Making Memories Together - An...

بواسطة Dj_Daniel15

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As the Kalos gang continue to travel around the region, one little change of mind would trigger several emoti... المزيد

Chapter 1: An unforgettable memory
Chapter 2: Another way of training
Chapter 3: Race for the title!
Chapter 4: May I have this dance?
Chapter 5: Questioning Ourselves
Chapter 6: A disappointing result
Chapter 7: Small "talk"
Chapter 8: The rematch
Chapter 9: The start of the rest of our lives!
Chapter 11: Start of the league!
Chapter 12: Getting harder
Chapter 13: The ultimate rivalry
Chapter 14: Romantic getaway
Chapter 15: The final battle!
Chapter 16: Never giving up till it's over!
Chapter 17: I... did it?
Chapter 18: Back to her hometown
Chapter 19: Home, sweet Kanto home
Chapter 20: The next chapter of our lives!
Chapter 21: Our biggest milestone
Thank you all so much!

Chapter 10: Revelations

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بواسطة Dj_Daniel15

Yay, here it is! This will be a filler chapter to link the previous confession chapter and the upcoming Kalos League chapters. So without further ado, here is chapter 10 of "Making Memories Together"! Enjoy!

The next morning, Ash and Serena woke up earlier than usual in their respective rooms. Mainly, they wanted to make sure that the best night of their lives was not just a dream. Secondly, they also wanted to figure out how they were going to tell everyone about their relationship. They didn't want to hide anything from their closest friends, and they certainly didn't want to restrict their alone time together to every night. The best they could do, is to tell the Lumiose siblings that they were together, even if that meant more teasing from Bonnie. Pikachu had noticed Ash waking up earlier and leaving the room, and had become more concerned about his trainer than usual.

It all started off with Ash and Serena meeting up in Serena's room, and confirming that this was reality, and that they were an official couple. Once that was done, they were left to think of a way to announce it to the siblings, without making it too abrupt.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Ash asked Serena, with his hands scratching his head. Serena was still in deep thought, hands on her chin. Suddenly, she thought of an idea, and started smiling uncontrollably at Ash. Ash became increasingly worried about what plan Serena had come up with.

"Let's play around with them for a bit..." Serena said, then whispered the rest of the idea inside Ash's ear. As Serena went on, Ash's face became more and more red with embarrassment. "She really does love to play, doesn't she?" Ash thought.

"So, what do you think?" Serena stood back up, a faint blush on her cheeks. Ash sighed, as he knew this was something way out of character. But, he saw and wanted to continue to see that smile on Serena's face, and ultimately agreed to her plan.


Like usual, everyone sat at the dining room table in the pokemon centre, eating peacefully. Ash and Serena sat noticeably closer together, but surprisingly, no one noticed it. Their plan was to act unusually, and show their affection towards each other freely, to leave the siblings confused. Once the time feels right for both of them, they would then officially announce their relationship.

The moment they were about to eat, Serena gave a slight nod to Ash, signalling the start of their plan. Ash sighed embarrassingly, but continued on. It all started normal, with both of them eating their own food. Then, Ash took a spoonful of his food, and held it out in front of Serena.

"Here you go Sere, say 'Ah'" Ash said. Serena opened her mouth, and Ash spoonfed her. The Lumiose siblings watched the exchange, admittedly a bit confused. Serena, still with her mouth full, replied, "Thank you, Ashy~" Ash blushed at his new nickname given to him by Serena, but also tried to hold his laughter seeing the state Serena was in.

Bonnie exclaimed, "They've given each other nicknames. So cute!" Clemont, however, began to frown, "Yeah maybe, but I'm starting to get a bit uneasy..." Serena smirked, knowing everything was going according to plan.

Once breakfast was done, the group decided it was time to head out towards Lumiose City. They all thanked Nurse Joy for the accomodation, and continued their journey.


Throughout the whole walk that morning, Serena held onto Ash's arm, almost clinging on, and leaned on Ash's shoulder, sighing blissfully every now and then. Ash chuckled, and asked, "You seem to be enjoying this, aren't you?" "How can I not be? As long as I have you with me, everything is perfect." Serena replied, almost immediately.

