The Black Dragon Emperor (Hig...

By YamagsuKami

388K 11.1K 3.9K

Three Dragons, Three Colors, Three Rivals but more importantly, Three Brothers: Albion, Ddraig and Vritra. More

About The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Bonus Chapter: (Lemon)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 46

2.4K 81 8
By YamagsuKami

He was tired.

He was exhausted.

He wanted to just collapse on the ground and rest.

Just rest.

But he couldn't.

Y/N was on a single knee breathing erratically as the sharp end of his two blades dripped with the blood of his prey.

Around him, there were piles and piles of corpses from all kinds of monsters. Some big others small, but their numbers reached to overwhelm him for a bit.

But in the end, it ended the same, he rose triumphantly.

Even after all his power and dexterity, he was still a human, yes an exceptional one but he was still that. Fighting without stopping for three days straight got to him and anyone would be dying to rest a bit... But he couldn't.

He had to grow stronger. And the only way for that to happen was to push his body beyond its limits. He had to break those pesky human limitations even more than he already had.

To achieve his commitment he was in the devil realm. Instead of going to several dungeons and wiping them out, he went to a certain area in the devil realm that was highly forbidden for the devils mainly due to the high amount of high-ranking monsters in the area plus that its air was dangerous for devils.

For example, this whole country in the devil realm was like Chornobyl to the devils. They couldn't step in or this thing in the air similar to radiation might kill them but to a much more dangerous extent.

Lucky for him, what was radioactive to devils wasn't for humans and actual radiation wasn't harmful to devils... Kinda weird.

And this entire country was filled with tons of monsters.

Monsters that he was taking care of as a method of training.

But this wouldn't be training if he just wiped them all out like usual. No, that would be just fun.

What he was doing was limiting himself to only use his human power leaving the Dragon one to the side.

If he grew stronger in his standard form then that would lead to him growing, even more, stronger while using the powers of the Black Dragon Emperor.

That and because he didn't feel like connecting to Vritra.

They haven't shared a single word with each other these days. Both were... mad at each other and refused to talk things out.

Yes, Y/N acknowledged the fact that it was immature... But he didn't feel like talking to the dragon for the moment. Also, it wasn't his fault that all of this had happened in the first place it was his.

Vritra never told him such an important thing to him and that ended up causing trouble for the young male.

Y/N's anger was justified.

He betrayed his trust and that was final.

If he had to defeat Cain on his own... then He would. He had to, for his child.

From what he had taken notice Vritra didn't seem to care much about his well-being judging from the fact that he didn't tell him that Cain was his father and if the dragon didn't care for him... then he also didn't care for his unborn child.

Vritra didn't care about anything, so why would he care for such a beast?

Y/N panted as multiple sweat drops fell to the ground then he rose his gaze and let out a heavy breath as he stood back up.

Without caring about the carnage around him he cleaned the blood off his two blades Superbia and Greed.

"My King, I highly suggest you to rest for a little... You're just hurting your body instead of strengthening it."

Igris spoke to him via the mind. Soon Beru also shared her own piece of opinion.

Like the Princess said. My Liege please... rest for a little bit and we watch over you."

Y/N shook his head in refusal.

He couldn't rest.

"I can't rest, both of you. I have to get stronger and I can feel myself getting stronger each day... This is the way to acquire more power... Destroying my body is the only way."

He spoke as opened his eyes wide trying to awaken himself.

It was obvious to assume that he hadn't slept a single minute on all these days and not sleeping made it all even more difficult.

Y/N didn't feel ashamed of being a human but sometimes... it was really annoying the weaknesses that his body put to him.

Why rest if he could do something more productive? Like gaining more power.

"You two keep on what I told you... Is that clear?"

Y/N had ordered the two shadows that if ever fell asleep the two of them would wake him up instantly.

"Yes, My King."

They both said... but a little doubt was in their voice.

Y/N heard some stomping noises and immediately got the feeling of danger.

He tensed up and looked forward and saw three big figures in the distance.

It was obvious that they were threats... and that was what he wanted. The more the merrier and the stronger the better.

They were close enough for Y/N to identify them and saw the three giant monsters and two flying ones towering over him and glaring at him as if he was a mere pest and an annoyance.

Their eyes were filled with the desire to kill... and he would be more than glad to take them and turn that desire into fear.

Y/N smirked as his eyes turned purple and he started the assault before the monster could react.

He decided to attack with a single blade and leave his other hand free of any weapon. He loved to use his hand to crush monsters.

He jumped high in the air and reached the biggest monster's face and punched it right in the middle of the face.

Even if he was much smaller than the monsters his punch was like a way beyond them. The power of the attack sending the monster straight to the ground.

