Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

By _Weeb_Writer_

35.7K 1.6K 340

You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... More

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady
Chapter 2: Blending In
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 12: The Lucky
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 17: Mission Impossible
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 32: Save Your Tears
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 34: Hope
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 48: Roomies
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 68: The Sand Woman
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)

162 8 0
By _Weeb_Writer_


AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.


Yugi was looking around to see all the young duelists and older duelists have come to this world dueling tournament. Making him feel excited for the set of duels he will be doing with Yami this afternoon. His mind wondered about all the cool cards he will face against these duelists. "(Y/n)'s late." Yugi hummed to his spirit partner beside him. Yugi smiled "Don't worry pharaoh, she will be here. When have you ever known (Y/n) to be on time all the time? Remember the Battle City?" Yugi reminded Yami about you coming late for that tournament. A memory that feels so long ago yet was not too long ago either. He could still remember how your duel disk of this time period was worn so loosely and how he fixed it for you. Knowing that you had used different duel disks aside from Kaiba Corps made much sense on why the duel disk was that way that day. It was the first time he and you had a moment just between the two of you. You were late for that tournament too.

'However,' Yugi crossed his arms across his chest 'It is odd for everyone else to be late too.' He looked around to try to spot Tea, Tristan, or Joey. Tea was supposed to meet up with Tristan and Joey today. Yugi can understand Joey being late for sleeping in and Tristan could have been late just trying to wake him up. Tea is someone who is always on time and would have been dragging their asses to be here. Though, the fact that she wasn't here with either of the boys made him a little concerned. "You're right. I am being impatient, forgive me." Yami apologizes to Yugi, snapping him out of his thoughts. "No it's okay. Today is the big day and it's the last day for that ring hold so I understand." Yugi chuckles with a smile on his face. He was used to Yami being the tougher and more serious one of the two. Seeing his other side of him always brought comforting joy since he was only like this whenever it concerns you. "Let me try calling them." Yugi pulled out his phone and flipped it open. He pouted "Ah! I forgot to change it last night!" Yugi groaned in annoyance while shoving it in his jacket pocket. Cursing under his breath for forgetting to do something so simple. Yami chuckles softly "It is alright. I appreciate you for trying though Yugi." Yami tried to reassure Yugi to make him not feel bad for trying to help ease Yami's patience and worries. Yami noticed Yugi's grandpa coming back from a food stand. Yami reverted back into the puzzle for Yugi to be with his grandpa. "I got us some takoyaki and soda. Cannot duel on an empty stomach now." Grandpa Solomon light heartedly laughed. Hanging Yugi his little paper food boat tray with his takoyaki. Their sodas were in his overalls pockets.

Yugi walked with him over to a bench to eat with him. He took the takoyaki and he took the soda from him. Stabbing it with the toothpick that was to be used for him to eat it. "I cannot wait to meet your friend (Y/n), Yugi." Yugi hums as he chews on one of his takoyaki balls. Looking at his grandpa while eating. "I cannot help but feel nervous. She is the pharaoh's wife after all." Solomon even felt underdressed for today on meeting you. Yugi swallows his bite and laughs "I think she is just as nervous as you on meeting you too. When I mentioned this to her last week, she was super excited. (Y/n) told me she only knew about you through history books so getting to meet you in person is a big deal for her." Yugi smiles brightly at him. Solomon took a quick bite of his takoyaki ball "Well, You said (Y/n) is a duelist herself right?" Yugi nodded "I should duel her for fun. Maybe we can learn about each other through our dueling skills to ease both of our nerves." Solomon said after he chewed his ball. He ate the rest of it after a little laugh. Yugi took another bite of his other takoyaki ball. The teen glanced down at his millennium puzzle 'Now that I think about it. The pharaoh never dueled against (Y/n) either himself.' Yugi stopped mid thought of remembering what Yami told him about Jane's memories. Specifically the memory of how Yami used to challenge you many times in the past of different games which he always won. 'Maybe he doesn't challenge her to separate his life apart from dueling with (Y/n) . . . Or he doesn't want to be snarky to her like that time.' Yugi can already imagine you pulling out your dagger time to time with Yami in a duel to showcase dominance against him. Also threatening to get violent if you lost. Yugi knew you weren't that kind of person but it would also have been fun to see you be a little sore loser for shits and giggles.

Solomon looked at the clock "Hm, the tournament will start soon. We should eat up while we still can." He told his grandson who simply nodded in response after taking his eye off his millennium puzzle. 'I also want to ask (Y/n) about her millennium dagger too. If I get on her good side, maybe she will show me the awesome staff Yugi told me she used with the pharaoh to save our precious world. Just like one of those super heroes.' Solomon thought to himself. Swaying side to side in his seat in giddy. Wondering just how your item looked like. Along with many things he wanted to ask about the future. He continued to eat his lunch with Yugi as the clock of the courtyard kept ticking.


