch uttered. Then she dissolved into the magnificent power that gently thrummed through Deliah's veins.

She felt a different kind of calm rush over her. Her feet remained firm to the ground and steady as she put her hand to the crystal. The howling of the wolves seemed so trivial instead of scary. Something she could deal with later. Right now, she had something much more importnant to do.

"Come back," Deliah ordered to the crystal. It fractured into tiny pieces and crumpled away like ash in a dead fire. Left in its wake was the Wolf God. He stood with his head bowed. Long raven hair hiding his face. 

Deliah took a few steps forwards and touched her hand to his cheek. His skin was cold as a first snow and his thick lashes stirred but didn't open. Then a funny thought popped into her head. Should she kiss him? It was such a girlish thought that Deliah nearly leapt out of her own skin. How long had it been since she dared to think of those girly things? She inched closer to his face so that their noses were only inches away from each other. He had nice lips and a light dusting of freckles. Before she could make up her mind the wolf god's eyes snapped opened.

The wolf god's eyes were so dark that they seemed endless. His lips twitched into a smirk and before Deliah could even say anything they crashed against hers. Deliah gasped and that seemed to only deepen the kiss. She felt warmth spread throughout her body. Deliah gently ran her hands through his hair feathery hair. This only made him growl and pull her closer.

For one small moment everything felt like it was meant to be and Deliah was lost in the moment. Then she heard the angry howls of the wolves and everything else. She pulled away and the wolf god stared down out her curiously with those large fathomless eyes. His lips twitched into a smug smile. It reminded Deliah of a cat that was rather proud of its catch.


"Always," replied the Wolf god with another smirk and an all too familiar voice that made Deliah shiver. 

"We need to go bef--"

Wolves flooded the small room and surrounded them. The Wolf god carefully tucked Deliah into his side and obscured her view from the wolves. He started to growl and it shook the ceiling.

I see that pathetic human has doomed us all. Snarled Alpha Twelve. 

His voice made Deliah shrink further into the Wolf god. Whatever magic she had felt was long gone. Maybe the gift granny had given was only a one time thing. Because there was no way someone like her would ever be given that kind of power. The power of the forest witch. Surely it was just a dream, maybe all of this was a dream?

Learn some manners, barked the wolf god. His grip around Deliah's shoudlers tightened. 

I have no manners for a disgraced god.

The Wolf God laughed and it was truly terrifying. It echoed off the dirt walls and shook dirt loose from the ceiling. But what made it worse was how it sounded so light and dismissive. Alpha Twelve cocked his head to the side and arched an eyebrow. He wasn't in his wolf form anymore. He stood as an imposing man over six foot tall with his arms crossed. Deliah stared at him and felt her knees become wobbly with fear. She clung to the Wolf God's shirt for support. Then she felt that searing burning anger. She pressed her forehead to the Wolf God's side. 

Colton. Colton. Colton. Colton. He was here. And so angry. Then Deliah caught the angry steeled glint of his eyes. Though she saw him for the first time as a man and not a wolf. Deliah had never seen Colton in any other form aside from his wolf. He was very slim but, had a muscular build. He was wearing leather armor and his unruly black fell to his shoulders. A wicked snarl was etched into his young face. He looked menacing and feral. So unlike how he had been as a boy. It nearly broke Deliah's heart in two.

Without thinking Deliah untucked herself from the Wolf God who, now only seemed to remember she was here beside him. He watched with quizzical curiousity as she took such haggard and uneven steps towards the man on Alpha twelves right. Just what did she hope to do? Still the Wolf God and the other wolves seemingly caught in a mild trance watched her. Momentary anger forgotten. 

"Colton," Deliah whispered as she stood in front of him again. She could feel his anger even now. More potent and vicious than ever. Deliah looked into his angry eyes and gently placed a cool hand against his cheek. She had to reach on her tiptoes and the gift Granny gave her was reaching its limits because everything felt like it was being leeched out of her. Oh how the world seemed to sway on a whim. She hadn't seen him as a human in so long and she often wondered what he looked like. But it was clear he looked like a younger version of Papa. In that moment she felt a single tear trickle down her face. For that brief second her brother's eyes seemed to lighten just a fraction and that burning anger she always felt when near him vanished. She felt his despair it was bitter and then she felt something else--hope. It was there like a ray of sun dancing between clouds. So small and ghostly, but there. Deliah was about to say something more or maybe Colton was but then it was back like a wet blanket. His anger came back and he shoved Deliah away from him.

 She skittered backwards; her shoulders crumpled inwards like paper. The Wolfgod gently tugged her to his side. His brows knit together in confusion as he looked from the boy to Deliah. Though his large hand wrapped her in warmth.   

"You're no sister of mine," Colton said with a malicious snarl."The one I have... I saved."

"No. No. No. NO! NO!" Deliah screeched at the top of her lungs. Only then did she see the bloodied slumped over form of Winnie. She was bound head to toe in rope. Her hair was a rumpled bloodied mess. Several thick slashes leeked blood onto her bonds. Colton moved further aside so that Deliah could see Winnie. She felt his cruel pride and delight as he gestured to Winnie.

"I won't lose her again. I'll keep her safe..this time. I will kill you and the accursed god," Colton said as he lunged forward. The glint of a silver dagger caught Deliah's eyes. Before she could screech, she heard a miserable crack.  

The Wolf God threw a crumpled silver dagger down to the ground. There was a faint sizzling sound like someone's flesh was burning. The Wolf God's left hand an angry red welt. His right hand crushed Colton's forearm into two pieces. It lay saggy and mangled only held together by Colton's skin. Deliah's brother looked unfazed and angry. Always so angry. 

"I...had thought of peace. But, it appears you wolves never changed. You all wreck of blood. So much blood," said the Wolf God a cruel smile forming on his lips. "Perhaps I shall finish what I started." He shoved Colton into the other wolves and scooped Deliah into his arms. He looked vicious and feral. He was exactly how Deliah had imagined a Fallen God to look. "After all I only need this woman to live. Perhaps it is time I leveled this forest and everything in it once and for all." 

Deliah's heart felt like it was already breaking but, what the Wolf God had said blew it to smitherines. He was Granny's last hope? He was this Forest's last hope. 

Alpha Twelve laughed. 

"Please. She may have brought you back, but that was merely because of Forest Witch. She would be nothing without the Forest Witch or the Saint of Wolves titles. They make her nearly impossible to kill. Though, we will find a way", Alpha Twelve said with a cruel smile that made him look more feral and less human.

"I see. Such power," marveled the Wolf God looking upon Deliah with such admiration. "you truly are my match."

Deliah cocked her head to the side. Match? Match? Match? He couldn't mean...did that mean Mama's story was true?

"Die," Alpha twelve snarled. 

"Another time," said the Wolf God. His magnetic stare glaring at the men. He snapped his fingers and they began to wreath on the ground in pure agony . Their bodies convulsing violenting between wolf and man and back to wolf. Repeatedly.

Before Deliah could say another word the Wolf God bolted for the door. Deliah could only watch as the world blurred around her. In angry shades of grey and black and then autumn browns and oranges. 



It's been a while! Hope you have been doing well. If you are still reading this book even after the slow updates, I appreciate it. It's because of readers like you that I still try to find the energy to write and keep up with this book. 

See you next chapter!


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