Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

By _Weeb_Writer_

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You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... More

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady
Chapter 2: Blending In
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 12: The Lucky
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 17: Mission Impossible
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 32: Save Your Tears
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 34: Hope
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 48: Roomies
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 68: The Sand Woman
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)

197 8 0
By _Weeb_Writer_


AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.


"YOU SON OF A BITCH!! YOU DAMN COWARD!!!" You shout after Paradox when he drives off. Leaving you to die from this collapsing building you were trying to avoid getting smashed from. 'What the hell did he mean by the world's doomed future?! I know there is a bright future! I lived through it! There's just no way there is a doomed future!' Your mind was swirling with questions. It was also swirling with major worry. All of your friends from the future were crossing your mind. Each of them smiled as their faces came and went. You never expected to hear that their future was doomed.

You didn't want to believe there was no future for them!

Not after all the fighting and sacrificing you had done for the bright future for everyone to have from defeating Dartz!

You held your hand out to manifest your already glowing dagger into your hand 'I have to stop Paradox from reaching that tournament!' Making a shield around both your duel runner and yourself from the crumbling building that came crashing down against your shield. You blink and you softly gasp being in front of Yugi in what seems to be the courtyard of the tournament. Yugi stared at you for a while, staring at you hard as he was thinking something over. "(Y/n)?" Yugi hesitantly asked you because he wasn't entirely sure it was you. His facial expression went from puzzled to being at ease when he noticed your millennium dagger. He didn't recognize you at first because of the helmet you wore that didn't show your face except your (e/c) eyes. He hasn't seen you in a long time with your duel runner either so he didn't get that it was you right off the bat. You smiled brightly behind your helmet "Right! Of course! The link connection with the millennium dagger! I almost forgot we can talk like this. Well, only in dire situations." You were thinking out loud, remembering the vision you had back when you were trying to get out of Atlantis. The vision where you were shown which was within another vision of how you were able to summon the staff of light. You recalled Yami's father telling you about the link connection between these millennium items that only happen when one of you is in great danger. You knew it wasn't you this time, it was Yugi and everyone else he was with that were in danger. "Whoa, I can see you but I know you're not here. This is trippy." Yugi looked around a bit as he muttered this to himself.

"Did you get my message from Roland?" You asked him, telepathically.

"Well, you see, um," Yugi scratched the back of his head 'I forgot to charge my phone last night and well, I think you can figure the rest out yourself.

"Don't worry. I left mine in my room by accident which was really bad timing for me because of the current situation that's going on." You sigh and we're kind of glad you weren't the only one who was forgetful in all of this. It did explain why Yugi was in the duel tournament area other than the area of somewhere safe.

You cleared your throat, making yourself get back on topic. "What's done is done. What you need to do right now Yugi is get everyone in that tournament out of there. The enemy, the bad traveler, is here. Except he isn't from a foreign land, he is from another time. Not my future but years before it. I only know that because I saw the model of his duel runner he also happens to own. His name is Paradox." You grunt with a little strain from the constant debris falling against your shield. Yugi was trying to process the fact that the enemy is here and he is from a future time period. "I was going to meet up with you but Paradox dueled Seto while I was on my way out, he took his Blue-Eyes with this weird blabk card mechanism. It sucked his dragon from the field into the card that made it no longer blank but had Seto's dragon in his possession. I don't even know how that was even possible." You lift your vizor up to look at Yugi "Paradox has Joey's Red-Eyes." You watch Yugi's face go from listening to worry with the news you had to break to him. Yugi connected two and two together, Yugi held the chain of his millennium puzzle "If he went after Joey . . . Tea and Tristan . . ." Yugi gripped the chain. Thinking the worst has happened to them since they were with Joey. Yugi softly gasps seeing that you were fading away on his end of this link connection mental conversation. Yugi was also starting to fade on your end. The connection was starting to wither because both items sense neither item holders were in imminent danger at this time. For now at least.

Your talk was starting to be cut short.