"I will start." You were being bolder than you wanted to be on being the first one to make the move. You knew this was a huge risk in being the first to go since you knew you will not be allowed to attack this first turn. You weren't planning on needing to attack either. Not with the plan you had with the hand you had in your hand. This deck was a back up deck you had in a secret compartment in your duel runner for turbo dueling. The only thing is you haven't used this particular deck since middle school. You were of course going to be rusty. A thing you didn't have time to be. You only hoped that you will be able to pull through this first turn with the move you plan to play. "I play Cloudian - Sheep Cloud in attack mode. I end my turn with a face down." There was a puff of cloud with dark narrowing eyes glaring at Paradox. You rode ahead of Paradox with your first turn complete. Having one speed counter on your speed counter meter.

This card was odd for Paradox to see since this monster you summoned was a mere level 1 and had 0 attack and defense points. Paradox looked at his hand, he had a field spell but it wasn't a field speed spell. Only speed spells were allowed to be used in turbo dueling. If he decided to use his Malefic World Field spell, he would automatically take over 2,000 points of damage for daring to even use it. 'She is lucky that I cannot use this spell here. However, her luck won't be here for long.' Paradox smirks under his mask and he plays "I play Magical Scientist!" A oldman with a bald head with long grey hair desperately hanging on flowed down his back. He had black ground sunglasses, a golden shirt dress. His hands were in his pockets. On your vizor, this monster was a level 1 monster with only 300 attack and defense points. "With this card and paying 1,000 life points." Paradox grunts with the feeling of his life points being drained from him. Leaving him with 3,000 life points. His extra deck slot pops out from the side of his duel disk and he draws a card "I am allowed to summon a fusion monster level 6 or lower from my extra deck for this turn! Come Forth! Fiend Skull Dragon!!" A green dragon with goat curved horns, purple wings, and four arms that had sharp claws appeared beside the scientist. Roaring to the sky as it made its presence known for being on Paradox's field. You saw its attack points, having over 2,000. Its defense was 1,200. 'Well that's a powerful first move.' You thought with a gulp, mentally preparing to feel the pain from this masked punks attack he was brewing for you.

You looked over your shoulder at Paradox as he held out his hand towards you but he winced. Retracting his hand to hold his shoulder. 'He has such a deep wound. It also looks like he has lost a lot of blood from it. It's a little scary how he is able to keep himself awake and duel.' You thought about the duel against Kaiba. You were so focused on Kaiba to even notice Paradox had this wound. He was bleeding through his black shirt so much you could practically see it from where you were. 'He couldn't have gotten that kind of wound from Seto. He must have gotten it from something . . . or someone else . . .' You take your eyes off Paradox to have them on his monsters that were ready to make their attack. 'Shit. I don't have time to think about his wounds now. I have to prepare my next move after this.' You narrow your eyes at his monsters behind your vizor. Being scared and impressed at the same time for him being able to counter summon a powerful monster in just his first turn.

"Now blast her silly cloud away with your fire and counter my scientist!" Paradox declared his attack for you to take. You cry wince from the super intense pain you were receiving from the attack from both of his duel monsters. Your life points drained down from 4,000 to 1,400. You pant heavily from the hit "Feel the pain women? That's because our duel isn't just some duel. My monster's attacks are very real." This news would have been nice to know from the beginning. Then again, you did force him into this duel. His payback of this only made sense. You held your arm out to the side "You activated my trap card. Aegis Of Gaia." You breathlessly announced. Paradox gasps seeing your life points go up on his duel runners duel disk screen. All the way from 1,400 to 4,400 points! He whipped his head back over to you "With this trap card I am allowed to gain 3,000 life points. Oh and whenever my Cloudian monster is destroyed in battle, I am allowed 2 cloudian tokens on my field." Two copies of your cloud monster from before appeared on your field with the monster's original attack and defense points which were 0. You take your arm back to hold your duel runner. Making a turn with Paradox "Better luck next time." You taunted the maniac, he growled in response. With a huff his dragon disappears from the field "I am only allowed to have my fusion dragon monster for my turn. He goes back to my extra deck. Fortunate for you this turn. Though, come my next turn and he will be back to wipe out your life points again." He slipped the card back in his extra deck. He placed a face down on his field "I play a face down and end my turn." Paradox concluded his turn with having a single speed counter.

