The Secret Life of Billy Capt...

By janicewee5

21.7K 807 53

The impossibly powerful Captain Marvel who goes toe to toe with Superman is actually a tiny, pure hearted lit... More

Just Another Day
Fawcett's Mysterious Hero
Two Super Reporters
Superman Meets Captain Marvel
In The Lioness' Den
Billy Bat Son?!?
Tug Of War Over Itty Bitty Billy
Justice League Shenanigans
A Gremlin In The Watchtower?
Batman Claims The Bat Son
Mouse vs Men
The World's Best Detective
Love At First Splat
Billy & Courtney - Stargirl & Shazam
Suspicious Minds
Love vs Secrets
First Blood
Apple Pie & Crazy Chickens
Trouble in the WatchTower
Blimey! It's Clois!
Battle Plans
Rescue Rumble
The Truth Is Out
Nightwing & Oracle
Billy Batson
Hunting the Bat-nappers
Clark & Lois
Dinah Diana. Black Canary & Wonder Woman
Hal & Barry. Green Lantern & Flash
Captain Marvel & Aquaman
War World
Brother Eye
Family Stays Together
New Girl
Mary Marvel
The Marvel Family
Disappearing Cities
Billy and Buddies vs Monster Society of Evil
Love Conquers All
The Prom
Billy & Courtney Forever
Captain Marvel 15-02


307 15 3
By janicewee5

Hawkman stretched his legs across the coffee table in the JSA lounge as he leaned into the leather sofa.

The door creaked open. A mop of short jet black curls with a bright dimpled grin popped in.

"Billy!" Squealed Stargirl.

JSA's star junior member practically lit up at the sight of the boy who stood as short as she did and was probably her age.

Hawkman recognized the kid as Whiz Network's boy reporter, Billy Batson. So what's JSA doing letting the media circus into their private headquarters?

"Jay, what's that kid doing in our private heros only headquarters?" Grunted the hawk.

"Billy Batson, Whiz's star reporter will be staying with us while he does a behind the scenes series to improve public opinion of superheroes," Jay Garrick, The Flash explained.

"Why him?' queried Powergirl.

"Did you watch his segment on superheroes where he interviewed that jerk G. Gordon Godfrey? Kid's good," grinned Wildcat.

"Why here? Why not Titans tower," asked Hourman.

"Oh, he'll be doing his research there and at the League's Watch Tower as well. But  to get Whiz's owner Morris to agree to this, Mr Terrific promised to tutor him to keep his grades up," said Green Lantern.

"Stars, bring Billy to the guest room and show him around," Jay's eyes crinkled, smiling at the pair.


"C'mon kid, show me what you've got," Wildcat pranced around the training ring. "Hit me here as hard as you can," he pointed at his chin.

Lungs bursting, sweat dripping, Billy lunged at Wildcat yet again, missed, and fell flat on his face.

Courtney burst into another fit of giggles.

"What are you doing wrong, son?" Wildcat offered his hand, pulling Billy back on his feet.

"Lost my balance. Out of breath," panted Billy as he doubled over, hands on knees to support himself.

"Courtney, you're up next," Wildcat waved Courtney into the ring.

The pretty teen jumped in, golden hair glistening, blue eyes sparkling as she sank into the boxing stance.

"Billy, watch how she positions her feet and shifts her weight between them. Watch how she moves, how she breathes," instructed Wildcat.

"Gladly," whispered Billy. He could barely take his eyes off his adorable girlfriend.

"Hit me here," Wildcat pranced around the ring, pointing at his chin.

Courtney exhaled as her fist flew out, missing as Wildcat dodged her blow.

"Billy, see how she keeps her elbows close to her ribs, watch how..." Wildcat grimaced as his chin met Courtney's foot.


"We gotta put some muscle on that skinny frame of yours," grunted Wildcat as he ushered Billy to the dining room for post-training breakfast.

Courtney was already seated, drizzling maple syrup over her pancakes.

"Want some?" She asked the boy as he took the empty seat beside her.


She dumped syrup drenched pancakes on his plate. "How did you find the training?"

"Interesting. I love that move you floored Wildcat with," he chuckled as he loaded his plate with bacon and eggs.

"Kick boxing. I'll teach you if you're game," she grinned.

"Eat your veggies," said Jay, pouring a ladle of green mush on Billy's plate.

Billy groaned.


They were finally alone. Courtney rested her head on Billy's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her waist. They sat on the garden bench in comfortable silence, watching the sun sink over the horizon.

"Really appreciate you going through all that for little old me," Courtney broke the silence.

"You're worth it."

Their lips met.
The world stood still.

Cheeks burning, heart pounding, Courtney finally pulled away. "We better be careful. Pat's probably cleaned his shotgun by now," she joked.

"Think they told him?" Billy rubbed the back of his neck.

"About you staying here, probably. About who you are, nope," she smiled.


"Parademons," Billy's head jerked up.

A dark green armored creature swooped down from the clouds and snatched Courtney away.

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