You were trying to think of how to sum up the rest of the important information for Yugi and Yami to know. "I tried to stop him but he got away after our duel. Using Seto's, Joey's, and another duelist dragon called Stardust Dragon who is from another other time. It belongs to a duelist named Yusei Fudo. He tried crushing me with a building to slow me down which is where I am currently at." You were starting to feel anxious when Yugi's, from your end, was starting to fade away. Half of him was already gone. His waist up was all that was seen. "Paradox is planning to ruin the duel tournament! He has a white long duel runner with a deep wound on his right shoulder, and long blonde hair! He has a black and white mask! Get everyone out of there! I am on my way! Stay safe! Both of you!" You tried to shout quick enough before he faded completely away. You wanted to tell him about the supposed doomed future Paradox is trying to "save" everyone from. There just wasn't enough time for you to get all the information out before your connection was cut off.

You also just had this feeling Paradox was wrong but also right at the same time about the doomed future he told you about. You couldn't put a finger on why you had that feeling either. The feeling only made you feel even more uneasy. You sigh 'When the hell is this building going to stop so I can get a move on?!" You were holding the shield up for a while, this construction building just was neverending of its collapse.


Mokuba and Roland stare in shock from the sight of dragons in the sky near the construction site. Roland had to come to a stop when the ground underneath them rumbled. Had he not stopped they would have crashed from him losing control of his steering of the car. Mokuba looked down at the device with your tracker. "(Y/n) . . ." He felt his heart stop within his chest from your tracker not moving anymore. Mokuba clenched the tracker in his hand. The floor stopped shaking and Roland gasps seeing the dragons no longer looming in the sky. Roland didn't need any instructions on what to do next, he hauled ass to the trackers last location where you were.

Roland pulled up to the site where buildings once stood, now, they were down to nothing but pieces. Everything was in ruins. Mokuba quickly got out of the car with Roland not too far behind his young master. "Master Mokuba! Don't stray too far!" Roland shouted after him. The area was clouded from sand dust, almost like fog, that made it hard for them to see anything. He didn't want to lose Mokuba within this dust. Roland had a hand on Mokuba's head to follow him while Mokuba used the tracker to find where you were through this place that was nearly completely obliterated. Only from 3 dragons single blow attacks. Mokuba didn't want to imagine how the rest of this place would have ended up had the dragons done multiple attacks on this area . . . He didn't want to imagine how many lives further near this place that could have been taken. Mokuba tried to watch his step while looking down at his tracker. Roland pulled Mokuba a bit back "Over there!" Roland made Mokuba look up from the device. Seeing a faint golden glow in the distance. Mokuba's heart finally felt itself beat again with a smile emerging on his face "(Y/n)!" Mokuba started to run toward the light. With Mokuba running off, Roland lost his guide. The only thing Roland could use as his guide through this cloud of dust was the radiant glow in the distance. Mokuba shoved the device in his vest pocket while running. He stopped once he saw the shield you had created around yourself with your duel runner. Saving yourself and your bike from the collapsing buildings due to those dragon attacks. Your shield faded away in golden particles that disappeared within the light breeze from the wind that swept through this desolate site. You did a double take seeing Mokuba and Roland here out of all places. You took off your helmet to make sure you were not seeing things either. You put your dagger in your purse "Mokuba? Roland?" You were already interrogating them. "Mrs. (L/n), I tried contacting Yugi Muto but –" You held your hand up "I already contacted him through weird supernatural shit that I cannot explain right now. I appreciate your efforts nonetheless Roland, Thank you." You smile at Roland which he responded with a little shock on his face, even behind his sunglasses. His expression quickly changed to an endearing one. "Now, just what are you two doing here?" You were not expecting to see mostly Mokuba here. You were expecting him to be by his brother's bedside to wait for him while he was recovering.

Mokuba stood beside you as you got off your duel runner. Mokuba took out his device "I was worried about you! You left without telling us about what was going on! Or telling us what happened to my brother and who did it!" He showed the tracker device "I used Seto's tracker he had in case another Dartz incident happened. We have a tracker in basically everything in that purse he gave you." Mokuba pointed to your purse. You glanced down at the purse then the tracker. You didn't exactly mind the tracker. Sure, it bothered you a little that he could have at least told you about it. Kaiba was only worried about your safety. He trusted you enough to not have any more secrets other than the ones you have to keep for the timeline order.

Speaking of timeline order, You had to get going!