It was now your turn again with 2 speed counters now. Luckily you survived that last attack thanks to that trap card. You almost forgotten how tough these turbo duels were without normal spell cards. With normal spell cards you could easily equip and counter your opponent's monsters to keep an even ground. Have a longer lasting duel. Turbo duels were not duels to be long lasting. They were meant to be quick and make everyone on edge of how quickly these duels can end in a flash. You face forward and take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Your middle and index fingers over your deck 'Just feel the flow (Y/n) like Yuma. Believe in the heart of the cards (Y/n) like Yugi and Yami. Oh if either of them could see me dueling right now. I bet they both would be super ecstatic seeing me doing a duel like this.' You thought with a smile as you drew your card from your deck with this new turn of yours. You looked down at the card you drew that you added into your hand. "Everything is now in place." You grin as you hold your card in your hand "I summon the tuner monster, Reese The Ice Mistress!" A woman with short red hair and in baby blue and golden armor. A baby blue star on her forearms. 2 streak markings on her cheeks and a headdress that looked lovely on the woman. She had a big icicle shooting blaster with her in her hands. Ready to take down any enemy in her way. "A tuner monster that low?" Paradox scoffed at the duel monsters potential in this turn you were having. Reese only had 800 in both attack and defense points. She also was a level 2 tuner monster.

Paradox saw your field of low level monsters that were mostly water type attributed. "I'm not done." You snapped at him with a serious tone in your voice. Making Paradox flinch by your tone. "My mistress of ice, is the key to my victory and to your downfall Paradox!" A set of 3 green glowing gears appear in front of your monsters. Paradox finally clicked what you were planning with your low level monsters. "No! Not this early in the duel!" Paradox was not happy with what he was about to witness. You held your hand up with your card "Even though I am not allowed to tribute summon with my cloud tokens, I can still Synchro summon with them. With my cloudians and my Reese the Ice Mistress, My 2 non-tuner monsters and my tuner monster, I am allowed to synchro summon an old friend of mine!" Your monsters flew through the gears and transformed into the ball level of the monster card you held up "TRISHULA, DRAGON OF THE ICE BARRIER!!!!" You shout out as the balls of light brighten to shoot out a thick green set of light. Emerging from the light's depths was a 3 headed icy dragon with red stones on their foreheads. They flew beside your duel runner on your field with a cold breeze left behind them while they were up in the air. Paradox was shocked to see the attack points of this powerful cold beast. The dragon had 2,700 attack points and 2,000 defense points. Over 200 attack points higher than Yusei's Stardust Dragon, both dragons had the same defense points.

A cold breeze from the dragons trail made Paradox shutter in his breath. "My dragon has many surprising effects that you are not going to like. Such as being able to banish 1 card from your hand, field, and graveyard. I get to choose which cards from your field and graveyard. However, I have to randomly choose a card from your hand. You also don't have any monsters in your graveyard so I will only be able to banish your Magical Scientist monster." Paradox gasps seeing his only monster on his field disappear. The only monster he had in this shortcoming duel. "I now use my Speed Spell — Sonic Buster. Allowing me to inflict your Magical Scientist monster with half of the attack points of my Trishula Dragon! You get 1,350 points of damage to your life points directly!" Paradox cries out in agony of the pain inflicted on his life points going from 3,000 to 1,650. "I play a face down and finish off my turn. Go! Take down his life points with Ice Dragon Breath!" You beckoned for your synchro dragon which opened all 3 of its mouths to blast their freezing attack at Paradox "Ha! You seem to have forgotten! I have a face down card! Mirror Force! Letting me negate your attack you just declared at me right back at you!" Paradox boasted in laughter as your dragon's breath attack shot right back from his trap card that was revealed. Heading straight for you.

You grin "I knew you would play that card. It is why I play the spell card double or nothing! If my attack is negated my monster on my field will double its attack points and be allowed to attack once more!" Paradox eyes widen behind his mask "5,400 Attack points?!" He exclaimed when your spell card doubled your dragon's attack points. His Mirror Force card fades from his field for being no longer in effect because it was a 1 time use.

He was wide open.

"NOW GO!! CARRY ON YOUR ATTACK AND TAKE OUT THE REST OF HIS LIFE POINTS!!! ICE DRAGON BREATH!!!" You ordered for your dragon's mouths opened wide to send waves of cold icicles shards straight at Paradox from all 3 heads. He cried out in agony. The rest of his life points were dropping down as he took the full cool force of your dragon's breath attack. All the way down to 0. Paradox had a blank card in his hand he tried to use but he couldn't even lift it up in order to capture your dragon for himself because that was how powerful your 3 headed dragon's attack was.