When the monster was on the ground Y/N landed on its chest and with a smirk slashed the giant beast's huge neck. The cut being enough to kill and rip the monster's entire head.

Y/N looked at the remaining ones and his smirk turned more dangerous as the blood stained part of his face.

"I hope he was only the biggest and not the strongest."

These words and actions caused some hesitation in the monsters... But they were beasts and didn't have any kind of intelligence and just followed their instincts and rushed at the small human.

Y/N rose his blade and jumped back to avoid being crushed by the feet of one of the monsters.

As he was in the air he noticed that one of the flying ones was about to eat him.

Y/N used his free hand and grabbed the monster by its long neck causing it to choke.

Swinging his arm he threw the flying monster down to the ground.

Before he could finish the flying monster below his feet he faced forward to see the giant hand of one of the two remaining ground monsters attempting to grab him.

He used his blade to slice into pieces the hand of the monster causing it to scream in pain but little the scream lasted before it died along with it.

Y/N slashed the chest of the monster who dared try to grab him.

The giant creature fell to the ground causing a small earthquake and a cloud of dust rose covering Y/N's form except for his vibrant eyes that shined in it... Until they disappeared.

Looking for the human they saw him above them with a smirk on his face and having both of his blades on hand.

What happened next was their demise.

With extreme dexterity of his blade, he cut through every single one of them cutting them in half no matter their size or speed... All of them suffered the same destiny.


Y/N landed roughly on the ground and the monsters fell dead behind him.

A breath left Y/N's lips as guarded his blades.

He smirked and looked at the forest in front of him feeling the number of hostiles that heard the ruckus and were heading at his position at a rapid pace.

"Keep them Coming. I Won't Stop."


Cain smirked as the giant creature that resembled a dragon fell to the ground in front of him. 

The beast lay on the ground dead gushes of blood leaking out of any visible part of its body. Anyone could deduce that it suffered a painful and long death.

His smirk soon faded dissatisfied with the opponent he just had killed.


Then he shook his head as his smirk returned.

But this wasn't a battle... It wasn't a battle that he was looking for... he just wanted something to help him to free his mind. Busy himself up while he waited patiently for his son to be ready.

If it was for Cain he would go just right now to fight the kid... But, No. He would wait for the kid to grow stronger... He would give him Time.

Cain has never felt this way before about an upcoming battle.

He was excited... So excited that he felt as if he was back in his young days. Even though his body still maintained its youth it wasn't the case for his mind.

His mind was corrupted due to the ages and ages of living.

He was old. No one could deny that.

But now... All these days the only thing that he had been thinking about was... This Battle and his son.

Cain felt as if he was a kid in a candy store. Excited and thrilled.

He had to cool his mind off by killing something. It helped him to calm down. Kill was like his lullaby.

Cain gazed down at his stained sword and shook it trying to get the blood off without touching it. He was a little disgusted by the blood of this monster.

Not like he was a clean freak or anything but he didn't like to get dirty just for fun and much less if the "fun" was a mere boring spectacle like this monster.

Immediately his thoughts went to Y/N, his son, and smirked as he looked at the sky.

How could he be doing?

He never got to meet like he did days ago but he got quite a lot of good information just by talking with him once.

The kid was like him on some points, like charisma, talking, and presence... But he didn't seem to be like him in terms of his whole personality.

Y/N seemed to be like her mother on that side... He seemed Kind.

Cain couldn't help but chuckle at that word that was so unlikely to exist in his lineage.

The only one who was ever kind in the Primus lineage was his mother, Eve. And Abel when he was younger, now his little brother was... neutral.

He wasn't an asshole like him but he wasn't a soft one like their mother.

Adam? Well... their relationship was weird. Between Cain and Adam, there was always this tension, a tension that bothered Eve.

Father and son didn't hate each other, no, in fact, Adam was a loving father... Kinda.

Adam was strict and didn't want their sons to be weak in this cruel world. So he roughly educated both Cain and Abel.

Cain could still remember the day that he awoke as a full Primus. His father was the one to wake the power within him.

You wonder how? Easy, by destroying every single fiber of his body.

One day both father and son would engage in a death battle in which the father overpowered the younger Cain and pummeled him to the point that he begged for his father to stop...

But he didn't stop.

That was when he was like ten years old.

Remember "loving father"? Well, that was a loving father to Cain and Abel.

Great childhood.

Abel went through the same but he was faster than him. Abel had a natural talent on him something that helped him on pretty much anything. Something that Cain always envied of his little brother.

Cain remembered those moments as one of his happiest memories.

Adam loved them both... But he had questionable methods to any normal person. But they were Primus, they weren't normal.

