The Itsy Bitsy Spider

By scottystaco

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Takes place after Civil War and Homecoming. What happens if 2 "ghosts" and a former Stark employee takes reve... More

Trailer & Release Date!
Chapter 1: Notes with Roses
Chapter 2: Misfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Feeling Hallow
Chapter 4: Mystery in the Darkness
Chapter 5: Death to the Future
Chapter 6: Past, Ghosts, Mysteries
Chapter 7: Blood in the Darkness
Chapter 8: Screams from the Mercy
Chapter 9: Getting the Band Back Together
Chapter 10: Chasing The Lead
Chapter 11: A Message Of Faith
Chapter 12: The Missing Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 13: The Parkers Hidden Bunker
Chapter 14: Secrets Kept Hidden
Chapter 16: Safe At Home
Chapter 17: Rules and Talks
Chapter 18: Dead at Dreams
Chapter 19: Questions of Studies and Trust
Chapter 20: Clinging to the Daytime
Chapter 21: Chaotic Elements
Chapter 22: Christmas Eve
Chapter 23: Jolly O' Presents
Chapter 24: Surprise
Chapter 25: What is Real and What is Fake
Chapter 26: Endless Nights
Chapter 27: First Day Back
Chapter 28: What Are Friends For
Chapter 29: Sherlock Holmes- Friends in Love
Chapter 30: Our Mystery Friend
Chapter 31: They Know
Chapter 32: The Haunted Tower
Chapter 33: He's Back
Chapter 34: Protectiveness and Love
Chapter 35: Haunted By Them
Chapter 36: Freaky Week
Chapter 37: Illusions
Chapter 38: Fun Day Besides Almost Burning The Tower Down
Chapter 39: Family Is Always There For You
Chapter 40: Time Is Ticking
Chapter 41: Final Showdown
Chapter 42: Aftermath

Chapter 15: Lets Go Find A Leprechaun

50 2 1
By scottystaco

The Green Goblin looms over the cell, chuckling low and snarly.

"He completed his plan" Peter murmurs, eyes red shot and fear creeping in.

Peter, Ned, Mj and Flash are all huddled together in the cell. Their backs are to the wall and they're wedging themselves to be closer than ever in fear of what the Green Goblin is going to do next that he had finally perfected his blood and Peters blood.

"Not yet it's not" the goblin corrects Peter.

No one dares to say anything. 

Everyone's hearts are skipping beats.

Their bodies frozen.

"I still have one more thing up my sleeve" the goblin smiles wide for all to see without his mask on.

The teens still don't say anything nor move.

Peters spidey senses are screaming at him to getawayrunitsnotsaferun!

But he can't find it in himself to move.

Pain jolting up his entire body.

Shivering in the freezing cold that his body is slowly shutting down.

And the fear swarming them all.

The goblin lets out a small but evil laughter.

Focusing his eyes on Peter.

"And no one is going to stop me" he claims.


While all the avengers first left to their first coordinate they had to check, May, Pepper, and Happy all sent Gwen to her dad with a note explaining everything and she got sent to jail. They sent her to her dad who had to send her to jail for her crimes because they didn't need anymore information from her (and since she really didn't have any) and there was no point of keeping her around.

"Ok we are down to the last coordinate" Nat announces on the quinjet.

Nat, Steve, Tony, Rhodey, Yelena, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Vision and Clint who isn't under house arrest anymore are all in the quinjet, more than ready to find the kids.

May, Happy and Pepper are at the tower relooking at the things from Mary and Richard Parker, keeping tabs on the police and watching the streets but like the avengers, there has been no luck. Even with Scott and his friends who've helped all the way from San Francisco hasn't came up with much.

But now, they are down to the last coordinate on Mary and Richards map filled with them. If the teens weren't there, then it would've been a waste of their time but they can only hope they are there and ready to finally get home.

The notes had never stopped coming in. All were threatening, saying Peter was dead and next were his friends, clock was ticking, etc but no one let it get to them. It's just villains trying to cause trouble and lie.

Honestly if you asked Tony months ago that he would be fighting alongside Cap again with his team then Tony would've thought you had gone crazy but it's really happening.

It's November 22nd on a Friday's real.