"I know you have to leave to save the world probably again but," Mokuba put the device in his vest pocket again. Taking your helmet from your hands "Tell me what you're saving the world from this time before you go." Mokuba looked you in the eye with a glint of deserparation. You knew he wasn't stopping you from going. He only wanted answers for who hurt his brother and if they were involved with this mess. You went up to Mokuba and had your hands over his that were on your helmet "The guy who hurt your brother is the one who summoned those dragons you probably witnessed. His name is Paradox, a man from a different part of time. By the model of his bike he isn't from the future I was once in. However . . ." You drifted off from your sentence with your mind bringing the faces of your friends in that future across your mind. Paradox's words were burning in those thoughts. "He said he was trying to save the future from its doom." You manage to get these words out of your mouth. Words you couldn't get through to Yugi but were able to tell Mokuba.

Mokuba's mouth was agape. He closed it soon after and shook his head "That's not possible! You, Yugi, Joey, and Seto fought hard against Dartz for everyone to have a bright future! It can't be doomed!" You could feel Mokuba's hands start to tremble. Soon there were tears coming down Mokuba's face ". . . Jane's efforts . . . Her sacrifice . . . It cannot have been in vain . . . After everything you all did . . . After everything she gave . . . She didn't die for nothing . . ." Mokuba looked you in the eye where he could see himself crying in your (e/c)'s ". . . Right (Y/n)?" His voice was breaking. Overwhelming feelings were starting to unfold from him just as his tears came flooding out. You take your helmet gently and place it on your bike's seat. Pulling Mokuba into a hug. He quickly hugged you tightly back. "Jane's efforts were not for nothing. No one's efforts were for nothing." Mokuba was taken a little aback from your serious tone of voice. Though, your tone didn't scare him. It brought comfort instead. Knowing you were telling him in full confidence without a hint of doubt. Mokuba pulls himself away and he wipes his eyes with his sleeve.

"I don't know how Paradox is going to "save" the future but his next destination is the duel tournament. He has only done small damage with Seto and this place. If he is planning to do the same thing he did here, there. I have to stop that from happening before not only buildings will be destroyed but many lives will be selfishly taken because of Paradox." You saw the cards Paradox had and the one he took from Kaiba. You didn't want to tell Mokuba that Kaiba's card was taken because you still couldn't wrap your head around how Paradox was able to even do that in the first place. You were also planning to grab his card back somehow to rightfully go back with Kaiba. Joey's and Yusei Fudo's too. Mokuba took your helmet and held it out for you to take "Go save the world (Y/n)." He smiled at you even though some tears were forced to be held yet some were trying to escape from the corner of his eyes. Putting up a brave face for you. You take the helmet into your hands "Please get home safely both of you." You put your helmet on. You got on your bike and turned to Roland "Take care of Seto and Mokuba while I am gone Roland." Roland placed a hand over his heart and bowed his head slightly "I will Mrs. (L/n). Safe travels." Roland gave his regards and his own good luck for you on this next save the world task.

You summoned your dagger into your hand. You wanted to have it in your hand to make sure. Revved up your duel runner, rode over the rubble, and rode off from the two of them to the duel tournament. 'Hang on people. Everything will be alright. I am on my way.' You thought to yourself as you sped up to get there on time.


Yugi was standing next to a trash can when he finished his conversation with you. Luckily you popped up when he was throwing his and his grandpas trash away from their little lunch break. You popped up in a place where no one was able to look at him weirdly. If he recalled correctly, Yugi would have been the only one to see you anyway but people would still be able to hear him. They probably would have thought he was crazy for talking to himself. Usually Yami's and his conversations are discrete and on the down low but he couldn't do that with yours. There was a lot he had to unpack from that conversation alone.

1. The bad traveler is here, he is a time traveler that isn't afraid to kill.

2. The other supposed travelers are presumably also time travelers. Either from the same or different parts of time that are also trying to save the world from this guy.

3. The entire world won't be at stake this time but possibly the world's ENTIRE timeline could be largely and highly at stake.

Yami was in his ghost form beside Yugi, he saw the link connection with Yugi but he had a feeling you couldn't see him. Predicting that only the wearer of the millennium puzzle could be seen only. Therefore, with Yami being a ghostly entity at the moment, he was not seen or noticed. You usually see him in ghost orbs but still, you couldn't see him either way. Yugi turned around to look at the crowd of people in the courtyard. All innocent duelists just here to have a good time that were all clueless about the enemy soon to come. "(Y/n) needs us to get everyone out of here. How can we do that with all these people around?" Yugi turned to Yami. Pegasus was already here giving a speech to all the duelists there about this tournament over the microphone he was talking though. Pegasus came in on his helicopter in the courtyard while Yugi was busy talking with you through millenium item connection link. Yami pointed to the stage "You could always make a scene and tell everyone through the microphone." Yami suggested. Yugi bit his lip. Contemplating over the idea the pharaoh gave him. He didn't want to make a random scene that would make people panic but he also didn't want people to think he was crazy either. Yugi may have the title of King of Games though that doesn't guarantee that people will listen to him for them to run away.