After a while, Ash spoke up again, "I think you can stop holding on to me so tightly, you're making my hand numb." Serena loosened her grip on Ash's arm a little, but still kept clinging onto him. "I've been waiting for this for years now, I'm gonna enjoy every single moment with you. And this is just the first step." Serena said, with a little pout on her face. Ash just shrugged, and both teens shared a genuine laugh.

Behind them, Clemont and Bonnie had mixed feelings about Ash and Serena's recent interactions. Bonnie giggled now and then, she thought it was cute seeing the two show their affection to one another so much. Clemont, on the other hand, was getting more and more uneasy as time went on, and it constantly sent shivers down his spine. He whispered to Bonnie, "Don't you think that this is a bit, I don't know, weird? We've never seen them interact so close together before. It's making me a bit uncomfortable." Bonnie, still smiling, said, "I don't really mind. In fact, it's quite cute." Clemont sighed, and continued walking behind everyone else.

The Kalos gang continued walking along the same path for the next few hours, occasionally checking out the sights around them. They were about halfway to Lumiose City, when the sky started to get dark. Everyone agreed to camp out at that area for now, before continuing their walk. Dinner was served, and everyone ate peacefully. The same interactions happened between Ash and Serena, and the same comments were made by Bonnie. This caused Clemont to slump down on his chair, and be even more uncomfortable, until...

He finally snapped.

Clemont shot up from his chair, and vented everything out towards Ash and Serena, "Can you two tell us what the hell is going on?! You guys have been like this for the whole day, and yet I don't have a clue about anything! You guys better tell me what's happening between the two of you, or else I will just leave you guys here and now! I can't stand this anymore!"

Everyone else stopped what they were doing instantly. Ash and Serena stared at Clemont with their mouths slightly ajar. They didn't expect anyone to be greatly affected by this little joke, and now felt bad for doing so. Bonnie, on the other hand, was on the verge of tears after Clemont finished. Clemont noticed this, and immediately embraced his little sister, constantly apologising and reassuring her. Ash and Serena looked at each other, and Serena said, "I'm so sorry Clemont. This was only meant to be a little prank, but we both didn't know you would be this uneasy about it. We promise, we won't do it again."

Clemont looked over at Serena, and sighed, "Look, I'm sorry I overreacted. I just feel that we should be at least aware of something, so that I feel a bit more at ease." Upon hearing this, Ash and Serena nodded at each other. Now it was Ash's turn to speak, "Well, this was meant to be a pleasant surprise, and may still be, but now I still feel bad for what we did."

Both Ash and Serena held hands, the first time they've actually done this as a new couple. They then stood beside each other, and showed their hands for everyone to see. Ash scratched his head, and said, albeit a bit sarcastically, "Ta-da..." It took the siblings a while, before it finally clicked in their mind. Bonnie suddenly changed her mood, and ran towards Serena, congratulating her. Although he was happy that they finally made it official, he felt even more embarrassed that he basically ruined the surprise. Ash gave Clemont a smile, assuring him that it's fine.

Bonnie then separated from the hug, and smirked in Clemont's direction. "Now that Ash and Serena are together, that gives me more motivation to find a nice and beautiful wife for Clemont!" Clemont looked horrified at Bonnie's statement, and picked her up with the robotic claw.

"Bonnie, I told you not to do that a million times!" Clemont shouted exasperatedly.

"But you would need to find one soon. If someone like Ash can do it, then you should be able to get a girl too!" Bonnie replied. The two siblings then went into one of their many fights once again, while Ash and Serena stood on the side, sweat dropping.


Once the little fiasco was over, they all cleared the dishes and prepared for bed. Clemont walked up towards Ash and Serena, and said, "So, here's the thing. Bonnie has been having nightmares these past few days, and she wants me to sleep with her tonight, maybe even subsequent days."

Serena looked scared, "But... but I don't want to sleep alone..."