The avengers had regrouped and are finding the spiderkid and his friends after months of searching.

Months of crying.

Months of panic.

And doubts.

And fear.

And hope.

And anger.

And all of the emotions mixed together into one to create a team...a dysfunctional family...who all want Peter and his friends back.

Back and safe.

"Ireland here we come" Clint shouts as he flies the quinjet.

" we come" Tony mumbles, wishing and praying to Thor that his kid is there and still alive.


"They're on their way to the last stop which is in Ireland" Pepper informs Happy, May and Scott and his friends who are on FaceTime via the tv screen.

"Then we better hope that the kids are there" May hopes.

"You didn't miss anything did you?" Scott wonders.

"No, we checked through everything a million times. Nat, Yelena, Clint and Bucky even translated what they could but didn't have too much. There was information about each coordinate but it was still in planning when it was written so again, not a lot. They had some things down against Norman but things we already knew and some of their missions at Shield" Happy answers.

"Then they have to be there if there isn't any other location" Dave concludes.

"I don't know man. Irish people are super nice but if you get on their bad side, they are like super evil and turn you inside out. When the avengers get there to create chaos since the Irish clearly don't know about Norman, the Irish will go nuts" Luis claims.

"If they see the avengers, I'm pretty sure they aren't gonna want to kill them. They've saved the world" Kurt eyes Luis suspiciously.

"Yeah but they broke up and seeing them all together? I would think they're fighting each other again" Luis shrugs.

"It'll be fine. This bunker seems secluded by what the Parkers had wrote. I'm sure they'll be fine" Pepper assures.

"How long will it take for them to get to Ireland?" Scott wonders.

"Hours at most. It's about seven hours for a usual flight" Happy replies.

"We'll just have to wait until we get more information" Pepper settles.



The cell door creaks open as the Green Goblin practically rips it open.

The teens back further against the wall.

Peter tries to collect himself and fight because he's Spider-Man for crying out loud!

He shouldn't be scared or letting this douche of a villain do anything bad!

But here he is.

Starving, freezing, hurt and kidnapped for months...maybe even a year who knows.

The goblin moves quick and quickly yanks Peter up, pulling him away from the squished sandwich the teens were making and holds him by the front of his suit, staring at him with hatred in his eyes all the while, Mj and Ned and Flash are screaming at him.

"SHUT IT!!" Osborn screams making Peter flinch from the loudness.

The three teens have never shut up as fast as they just had before.

Peter is staring back with the same hatred eyes but a glint of fear shows.

Norman smiles wide.

"We don't need Spider-Man on the streets no more" the goblin spats out like it's venom. "So why bother having a Spider-Man at all?"

Peter feels his heart stop.

He hears his friends hearts stop before beating another beat.

He feels the goblins hot breath against his cold face.

He feels the goblins grip getting tighter.

His senses still screaming at him to getawayrungogetoutofherenonononorun!!

But he can't.

He knows he can't.

There are other villains right outside that door.

And his friends will be even more in danger.

And he's too weak to protect them.

His train of thoughts gets discarded quickly as the goblin throws him through the bars and into a wall.

Mj, Ned and Flash all let's out a scream of fear and anger.

But they can't do anything.

Frozen in fear.

The goblin slowly makes his way towards Peter but Peter quickly regains himself and gets out of the indent on the concrete wall.

He stumbles in his step, probably because of the dizziness surrounding him but he doesn't let it get to him.

Instead, he fixes his stance and gets into fight mode.

The Green Goblin only smiles wider.


"Still no invisible drones around the area and our long flight will be ending soon" Clint announces.

Ever since Tony had that vivid drone hologram thing happened to him, he made sure to add more features into Friday.

It was strange though.

Tony made sure Friday could see anything invisible around and in the tower but that night, she didn't see anything.

The drones must be more advanced than Friday so he made sure Friday was even more advanced than those stupid drones.

Although what the drones had showed was probably fake, hoping to Thor it was fake, Tony couldn't stop thinking it was real.

It was so damn real.

It looked so damn real.

When he passes out all he can think about is those vivid images.

Luckily, it didn't happen again but that must mean that the villains knew.

Tony shakes his thoughts away and looks around at everyone else.

Nat is tense but she barely shows it.