Cain got an idea.

If his father helped him to grow stronger so it was only right for him to do the same for his son.

Call it a tradition of some kind.

He could certainly give his son Y/N a couple of challenges for him to grow stronger.

Cain snapped his fingers and behind him, a lot of orange and black energy swirled to reveal a huge muscular demon with gray skin, glowing orange eyes, glowing flame-like hair of the same color a long tail, and four horns on his head, two of which were very long and curved.

In the presence of Cain, it immediately got on one knee bowing in front of the human.

"My Lord, did you call?"

"As a matter of fact, I did. Do you mind if you... entertain my son a little and push him a little beyond his limits. BUT. Do not kill him."

The demon-looking monster nodded.

"Consider it done, Emperor."

When those words left the monster it disappeared in orange energy.

Cain smirked as he sat down on the corpse of his kill and enjoyed the sky.

"Give it your best... My Son."


Valiana took a sip of her hot tea a breath escaping her lips.

She placed the cup on the table and looked outside the window admiring the sunlight of the morning.

The woman felt nothing in her house... No one was there except for her and that made it feel so... hollow and empty.

She was getting used to the presence of Y/N or even one of his two shadow servants, but now, there was none of them.

Valiana wanted Y/N to stay or at least have a last chat with her to explain what was happening before leaving. But no, she couldn't bring herself to speak up to him that night.

That night when he poured all his feelings to her. She heard it all and she wasn't asleep. The woman couldn't help but grow emotional at his words.

'I Love You, Valiana Lucifer'

Her throat felt like crushing and took another swig of the hot tea... She made a bad face upon the taste of it.

Now it tasted bitter.

She probably should go out and try to free her mind a little. Maybe fight some creature and kill it.

Lately, she had been feeling like killing stuff.

She rose herself from her chair and prepared herself to go out.

When she was about to grab the door handle to get out she heard a knock.

This made her raise her guard and tried to feel the energy of the person who knocked on her door.

It wasn't familiar... And Powerful. But it wasn't hostile. So she decided to open the door slowly without lowering her guard.

When the door was fully opened she was met with two violet eyes that looked at her with politeness.

No, it wasn't Y/N.

The uninvited guest was a woman that appeared to be in her mid-twenties with long brown-haired hair that reached below her back.

She had a cordial smile as she scanned Valiana from head to toe.

"And who you might be? Could you be one of Y/N's... "Concubines"

Valiana asked as she scoffed at the word concubine.

The woman who was clearly older than the pregnant one shook her head as she maintained her smile.

"Please no. I actually came here for you... Or better said to take care of you."

These choices of words angered the white-haired female.

"I don't need anyone to take care of me. Now go back where you came from, hag."

"Is cute to see a young lady fighting against their hormones of pregnancy. Don't worry, I'll help you to control them, missy."

Valiana widened her eyes. How did this woman know about her pregnancy? Her belly didn't reach that length just yet. Someone had to tell her.


Valiana was about to rebut but the woman spoke first taking notice of her outfit.

"And where were you heading?"

"That's nothing of your business-"

The violet eyes of the woman hardened causing Valiana to shrink a little under her sharp gaze.

"Where were you heading?

She asked more deeply this time and Valiana answered.

"I... was going to blow some steam off."

"By doing what?"

Inwardly she was annoyed by so many questions but the hard character of the eldest went through her.

"Killing something."

The answer gained an angry expression in the woman.

"You would put your body in danger knowing that you have that little creature inside your belly. How more of an irresponsible woman could you be? Go back inside the house."

Valiana was about to refuse but the woman walked inside the house without her approval, annoying her.

"Hey! I didn't give you permission to step into my house!"

"You might not, but your husband gave me full freedom of doing whatever was necessary to keep you safe."

She replied causing confusion for Valiana.

"Husband? I don't have a husband. What are you talking about, old hag?"

The woman looked at the white-haired hand and indeed, she didn't see a ring.

"Did you get yourself pregnant without marrying the man first?"

"Huh? Do you mean Y/N? We aren't married!"

The woman brought her hand to her forehead with frustration.

"Youngsters these days. Have no respect for traditions."

Valiana scoffed at this.

"Old people these days. Getting their noses into what isn't of their concern. Anyhow, who the hell are you? And who told you about my pregnancy?"

"I'm surprised that you don't know about me. Judging by the fact that you're a devil."

"Well excuse Ms. Celebrity, but not all devils kiss the royalty bastards' feet."

The woman gave the vibe of being someone very influential on the devil hierarchy.

"I will ignore that. And to answer your questions. I am Venelana Gremory and the one who told me about your pregnancy was well... of course your boyfriend."

