By Dorothy_Bell_

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When Megan Young agreed to spend the summer with her estranged father, she hadn't anticipated his right hand... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty- Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Thirty-Two

134 5 1
By Dorothy_Bell_

After Josiah effectively told Ryker and Kimi to stop packing on the PDAing, and Diego, Benji and Tammie finally joined the group, Dean relaxed more. Everyone seemed to be talking to everyone, including me. I learned that Tammie wrote music, and she'd met Benji when he'd been a bouncer at one of her gigs. And that Ryker had once had to stitch up his own leg when he'd gone hiking a few years back.

Mostly, I spent time just listening. It didn't escape my attention that Josiah and Dean had many hushed conversations. The two were very much alike I thought. Apart from Josiah being a very welcoming and warm present whilst one look from Dean could make you shiver. The pair seemed to enjoy sitting back and watching everything play out.

On the odd occasion that I was between conversations, Dean's fingers would entwine with mine. I'd look at him, hoping to see a smile or something, but he'd always just be talking to Josiah. However, his thumb would endlessly rub circles into my hand, letting me know he was there.

"Correction, you do miss. So stop lying." Kimi announced loudly.

"I would never lie to you Kimi. I respect you too much for that." Cory schmoozed.

"Bullshit, I've seen the scar on Ryker's back where your axe landed itself."

"I don't doubt that. It's quite a big scar, what I'm saying is, I don't miss." Cory leaned back, cockily resting his hands behind his head.

"You better have missed, because we can find ourselves another tech guy." Ryker's voice had a slight edge as he sat up straighter in his chair.

"God, Ryker, your words hurt me. After all we've been through." Placing his hand over his heart, Cory gave Ryker a fake hurt expression.

"Alright, alright listen up. There is only one way to solve this. Axe throwing competition." Josiah declaration was met with a positive response from everyone but Dean. He resembled someone who'd been told they'd have to play with the children rather than sit at the adults table.

"Suits me fine. We can finally put this topic to rest." Ryker stood up, cracking his fingers in front of him in preparation.

"I'll do it. On one condition. Everyone has to take part." Cory negotiated.

"Why? So you look less pathetic when the girls go out first." Kimi immediately stood up, Ryker instantly knew his mistake after taking one look at Kimi's face of outrage.

"Excuse me? Who the fuck says us girls can't throw an axe as well as you guys." Kimi poked Ryker in the chest. She fell a whole head shorter than him, but something told me the girl could deck Ryker if she wanted to.

"Babe come on. I love you, but you're not up to our standard." Ryker tried to reason unsuccessfully. He made an attempt to enclose Kimi's pointed finger, but she wasn't having any of it. Instead she pushed him forcefully away.

"Looks like we're all taking part then." Tammie said as she stood up, soon followed by everyone else.

Even I stood up, only to notice Dean stayed stretched out in his chair, staring at the glass in his hand as he swirled it around.

I tugged on his arms.

"Not me. I'll watch." Dean didn't move from his spot, but his words carried. Soon Diego and Josiah were leaning over him, Dean simply stared at them as if they bored him.

"What are you on about? Birthday Boy gets first throw." Diego said, kicking the side of Dean's foot.

"Don't be a bore on your own birthday. Megan tell him to take part."

With Josiah prompting I did as he asked. "Come on Dean." Dean only answered by giving me the bored look instead.

I really didn't understand this man, why didn't he want to take part in a bit of friendly competition with his friends? He looked unhappy, had I done something to annoy him? Has someone else done something to annoy him?

"Tough guy my ass, he's scared to throw a fucking axe." Benji muttered to himself but loud enough for everyone to hear.

To my surprise Dean began to laugh.

"The reason I'm good at what I do is because I don't let people goad me into action." He said, downing the last of the water in his cup.

"It'll be fun." I leaned towards Dean, enjoying how his eyes instantly went to my lips. "And you'll smash them all."

After a moment of thought Dean stood up, "You've got to play as well then."

"Yes, let's do this. Not crying ladies okay." Ryker playfully pushed past Kimi as he grabbed the axe laying by what looked like a freshly chopped pile of wood.