Yugi's attention went over to his grandpa who was waving him over. "Yugi! Hurry up! Why are you taking so long to throw trash!?" Solomon shouted over to Yugi with a big smile on his face. "Grandpa . . ." Yugi softly said to himself. His grandpa was also here. In the prime target of this Paradox guy. "If I got to embarrass myself, I will, for grandpa and every innocent civilian here." Yugi went with Yami's idea. Yami went back into the puzzle while Yugi marched over towards his grandpa. Solomon smiled warmly as Yugi approached him until Yugi got closer. He saw the look on his grandson's face that was one he only ever sees whenever he is serious. A face he doesn't see too often because he luckily never has to see such a face that only meant something was wrong or something was happening. His old heart was foolishly hoping it was neither of those things. "Yugi? What is the matter my boy?" Solomon asked when Yugi firmly placed his hands on his shoulders "I don't have time to explain fully why but everyone and you are in danger and you all need to get out of here. Right now." Yugi was very persistent with his tone and his serious mixed with concerned eyes looked back into the old man's puzzled ones. Solomon placed a hand over Yugi's that were on his shoulder "B-But what about you?! I cannot leave you here by yourself to go up against something of this dangerous caliber!" His grandpa sputtered out with his hand holding his grandsons. Yugi held his grandpa's hand back with a smile "I won't be alone. (Y/n) is on her way here to help fight with me against this guy that's coming. I will be fine. I want you to be safe grandpa." Yugi tried to reassure him. He stepped back as he slowly let go of his grandpa's hand that tried to still hold onto his. Solomon didn't want to let Yugi go but he knew he had no other choice. The only thing he could do was give Yugi a smile "Good luck, Yugi." He felt a lump in his throat starting to form but forced himself to not get emotional. He was sending his grandson off to save the world, he didn't want Yugi to see his own grandpa cry. Solomon didn't want him to see him cry either or else he would worry the poor boy.

"I also want to announce that we have the King of Games here with us today! Yugi boy! Come up on the stage to greet everyone!" Pegasus waved Yugi to come up to the stage. Yugi jumped out of his skin when he was called out. He was already on edge with an enemy on their way and he now was having to get on stage. He was going to go on the stage anyway but he still wasn't prepared for that. Yugi clears his throat and marches on the stage. The teenager took the microphone from one of the employees behind Pegasus "It is a pleasure to have been with you all today. I would love to have dueled all of you duelist today buuuuuut I am going to need everyone to leave in a orderly fashion out of this tournament for all of your safety." Yugi saw his grandpa face palm with Yugi casually throwing all that out there. Solomon was expecting a smoother way or thought Yugi would make up a lie that would make everyone here scarce buuuuuut no. Yugi just blurted this out without a clear plan. The crowd was confused, starting to murmur amongst themselves from Yugi's sudden odd intro. Pegasus laughs with a fake smile. Trying to take Yugi's microphone away from him. Yugi pulled the microphone back to himself to hold onto it "Yugi boy you are making a scene. Let. Go. Of. The. Mic." Pegasus forcefully sneers through his teeth for Yugi to give him the mic. Yugi shakes his head "Pegasus, You know I wouldn't make something like this up. You need to stop this event and evacuate everyone! Trust me on this!" Yugi strainly said back while pulling back the mic to him. They were at this for a while until both of them stopped when a large ominous shadow coursed over them. Yugi felt his heart stop from the simple shadow 'No . . .' Yugi slowly forced himself to look up in fear '. . . I ran out of time . . .' Pegasus noticed how pale Yugi became when he looked up. It made the entrepreneur look up for himself. As well as everyone else in this courtyard. Chills ran down Yugi's spine at the sight of 3 insanely large dragons appearing over the courtyard. Slowly circling the territory.

They were like vultures over where something had died.

In this case, it is soon to be these people in this courtyard.