She never shows emotions but sometimes her emotions would slip through since this had all started.

She would admit she misses Peter and wants to get him and his friends back but nothing more than that.

Her emotions are all conflicted. She's met Peter a few times due to her being around Tony when she came back from her mission with her other family. Peter is her baby spider as she is his mama spider. They're the spider duo after all.

Yelena is sitting across from Natasha, seeming to have a staring contest or talking with their one seems sure about which one it was.

Even though Yelena had never met Peter officially, everyone can tell she cares. She's really good at hiding her emotions like Nat but when you've known Nat for years and then have someone just like her with their emotions, it helps to pinpoint.

Steve is polishing his shield.

Always taking care of that damn shield like it's his child.

There really isn't a point too when it's just going to get blood on it from whoever comes their way.

Sam and Bucky also seem to be having a staring contest as they are sitting across from each other. Unlike the two sisters, they don't seem to be talking. Just staring.

Clint has been trying to calm down his emotions since this entire thing.

He's never met Peter just like Steve, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Vision and Yelena but he can't keep thinking what if it was his kids? He always tries to not think like that but it's hard when Peter is around the same age as his oldest Cooper.

Wanda feels terrible about what had happened. Even though they never met, Peter reminds Wanda of Pietro. Both self-sacrificing idiots. But she also knows how it feels too be experimented on and is upset that Peter has to endure that trauma.

Vision doesn't really feel emotions but he is getting the hang of them as he's more advance than any robot. He knows he feels his love for Wanda but the other emotions seems too much.

He knows he's afraid of what will happen when they find the kids but he doesn't really feel scared. 

He feels the mind stone convey something to him.

Nothing bad but...emotions trying to portray through him.

Like a heart but a stone instead.

Rhodey is keeping an eye on Tony, sitting next to him the entire plane ride.

Of course every time Tony looks his way, he pretends he was never watching him but Tony knows that's not true but doesn't really care as his mind is somewhere else.

Tony's been up and pacing just to sit back down next to Rhodey. It's been a routine so far during this trip but it's also something Tony does when he's nervous or has something in mind. In this case, Rhodey knows it's his nerves and his fear.

Rhodey takes a deep breath out.

He loves the kid just like everyone else does. There isn't a doubt in that.

When Rhodey had first met him, he seriously thought Tony had a secret son. Don't blame him but the two looks like a father-son duo, not even mentioning that they look alike, and they even have so many things in common!

Him and Peter had gotten along so well. Always roasting Tony, having pizza nights and so much more. Looking back at it, Rhodey wishes they had more time together before this all happened. Better yet, wished that this never happened in the first place!

No one dares to talk out loud.

All are too afraid.

They are all just wishing and hoping to Thor or anyone else listening out there that the kids are ok and alive.

They've all seen the photos of Peter and knows he's hurt but because his friends and girlfriend are with him, they know he would do anything to protect them and it scares them.

He already looked like he took all too much and taking more just for his friends to be ok was going to kill him.

Don't even get them started about anything else.

They know for a fact he hasn't been getting the right amount of food or sleep and that slows his healing factor by a ton. Especially with the constant of it trying to seal up all his injuries just to get more.

Helen Cho and her team are all at the tower ever since they had found the coordinates. They knew they were going to bring the kids home so they had to be prepared and made sure the best medical people were at the tower.

And when they get the kids out of this base, Friday will alert Helen and they will fly even faster back to the tower than they did here even if it goes over the limit.

Shield will also be contacted through Friday so they can deal with the base while they take the kids to the tower.

The quinjet has everything they could ask for.

Food, waters, bandages, blankets, first aid kits, a med table, a bathroom and a small sleeping area.

No one touched anything though.

It was all for the kids as soon as they enter the jet.

"And we're here!" Clint shouts just as he had landed the jet and is now getting up from his seat to grab his bow and arrows.




Peter falls to the ground.

The goblin is even stronger than he had thought with his mixed dna in there.

Norman wasn't lying about how strong he was going to be.

Peter feels super light headed but doesn't let it get to him as he quickly gets up and lunges forward a top of the goblin, knocking them back down.




The goblin smiles in a sadistic way before letting out manic laughter.

It makes Peter falter.

Staring down into the eyes of Norman/Green Goblin.