Mokuba was with Kaiba in a medical room with Roland. He was sitting on the chair with Roland beside him. "Did you get through to Yugi?" Mokuba asked his bodyguard who only shook his head in response. Putting his phone down after receiving another voicemail from Yugi's phone. "Either something is wrong or he forgot his phone. I hope it is the other and not something happening." He turned away from Roland to Kaiba. Kaiba had a few bandages on his sleeping face. Mokuba held his older brother's hand 'If (Y/n) didn't dial Yugi herself, that means she doesn't have her phone with her. She went to take care of this enemy herself. I have a bad feeling about this.' Mokuba stood up from his chair "Roland we are rolling out. Have another bodyguard look after my brother. We are going after (Y/n)." Mokuba walked past Roland and marched out the door. Roland was frantically right behind him after he gave him an order. "How are we going after Mrs. (L/n) when we do not know where she is? She didn't give us a precise location of where she was going Mr. Mokuba." Roland couldn't help but ask the little entrepreneur heir of Kaiba Corp. Mokuba smirked, "My brother always has a plan ahead even in this type of situation." He said as he headed into Kaiba's office. Walking to his desk, opening a drawer, and pulling out a small device. Roland was waiting outside Kaiba's office for Mokuba to come back out with this device in his hands.

"My big brother didn't want another incident with Dartz to happen again so he made sure to have a tracker device on (Y/n)'s purse, wallet, her credit as well as debit cards, and her key card for our place." Mokuba was explaining to Roland while they waited for the elevator to reach their floor. Both of them entered the elevator and Mokuba pressed for the garage. 'Seto made a promise to himself to keep (Y/n) safe and to make her feel at home here. I think he wanted to keep this promise for Jane and Yugi too.' Mokuba thought to himself while the elevator dinged for the garage floor. to Roland "We'll use that to track her down. You're driving." Mokuba said when he stepped out of the elevator. Tossing Roland a set of keys, Roland was tagging quickly behind him. Roland managed to catch the keys for him to drive them both. He went into the driver's seat with Mokuba sitting in the passenger seat. Mokuba buckled up quickly and he turned on the device that showed a blinking yellow light in the streets near a construction site where not many people would be. Roland didn't waste another second further. He turned his keys in the ignition, backed up from the parking spot, and he hauled ass out of that garage. Driving out the gates of Kaiba Corp to head to your trackers location.


The Speed World field spell descended from being around the two of you. Your real world came into light. 'Phew. Luckily I remembered there was construction being near here. Without it I wouldn't have been able to do this turbo duel without risking being noticed by people of this period.' You resolved your thoughts with the duel being over. You turned yourself around with your duel runner, stopping in front of the half built building. "Where'd he go?!" You inhale sharply seeing Paradox was no longer behind you. He should have stopped after that last attack from you winning the duel. He would have been in the middle of the street with his runner out of commission, not damaged but just taking a break for its systems to cool down – even for a little bit. You were looking around to see where he would have gone. Searching for any traces of him. You flinch by this intense ominous feeling you felt creep down your spine. The feeling made you turn around immediately. "I AM TIRED OF PEOPLE GETTING IN MY WAY!! PEOPLE JUST CANNOT SEE I AM TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM A DOOMED FUTURE!! IF YOU ALL NEED TO DIE FOR THAT TO HAPPEN THEN SO BE IT!!! DIE YOU DAMN WOMAN!!" Paradox shouted from far away while he had 3 dragons you recognized above him. 'Red-Eyes, Blue-Eyes, and' You gasp in your thoughts 'It can't be —' Your eyes grew wide 'STARDUST DRAGON?!' You were too shocked by the appearance of a dragon that belonged only to the one and only Yusei Fudo right here in the flesh. All with their mouths already opened "DIE YOU DAMN WOMAN!!!" Each dragon fired their attacks.

Not at you.

But at the half built building.

The building was blasted from all their attacks that made the building crumble. With all the debris heading straight down for you. Dust gathered around the spots around you as you tried to ride away. Trying to dodge all the falling debris.

Paradox took his cards off his duel disk and he rode away to the location of the duel tournament. He saw a helicopter with the logo for Industrial Illusions riding forth in the blue sky.'I cannot waste any more time with this. I must kill Maximillion Pegasus.' Paradox rode towards the location with murder on his mind. Wanting to fulfill his mission once and for all. Leaving you to perish under from the falling building.


Phew! I hope I did turbo dueling justice! This was hectic to learn!

I had to use an entirely different deck for Paradox to use for turbo dueling. Since he was never seen fully in turbo dueling against Yusei in the movie. Only seen dueling on the ground in the end with the boys. He also doesn't have many monsters to go off from that don't tie into a card he cannot use for turbo dueling! So this was a lot to put together. A lot of research too.

The speed counters are also a weird system so I did my best. Having to rewatch a few episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's with its turbo duels to write this. I hope that was alright and that this turbo duel was alright! 

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