It technically wasn't Y/N the one told her directly more like her son Sirzechs but she wouldn't bring her son into this conversation.

"I heard that name before... You are that bastard Sirzechs mother..."

Venelana gaze turned sharper.

"I humbly request for you to not address my son that way. You're now a mother and I think you can understand the way I would feel if anyone insults my son."

Valiana fell silent.

The eldest sighed before her smile returned.

Her mood could shift so easily, that it almost scared Valiana.

That was one of her unique skills. She could be whoever she wanted depending on the situation. One of the perks that you acquired over time was who she was.

Venelana was the duchess of the Gremory household meaning that she had to adapt to the raw world of politics and be a hypocrite so many times and learn how to lie properly.

"Let's forget about that and all the multiple insults that you have thrown at my person. It's obvious that you're being troubled by the hormones and I know myself that pregnancy is quite stressful and more to a young lady like you. That is why I am here, to help and provide protection while your Prince is out."

The woman couldn't help but giggle at her hand when she saw the white-haired girl blush at the mention of Y/N.

Youth was certainly fun to tease.

For the moment she would ignore that this "cute" lady was a dangerous criminal to all factions alike.

"Whatever, do as you wish. Old hag."

Valiana shot harshly as she headed back to her room causing Venelana to giggle once again.

She would enjoy this.


Y/N huffed as a drop of sweat fell down his chin.

Fighting all those numbers of monsters surely tired him, but he still has fight within him. Not like he had any other choice it was fight or fight. Those were the options.

The place that was previously a forest now it was devastated, with multiple craters on the ground, and every single one of the trees was charred or simply laying on the ground.

To not add the path of corpses that Y/N left behind during his killing spree.

Nothing in this place seemed to oppose a great threat to him, yes, their numbers could overwhelm him at times, but that was it.

He would victory over any army or high numbers.

Y/N ears caught a sound.

It was like a grunt.

His sight dragged over the pile of corpses and through the piles, he saw a single body that twitched showing traces of life.

Slowly, he gave a step toward the one that seemed to be alive.

Each step he took echoed all over the area something that the only alive monster seemed to notice and started to crawl away from the human.

Y/N raised an eyebrow at this.

Was it trying to escape from him...? Interesting.

Y/N reached the monster before it could crawl away from him.

He pressed over the monster back stopping its movements and with the same feet he turned over the monster that was similar to a high orc whose eyes were now filled with what he guessed was fear.

Ironic, he remembered this monster, he could see the desire to kill him and the arrogance. An arrogance that slowly faded when the human started to massacre every single one of its partners.

"Are you scared? Weird, I only thought that the smart people suffered from terror. But it seems like your beastly instincts are better than I thought. Honestly, is impressive."

Y/N pressed his boot over the monster's stomach gaining a growl of pain.

"I heard many stories of your kind. You didn't only kill devils but also humans even more than the former. Your specie took advantage of humanity when they were defenseless, you killed, tortured, and played, not because of survival because if that was the case I would've understood it. No, it was all because of fun."

His eyes glowed purple as a smirk grew on his features.

"And now look at all of you. Scurrying on putrid small pieces of land hoping to survive. Trying to reclaim something for yourselves when you all don't have the right of ownership over anything. You monsters are mere cattle and you know what humans use cattle for: Exploit, Kill, Nourish... We Use cattle. And when they serve no purpose we dispose of them. That's what your kind deserves for all the sin you've committed."

The orc below his feet looked with fear at the black blade that the human grabbed.

The monster couldn't understand a single word that left the human mouth... But it could sense the violent and oppressive feeling of his words.

"And it may be not your fault. Maybe you're not proud of your ancestors' sins... But that's how things are. You have to pay for your ancestor's sins... All Of You Must Pay."

Y/N said with a smirk as his purple eyes glowed brightly as the hand over his blade grew tighter

The last thought the monster had when he gazed at those deep purple eyes was...

This human what his specie called an...

Apex Predator.

The head of the orc flew away from its neck courtesy of Y/N's swing of his blade.

Y/N sighed as he saw how the body of the monster below his feet stopped moving.

Yeah, it was kind of stupid for him to recite an entire speech to a monster that couldn't even understand him, but he needed to vent somehow.

He gazed at his blade before he widened his eyes and jumped high in the air.

A torrent of orange flames crashed on the place where he previously was standing.

Y/N landed and looked up to see his attacker and frowned.

Flying in the sky there was a white dragon whose mouth was letting out heat but the one who stole his attention was the rider of the flying beast.

Above the dragon, there was a huge muscular individual with long orange energy-like hair, two vibrant orange eyes, and a longsword that was surrounded by the energy of that same color.

Thank you for Reading!

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