A Ghost's Wish [MxM]

By Hopestrife

545K 36.2K 10K

[COMPLETED] Oliver Kardos was the General of Bierze and Guardian of the Realms. He had dedicated his life to... More

1. A Ghost
2. A Ghost's Request
3. A Ghost's Parade
4. Anima Wish
5. A Wish
6. A Ghost Returns
7. An Insulting Proposal
8. A Ghost Becomes a Trainee
9. An Informant
10. A Ghost, a Priest, and a Thief Walk Into Bar
11. An Old Foe
12. An Alibi
13. A Ghost Wrapped in Mystery
14. An Expected Invitation
15. A Spar
16. A Ball
17. A Break Up
18. A Confrontation in the Gardens
19. A Farewell
20. A Brawl
21. A Threat
22. A Battle
23. A Welcome Home
24. A Rescue
25. A Dream
26. A King
27. A Guest
28. A Prisoner
29. A Breakdown
30. A Vision
31. Moonlight
32. A Nest
34. A Wyvern
35. A Dragon King
36. A Request to Leave
37. A Threat
38. A Conference
39. A Motive
40. A Night [M]
41. A Brand
42. A Summons
43. A Skirmish
44. Guarded
45. Choices
46. A Visitor
47. A Golden Cage
48. An Old Friend
49. An Heir
50. A Rucrean King
51. Reunited
52. A Traitor
53. Terms of Surrender
54. A Guardian
55. Desire [M]
56. An Attack
57. A Monster
58. A Messanger
59. Four Generals
60. An Explosion
61. A Stampede
62. War
63. An End
64. A Ghost's Wish [End]

33. A Roar

8.9K 618 241
By Hopestrife

••••••Slight Steam Ahead••••••

But not enough to really mark this as a *mature* chapter (I think). We're just fogging up the mirrors a bit.


Oliver led the others into the cave, and they set up a small fire to keep warm.  The atmosphere was cozy and cheerful because everyone was safe.  Even Draco joined in with the other soldiers as they told tales of their old battles and legends.

One of his soldiers was retelling a legend of an ancient war that predated the Eternal War, where two brothers were caught in an unjust war and forced to fight. Their King would not agree to peace, dragging out the war. The two brothers traveled back to their King and pleaded with him. Their tenacity convinced their King to surrender, and peace settled in the land.

The soldiers argued about this story, some claiming it was made up.

"It's just a romanticized war story," One of the soldiers said with a scoff.

"Every story you hear about war is romanticized. The warrior's bloody sacrifices have been forgotten and replaced by beautiful myths. But then again, no man would dare enter the army if the truth were recorded in history books."

Oliver drank from his water flask, pausing his ominous words.

"A beautiful sonnet will seduce a lover. A beautiful myth will seduce a soldier." His voice was laced with bitterness, and he shook his head with disdain.

"Do you believe this story is a myth?" Ian asked lightly.

Oliver shrugged. "Every myth has a foundation in the truth. I believe two brothers fought in an unjust war. However, that is the only truth I can find in this tale. Two soldiers putting down their swords, leaving the frontlines, and begging for peace is unlikely. Pleading can't make a king who needlessly prolonged a war suddenly complicit."

Oliver shook his head with a laugh, thinking the whole premise was a joke. "Wars are terribly easy to start and are unbearably cruel. They do not end with simple pleading."

"Then how does someone end a war?" A soldier asked.

Oliver smirked. "You kill a king."

The crackle of the fire was the only response he received.

He tore his eyes away from the back of the cave and turned toward the group. "Kill him literally or figuratively. The surest way to stop the fighting is to take a king's life. However, you also have the option to take his position."

"Are you assuming the brothers took the King's position?"

"No. I assume they killed him," Oliver chuckled. "And unjust war is the result of unjust kings. You cannot have peace settle in the land when there is still a cancer festering in the kingdom. You must root the problem."

"But that's... treason."

"It was also treason to fight against the Kirith Empire, but the warriors of the Eternal War did it anyway. They created their own myths and started their dynasties." Oliver explained.

