The Summoners' Heir

By Lasanai7

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Born to both light and shadows, I'm respected but feared. I have lived many centuries and served as a general... More

Chapter 1: A New Timeline
Chapter 2: A First Lifetime
Chapter 3: A Lifetime ago
Chapter 4: The Golden Thread
Chapter 5: Not Today, Babushka
Chapter 6: Mission: Sol Koroleva
Chapter 7: Thank you, Genya
Chapter 8: Alone, But Never Lonely
Chapter 9: Yes, Mother. Yes, I will.
Chapter 10: A Corporalki's Insight
Chapter 11: Dining with the Darkling
Chapter 12: A Promise to Ravka
Chapter 14: The Sun's Announcement
Chapter 15: Your Queen Awaits
Chapter 16: Your Queen Awaits Part II
Chapter 17: A Family Reunion... Almost
Chapter 18: For the Love of a Daughter
Chapter 19: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 20: My Princess is Perfect
Chapter 21: We're Finally a Family, Father
Chapter 22: Everything I Do, I Do For You
Chapter 23: It's Like Looking In A Mirror
Chapter 24: Never Let Me Go. Ever
Chapter 25: Moya Rebe, Moya Luna, My World, My Everything
Chapter 26: You Are Not Alone, Not Anymore
Chapter 27: Like A Father
Chapter 28: Spill The Tea
UPDATE!! (Not a chapter - sorry y'all)
Chapter 29: The Sweetest of Realisations
Chapter 30: Till Infinity Runs Out
Chapter 31: Only Love Could Hurt This Way
Chapter 32: Irreplaceable
Chapter 33: Precious Gem
Chapter 34: You'll Never Walk Alone
Chapter 35: The First of Many Eclipses
Chapter 36: Gathering The Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 37: Paying the Price
Chapter 38: Two Faces Of The Same Coin
Chapter 39: The Heart of His Storm
Chapter 40: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 41: Only Know You Love Her When You Let Her Go
Chapter 42: This Meant War
Chapter 43: Losing Myself
Chapter 44: Eya Fyela Chi, Moi Korol

Chapter 13: Baghra's Plea

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By Lasanai7

Boy, was that a close one.

Why was that so hard? I mean, she is going to find out eventually. If I hesitated now, would I again when the time came?

There was just so much to keep with. Alina knew I was her daughter but didn't know I was also the Darkling's. She also knows I'm a sun summoner like her. On the other hand, the Darkling knew I was a shadow summoner and didn't have confirmation that I was his daughter. Genya and Baghra both knew I summoned both. And oddly enough, Baghra was the only one that knew everything.

Who would have guessed?

I know I've been through all this before, but it was becoming more overwhelming. All the lies. I wasn't sure how long I could keep this up.

It wouldn't be long now till Mother was found. We were leaving in two days. She said she was departing for the fold tomorrow, which meant that the sun summoner would be found tomorrow. No more worries.

I could do this. Just one more day.


What the heck?

"Pssst. Leksi."

"Baghra? What..."

"Sssshhh! Keep your voice down, child!"

Child. Here we go again.

"What are you..." I tried again.

"Listen, is it true you're leaving for the second army tomorrow?"

I nodded.


"When the sun summoner comes back to the Little Palace, bring her to me."


"You and I both know the sun summoner is not safe here. He must not gain that kind of power."


"I can't."

There was no anger in her features, just sheer confusion and curiosity. Not what I expected at all.

"And why is that?"

"Because of the timeline..."

"You know what happens," she realised.

"I do... mostly."

Her eyebrow quirked.

"I only know what the history books told me. I had no idea that the Darkling served the crown during this period!"

"So he does continue to deceive. Look..."

"No, you look! The Darkling does some terrible things and will do more. But I cannot intervene with what is supposed to take place. The timeline..."


Now I was confused.


"Have you ever considered that there was a reason you were sent back? Maybe you were meant to change the timeline? Right the wrongs of your father..."

"Enough! Enough. It's not that simple. What if I..."

"Save the sun summoner's life? Stop a war?"

"I could change the future. I could write myself out of existence. Change the amount of power Grisha have..."

"What do you mean?"

"He did it. Your son. My father. He gave us a future."

She let me continue.

"He became the tsar, yes, but a damn good one. Grisha have never been celebrated more. Never been more free."

"Did he gain all the amplifiers?"

"Not exactly..."

"What does that mean?"

"I can't explain it, Baghra. Who knows what will change if I tell you what happens. But I can assure you, it does work out in the end."

The ancient woman sighed.

"I'm sorry. But I have to let things unfold the way they are supposed to. All I need to focus on is getting home before I change anything else."

She conceded.

"I really hope you know what you're doing, girl."

"I don't," I huffed.

Well, you better work it out. There are a lot of lives at stake."

"You think I don't know that?"

"I wonder what goes on in that pretty little head of yours."

"You think I'm pretty?" I smirked.

In response, she gave me her signature scowl.

"If anything goes wrong, you know who I'm blaming."

"The Darkling," I stated blandly.

"Yes, I suppose that is technically true."

I didn't quite understand what she meant by that last statement, but I figured she wasn't referring to her son.

"What exactly do you plan on doing with the sun summoner?"

"I would aid her escape."

"What would that achieve? The Darkling would just find her again anyway."

"But it would take time. Enough time to train the sun summoner. Enough time to stop him."

"You would go against your own son?"

"My son is long gone, and Ravka cannot handle another war. Not the kind he plans to bring."

I realised I'd been forgetting who the Darkling was. What he was capable of doing. I was letting feelings cloud my judgement.

That's when something horrifying occurred to me. This man of chaos, destruction... the Darkling. He was my father. Whether I liked it or not. I was the progeny of such wild power. What does that mean for me?

Could I be capable...

Would I?

I gulped at the thought. And the revelation it brought.

Would I become him?


I met my grandmother's gaze.

"Don't let him unleash the monster inside. I know I am somewhat responsible. I didn't see it soon enough. Don't make the same mistake."

This wasn't the formidable woman who raised the Darkling. I was looking into the eyes of a frightened mother - one holding onto her last hope.

I nodded.

I could promise her that much.

She had said what she wanted to say. I knew this because she was already on her way out. No good luck, no goodbye - in typical Baghra fashion.

Or so I thought. At the last moment, Baghra turned on her heel to face me. Perhaps some parting advice?

"The sun summoner..."

I perked up.


"She's your mother, isn't she?"

I gave her a nod of confirmation.


That's all she had to say on the matter. Typical.

And just like that, she was never here.

"Leksi! Leksi!"

What more could anyone want with me?

"Ah, Genya."

"Time for lunch."


"Shall we?"

I beamed, gracefully accepting her arm.

"What's on the menu today?"

"Well, actually, you won't be joining the others. The Darkling requests your presence in his chambers."

"Lunch with Darkling... how can I refuse?"

"Well, you did it once with the kefta."

"This again?"

"I'm just saying, no one in their right mind..."

I knew I'd never hear the end of this. 

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