Josiah laid a stick on the floor and began to read off the rules, well rule. Don't step over the stick. He handed the axe to Dean who waited less than a second before throwing it. I half suspected he did it in hopes of going out early. If that was his plan, it didn't work. Instead the axe hits the target bang in the middle.

Josiah clapped Dean on the back who looked as though throwing an axe was a chore rather than a game.

Next up Tammie, barely landing it on the board.

"Hey, you're still in the game." Benji encouragingly said to Tammie, who just pushed the axe into his chest more forcefully than I was comfortable with. Benji on the other hand didn't mind.

Taking his sweet time, Benji swayed back and forth on his heels before finally releasing the axe, landing it straight into the bushes.

"That's one of your brave strong manly men down." Kimi bumped into Ryker who ignored his girlfriend's outright bragging. She then followed it up with a near perfect hit, with the axe touching just on the edge of the red circle. "Megan you're up."

The weight of the thing didn't surprise me, but the sudden pressure I felt did. I looked over to everyone, all watching my every movement. The need to prove myself not only to Dean's friends but the man himself, was definitely there.

How many times has Dean saved me now? This was my moment to show I had some skills. I could hit someone with an axe if I really needed to.

With the axe dangling in my hand, I wondered how I would even be able to lift the thing high enough let alone with enough power.

Two warm hands closed over mine, showing me exactly where to hold the axe. Dean's body pressed against me, I allowed myself to lean back into the solid wall of his chest. Our faces were inches apart, and throwing this axe was the last thing I wanted to do.

Abruptly Dean was pulled away.

"Wow, what are you doing? Step away from your girl. If she fails, she fails on her own." Dean growled at Ryker, who's hand still rested on his shoulder. Shrugging him off Dean turned to me, his annoyed expression softening.

"You got this."

Taking a deep breath, I pulled the axe above my head. Pulling it forward with all my might I watched disheartened as the axe fell halfway between myself and the target, on to the ground.

Everyone's silence told me all I needed to know. Turning humiliated , Dean stepped forward wrapping an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his body. Whilst Ryker gloated to Kimi, I felt bad, like I'd let the girls down in some way.

However, the rounds carried on and before I knew it Tammie joined the losing squad, much to Diego's enjoyment. Followed by Cory, a very ungracious loser. He kicked a chair over, proving his true manly ability.

Last to join was Diego who went out in the four round, Dean patted his back as he went to stand on the side-lines. I think everyone was impressed with how far the skinny guy had got, looking at him you'd wrongly believe he wouldn't be about to even lift the thing.

Left standing was Dean, Josiah, Ryker and Kimi. They went two more rounds with everyone hitting the target each time. Perhaps I was a bit biased but it seemed obviously out of them all, the only real competition was between Josiah and Dean. The pair hit the target dead in the centre each time, barely even bothering, like it was second nature. I realised Dean was far more skilled than I'd first thought. I watched amazed by how he zoned in, then fired the axe with such accuracy and speed, it was scary. An aura fell over him.

"Can we just call this a draw?" Dean asked after they all went another round. I had to admit, watching the same people hitting a target over and over, did lose its appeal after a while.

"Fuck no, this bitch is going down." Ryker strode over to the target, standing in front of it. His eyes never left Kimi. "Go Kimi."

For a doctor, Ryker had a serious lack of self preservation. No wonder he ended up with an axe in his back.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Get out of the way. You won't call my bluff." Kimi shouted, planting a hand on her hip and giving Ryker a disapproving look.

"I've survived one axe, I'll survive another." Ryker held his hands behind his back and leaned forward, goading Kimi into throwing the axe. She missed, not by much, but a clear miss nevertheless.

With a sour attitude, Kimi stormed over to the target, ripping the axe from the target and carelessly flinging it towards the group of men, landing with a thud on the tramped ground.

Crossing her arms, and wearing a face like thunder Kimi took her position in front of the target. Without hesitation Ryker threw the axe, hit the outer zone of the target.