"But..." There was an uncomfortable stillness in the air, and their arguments fell silent. The soldiers naturally feared this subject.

Oliver didn't seem to have noticed it. "How horrifying was this war, and how cruel were the Kings to prolong it? What terrible things did the soldiers see to make them confront their tyrants? What did they have to endure to make them want for change."

Oliver stood up and took slow steps toward the darkness of the cave. "If there is any moral to this story, it is to confront your kings when they fail to be kings. Do not become complacent in front of atrocities... do not compromise your hearts."

His voice was heavy, touching on a memory of his last words to his soldiers in this previous life. Before, he waited until it was too late for change, but now he would be able to lead them better than before. He can steer them into a life not marred by the barbarity of war.

Oliver wasn't facing the group but could feel their complex emotions stirring. He knew he had dampened the mood, but no one knew the reality of war more than he did.

He sighed and took a torch from the campsite. "I will explore deeper in the cave."

He walked further from the group, found a sharp bend in the cave, and followed it.

The fire flickered as he walked deeper into the cave for a while. Its light danced on the uneven walls, creating eerie shadows. However, he could see a faint light ahead. He sat the torch down on the ground and unsheathed a sword. He silently stepped towards the light, listening carefully for any sounds, but he could only hear dripping water.

He inhaled sharply when he stepped from the narrow tunnel. He had entered a small cavern with a clear pool of water sitting in the center. Luminous moss and stones made the cavern glow in an ethereal blue light.

He walked towards the pool and knelt beside it, dipping his hand into the cool water. Ripples scattered the mirror-like surface of the water.

Two strong arms wrapped around him when he was distracted by his thoughts. Oliver closed his eyes and leaned into Draco's chest, unsurprised that it was him. Oliver breathed in his scent. He was like honeyed ale on a cold winter day.

"Beautiful." Draco's voice rumbled behind him.

Oliver hummed. "It is."

"Would it be terribly cliche if I said the beautiful one was you?"

Oliver laughed. "It would be... But flattering nonetheless." He looked behind him to the tunnel that led to the soldiers. "How are the men? Did they follow?"

"They're fine. They are guarding each other and will not leave camp."

Oliver's lips curled. "Good."

He broke away from Draco's embrace and stood back up. He kicked off his shoes and dropped his cape to the floor. He was lifting his shirt when Draco stopped him with a panicked look.

"Gods and hells, Oliver! What are you doing?"

"Going for a swim," he smirked.

Draco's eyes widened with disbelief. " A swim? What is your obsession about stripping in the cold?"

Oliver laughed loudly. "I'm sure you must have noticed that the cold doesn't affect me, much like it doesn't affect you."

"It doesn't affect me because of the dragon fire magic inside my body. But you...you..." He looked over Oliver again, suddenly aware of the magic running through his veins.

Oliver lifted his palm that held a small levitating orb made of snowflakes. He brought the orb to his lips and blew out, making the snowflakes fly toward Draco like dandelions.

Oliver stepped closer to the pool, pulled off his shirt, and kicked off his pants. He taunted Draco with a wink before turning around so his back faced him.

Draco's breath was caught in his throat as Oliver stripped off his last piece of clothing. He stood completely bare in front of Draco. The light illuminated every lean muscle, and his silver braid shimmered as if it was translucent.

He looked over his shoulder at Draco. "Are you joining me?"

Without waiting for an answer, he stepped into the pool, finding that the water had reached the middle of his chest. He sank beneath the surface, letting the crisp water wake him up and stimulate his senses.

He stayed submerged as he allowed his body to relax in the water. A smile grew on his lips as he saw another person enter. Oliver broke through the surface and stood in the water as his gaze raked Draco's body.

Draco pulled him into his embrace, his hand possessively wrapped behind his neck. "You tease," he murmured with a gravelly voice.

Oliver nipped at Draco's lips. "Do you hate it?"

Draco groaned and closed his eyes as if in pain. "No... do your worst, vixen."

Oliver's bright laugh was musical. "Never did I think I would be called a vixen before."

Draco pulled him close to his body and nuzzled him. Oliver's arms wrapped around his neck, and he reveled in the closeness. However, Draco's countenance was somewhat dark.