Just then, Bonnie came up and stood beside Clemont, saying, "Sorry Serena, but I want my big brother beside me these next few nights." A wide smirk grew on her face, and she continued, "Besides, since you don't want to sleep alone, you can sleep with someone else." This immediately caused Serena to blush a dark crimson red. Ash, as well, who had been quiet throughout the whole conversation, turned around to hide his deep blush that was slowly creeping down his neck.

Clemont, who never acknowledged the teasing, replied, "That seems like a good idea. Ash's tent can fit the both of you, and you guys are a couple after all. This will work out fine." Ash and Serena laughed awkwardly, both as nervous as ever inside them.

Everyone prepared themselves for bed and said their good nights to one another. In Ash's tent, Ash and Serena both got into a comfortable position before lying down. Serena laid down on her side, both hands on Ash's chest. Ash was on his back, one hand wrapped around Serena's waist. Both teens had light blushed on their faces. Although it felt very new and unfamiliar to both of them, they were both completely ecstatic about spending a night with each other.

Ash turned his head towards Serena, and said quietly, "This feels really nice, doesn't it? I'm glad we're together now." Serena sighed, and replied, "This feels perfe- no, this is perfect."

"I love you, Ash."

"I love you too, Serena."

With that, both of them entered a peaceful slumber, smiles plastered on their faces.


The next morning was a peaceful one. Clemont and Bonnie got up earlier than usual to make breakfast, while Ash and Serena were still sound asleep in their tent.

Clemont asked Bonnie, "Shouldn't we wake them up now?"

Bonnie sighed, "You're that hopeless, aren't you? Even Ash knows more than you... Let them rest in their tent for a while so they can have some alone time to themselves." Clemont was still very confused, but decided to let it be. "How does she know more than I do, and she's 9?!" Clemont thought.

Inside Ash's tent, one occupant was starting to wake up.

Serena opened her eyes, and began to scan her surroundings. She noticed the unfamiliar blue-coloured tent, and wondered what she was doing there. Then, her eyes fell on towards Ash, and her hand wrapped around his body. Her whole upper body flushed a dark red. She was about to scream, until she realised what had happened the previous night, and managed to calm down.

She stared at Ash's face as he slept, a bright smile on her face. She was very glad that both of them were in a relationship, something that she had been dreaming of ever since the summer camp. She removed her hand from Ash's waist to adjust her position, but that proved to be a mistake.

Ash started to stir, his eyes slowly opening. He turned his head towards Serena, and said to her, sleepily yet gently, "Good morning, Sere." Serena smiled and replied, "Good morning, Ashy. Had a good sleep?" "Yeah, I did, because you are here beside me." This, in turn, caused Serena to blush, and lightly jab him on the shoulder. Ash chuckled, and both of them stayed silent for a while.

Just then, Clemont shouted out from the outside, "Guys, get up! Breakfast is ready!" Bonnie then shouted afterwards, "Come on out, you guys had enough alone time for now!" Both Ash and Serena looked at each other and blushed. They then got up and made their way to the makeshift table. After a few more teases from Bonnie, the Kalos gang started to eat, making small talk occasionally.

Once they were finished, they packed everything up, and continued their walk towards Lumiose City.


Fast forward to a few hours later...

As the Kalos gang walked through the familiar streets of Kalos' main city, Ash got himself mentally prepared for the Kalos League. He couldn't help but think that this was his year, when he could finally achieve his dream. This time, he didn't just have his pokemon by his side, he also had someone that meant the world to him, cheering and supporting him in everything he did. He looked over beside him, and saw Serena scrolling through something on her tablet. Ash smiled, remembering the rollercoaster of emotions he experienced over the last week. He became more determined than ever to win, not just for himself, but for the both of them.

They reached the Kalos League stadium, and they were in awe of the massive structure. The hexagon-shaped stadium stood tall and proud not too far from the heart of the city. Ash got himself registered for the league, and they went to check out the inside of the stadium, where they were in awe once again. The intricate and detailed interior of the stadium was a sight to behold, and the group took a while to absorb it all in.

"Well Ash, are you ready?" Serena asked.