"Oh how I really want those dragons to be holograms . . ." Solomon muttered under his breath. Yugi shifts his attention away from the dragons to the crowd "THOSE ARE NOT HOLOGRAMS!!! EVERYONE GET OUT OF THIS AREA NOW!!!!" Yugi yelled into the microphone. His desperate cry was loudly heard throughout this vast place. He could see from the stage of how all their eyes changed from admiration for these dragons to pure terror when one of them blasted at a building. The building started to come apart. Making it very clear of Yugi's words to be true. Pegasus's face changed from confusion to immediate horror. "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" A man screamed out in panic. Soon everyone was screaming their heads off. None of them were running away in orderly fashion like Yugi hoped they would have.

Let's face it, who the fuck would be calm with dragons blasting with the intent to kill?

There were more blasts being sent into different buildings around them. One of the buildings was coming down towards Yugi and Pegasus. Yugi threw aside the microphone and grabbed Pegasus's wrist "Move your ass Pegasus!!" Yugi pulled Pegasus to jump off the stage with him. Pegasus's employees already made their run for it, they didn't get paid enough for this shit. Making the man run with all their might away from the slowly collapsing building. This building came crashing down quickly due to the many blasts thrown at it to fall faster. Causing a huge wave of wind. Knocking both of them as well as a few other civilians to the ground. Yugi was coughing from the dust. He turned to Pegasus whom he was barely able to make out from the engulfing dust. Pegasus reached out to Yugi "Come on Yugi! We have to —" Pegasus was cut off from being crushed by a big chunk of another collapsing building. There was so much blood that was starting to seep out from underneath that chunk that imploded the creator of Duel Monsters.

Yugi froze.

Staring at the only salvageable body part of Pegasus.

The arm he had reached out to him. "AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yugi screamed, petrified. Scrambling away from Pegasus's single arm. His blood was closing itself near his shoes. Yugi finally forced himself back on his feet. Running in another direction with other people. 'Pegasus is dead! Crushed! Holy Shit! Holy fucking shit!! Why is this happening?!' Yugi was breathing heavily. His eyes scanned higher up to try to see the next attack or any sight of Paradox. He couldn't see much because of the large clouds of dust that kept rising with the various amounts of dragon attacks that kept occurring. 'What do I do?! What do I do!? What should I do?! I'm so scared right now all I can do is run!! I don't have any power to defend these people or fight like (Y/n)!! WHERE ARE YOU (Y/N)?!' Yugi was panicking in his head and so busy looking for Paradox that he wasn't really paying attention to where he was going. The bright light of blue blurred through the clouds. Aiming straight for the crowd with Yugi along with it. Some of them managed to run off to the side while some like Yugi were not going to be fortunate with the blast only getting brighter and brighter. Coming closer and closer towards them. It all happened so fast. "Ngh!" Yugi grunted when he was pushed with this huge force that made him fall on the other side of the big blast. Yugi whipped his head to see what or who pushed him but the blast came too quickly for him to see either of that. The blast wiped a few people from the power and the debris that the blast carried along with it. Killing some and injuring many severely.


You were making a sharp turn around a street corner. Booking towards the location of the duel tournament. These streets were still taking time to get used to knowing. After all, you were only here for a few weeks. You saw the street's name. It was close to the destination. 'I'm almost th —' Your thoughts were cut short from the sight of the dragons that hovered over a particular area of Domino City. The dragons opened their mouths while your eyes were bloodshot. Their attacks overlapped the screaming you let out from witnessing them lay out their attacks.

It was so loud.

So endless.

The closer you got, the louder the crashing of buildings and peoples screams got too.

You were too far away.

By the time you made it . . . The damage was done . . . You pulled in on such a massacre . . . Bodies were either apart or underneath pieces of buildings . . . There was blood everywhere you rode through . . . You were looking around for any sign of life where your ears perked towards the sound of coughing. You whipped your head to the sound. Carefully riding towards the sound. Coming to an immediate halt when you made it to the power of the coughing. You quickly got off your bike and went to the person's side "No, no, no, no, no. Mr. Muto!" You pulled Solomon into your arms. "Who . . . Who are you?" Solomon slowly managed to ask through his coughing. You took off your helmet. Revealing your face to Solomon. You tossed your helmet to the side. That was when you saw how severely injured he was. Solomon had a large wound on his stomach that was bleeding out. Solomon stared at you for a bit before he smiled a little "Ah . . . You are . . . (Y) . . . (Y/n) . . . You're . . . Much . . . Prettier in . . . Person . . . Then Yugi de . . . Described . . ." Solomon chuckles before breaking out in a rough cough. Blood dripped in the corner of his mouth. You shake your head "Stay with me Mr. Muto. I am gonna get you help." You put pressure on his wound. Solomon took your hand off his wound to hold your hand tightly. "Tell me . . . Is Yugi . . . Alright? . . . I . . . Pushed him out . . . Of the way . . . Tell me my boy is alright . . . Is Yugi . . ." Solomon never got to finish what he was asking you. He got quiet and he suddenly felt cold. "Mr. Muto? Mr. Muto!? MR.MUTO!!!!" You shook him profusely with tears running down your face. His lifeless eyes stared up at the sky. Not responding to any of your pleading cries. Solomon died in your arms. Drawing his last breath by saying his grandson's name. You saw this red glow from behind you but by the time you turned around it was gone.