"A coin for your thoughts?" Oliver asked.

Draco pressed his lips against the crook of Oliver's neck. A small smile formed. "What would happen if our kingdoms go to war?"

Oliver tensed for a moment. "What?"

"You said you would be the first one sent to the frontlines... what if we became enemies?"

"Rucrea will never be my enemy in this lifetime," Oliver's words held no doubt.

"But if we went to war—"

"I will not fight you." His voice was firm, bordering on anger. "I will not be the Belelots' mutt and bear my teeth to whomever they decide to fight. And if I must fight, I choose to march alongside those who earned my respect."

He gave Draco a meaningful look. "Rucrea's King has earned my respect. His actions have proven that he will not heedlessly harm his people."

Draco's brow creased, and he averted his gaze. "Rucrea's King has his fair share of mistakes."

"All kings have flaws, but the Dragon King cares for his people. That much is obvious."

Draco's eyes were distant, and he was silent for a moment. "Thank you for believing in that," he finally said quietly.

Oliver kissed his temple gently, trying to reassure him with his touches. "I believe in facts, nothing more. But I often lament the Kardoses' misfortunate of establishing a treaty with the Belelots instead of the Lyrells."

"Rucrea will take in Wynter and shield them. The treaty means little to us," Draco said.

"Would Rucrea really take in defectors and treaty breakers?"

Draco held him tighter. "Yes. As long as it's you, then yes."

"It's tempting, but I will find that treaty. I'll prove that we are not servants of Bierze. That way, I can fight beside you with dignity if war breaks out."

"You'll truly fight by my side? Even against Bierze?"

Oliver chuckled. "Whether in times of peace or strife, I plan to be by your side."

Draco faltered for a moment and raised his hand to Oliver's face. He traced his jawline with his fingertips. His thumb brushed Oliver's lips, and he felt a surge of desire as he pressed against the soft skin.

He lowered his head, hovering a hair's width away from Oliver's lips, savoring his heated and broken breath.

Oliver, wanton and impatient, closed the distance and pressed against Draco's lips. He nearly moaned from the heat that rushed through them when they connected.

Oliver felt Draco wrap his arms tightly around his waist as if he feared that Oliver would escape. He caught Oliver's lower lip with his teeth, and his fangs lightly pierced his flesh. Oliver shivered with the sharp sensation, and his fingers pressed into Draco's shoulders, his nails scratching him.

Draco rocked his against Oliver, which caused Oliver to throw his head back and gasp. He could feel all of Draco pressed against him. Draco took advantage of Oliver's exposed throat, and his lips kissed a trail down his neck and to his clavicle.

The moan that escaped past Oliver's lips made Draco shiver.

"Hells, Oliver..." Draco murmured with hooded eyes. "Why does it feel like I have failed to kiss you for decades...I need to make up for years of negligence."

Oliver gave Draco peppered kisses, nearly incoherent. "We were cursed fools in our previous life."

"Previous life?" Draco cocked his head to the side slightly. He didn't quite understand Oliver's meaning.

He silenced Draco's question with another amorous kiss.

Draco groaned and kissed Oliver back until they were panting, their arousal pressed against each other.

"Careful, Oli..." Draco's voice was strained. His fangs were longer than usual, and his eyes burned with lust. "I told you of a dragon's nature. It makes me impossibly possessive. If you allow this, I will never let you go. I will have all of you, monopolize you, and claim you as mine."

Oliver's face was flushed, and his chest was heaving. This was a side of Draco that he had never seen before. The dragon inside of Draco was more prominent than ever before, demanding that Oliver surrenders himself to him. The prospect sent shivers up his spine, and he wanted to give him. He wanted to be claimed and possessed.

Oliver kissed him roughly, his tongue scraping against Draco's fang. "I've always been yours, so claim me." His voice was heavy with desire.

Draco's hand ran down Oliver's back, caressing every muscle until he reached the back of his thigh, drawing Oliver's legs up. The water made him weightless, and he wrapped his legs around Draco's waist. He could feel Draco swell and pulse against him, fueling him with a passionate fire. He rocked his hips and moaned in Draco's mouth.

