The Masters Brothers - Driven...

By TheClosetLibrarian

65.6K 4K 115

Blake and Simon Masters, all they wanted to do was focus on racing, the rest of the family could play spies b... More

1. Beatrice - Then
2. Blake - Then
3. Simon - Then
4. Beatrice - Between
5. Beatrice - Now
6. Simon - Now
7. Blake - Now
8. August
9. Beatrice
10. Blake
11. Beatrice
13. Blake
14. Beatrice
15. Beatrice
16. Blake
17. Simon
18. Beatrice
19. Epilogue - 6 Months Later
Feedback and Other Books

12. Simon

3K 189 3
By TheClosetLibrarian

Blakes grin threw me, what was he happy about he had just spun off during his last qualifying lap. "Blake!" I shouted across the garage and I see him watching me approach. "You good? Why are you smiling?"

"I just spoke to Bea" He tells me, as David laughs, reaching out to take my helmet and gloves, before leaving me with my brother, as Blake explains what had happened and how we now had contact.

"How did she sound?" I was glad he has spoken to her but jealous he had heard her voice.

"Worried but good, so good to hear her voice and she has said we can call her later" he explains and I have to check.

"Both of Us?"

"Yes, both of us, but I did promise no more crashes, so for gods sake don't crash" he laughs pulling me into a hug. I can hear the noises all around us and can hear David deflecting whoever was approaching behind us, and I'm glad, I need the time to accept we are another step closer to her, or will be when we talk later.

The thought of Bea kept me distracted for the rest of the day and I was glad qualifying was done, team meetings and press, I could get though these with my feet firmly on the ground.

Dinner with the team was the usual pre-race time, focus on tomorrows race, but that's not where my or Blakes mid was, eventually people gave us our space and it was a relief when it was over.

"That's it, you're clear for the rest of the evening" David finally told us and it was a relief to wave him away and retire to our suite.

"You ready for this?" Blake asked me as we sat down, his phone on the table between us and I nodded, unable to speak, my gaze locked on the phone, now ringing, speaker on...

"Bea Bea" I whispered out as the line connected to silence.

"Hey" I her her mumble an emotional wobble in her voice.

"How are you?"

"I miss you both, and, and I'm sorry" we can hear her crying and I just want to reach for her, comfort her.

"Baby, its not your fault, you have nothing to say sorry for, we do!" Blakes voice rises over mine as we both rush to apologise.

"Bea, baby please stop crying, its killing me to hear you like this and not be able to hold you" I soothe.  "Are you okay Bea, honestly?" 

We could hear her snuffling and in my mind I could picture her rubbing her face with her sleeve, curled in on herself and it was our fault.

"I was so hurt by the picture of you both with those girls, it hit me hard, just how much I had been lying to myself, I had been so scared to do anything about my feelings because I couldn't bear to lose you as friends if you didn't feel the same way and if I lost you, I lost your family and I couldn't risk it. But that picture was the tipping point for me, I knew if I spoke to you, I would stay and hide and it had started tearing me apart from the inside. I didn't know what I was going to do but I had to get away, Mama August phoned and helped me, she knew, she guessed and she helped me" again tears stopped me.

"Oh baby" Blake whispered emotionally.  "You did the right thing baby, we too had been worried about wanting more from you, the risk if you had turned us down and so we ignored it to keep the status quo" he pauses and the silence stretches between us all before he continues. "We were so busy trying to keep everything safe that we didn't protect or support you... Mum says you finished your book and not your first, we didn't ask you and you..." he trails off.

"I didn't tell you, I wanted to but again I let fear win, fear that my writing would take over, keep me away from you. I didn't feel I was good enough, the only support I have ever got is from you and your family and you are biased" she tries to explain.

"We are all fools" Blake blurts out and we all laugh agreeing.

"So, we agreed six weeks before we came chasing after you, what have you been doing?" I redirect the conversation.  She tells us about the publishing company Mom has introduced her to and who wanted to publish all three books and commission more in the future. She tells us about her mothers wedding and the horrible man she had been paired up with and her early escape back to the house which is how she saw the images.

"No wonder you were upset, us on top of your mothers pressure would have sent anyone running"

"What about you?" we hear the guild in her question.

We told her about the replacement PA David and she had laughed telling them she had met him before and she was glad Logan sent him to them, he would do a fantastic job.

"He's not you" Blake had muttered out.

We told her about the season so far and the last couple of races which would decide which of them would be crowned champion, the team was also sure win and she was excited for them, telling us we deserved it and we had worked hard to get there.

"Just please don't crash" she says voicing her fear and we had both agreed to be careful.

"We promise we will come for you when this six week period ends, nothing is going to stop that" Blake promises and she laughs softly at the emotions rushing forth.

"Is it too soon to say I love you" she whispers out nervously.

"Never, we love you too baby, and will tell you that every day until you are back at our side then we will show you" I promise, Blake agreeing with me.

"Now go to bed baby and watch us win tomorrows race for you. I love you" Blake says.

"Love you baby Bea, dream of us" I add.

"I love you, good luck and I will be watching" she promises and ring off, knowing that we wouldn't cut the connection before her.

Drake pours us a drink, passing mine to me before sitting back down and raising his glass to me "To Bea" he toasts.

"To Bea" I agree "And to winning the race for her, to finishing this season, so we can get her back where she belongs, at our sides" I add and he grins as we clink the glasses together.


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