"You think you can beat me?" Norman practically snarls before graciously getting out from under Peter, knocking him down. "You really are just a pest. You are gonna die here and no one will save you."








The avengers.

Peters eyes light up.

He looks over to see his friends know that rescue is here.

He carefully stands himself up.

The goblin doesn't falter.

He doesn't even stir.

He just smiles even wider.

"What would your father say to see you die a painful slow death?" The goblin chuckles.

Peter sees out of the corner of his eyes, Mj slowly making a move to get up.

He quickly and lightly shakes his head no.

The goblin catches this movement and turns to face his friends.

"You think you can help him stop me? Pathetic" he spits the word out.

The goblin starts to walk towards Mj, Ned and Flash and Peter feels anger in him.

He charges at the goblin and swiftly throws his legs over the goblin, landing him to sit on the goblins shoulder.

He hits the goblin with his fists and elbows just like what Nat had taught him that one quick training session before she fled and doesn't stop.

Mj, Ned and Flash are cheering for Peter until the goblin grips Peters legs and throws him down making him hit the cement floor hard.

The goblin is quick to stand over Peter before he has a chance to move.

A small groan comes out from Peters mouth from the pain.

The goblin grabs Peters by his hair and pushes all his weight to the knee that's holding down Peter just to hear a satisfying crack.



"Everyone remembers the plan?" Steve asks everyone who all nods their heads. "These villains are powerful and smart. If you come across one of them, tell everyone through the comms. If you find the kids, bring them straight to the jet. Don't get tricked by the drones. Alright pairs are...Tony and Rhodey, Nat and Clint, Wanda and Vision, Bucky and Sam and Yelena and I. Get in, get out. That's the plan."

"Let's go catch some Leprechauns ass" Tony smirks.











"Wow cool frisbee" Yelena compliments just as Steve had threw his shield to knock out some guards running at them.

"It's not a frisbee. It's a shield" Steve corrects her.

"Sure it isn't. I saw the way you were babying your little frisbee on the jet. Whose the mother? Is it Natasha?" Yelena teases making Steve blush.

"No now let's go before more come at us again" Steve urges trying to get away from the conversation.

"Ha! You have a crush on Natasha!" Yelena smirks.

"I do not!" Steve dismisses.

"Whatever you say you freezer" Yelena puts her hands up in defense.

Steve rolls his eyes.

He knew he should've chosen somebody else.


Bucky and Sam are sneaking through the hallways, trying to be quiet but fast.

As soon as they turn the corner, they lay eyes on an unconscious and barely alive Peter making them both scream, "PETER!!"

They both rush towards the kid, Bucky beating Sam not that it was a race but it totally was. Bucky goes to put his flesh hand on Peter when his hand goes through, making the hologram fade out.

"Shit" Bucky curses.

"They know we're here. Holograms are up and running" Sam informs everyone. "Keep an eye out."


"If they know we're here, they most likely left" Clint points out responding through the comms.

"Better keep an eye out. Never know what these villains are planning" Nat shrugs just as she makes a man go unconscious with her thighs and hopping off the man.

"So far there has only been guards for us. Anyone find anything?" Clint wonders.


"Not yet" Wanda answers.

"Just guards of our own as well" Vision supplies as they are speed walking through the hall.

"Peter?" Wanda stops dead in her tracks as she sees Peter holding his bloody stomach, leaning up against the wall with his friends anxiously looking over him and holding him up.

The teens stare to look at Wanda and Vision who slowly make their way towards them to not startle.

"We found them" Vision informs.

"We need help! Peter- Peters loosing too much blood!" Mj shouts in a frantic.

"WHERE?!" Tony shouts through the comms.

"We have the quinjet outside. I'll help hold him up" Wanda offers but right as she goes to help Peter the hologram disappears.

"Hologram...sorry" Vision apologizes.


"These damn drones!" Tony shouts in rage.

"It's ok. We know that they're here and that's better than this base not having them at all" Rhodey assures.

Just as Tony is about to say something, him and Rhodey hear loud commotion through a door down the hall.

They both look at each other and sprint till they reach the door where they can clearly hear yelling and fighting going on.

Tony fires up his repulsers and wastes no time in blasting the door open.



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