𝑪𝒐𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅 - 𝑬𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆 𝑴�...

By cherryharries_

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In which Avery Harrington is at first forced to be close with a certain Hawkins High freak, but soon they'll... More

✧22 ✧


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By cherryharries_

a/n; hi:) for those who read chapter 43 and saw the old note I wrote, I was lying, I can't wait until season 5 to finish the book, that's way too long, and maybe by then, I won't like writing as much. So I'm writing my own ending to the Stranger Things plot!


"Steve?" I say through the house when me and Eddie are finally back. Eddie didn't talk the whole drive over to my house. I guess it was too much to take in; I explained everything to him on the ride home. How Vecna somehow got to him, turned him into his own little puppet and he wanted to use him against us. I see he feels bad, but he shouldn't. He didn't do much, except choke me that one time. I'm just glad I was able to brin ghim back before Vecna made him do something irreparable.

"Avery?!" Steve yells and rushes out from I don't know where followed by Robin and Dustin, he slams into me and engulfs me into a hug, "What the fuck where you thinking? Going for Vecna alone? That's the stupidest plan I've ever heard!"

"Steve, relax, I'm fine; we both are" I push his body off of mine gently and gesture to Eddie who zoned out again.

"What the hell happened?" Robin asks in worry at the sight of Eddie who's clearly not okay.

"I don't even know..." I glance quickly at the long haired boy and then back to my friends, "Vecna got to him... I don't know what he did to Eddie, but he changed him completely. He tried erasing his memory and was going to use him against us, as some weapon maybe"

"Holy shit..." Dustin trails off, "Is he okay, like now?" he looks in the direction of his older friend.

"I don't know... I got him out of Vecna's spell, but since we left the Upside Down, he's been..." I trail off.

"We are doomed, so doomed" Dustin paces around the room.

"No, we aren't. I have an idea" I say and it makes him stop in his tracks. I can see the confusion in everyone's faces, and even Eddie got out of his trance to listen to what I have to say.

"I know how we can beat Vecna"


Steve called in a hurry the others; Lucas, Nancy, Will, Mike, Erica, Jonathan and Eleven. We didn't reach out for the adults, because I don't know if they were going to be on board with my plan.

All seated in the living room, everyone is waiting for me to explain my idea.

"Aves, stop pacing and tell us" Steve hurries me.

"Okay, so you know how El can like, travel into people's mind? That's the whole idea" I clasp my hands together.

"Um, please elaborate, because I am not understanding" Dustin shakes his head.

"When... I went to the Upside Down, to get Eddie back" I take a glance in his direction; his leg is bouncing up and down and he's looking off into the distance, deep in thoughts, "I showed him memories, to bring him back"

"Continue" Robin adds.

"So I'm thinking, if I can do it, so can El, right? Here's the tricky part; if she can show me her memory of when she faught Vecna, maybe I can get into her mind, like into the memory and change it"

"Change it how? What's that gonna do?" Mike interjects.

"What I'm thinking is that if we can change the memory, it'll change the outcome of what happened. If I help El sooner than in her memory to defeat Vecna, we can have another shot at killing him, for real this time"

"Is it going to work?" El questions.

"I don't know, but I'm willing to try" I shrug.

"That's dangerous as hell Avery, we've never done this before, we don't know how this works. I don't know, what if your plan doesn't go as planned and he can kill you or El through the memory. What you want to do right now is basically change the future-"

"Which is now the present" Robin cuts Steve off.

"Right, if like you said, you can kill him in a memory, he can do the same to you. I don't like this" Steve finishes.

"We don't have another choice Steve, do you have a better option? How do you want us to close the gates, that may I add, are huge and take up the whole town? What about that army of monsters Vecna showed me? You want me and El to go against them, we'll be outpowered. And you guys can fire as many gun shots to those bastards, they're gonna need more than that to die"

"As much as I hate the idea, she's right. We let Vecna get away, we let him win. But if we try this, maybe we have another chance at stopping all of this" Nancy agrees with me.

"It'a suicide mission, that's what it is. We can't even help you two, we're all useless" Steve gets up from the couch and is now the one pacing around the room.

"You can... you just need to make sure to bring me back if things get to heavy. El will see what's going on in the memory, she'll warn you if somethings up" I nod, reassuring myself more than anything.

"Well won't she be helping you?"

"Her present self no, but herself from the memory will be there. It'll be fine" 

"You better be right about this Avery, I swear" Steve looks at me from the side of his eyes and I can see the worry in them.

"I am, I know I am"

I hope this wasn't too complicated to understand lmaoo
will the plan work or just detroy things even more?
we'll have to find out...

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