However, a huge amount of emptiness was suddenly felt inside your chest. Something felt gone. Something felt missing. "Yu . . . Gi . . .?" You slowly called his name. You gently place Solomon down on the floor again. Standing back up with the blood of Solomon on your blouse, hands, thighs, and arms. You got back on your duel runner to ride around "Yugi? Yugi!!!! YUGI?!?!" You shout out for him. Leaving your helmet beside Solomon while trying to find his precious grandson. 'I can't feel . . . I can't sense . . . Either of them . . . I . . . They . . . They vanished . . . I . . .' Your breathing became heavy. Your panic was starting to rise up within your chest that you clung to. You stopped to try to calm yourself down when you looked over to your right. You got off your bike and stumbled yourself over towards a particular item. You fell to your knees as your trembling hands picked up the broken leather cuff bracelet band you knew belonged to Yugi. Your tears trickled down on the band that mixed in with the little splatter of blood on the torn band. "Yugi's . . . Gone" Your voice cracked through the mere whisper of your words. Concluding the emptiness you felt in your chest with the confirmation of Yugi no longer being a part of this world.

"You won't lose me (Y/n). I promise."

Yami's promise to you echoed through your head. The final stab of reality of Yugi not being the only one gone in the process.

Yami was gone.

You hitched your breath before screaming out once again in utter agony and despair. Holding Yugi's band close to your chest as you hunch over in absolute sorrow. Grieving over the loss of not only a friend but the love of your life as well.

"Shit. I now gotta do all of this over again. I swear to fucking god." Paradox was grumbling as he was pushing buttons to set up another time jump. You lift your head slowly as you turn to look over at Paradox. He wasn't too far from you but he didn't even care for your cries. You forced yourself back up, shoving Yugi's band in your shorts pocket, and got back on your duel runner. Subconsciously summoned the millennium dagger into your hand "YOU." Paradox lifted his head towards your direction. He shudders under his breath when he meets your eyes. They were full of such hatred and anger. Your aura was full of immense bloodlust. It made Paradox find it hard to breathe or move. He felt like a helpless deer with a killer wolf staring at its prey they were going to rip apart. Limb from limb. Until nothing is left of the animal besides their blood and bones. This feeling could be even boldly compared to death itself. Luckily Paradox wore a mask that concealed his fear. Fear that you brought out of him. He glanced at the thing glowing in your hand. It was that wretched golden dagger like Selene's. Except, instead of glowing purple it glowed a brilliant golden hue. His focus went back to you. He recognized your duel runner being the one of the duelists he dueled earlier.

Though he was now seeing your face for the first time. You looked just like that little girl except you had (e/c) that weren't like Selene's amethyst ones. Paradox finally put it all together 'Her dagger . . . Her face . . . There is no doubt . . . This woman is that damn princess's mother . . .' Paradox was not intimidated at all whenever he faced Selene. You were different. You terrified him to his core that even his own body was shaking which he just noticed just now. "I am going to kill you." Your tone was a very dark one. A tone you never used and one you meant every single word of. Paradox can feel it in his own soul that you were not bluffing. The blood on you made you even more scary. Especially when you revved up your duel runner. Ready to go after his fucking ass in any direction he decides to go in.

It was silent between you after that. Neither of you moved for a whole minute. Paradox's nerves were only rising within this long agonizing minute. He punched the last button and made a portal for him to go through to escape. You rode after him as he made it into the portal with you close behind. Paradox was shocked how you were able to make it through the portal with him. Given the very small gap window to get in the portal once he jumped in. "I AM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!" You screamed after him. 

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