Draco's grip on Oliver's hips was hard enough to bruise him, but Oliver relished the feeling. He ran his tongue over the small cuts on Draco's lips caused by their fevered kisses. He pulled back to catch his breath, but his eyes remained focused on Draco, watching how his canines peeked through from between his lips as he panted.

Draco started to kiss Oliver's jaw and down his neck. His teeth would scrape across his skin, causing Oliver to arch and euphorically rock in Draco's arms. When Draco reached his shoulder, his mouth widened, and he bit down, piercing Oliver's flesh.

Oliver felt like he was set on fire and groaned with the sensation. Draco looked up to watch Oliver writhe in his arms. He released his bite, and his tongue lapped up the small trail of blood on Oliver's shoulder.

Draco's hand reached between them, grabbing both of their erections, while the other was now gripping Oliver's ass. Oliver quivered from the touch and rolled his hips against Draco's hand and shaft. He moaned and panted Draco's name as he continued to stroke them together.

Oliver's hands tangled in Draco's hair. He knew his grip was tight but could only focus on the pleasure. He threw his head back; his moans had turned to breathy cries. Draco's teeth sunk into his shoulder again, igniting the passionate fire inside him.

The stimulation was too intense, and spots covered Oliver's vision. The heat rushed through him, and his body shivered as he came in Draco's hand. Draco groaned as he released moments after Oliver.

Draco's grip loosened on Oliver, and his fingers started to brush against Oliver's newly formed bruises, trying to soothe them. He kissed the bite marks he left on his skin. When he had kissed every mark, he lifted his eyes to gaze at his lover.

Seeing Oliver breathless with hooded eyes made Draco want him more. He was too alluring, and Draco could not bear to let him go. No one will dare take him away, either.

A possessive growl rumbled from his chest. He leaned in to devour Oliver again, but a gust of wind suddenly hit them from the cave's depths, and a threatening roar made the cave shake. The pool splashed and rippled when some surrounding rock formations fell into the water.

Draco fumed from the audacity of a random beast. Not only did it interrupt this moment, but it also dared threaten him and his lover. His eyes burned with fury and started to glow like kindling embers. He turned his head toward a smaller tunnel on the other side of the pool where the roar came from. His anger seared through him. He covered Oliver's ears and fiercely roared back.

This roar wasn't the shout of an angry man—this was the roar of an enraged dragon. Draco's skin started to darken and split as if something was trying to break free.

Oliver quickly grabbed Draco's chin and forced him to look at him. "Whatever that was, it's not coming here," he whispered.

Draco's features were still changing, and Oliver felt the previous lust become replaced with worry. Oliver now knew that Draco had experienced a half-shift in his previous life. He had a dragon waging war inside of him. Dragons were short-tempered, and Draco was already stimulated, so he was not in the proper emotional state to experience a transformation.

"Draco, look at me," He urged, trying to distract him from his anger.

He could feel Draco struggling.

He kissed Draco's forehead. "Just pay attention to me."

He kissed him again and started to hum the song from before. His voice trembled at times, fearing for Draco. He wanted to calm him, help him find control again.

Draco closed his eyes and clenched his jaws. He held on to Oliver as if his life depended on it. He released a ragged breath and pressed his head against Oliver's.

"I lost control," Draco finally whispered, his voice was hoarse and damaged from the roar. He finally looked back at Oliver, and his eyes had turned back to normal.

Oliver kissed him once more with a relieved smile on his lips. "Even if you lose control, I will still be here."


I am so sorry! I am releasing this chapter super late. I seriously gutted the original draft, and it took me much longer than I expected to get it where I wanted it. Thank you sooooo much for waiting!

I know this is touching a bit on Alpha vibes here, but this isn't really a fated mates kind of story. The biting aspect is more of a lusty dragon's kink. I mean... he has fangs... it's hard not to make him a little chompy.

In my opinion, dragons are just super possessive (hoarders), so it made sense to make Draco like this.

Anyway - I am sorry again! I hope it was worth the wait.

Thank you! ❤️

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