Ash raised his fist, and answered, "I'm more ready than ever, this year is my year! But first, before I forget, I have to make a quick call. Come on." He held Serena's hand, and led everyone to one of the videophones, and dialled the Ketchum household.


"Hello, anyone there?" The moment the call was answered, Mr Mime popped up on the screen. He saw Ash, and immediately called out, "Delia, it's Ash!"

Soon, Ash's mom could be visible and her face grew a smile as she saw her son. "Oh hello my dear, it's been quite a while! How has your journey been so far?"

"It's been great, mom! I'm going to compete in the Kalos League now."

"That's great! And who are the people behind you?" Delia asked. Ash mentally facepalmed that he forgot to introduce everyone. He stepped to the side and replied.

"Oh yeah, these are my companions who travelled with me throughout Kalos. Here is Clemont and his sister, Bonnie. Clemont is a gym leader here, and loves to invent things. In fact, some of his inventions have helped me with my training." He then motioned Serena to the screen, and continued, "This is Serena. She lives here in Kalos and is a Pokemon Performer." Delia smiled and nodded, then her face became one of shock, as if she realised something.

"Wait Serena, you look familiar... You're the girl in the straw hat whom Ash helped. This is pure coincidence!" Delia exclaimed. Serena was surprised she still remembered her after all these years, but nodded back in approval.

Suddenly, Delia's face became stern as she stared through the screen. Ash became increasingly concerned. "Uh mom, is anything wrong?"

"Ash, why are you holding Serena's hand?" Delia asked, with a hint of curiosity in her voice. Ash looked down, and only then he noticed that their hands were still intertwined. Both Ash and Serena blushed in embarrassment, and quickly separated their hands. Ash sighed. He didn't expect to inform their mothers of their relationship this quickly.

Ash turned his head towards Serena, and they both nodded. Seeing that they couldn't escape this, they had to tell the truth. They held hands once again, and Serena tightened her grip as reassurance. Ash took a deep breath, and answered, "Well, you see..., we are in a relationship now. Serena is my girlfriend." He blushed out of embarrassment. Delia stayed quiet for a considerable amount of time, and both teens took this sign as a bad one. Then, Delia smiled warmly, and said, "Well, this is certainly a surprise. I never knew my son would get a wonderful girlfriend this early."

Ash chuckled, and joked, "To be honest, I never knew I could either." Serena laughed lightly with a faint blush on her cheeks, and said, "Well, I'm glad you did. Kalos is the region of love, after all. Mrs Ketchum, I will put this out to you now. I love Ash."

Once Ash's blush had calmed down, Ash put his hand around Serena's shoulder and held her close, saying, "And I love Serena."

Behind them, Clemont and Bonnie smiled at the conversation happening. Clemont joined in and said, "You know, I've never seen two people more perfect for each other than them." Bonnie added, "They are so cute together!"

Delia smiled, "Look, I fully approve of the relationship. I'm so proud that both of you are together. Now, just do your best in the league!" Ash gave a thumbs up, and answered, "Yes mom, I will! Bye!"

Ash was about to end the call, when Delia said one final sentence, "Also, don't make me a grandmother just yet. I'm too young to be one." Ash and Serena froze on the spot, their whole upper body blushing a dark red. Serena was at a loss for words, but Ash could still function, albeit a little bit. "M- Mo- MOM!" Delia laughed at their reaction, and said goodbye before ending the call.


Once both teens finally calmed down, Ash let out all his pokemon, and raised his fist into the air. "Finally, we're here. Let's win this once and for all!" All the pokemon screamed their respective cries. Serena, Clemont and Bonnie giggled at Ash's enthusiasm, but were also rooting for him.

Ash peered through the door and stared at the battlefield. With a determined expression on his face, he muttered, "I will fulfill my promise, for us. I'm sure of it. Time to win this."

Hope you guys liked this chapter! As usual, this was really fun to write. I just really like writing these kinds of chill chapters. The next 4 or 5 chapters will be the Kalos League matches, so stay tuned for that!

Until then, see you in the next chapter! Peace ✌️ 

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