Ryker smirked at his girlfriend, Kimi was quick to dodgy his kisses, handing the axe to Josiah and commending Ryker over to the target.

To mine and everyone else's surprise Josiah's throw missed the target plain as day. When I looked at his face I expected to see disappointment but the guy merely chuckled before whispering something into Dean's ear. The two exchanged a private joke.

Winking at me, Dean grabbed the axe from Ryker who demanded Josiah to risk his life and stand in front of the target. Shrugging, Josiah did as he was told. How at ease the guy looked showed the faith he had in Dean's ability.

Just like every other time Dean hit the target, the axe hitting closer than Ryker's, but then Josiah was so tall and built Dean didn't have much of the board to hit. All part of Ryker's plan, I thought when I saw his face drop.

Tapping Kimi's leg, Ryker told her to stand in front of the board. Unlike Josiah, Kimi's small frame left plenty of board to hit. Again, Ryker proved his worth, the axe coming nowhere near Kimi.

As Kimi passed the axe to Dean, Ryker held up his hand, stopping Josiah from moving to the target.

"I don't think this is very fair. I'm aiming at my girlfriend. You should be aiming at yours."

"Ryker." Josiah warned.

"I don't need to prove my worth by chucking an axe at Megan, I forte." Dean growled.

"Damn, you have that little faith in yourself?" Ryker poked, taunting Dean who's only response was a bored expression.

"Or he cares too little for your lives that he doesn't mind if you get an axe to the face." Benji joined in, his words laced with venom.

"Take your pick of reasons." Dean spoke, unbothered.

"I'll do it." The words left my mouth before I knew I'd said them. Benji's unless snide comments at Dean were beginning to bug me, and if Dean could hit it with Josiah in the way, he'd hit it no problem with me there.

With fake confidence I made my way to the target when Dean's hand gripped my arm aggressively, halting me instantly from the pain.

"No you won't." He said harshly, a deep frown on his forehead. My

Eyes flicked down to the hand biting into my flesh. Following my sight, Dean gently released me. Leaning up, my lips grazed his cheek.

"I have faith in you."

I made a bid to pull away but Dean caught my chin, searching my face, I could see the inner battle going on in his eyes. He didn't want to forrit but he always didn't want to hurt me. "One slip and you're dead." He spoke savagely, letting me know exactly what was at stake.

Pulling away from Dean fully, I stood nervously in front of the target. Noting how rough it felt against my back

"I trust you." I mouthed to Dean, knowing only he and I knew though words went so much further than an axe throwing competition.

Giving me a final nod, I watched directly as Dean eyes zoned in on the target. Taking in a breath of air, Dean threw the axe and I closed my eyes. I heard the dull thud as it landed next to my head. My gaze instantly found Dean's.

Taking a step back I looked at how close the axe had been to me. To say it was a close call was an understatement.

"Shit, I actually thought you hit her then." Diego burst out.

I watched the exchange between Dean and Josiah. Their faces were emotionless but something passed between them.

"Alright next round." Ryker clapped his hands together. Break some of the tension radiating from Dean and Josiah.

"No, I'm out this time." Dean bite out. His eyes found me again. "And nothing will persuade me otherwise."

"Well, Dean wins." Josiah announced, heading towards the campfire.

"Wait, what? How? We draw." Ryker's eyes flicked between everyone, waiting for someone to back him up.

"Dean got closer." Answered Cory, like it was the most obvious conclusion in the world. I on the one hand thought it was rather unfair, but didn't fancy standing back on the target so I remained quiet.

When I reached where Dean stood his hand pulled me close into his side, chucking me safely away from any more axes.

"Fuck off, nobody told me that was the rule." Everyone ignored a pissed off Ryker.

"Could you show me where the toilet is?" I asked quietly.

Dean nodded towards the house, pulling me further away from Ryker moaning about how unfair the game was. Josiah shouted something which I completely missed. I was too distracted watching Dean, he laughed so freely with Josiah. It made me happy to know Dean had someone he relied on. Although very capable, and others around Robert's house clearly looked up to Dean, I'd notice how he never let anyone in.

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